Standing offer for task-based informatics professional services
Please contact IMOS at 819-934-4667 or
On this page
- 1. Offer
- 2. Security requirement
- 3. Standard clauses and conditions
- 4. Term of standing offer
- 5. Authorities
- 6. Client/identified users
- 7. Call-up procedures
- 8. Call-up instrument
- 9. Limitation of call-ups
- 10. Priority of documents
- 11. Certifications
- 12. Applicable laws
- 13. Confirmation of qualification
- 14. Suspension or set aside of qualification by canada
- 15. Aboriginal business
- 16. Delivery requirement outside a comprehensive land claims settlement area
- 17. Environmental consideration
- 18. Travel and living
- 19. Regions and metropolitan areas
- Annex A—Requirement for Services
- Annex B—Generic Security Requirements Checklists (SRCL's)
- Annex D—Client Satisfaction Form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network)
- Annex F—Availability Confirmation for (ACF)
1. Offer
The Standing Offer Holder (Offeror) offers to fulfill the requirement to provide only those Services identified at Annex A "Requirement For Services" which are also identified at Annex E SO "Qualified Categories".
Tasked Based Informatics Professional Services or "TBIPS" refers to Services related to a particular activity or initiative that are required to address a specific Information Technology (IT) need, which are usually associated with a specified set of responsibilities. The tasks involved are finite work assignments which require one or more consultants to complete. A task involves a specific start date, a specific end date, and set deliverables. Tasks are usually not large projects, although they may be subsets of a larger project. Tasks may require highly specialized work to be performed requiring a rare or unique skill or knowledge for a short period of time.
2. Security requirement
- The Offeror must hold, at minimum, a valid Designated Organization Screening (DOS) issued by the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) as specified below, in order to remain an Offeror. The Standing Offer Authority may verify the Offeror's security clearance with the CISD of PSPC at any time during the period of the Standing Offer
- The requirements to be procured under this Standing Offer are subject to the requirements specified in the Security Requirement Article identified in each individual Call-up. The possible Security Requirement Check Lists' (SRCL) are provided in Annex B to this Standing Offer
- In the case of a joint venture, for any given Call-up the highest level of corporate security attainable through CISD of PSPC is the lowest level held by any single member of the joint venture. For example, a joint venture with five (5) members is comprised of four (4) members holding a valid Facility Security Clearance (FSC) at the Secret level and one member holding a valid Designated Organizational Screening (DOS). The highest corporate security level for which the joint venture would be considered under this Standing Offer would be DOS. Until such time as the member holding a valid DOS clearance has requested sponsorship via the Standing Offer Authority and obtained a valid FSC at the Secret level as issued by CISD
3. Standard clauses and conditions
All clauses and conditions identified in the Standing Offer and resulting contract(s) by number, date and title are set out in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual (SACC) issued by Public Services and Procurement Canada.
3.1 General conditions
2005 (2012-11-19) General Conditions—Standing Offers—Goods or Services, apply to and form part of the Standing Offer.
3.2 Standing offers reporting
The Offeror must compile and maintain records on its provision of services to the federal government under contract resulting from the Standing Offer. This data must include all purchases paid for by a Government of Canada Acquisition Card. The data must be submitted on a Quarterly basis to the Public Services and Procurement Canada Standing Offer Authority. The Quarterly periods are defined as follows:
Canada will provide a report template which must be submitted at the end of each quarter. All data fields of the report must be completed as requested. If some data is not available, the reason must be indicated. If no goods or services are provided during a given period, the Supplier must still provide a "NIL" report.
The data must be submitted on a Quarterly basis to the Public Services and Procurement Canada Standing Offer Authority. Electronic reports must be completed and forwarded to the Standing Offer Authority no later than 15 calendar days after the end of the quarterly period.
The Quarterly periods are defined as follows:
- Q1: April 1 to June 30 due July 15
- Q2: July 1 to September 30 due October 15
- Q3: October 1 to December 31 due January 15
- Q4: January 1 to March 31 due April 15
Failure to provide fully completed reports in accordance with the above instructions may result in the setting aside of the Standing Offer and/or the application of a vendor performance corrective measure.
4. Term of standing offer
4.1 Period of the standing offer
The period for making call-ups against the Standing Offer (SO) is from its start date as stated on Page 1 of the SO and ends 18 months later.
4.2 Request for standing offer bid solicitations
In as much as possible, PSPC will issue a bid solicitation intended to replace the Standing Offers for the Services on an annual basis, although PSPC reserves the right to choose to proceed with a different procurement vehicle for the requirement if it considers such action appropriate. Each such recompetition (a "refresh bid solicitation") requires all bidders, including those who may have received instruments under the previous solicitation, to submit a bid in response to the bid solicitation in order to continue to provide services under its resulting Standing Offers. The terms and conditions of each refresh bid solicitation may add, modify or remove Categories/Streams, and may otherwise modify the requirements of the previous bid solicitation. As such, each refresh bid solicitation stands alone, separate and apart from any previous bid solicitation. While some aspects of a bidder's bid may incorporate by reference information already in the possession of Canada, all the requirements of a solicitation must be met by each bidder by the closing date.
Suppliers may submit a bid for a Standing Offer by responding to the refresh bid solicitation in accordance with its terms on or before its closing date. Given that the standing offers issued are the result of an open tendering process under the trade agreements, Canada is not able to entertain requests by suppliers for the qualification for offers at times other than those provided by the refresh bid solicitation process. This schedule may require a revision due to operational requirements and in which case suppliers will be advised.
Refresh bid solicitationschedule 2014/2015
- Submission Period: January, 2015 to March 31, 2015
- Closing Date (14:00 submit in Data Collection Component (DCC) and at Bid Receiving Unit (BRU)): March 31, 2015
- Evaluation Start Date: April 1st, 2015
- Estimated Award Date (subject to change): July 30, 2015
All bidders must submit a bid before the closing date of a refresh bid solicitation in order to continue to provide services under its resulting Standing Offers.
5. Authorities
5.1 Standing offer authority
The Standing Offer Authority is:
- Name:
- Manager of the Informatics Methods of Supply (IMOS)
- Department:
- Public Services and Procurement Canada
- Branch:
- Acquisition
- Directorate:
- Informatics and Telecommunications Systems Procurement Directorate
- Address:
- Portage III—0A1, 11 Laurier Street, Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
- Telephone:
- 819-934-4667 or 866-930-4667
- Fax:
- 819-956-7827
- Email:
The Standing Offer Authority (or its authorized representative) is responsible for the establishment of the Standing Offer, its administration and its revision, if applicable. Upon the making of a call-up, the Contracting Authority is responsible for any contractual issues relating to an individual call-up made against the Standing Offer Authority.
5.2 Offeror's representative
This individual is the central point of contact within the Offeror for all matters pertaining to this Standing Offer. The Offeror confirms that this individual has the authority to bind it. It is the Offeror's sole responsibility to ensure that the information related to the Offeror Representative is correct. If a replacement or a new Offeror's Representative is required, the Offeror will;
- inform Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) by e-mail at
- inform the Standing Offer Authority by e-mail at
- Name:
- Title:
- Telephone:
- Facsimile:
- Address:
- Email:
Note to Offeror: This information is as per your offer and is available to be viewed by Clients via the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) website
The Offeror may designate another individual to represent the Offeror for administrative and technical purposes under any contract resulting from this Standing Offer.
5.3 Offeror's information
Suppliers are responsible for the maintenance of their tombstone data in CPSS. Suppliers must also safeguard the credentials released to the Main Supplier Contact (MSC) and supplier's Contacts that enable access to the Supplier Module. Canada will not delay or cancel any solicitation or Call-up process due to a supplier's inability to access, modify or validate such credentials, or because of any claim that such credentials were used without proper authorization.
6. Client / identified users
The Identified Users (also called Clients) include any government department, agency or Crown corporation listed in Schedules I, I.1, II, III, IV, and V of the Financial Administration Act, R.S., 1985, c. F-11 and any other party for which the Department of Public Works and Government Services has been authorized to act from time to time under section 16 of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act.
At any time Canada may withdraw authority from any of the Identified Users to use the Standing Offer.
7. Call-up procedures
- Multiple Offers Exist
Multiple Standing Offers have been issued for this requirement. Call-ups will be allocated among all the Offerors in accordance with the processes described below within the specified monetary limitations. When accepted by Canada, each Call-up results in a separate contract between Canada and the Offeror.
- Generation of Right of First Refusal List
The Offeror's rates per Category are attached at Annex E. Identified Users will use the Government of Canada's search engine to generate a right of first refusal list (List) for their requirement using the following search criteria: Regions, Metropolitan Areas, Security, Aboriginal Status, Category, Level of Expertise and number of resources. The List will rank Offerors meeting all the search criteria and possessing the necessary security clearance from the lowest cumulative price available for the requirement to the highest, in accordance with an offeror's per diem rates. The List will be available to the Identified User for Call-up issuance and may be revised over time to reflect changes in the status of any Offeror. The lowest cumulative price will be calculated by adding together all the rates per Category for the number of resources, at the Level of Expertise of the required Categories.
Example: (If no level of effort is stipulated, use one day)
Identified User Requires:
- P.9: Project Manager: 1 resource at Level 3
- C.8 Network Security Analyst: 2 resources at Level 2
- T.6 Telecommunication System Specialist: 3 resources at Level 1
Highest Ranking Offeror's Response:
- P.9: Project Manager: 1 resource at Level 3 @ $900 per day = $900
- C.8 Network Security Analyst: 2 resources at Level 2 @ $400 per day = $800
- T.6 Telecommunication System Specialist: 3 resources at Level 1 @ $500 per day = $1,500
- Total Per Diem Rate: $900 + $800 + $1,500 = $3,200 is the Lowest Cumulative Price
Second Highest Ranking Offeror's Response:
- P.9: Project Manager: 1 resource at Level 3 @ $800 per day = $800
- C.8 Network Security Analyst: 2 resources at Level 2 @ $375 per day = $750
- T.6 Telecommunication System Specialist: 3 resources at Level 1 @ $600 per day = $1,800
- Total Per Diem Rate: $800 + $750 + $1,800 = $3,350
- Offeror Selection Methodology
Clients may direct a contract at or below $25,000 (Goods and Services Tax (GST) /Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) included) to Offerors qualified in the applicable Category(ies) in accordance with the Government Contracts Regulations, irrespective of the ranking of Offerors on the List.
For contracts above $25,000 (GST/HST included), where the Identified User wishes to issue a Call-up under this series of standing offers it must issue an Availability Confirmation Form (ACF Form) as per the model at Annex F, to either
- the first ranked Offeror on the List, or
- up to a maximum of ten (10) at once of the highest ranked Offerors on the List (a Group Invitation). The Standing Offer Authority may increase or decrease the maximum number of Offerors permitted in any Group Invitation during the Standing Offer on thirty (30) days' notice in writing to all Offerors who received a Standing Offer
If a Call-up is issued, it will be issued to the Offeror that meets the assessment criteria in the ACF Form and is the highest ranked Offeror on the List. An Offeror ranked lower on the List cannot be chosen where an Offeror ranked above it has not been invited to respond (no ranked Offeror may be skipped).
Amongst the Group Invitation Offerors, if the highest ranking Offeror is unable to meet the assessment criteria, the next highest ranked Offeror that responded that meets the criteria may be issued the Call-up. Where that Offeror is unable to meet the assessment criteria, the Call-up may be issued to the next highest ranking Group Invitation Offeror that meets the criteria, and this process of invitation may be repeated as required within the Offerors that responded to the ACF Form, in accordance with the rankings on the List, until a Call-up is issued. In the event of a tie in the results of an assessment within a Group Invitation, the Call-up may be issued to the Offeror of the Identified User's choice.
Where no Offeror responds, or no Offeror is issued a Call-up in accordance with the procedures outlined above due to none of them being able to meet the assessment criteria, the Identified User may issue a single ACF Form to the next highest ranked Offeror, or may issue another Group Invitation for the requirement to a group comprised of the highest ranked Offerors on the List who were not invited in the previous Group Invitation. This process may be repeated as described above, proceeding sequentially down the list of ranked Offerors (no ranked Offerors may be skipped), until the Call-up is made.
- Contents of the Availability Confirmation Form
Each Availability Confirmation Form (ACF Form) will identify the requirements of the Identified User's requirement by describing the specific project, including:
- The Contract Period, including any options
- The specific Category(ies) Level of Expertise, and the number of resource(s) required
- The estimated level of effort required
- a proposed basis of payment using either a firm price or a maximum price not to exceed a financial limitation, in accordance with the firm per diem rates attached at Annex E
- The location where the required Services will be delivered
- Travel and Living requirements (if applicable)
- The level of security clearance(s) required to carry out the required Services
- The contact information for the Project Authority
- The assessment criteria, which may include the specific areas of the Education, Certification and/or experience required
- The particulars of the Statement of Work
- the response due date
The terms and conditions set out in the ACF Form and Resulting Call-up Clauses that form part of this Standing Offer apply to the Call-up. Individual ACF Forms may require that the Services be performed in one or the other or both of Canada's Official Languages.
- Response Requirements
By filling in the appropriate sections of the ACF Form, an Offeror will identify the resource(s) it is proposing to provide the Services. Offerors may respond in either official language, in accordance with the Official Languages Act and Regulations.
- Contents of Response: The response must be signed by the Offeror or by an authorized representative of the Offeror. Timely receipt and correct direction of the response is the sole responsibility of the Offeror. The response must include all information necessary to fulfill all the requirements specified in the ACF Form and clearly identify:
- the resource(s) proposed for the required Categories of and Level of Expertise required, along with resume(s) setting out the proposed resource(s) qualifications (experience, education, certifications—as applicable) in accordance with Annex "A" Requirements for Services; and
- information requested to satisfy the level of security clearance required to carry out the Services
- Timing of Response: Offerors must provide the response to the Identified User within two working days of the ACF Form's issuance (or within a longer period if identified in the Form). Failure to provide a response within the specified time frame will be interpreted as being unable to perform the Services
- Offeror Certification: By submitting and signing a response to an ACF Form, the Offeror certifies and warrants each of the following:
- Every individual proposed will be available to perform the Work starting at the time specified in the ACF Form or agreed to with the Identified User
- If the Offeror has proposed any resource in fulfillment of the requirement who is not an employee of the Offeror, the Offeror certifies that it has written permission from such person or the employer of such person to propose the services of such person in relation to the work to be performed in fulfillment of the requirement and to submit such person's resume to the Identified User. During the assessment of the proposed resource, the Offeror must upon the request of the Identified User provide a copy of such written permission, in relation to any or all non-employees proposed. If the Offeror fails to comply with such a request, the Offeror's response will be considered non-responsive
- It meets the insurance requirements described in this Standing Offer (if applicable)
- Offeror Acknowledgment: By submitting and signing a response to an ACF Form, the Offeror acknowledges each of the following:
- The Identified User has the right but is not obliged to:
- seek clarification or verify any or all information provided by the Offeror with respect to the ACF Form, either independently or by making a request of the Offeror. Where requested the Offeror will respond to the clarification within two working days of a request by Canada or such longer period as is specified in writing
- contact any or all of the references supplied, at the sole cost of the Offeror, to validate any information or data submitted by the Offeror. The reference will have a minimum of two working days or a longer period as specified in writing to provide the requested information to the Identified User. Wherever information provided by a reference differs from the information supplied by the Offeror, the information supplied by the reference will be the information taken as accurate
In respect of (i) or (ii) above, if the Offeror does not provide the required information within the time limit requested, Canada may either allow additional time for the response, or consider the response not acceptable and proceed with the issuance of the ACF Form to another Offeror or Offerors in accordance with the Offeror Selection Methodology.
- Canada will not delay the issuance of any Call-up to allow Offerors to obtain the required security clearance. It is the responsibility of Offerors to ensure that all information required concerning the security clearance necessary to fulfill the Call-up is provided in its response to the ACF Form
- The Identified User has the right but is not obliged to:
- Contents of Response: The response must be signed by the Offeror or by an authorized representative of the Offeror. Timely receipt and correct direction of the response is the sole responsibility of the Offeror. The response must include all information necessary to fulfill all the requirements specified in the ACF Form and clearly identify:
- Assessment of Proposed Resources
The qualifications and experience of the proposed resource(s) will be assessed against the requirements set out in Annex "A"—Requirements for Services. The Identified User may request proof of successful completion of formal training, as well as reference information. Canada reserves the right to request references from an Offeror to conduct a reference check to verify the accuracy of the information provided. Should the reference(s) not confirm the required qualifications of the proposed resource(s) to perform the required services, Canada may consider the response not acceptable and proceed with the issuance of the ACF Form to another Offeror or Offerors in accordance with the Offeror Selection Methodology.
Where the Offeror is requested to provide information regarding qualifications or experience of its proposed resources, Offerors should provide complete details as to where, when, month and year, and how, through which activities/responsibilities, the stated qualifications/experience were obtained. Experience gained during formal education will not be considered work experience. All requirements for work experience will be obtained in a legitimate work environment as opposed to an educational setting. Co-op terms are considered work experience provided they are related to the required services. The month(s) of experience listed for a project whose time frame overlaps that of another referenced project will only be counted once.
Where the Offeror is requested to provide information about the education or proof about the education of the proposed individual, the individual must have obtained its education from a recognizedFootnote * Canadian university, or college or high school, or the equivalent as established by a recognized Canadian academic credentials assessment service, if obtained outside Canada.
Where the Offeror is requested to provide proof of certification of the proposed resource, the Offeror must submit a copy of the certification received or proof that the resource have completed the certification program.
8. Call-up instrument
The Work will be authorized or confirmed by the Identified User using the PSPC-SPAC 942, Call-up Against a Standing Offer or other authorized PSPC form.
9. Limitation of call-ups
Individual Call-ups against the Standing Offer must not exceed $250,000 (Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax included).
10. Priority of documents
If there is a discrepancy between the wording of any documents that appear on the list, the wording of the document that first appears on the list has priority over the wording of any document that subsequently appears on the list.
- the articles of the Standing Offer, including any annexes
- the general conditions 2005 (2012-11-19) General Conditions—Standing Offer Goods Services
- Annex E, A, B, C, D and F of the SO in that order; and
- the Offeror's offer received in response to the RFSO
11. Certifications
Compliance with the certifications provided by the Offeror is a condition of authorization of the Standing Offer and subject to verification by Canada during the term of the Standing Offer and of any resulting contract that would continue beyond the period of the Standing Offer. In the event that the Offeror does not comply with any certification or it is determined that any certification made by the Offeror in its offer is untrue, whether made knowingly or unknowingly, Canada has the right to terminate any resulting contract for default and set aside the Standing Offer.
12. Applicable laws
The Standing Offer and any contract resulting from the Standing Offer must be interpreted and governed, and the relations between the parties determined, by the laws in force in the Province of Ontario, Canada, unless otherwise stipulated in the Offeror's bid in response to the bid solicitation that resulted in this Standing Offer.
13. Confirmation of qualification
- The Offeror must continue to meet all the qualification requirements related to the Standing Offer during the entire period of the Standing Offer. Any certification provided by the Offeror must be true on the date of the issuance of the Standing Offer and remain true throughout the period of the Standing Offer. The Offeror must immediately notify the Standing Offer Authority if it no longer meets any of the qualification requirements of the Standing Offer
- The Standing Offer Authority may require the Offeror to confirm its qualification at any time and provide evidence to support its confirmation. If the Offeror no longer meets any of the requirements for qualification, Canada may, at its option:
- suspend authority for the use of the Standing Offer until the Offeror has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of Canada, that it meets the requirements in respect of which it has been found deficient. During this time, no call ups will be made under the Standing Offer
- suspend the Offeror's qualification under specific categories of the Standing Offer until the Offeror has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of Canada, that it meets the requirements in respect of which it has been found deficient. During this time, no call ups will be made under their Standing Offer for those categories
- set aside the Standing Offer or the Offeror's qualification for specific categories, in which case, the Offeror will not be allowed to submit a new offer for consideration until the requirement is recompeted
14. Suspension or set aside of qualification by Canada
- Canada may, by sending written notice to the Offeror, suspend or set aside the Standing Offer under any of the following circumstances:
- the Offeror no longer meets any of the required qualifications of the Standing Offer as provided for in the section titled "Confirmation of Qualification",
- the Offeror has made public any information that conflicts with the terms, conditions, pricing or availability of systems identified in this Standing Offer
- the Offeror is in default in carrying out any of its obligations under any resulting contract and Canada has exercised its contractual right to terminate the contract for default
- the Offeror is in default in carrying out any of its obligations under this Standing Offer; or
- Canada has imposed measures on the Offeror under the Vendor Performance Corrective Measures Policy (or such similar policy that may be in place from time to time)
- Suspension or set aside of the Standing Offer will not affect the right of Canada to pursue other remedies or measures that may be available. It will not, on its own, affect any call up entered into before the issuance of the notice. The Standing Offer Authority will however remove the Offeror from the list of Offerors eligible to receive call ups under this Standing Offer. The Offeror will not be able to submit another offer, and the Offeror will not be allowed to submit a new offer for consideration until the requirement is recompeted
15. Aboriginal business
- Where an Aboriginal Business Certification has been provided, the Offeror warrants that its certification of compliance is accurate and complete and in accordance with the "Requirements for the Set-aside Program for Aboriginal Business" detailed in Annex 9.4 of the Supply Manual
- If such a Certification has been provided, the Offeror must keep proper records and documentation relating to the accuracy of the certification provided to Canada. The Contractor must obtain the written consent of the Contracting Authority before disposing of any such records or documentation before the expiration of six (6) years after final payment under the Contract, or until settlement of all outstanding claims and disputes, under the Contract, whichever is later. All such records and documentation must at all times during the retention period be open to audit by the representatives of Canada, who may make copies and take extracts. The Offeror must provide all reasonably required facilities for any audits
- Nothing in this clause must be interpreted as limiting the rights and remedies which Canada may otherwise have pursuant to any contract arising from this Standing Offer
16. Delivery requirement outside a comprehensive land claims settlement area
The Standing Offer is not to be used for deliveries within a Comprehensive Land Claims Settlement Area (CLCSA). All requirements for delivery within a CLCSA are to be processed individually.
17. Environmental consideration
As part of Canada's policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired, Offerors should:
- Paper consumption
- Provide and transmit draft reports, final reports, other documents and bids in electronic format. Should printed material be required, double sided printing in black and white format is the default unless otherwise specified by the Identified User
- Printed material is requested on minimum recycled content of 30% and/or certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest
- Recycle unneeded printed documents (in accordance with Security Requirements)
- Travel requirements
- The Offeror is encouraged to use video and/or teleconferencing where possible to cut down unnecessary travel
- Use of Properties with Environmental Ratings: Contractors to the Government of Canada may access the PSPC Accommodation directory, which includes Eco-Rated properties. When searching for accommodation, contractors can go to that link and search for properties with Environmental Ratings, identified by Green Keys or Green Leafs that will honour the pricing for contractors
- Use of public/green transit where feasible
18. Travel and living
The Travel and Living expenses are calculated differently between the Regions and Metropolitan areas and this may affect the total cost of a Professional Services Standing Offer requirement. Accordingly, if any Call-up permits payment to a Contractor in its basis of payment for Travel and Living expenses, such expense will only be reimbursed in accordance with the information provided at the following Centralized Professional Services System website.
19. Regions and metropolitan areas
The document titled "Definitions of the National Zone, Regions and Metropolitan Areas" are incorporated by reference into this standing offer, with the exception that for the purposes of this standing offer, the National Zone is to be considered another Region.
Regions | Metropolitan areas |
Atlantic | Halifax, Moncton |
Québec | Montréal, Quebec City |
Ontario | Toronto |
Western | Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg |
Pacific | Vancouver, Victoria |
National Capital | National Capital Region |
- Date modified: