Logistics Vehicle Modernization Project

Explore the project to modernize and improve the light and heavy vehicle capability of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

On this page

Project at a glance

The Logistics Vehicle Modernization Project is modernizing and improving the CAF’s light and heavy logistics vehicle capability
Light and heavy logistics vehicles
Minor fleet of heavy engineer support vehicles
In-service support, infrastructure upgrades and construction services
Project status
Proposals were received from qualified suppliers in May 2022
Evaluation of proposals is ongoing
Next steps
Contract award anticipated by 2023 or 2024

Project description

The project seeks to revitalize and replace Canada’s light and heavy logistics vehicle capabilities. Modernizing the CAF’s logistics vehicle fleet is an initiative outlined in Canada’s defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged.

The Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy, including the Value Proposition, will apply to this procurement.

Current status

Proposals were received from qualified suppliers in May 2022.

Evaluation of proposals is ongoing.

Procurement progress and engagement

The procurement will be completed through an open and transparent competitive process.

2011 and 2014

Industry engagement began with the publication of letters of interest in 2011 and 2014 to seek industry feedback on the procurement strategy.

2019 and 2020

Only these suppliers were invited to participate in the next phases of engagement and were allowed to submit bids in response to the RFP.



2023 and beyond

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