Government Temporary Help Services Advisory Committee Meetings
Meeting Minutes Report–January 28, 2013
Meeting Minutes Report–28 January 2013 - PDF Version (108Kb)
- Place
- Place du Portage, Phase III, Tower C, Boardroom 12C1-101A
- Date
- 28 January 2013
- Time:
- 13:00 to 16:00
Meeting Agenda
- Opening Remarks
- Overview of the Temporary Help Services (THS) Quarterly Refresh ending January 16, 2013
- Acceptance of Government Temporary Help Services Advisory Committee (THSAC) Meeting Minutes from November 26, 2012
- Implementation THS Utilization Reporting Update
- THSAC–Governance / Structure (Feedback)
- Vendor Performance Review
- Update THS Training–Learning Harmonization
- THS Update–RENEWAL Code of Conduct Implementation and National Strategy for THS
- Round-table Questions
Meeting Attendees
- Vincent Robitaille (Chair), Senior Director–Professional Services Procurement Directorate, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPD), Acquisitions Branch (AB), Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)–Chairperson
- Dan Moorcroft, QMR Staffing
- Danielle Mongeon, Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services (ACSESS)
- Jeremy Ingle, ACSESS
- Martin Chenier, ACSESS
- Meredith Egan, ACSESS
- Paul Gagnon, Portage Personnel
- Lucie Lambert, Library and Archives Canada
- Roland Dimitriu, PSPC Materiel Management
- Brett Hughes, PSPC, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Engagement
- Helen Seto, PSPC, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Engagement
- Rose Spirito, PSPC, Procurement Strategies Division
- Lan Mao, PSPC, THS A/Team Lead
Meeting Minutes
1. Opening Remarks/Welcome note
- Vincent Robitaille, the chairperson for this meeting, welcomed all those in attendance.
- Members of the committee introduced themselves.
- An attendance sheet was circulated.
- Handouts were distributed
- Agenda item 8 moved up as Vincent had to leave the meeting early
2. Overview of the Temporary Help Services Quarterly Refresh ending January 16, 2013
Quarterly Refresh Update
- Q2 awarded in December 2012.
- As of December 2012, total of 154 Standing Offers (SOs) and 161 Supply Arrangements (SAs)
- Evaluations ongoing
- Q3 closed on January 16, 2013
- Q4 closing date possibly to be revised from March 29, 2013 to April 16, 2013
Temporary Help Services Usage
- SO/SA usage chart updated with Quarterly Utilization Report data for Q2 (July-September, 2012)
- Trend is showing a move from Standing Offer–price based to the Supply Arrangement "Value-based"
3. Acceptance of Government Temporary Help Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from November 26, 2012
All in concurrence
8. Temporary Help Services Update–RENEWAL Code of Conduct Implementation
National Strategy for Temporary Help Services
- PSPC has introduced the new code of conduct as an integrity measure surrounding its procurement transactions. The updated provisions have removed the leniency exception.
- Current THS SOs and SAs end in 2015 and they haven't incorporated the updated integrity provisions. They will be systematically replaced to include the revised provision. The goal of this implementation process is to apply the revised provision as soon as practicable.
- All existing SO and SA holders will be grandfathered in with their current qualifications providing they submit required certifications.
- Email communication will be sent to all existing THS suppliers and solicitation will be posted on MERX
4. Implementation Temporary Help Services Utilization Reporting Update
- PSPC received feedback from the industry committee members
- The new reporting template is in line with other professional services methods of supply reporting template
- Implementation of the new reporting template is beneficial to both the government and the industry to make better business decisions
- Committee endorsed the implementation of the new THS QUR template starting in new fiscal year
5. Government Temporary Help Services Advisory Committee–Governance/Structure (Feedback)
- PSPC proposed a draft composition of the committee based on the feedback received from committee members and ACSESS
- The governance structure is to enhance transparency of committee membership and to provide THS suppliers a point of contact through industry member representatives
- Committee discussed the pros and cons of defining term of office for committee membership. No final decision made
- Committee members expressed the interest in setting up sub-committees to work on specific topics
Action Item
The committee members agreed to provide further feedback on the proposed draft composition of the THS Advisory Committee
6. Vendor Performance Review
PSPC presented the current Client Satisfaction Report and distributed the vendor performance provisions document.
Action Items:
The committee members agreed to review and provide feedback on:
- Existing Provisions
- Methodology on Client Reporting
- Methodology on Supplier Reporting
- Proposed Clause on Status and Availability of Resources mitigation on the "Bait and Switch"
7. Update Temporary Help Services Training–Learning Harmonization
- PSPC is working with a contractor in developing a THS online training module
- Draft THS training module will be tabled for review with committee members
Action Items:
- The committee members agreed to review and provide feedback on the current training material by Feb. 8, 2013
- PSPC will provide a link to committee members to review the pilot Professional Services training module
8. National Strategy for Temporary Help Services
- To be developed in calendar year 2013-02-01
- Currently PSPC is holding internal stakeholder discussions
9. Round-table Questions
THS Advisory Committee Meetings tentatively scheduled for every Tuesday afternoon of each month except of March (Peak period).
- Next Meeting
- Tuesday, February 26, 2013
- Time
- 13:00 to 13:30 Registration with Commissionaire from 13:00 to 13:30
- Meeting
- 13:30 to 16:00 Meeting timeslot
- Location
- Place du Portage, Phase III, Tower C, Boardroom 12C1 101A
Meeting adjourned at 15:50
- Date modified: