Government of Canada
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Self-assessment tool for part-time French language training

General information


This self-assessment tool is intended for employees who wish to register for part-time French language training through the Standing Offers (SO) managed by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).


The tool is designed to help employees determine the most appropriate learning level in which to register (beginner, intermediate or advanced).


  1. Part 1: Complete the questionnaire:
    • Read the statements in the questionnaire and put a check beside each one that applies to you.
    • The suggested level will appear in the "Results" section.
  2. Part 2: Complete the written test
    • The suggested level will appear in the "Results" section.
    • Please note that this test alone is not sufficient to determine your level.
    • Take a look at the level attributed for the written part and compare it to your result on the questionnaire.
    • If both results match, you have identified your learning level.
    • If there is a discrepancy, read the document Part-time Training Objectives at the last page of this document. This document. This document will help you identify which level best suits your needs. You may also wish to consider the amount of effort you needed to complete the written test.

Forward the results to the language training coordinator of your department that will take care of all the administrative details associated with your registration; and before the course start date will send you the relevant information such as name, address of the language school (if the training is to be held within the Offeror’s facilities, course schedule, etc.


This self-assessment is only valid if you fill it out objectively. Knowingly under or over- evaluating yourself could interfere with yours or your classmates’ learning progression. Be sure to review your answers before submitting your completed copy.

Part one - Questionnaire

Beginner level

Understanding (Beginner level)
Communicating (Beginner level)

Intermediate level

Understanding (Intermediate level)
Communicating (Intermediate level)

Part two - Written test

This test is designed to help you determine your learning level. The results of the test should be used with the result of the self-assessment questionnaire in order to help you determine the most appropriate level for your part-time training.

  • 0-4 correct answers: beginner 1
  • 5-8 correct answers: beginner 2
  • 9-12 correct answers: intermediate 1
  • 13-16 correct answers: intermediate 2
  • 17 or more correct answers: advanced

Choose the correct answer, check corresponding box. After you have finished, check your answers using the answer key provided on the last page.

1. Mon ami Michel [      ] gestionnaire.
2. À mon ministère, tous les employés [      ] des ordinateurs portables.
3. Sonia est analyste de politiques [      ] deux ans.
4. La réunion a lieu [      ].
5. [      ] vos commentaires et suggestions avant la fin de la semaine.
6. Je [      ] une personne qui peut nous aider.
7. La fin de semaine passée, [      ] plusieurs activités très intéressantes.
8. Maintenant j’arrive au bureau à 8 h tandis qu’avant, [      ] ma journée de travail à 7 h.
9. Ton bureau actuel est [      ] ton ancien bureau.
10. Veuillez [      ] une copie signée du formulaire d’autorisation.
11. Quand je suis arrivée, la réunion [      ].
12. Je te donnerai mon opinion [      ] ton rapport.
13. C’est un sujet [      ] on parle beaucoup en ce moment.
14. Quand Paul est arrivé au bureau ce matin, [      ] à son étage.
15. Pour respecter cette échéance, il faut que [      ] des heures supplémentaires.
16. Léo ne m’a pas encore donné son avis, même si [      ] plusieurs fois.
17. Si [      ] plus de temps cette semaine [      ] avec plaisir.
18. Patricia m’a dit que [      ].
19. Hier, plusieurs solutions [      ].
20. Nos bureaux à Moncton sont fermés [      ] la tempête de neige.
Part-Time Training Objectives
Level Enabling Objectives (comprehension and expression) Terminal Objectives
  • Acquire vocabulary to speak about professions, government positions, familiar objects, documents, numbers, places
  • Become familiar with the sounds of the language
  • Introduce yourself to others
  • Express relationships of belonging and possession
  • Ask for and give basic directions
  • Give basic, concrete information in present and future.
  • Able to use standard pronunciation and intonation for familiar structures and vocabulary – NB an accent may still be present.
  • Understand simple spoken or recorded messages on concrete, familiar topics
  • Possess basic vocabulary related to daily work tasks
  • Uses mostly appropriate word order in simple sentences (subject, verb, object)
  • Is familiar with basic verb tenses (present, past, future) but may not use them consistently
  • Acquire vocabulary to talk of duties, give descriptions of things (cost, quantity, size)
  • Situate events in time using appropriate verb tense and time expressions
  • Give basic information about past activities
  • Make and respond to a request using appropriate polite expressions
  • Describe and compare things
  • Express doubts and certainties
  • Describe someone’s qualities and abilities
  • Order events in time and in relation to each other
  • Express wishes, hopes and preferences
  • Express conditions
  • Able to understand conversations involving concrete, familiar topics related to work
  • Has adequate vocabulary to express most work related situations that are factual and concrete
  • Can express simple opinions about benefits of various courses of action
  • Can develop and combine ideas in an organized manner
  • Can provide detailed explanations of present and past facts and events with generally consistent accuracy
  • Uses some complex verb tenses and grammatical structures, can understand others when these same structures are used
  • Express a choice
  • Speak of a past, present or future project
  • Make hypotheses and predictions
  • Express complex ideas using links between elements
  • Report what another person has said (reported speech)
  • Develop mastery of expressions when dealing with complex work related situations
  • Study plans of action and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each
  • Use conditional sentences with ease
  • Develop ability to deliver information on a number of delicate situations that require nuanced tactful expression
  • Support opinions on general issues
  • Able to use most grammatical structures with ease
  • Draws on a precise and varied vocabulary related to topics of work and general interest
  • Able to express concrete and abstract ideas comfortably
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