About ProServices

ProServices is a mandatory method of supply for professional services valued below the Canada Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA) threshold.

On this page

Types of services

ProServices has 15 streams covering 185 categories.


Tender notice

A tender notice, known as a request for supply arrangement (RFSA), is the main solicitation document. Bidders use the RFSA to determine if they can meet the evaluation criteria required to become pre-qualified in the method of supply.

ProServices tender notice

How it works

How the ProServices supply arrangement works


How security clearance changes affect our methods of supply

More about this method of supply

In this section

Difference between ProServices and the other methods of supply

While mirroring the same categories as TBIPS and TSPS, ProServices is the mandatory method of supply (MOS) for professional services for requirements valued below the CKFTA threshold. TBIPS and TSPS are the mandatory methods of supply for professional services requirements that are valued at or above the CKFTA.

Training required to use ProServices

The training required to use ProServices is the same harmonized online training package provided by the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) ePortal. For more information, please visit Online training for federal department users.

About mandatory methods of supply

Explore the policy on the use of Mandatory standing offers and supply arrangement. Mandatory procurement instruments, such as standing offers (SO) and supply arrangements (SA), must be used by client departments acting on their own behalf, or by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) handling a requisition, unless 1 of the following applies:

  1. The good or service available through the mandatory SO or SA does not meet justifiable operational requirements, including specifications or delivery dates
  2. The total value of the requirement (including taxes, amendments, etc.) exceeds the CKFTA threshold
  3. An existing contract is in place, which guarantees the work to another supplier
  4. The requirement is subject to contracting obligations under Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement(s) (CLCA), and no MOS/SA exists which addresses the contracting obligations of the applicable CLCA(s)
  5. The requirement will be set aside under the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business (PSIB), and no mandatory procurement instrument exists for PSIB set-asides

Mandatory streams and categories under ProServices

All streams and categories under ProServices are mandatory with the exception of stream 14 health related services and stream 15 learning services for government owned training.

Terms of the supply arrangement

Suppliers may not negotiate the terms and conditions of the SA as they have already agreed to these when being awarded a SA by PWGSC.

Exemptions from using the ProServices method of supply

Exemptions are granted on a case-by-case basis. Before requesting an exemption, please consult the Checklist for requesting a ProServices exemption.

Request for supply arrangement: Quarterly refreshes

The RFSA solicitation for the ProServices quarterly refreshes (E60ZT-180024/C) are posted on the CanadaBuys tenders website.

The closing date of the RFSA is 2028-07-04.

ProServices existing suppliers who currently hold an SA do not need to submit a bid unless they wish to offer additional information to their existing SA.

Please visit Refresh/re-competition schedule for a list of events.

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