Supplier easy steps—main contact functions in the centralized professional services system ePortal

The 'Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) Main Contact' account holder is the principle user account for the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) ePortal with company profile-editing capabilities. There is a 'CPSS Main Contact' account holder for every Procurement Business Number (PBN) that has an entry in the CPSS e-Portal. The identity of your account holder will have been self-identified either during supplier enrolment or from a solicitation bid response (completed through the Data Collection Component (DCC) of the e-Portal). If you wish to change the 'CPSS Main Contact' account holder on behalf of your company, please contact the CPSS Team at

The following instructions are to help modify existing contact information or to create a new contact (other than the Main Contact) within the CPSS ePortal; the guide for using the Supplier Solicitation Dashboard for the purpose of bid response can be found at Supplier Easy Steps—for Data Collection Component.

Log into centralized professional services system

  1. Enter the Supplier Credential Verification page
  2. Select the language of your choice
  3. Enter your User ID and Password that were provided to you under separate emails and click 'Submit'
  4. You are now logged in

Change company address information

  1. Select 'Edit Supplier Profile' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Make the necessary changes to the available fields. Of importance to note: A supplier address change could affect a suppliers overall security level. It remains the responsibility of the supplier to contact Canadian industrial security direction (CISD) and advise them of any changes. Also note that you must inform the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) system at of any change to your address
  3. Click 'Submit'

Add contact


Main Contact may only create additional contacts once the supplier has been pre-qualified against a Method of Supply.

There are two types of Contacts—Regional Contact and Quarterly Usage Report Contact.

  1. Select 'Add Contact' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Complete the required information on the displayed page
  3. If creating a Quarterly Usage Report Contact
    1. Complete the field ‘Email for Quarterly Usage Reports:’
    2. Click on the ‘Quarterly Usage Reports (QUR) Privileges’ checkbox
    3. Select the language preference for Quarterly Usage Report communication
  4. Click 'Submit'
  5. The Contact will then be activated and will receive their credentials (User ID and Password) via email

Assign contact to a region/metropolitan area

A Contact name that is selected for a region/metropolitan area determines the contact information that will appear in search results for our federal department clients.

  1. Select 'Edit Supplier Profile' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page or use the hyperlink 'assign regional contacts'
  3. Select the Method of Supply for which you would like to assign a contact
  4. You will now be on the 'Assign Regional Contacts' page, which displays the available regions/metropolitan areas for the Method of Supply that you have selected
  5. Select the name of the desired Regional Contact from the dropdown list
  6. Click ‘Submit’

Update contact

  1. Select 'Update Contact' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Select a contact from the displayed list
  3. Make the necessary changes to the available fields
  4. If adding quarterly usage report privileges
    1. Complete the field ‘Email for Quarterly Usage Reports:’
    2. Click on the ‘Quarterly Usage Reports (QUR) Privileges’ checkbox
    3. Select the preferred language for Quarterly Usage Report communications
  5. Click 'Save'

To add a local office

  1. Click 'Edit Supplier Profile' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Scroll down to see the Local Offices heading and select the 'add / edit / delete local offices' link
  3. Complete the required information
  4. Click 'Save'

To assign a local office to a metropolitan area

  1. Click 'Edit Supplier Profile' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Scroll down to see the Local Offices heading and select the 'assign local offices to a metropolitan area' link
  3. Select the local office from the dropdown menu to assign the office to the appropriate metropolitan area
  4. Click 'Save'

To delete a local office

  1. Click 'Edit Supplier Profile' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Scroll down to see the Local Offices heading and select the 'Add / Edit / Delete local offices' link
  3. Select the office for deletion from the 'Existing local office' dropdown selection
  4. Click 'View'. The page will automatically refresh and load information for the selected local office
  5. Click 'Remove'

Edit my profile

  1. Select 'Edit My Profile' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Make the necessary changes to the available fields to update
  3. Click 'Save'
  4. You can also assign yourself as the Regional Contact for a region/metropolitan area by selecting the Method of Supply beneath 'Other Available Components'

Change my password

  1. Select 'Change Password' from the left-side navigation menu
  2. You will be presented with the 'Change Password' page. Please follow the instruction at the top of the page
  3. Type your old password, and your new password twice
  4. Click 'Update Password'
  5. The page will refresh to indicate, 'Your password has been successfully changed'
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