Supplier Easy Steps—for Data Collection Component—New Period (Carry-over)

Follow-Up Bidding Instructions for Existing Suppliers

The instructions detailed below apply only to suppliers who are already pre-qualified against a method of supply (that is "existing suppliers") and now need to renew ("re-compete") or who would like to use an "ongoing opportunity to qualify" in order to add streams, categories and/or regions to their existing supply arrangement. All other suppliers (that is "new bidders") should use Supplier Easy Steps—for Data Collection Component.

Log into Centralized Professional Services System

  1. Access the Supplier Credential Verification page
  2. Select the language of your choice
  3. Enter your User ID and Password and click 'Submit'
  4. You are now logged in

Getting Started: Open a Solicitation Response Template

  1. Click on the <Solicitation Dashboard> link in the left hand navigational bar to access the Solicitation Dashboard page
  2. Under the title "Open Solicitations", you will see all of the solicitations that are open. Click on the appropriate solicitation number link that you would like to respond to
  3. The following message will appear:

    All previously awarded data has been pre-populated in the "Supplier Response" template. Data deemed non-compliant can be re-entered and included in your next submission. Please ensure you review all data for accuracy. You will then have to click on the OK button to continue.

  4. On the Supplier Response Home Page, the following sections may or may not be available, depending on how the response template has been set-up by the Method of Supply:
    • Designated Contacts
    • Grandfather Certification
    • Sections
      • Tiers
      • Company Information
      • Regional Information
      • Mandatory Criteria
      • Certifications
      • Insurance Requirements
      • Financial Rates for Standing Offer
      • Services Offering for Supply Arrangement

Designated Contacts

Steps on assigning Designated Contacts to work on this response template can be found within the original Supplier Easy Steps—for Data Collection Component.

Grandfather Certification

The Grandfather Certification is addressed under the "Certifications" section below.


This selection only appears/applies to solicitations that include tiers, as determined by the method of supply. The tier that has been carried-over will be disabled; you may choose another if one is available.

  1. Select the appropriate checkboxes to indicate what you wish to apply for
  2. Click the <Save> button
  3. Click on the <Return to Response Home Page> link to go back to the home page

Company Information

The "Company Details" is a snapshot of the information that is on your Supplier Profile in the CPSS e-Portal. This information must be the same as your profile under Supplier Registration Information (SRI) as well as with the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD). Should any of this information be incorrect in CPSS, please note that a correction to this information cannot be performed while within the Data Collection Component during your bid response. When first logging into the CPSS ePortal, but before entering the solicitation dashboard the <Edit Supplier Profile> link is available for the purposes of editing supplier company information.

  1. Indicate what province/territory applicable laws will govern this solicitation and any contracts awarded under it by selecting one of the options in the dropdown list. The information that is carried-over will be disabled.
  2. Should the legal nature of your company be a Joint Venture, the information that is carried-over will be disabled.
  3. Click on the <Return to Response Home Page> link to go back to the home page.

Regional Information

The information that is carried-over will be disabled, so it is not possible to remove a region/metropolitan area.

  1. If applicable, add any additional Regions and Metropolitan Areas that you wish to offer your services to.
  2. Click the <Update> button and the page will be refreshed. Once the page is refreshed you will see the following additional information:

i. Regional Contact Information

The information that is carried-over will be disabled. If new Regions/Metropolitan Areas are being added, regional contact information must be assigned to those Regions/Metropolitan Areas.

  1. Select a name from the dropdown menu beside the appropriate Region/Metropolitan Area to assign your contact or click the <Add Regional Contact> link to create a new contact.
  2. Added Regional Contacts will receive CPSS ePortal login credentials after Standing Offers and/or Supply Arrangements are issued/awarded in order to have the ability to update their contact information, should they need to.
  3. Once completed, click the <Update> button and the page will be refreshed. You will then be able to select from the dropdown menu beside the appropriate Region/Metropolitan Area.

Important: A Regional Contact name that is selected for a region/metropolitan area determines the contact information that will appear in search results for our federal department clients. If no regional contact is selected for a specific region, search returns for that region will not display contact information. It remains the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that regional contacts have been selected for all regions across Canada to which they wish to offer their services.

ii. Local Offices

The information that is carried-over will be disabled. If new Regions/Metropolitan Areas are being added, Local Offices information may be added to the new Metropolitan Areas.

  1. Select from the dropdown menu beside the appropriate Metropolitan Area or click the <Add New Local Office> link to add a local office.
  2. Once completed, click the <Update> button and the page will be refreshed and you will then be able to select from the dropdown menu beside the appropriate Metropolitan Area.

iii. Language Preferences

If new Regions/Metropolitan Areas are added, Language Preferences may be added to the new Regions/Metropolitan Areas. After a successful evaluation and award, the option to change the language preferences will be available to you at any time via the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) ePortal.

Click the <Update> button.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Return to Response Home Page' link.

Mandatory Criteria

The following criteria may or may not be required, depending on how the template has been set-up by the Method of Supply:

i. Mandatory Criteria Groups

This selection only appears/applies to solicitations that include tiers. Information will be carried-over.

If tiers for the grouping of category references have been established by the Method of Supply within this template, the need to establish groups will occur at this point. If there are no tiers in the template, the two steps below may be skipped.

  1. Click the <Add> button. Once that is done the page will refresh and it will show you Group 1 and also show you what is under that Group 1 (that is SO).
  2. Click on the Group number to access the mandatory criteria for that specific group.

ii. Stream Information—Offering New Streams and Categories

Click <Steam Information> to be taken to the "Stream and Category Selections" page, where you can select those streams that you wish to offer.

Streams that are compliant/carried-over will be disabled, but the option to view categories for the stream will be available (if applicable). For any streams that previously did not end up with a compliant evaluation status, the new carry-over status will either be "Please Select" or "Not Offered". Additional streams may be added, if desired. If no additional streams are being added, select “Not Offered”, or:

  1. Indicate in the dropdown list those streams that you wish to offer.
  2. A <Summary> and/or < View Categories> link will appear for each stream you have marked with "Newly Substantiated".

    For any categories that previously did not end up with a compliant evaluation status, the new carry-over status will either be "Please Select" or "Not Offered". Additional categories may also be added, if desired:

  3. Click the <View Categories> link to see the "Categories" page.
  4. All categories relevant to that particular stream will be listed in a table.
  5. Categories that are compliant/carried-over will be disabled (that is “Currently substantiated”)
  6. Indicate the "Status" of each category by using the dropdown menu. Once all categories have a status entered, click <Save> and the page will refresh.
  7. A <Summary> and/or <Substantiate Reference> link will appear for each category you have marked with "Newly Substantiated".
  8. Click on the <Summary> and/or <Substantiate Reference> link and input the Category Summaries and/or Category References.
  9. If you have selected the "Newly Unsubstantiated" option, a dropdown list will appear under the "Additional Rank" column where you indicate the priority in which you would like to receive these unsubstantiated categories. (This step only applies to certain templates.)/li>
  10. Click <Save> and the page will refresh.
  11. Repeat the above steps for each stream against which categories are being offered.
  12. Click on the <Return to Mandatory Criteria> link at the bottom of the page.

Note: If no additional categories are being added, select “Not Offered” from their dropdowns.

iii. Number of Months in Business

The information that is carried-over will be disabled.

iv. Financial Certification

All compliant information will be carried over into your template and can be updates as needed.

v. Insurance Requirement

All compliant information will be carried over into your template and can be updates as needed.


The following certifications may or may not be required, depending on how the template has been set-up by the Method of Supply:

Financial Rates for Standing Offer

If the solicitation includes a Standing Offer, the <Financial Rates for Standing Offer> link will be viewable on the Response Home Page. Rates will be needed for every category being offered across all Regions and Metropolitan Areas.

  1. Click on one of the <Region> or <Metropolitan Area> links.
  2. The page will automatically refresh.
  3. Rates can now be input (type in) for every Stream/Category you previously indicated that you wished to offer. By entering a rate, you are also indicating the level of expertise you are offering.
  4. Click the <Save> button.

Note: This is required for each Region/Metropolitan Area indicated. If you want to copy rates from one Region/Metropolitan Area to another Region/Metropolitan Area, click on the <Copy Rates> link at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions, below

Services Offering for Supply Arrangement

Carried-Over "awarded" steams/categories/levels will be disabled.

Note: additional Streams and Categories you have offered in this new period response will automatically default to YES, this happens as soon as you choose a category. If you do not wish to offer all level identified under the Solicitation for all Regions/Metropolitan area you will then have to click on the dropdown menu beside the level you do not wish to offer and change the Yes to a No once your changes are all done for that Region/Metropolitan Area you can apply to all of the Regions/Metropolitan Areas, by using the copy information link.

  1. Click the <Save Response> button.
  2. Click on the <Return to Response Home Page> link.

You should always confirm that the changes that you have made to all level have been copied by viewing the Region/Metropolitan Area you have copied to.

Submitting a Solicitation Response Template

Note: Only the Main Contact can submit a response on behalf of a supplier.

To submit a Solicitation Response Template to PWGSC you must do the following:

  1. On the Response Home Page, change the status of each section from "In Progress" to "Completed".
  2. Click the <Save Response> button.
  3. Click on the <Submit Response> button.
  4. A "Submission Receipt" Page will be displayed for your records.
  5. An e-mail confirming receipt of your submission will also be sent to you.
  6. Click on the <Return to Dashboard> link.


It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that all information is complete for each section.

Clicking the <Save Response> button does not mean that you have submitted your bid; you must click on the "Submit Response" for your bid to be submitted.

Contact Information regarding Data Collection

If you need support with access or connectivity issues, please send an email to the CPSS inbox at

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