Quarterly usage report instructions

The Government of Canada requires that suppliers provide usage reports to the supply arrangement and standing offer authority on a quarterly basis.

Submission of usage reports, by the due date indicated below, are mandatory.

Response due date
Period to be covered Due on or before
January 1 to March 31 April 15
April 1 to June 30 July 15
July 1 to September 31 October 15
Oct 1 to December 31 January 15

Information to be reported

For each standing offer or supply arrangement or both that the supplier has been issued, the supplier must report:

New call-ups/contracts

Total amount (in Canadian dollars including all applicable taxes) of all new call-ups/contracts issued during the reporting period in question.

Suppliers are not to report what was invoiced during the specific reporting period.

The following example demonstrates which reporting period a call-up or contract should be reported in:

  • March 15, 2019: Call-up/contract issuance date (for example, date referred to on the front page of the call-up or contract)
  • April 3, 2019: Start date of the work
  • January 1 to March 31, 2019: Correct reporting period


All positive value amendments to call-ups/contracts issued during the reporting period regardless of when the original call-up/contract was issued. The amendment total should be in Canadian dollars including all applicable taxes.


This value should not include the original value of the call-up/contract as it is assumed it was already reported through a separate entry.

Suppliers are not to report zero value ($0.00) or negative (-) value amendments. Examples of amendments to call-ups/contracts that shall not be reported include:

  • extensions to the period of the call-up/contract that do not increase the value of the call-up/contract
  • decreases to the value of the call-up/contract to reflect the value of the actual work performed (amount billed)
  • corrections to a call-up/contract that do not increase the value of the call-up/contract
  • other administrative changes to a call-up/contract that do not increase the value of the call-up/contract

If an original contract and amendment is awarded within the same quarter, separate entries are required.

Example supply arrangement table

The table below is an example of the list of contracts that a supplier would see in the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) ePortal after entering their quarterly usage reports.

Supply Arrangement
Contract no. Amendment no. Issuance date Total value Option to delete
4002254 005 2121-04-12 $3,844.09 Delete

Task authorizations

Suppliers are not to report each task authorization issued nor report amendments issued to a task authorization, since only the value of the original call-up/contract is to be reported.

Supplier easy steps: Quarterly usage report

The instructions detailed below apply to suppliers who wish to submit a quarterly usage report.

Log into centralized professional services ePortal system

  1. Access the supplier credential verification page
  2. Select the language of your choice
  3. Enter your user ID and password that were provided to you under separate emails and click "submit"
  4. You are now logged in

Creating a new quarterly usage report contact (if necessary)

  1. Select "add contact" from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Select a contact from the displayed list
  3. Complete the required information on the displayed page
    • Complete the field "email for quarterly usage reports"
    • Click on the "quarterly usage reports privileges" checkbox
    • Select the language that the quarterly usage report contact wishes quarterly usage report related emails to be in
  4. Click "save"

Granting existing contact with quarterly usage report privileges (if necessary)

  1. Select "update contact" from the left-side navigation menu
  2. Select a contact from the displayed list
  3. Complete the field "email for quarterly usage reports"
  4. Click on the "quarterly usage reports privileges" checkbox
  5. Select the language that the quarterly usage report contact wishes quarterly usage report related emails to be in
  6. Click "save"

Getting started: Open the quarterly usage report section

  1. Click on the "quarterly usage report" link in the left hand navigational bar to access the quarterly usage report page
  2. The "list of quarterly usage reports" page will list the methods of supply that you can submit a report against

Submitting a "nil" report

To report that you did not receive any call ups, contracts or amendments increasing the value of a contract during the reporting period.

  1. In the "reporting period" field, select the reporting period you wish to submit a report against
  2. Select a method of supply that you wish to submit a report against
  3. Under the standing offer or supply arrangement, click on the "add nil report" link

Reporting a call-up/contract or amendment

  1. In the "reporting period" field, select the reporting period you wish to submit a report against
  2. Select a method of supply that you wish to submit a report against
  3. Click on the "add new quarterly usage report" link

Entering call-up/contract or amendment information

The quarterly usage report entry screen allows you to enter specific information related to the call-up(s)/contract(s) or amendment(s) being reported.

  1. Enter the call-up/contract number
  2. Enter the call-up/contract amendment number (if applicable)
  3. Click on the calendar icon beside the issuance date field to select the date the call-up/contract or amendment was issued
  4. Click on the calendar icon beside the work start date field to select the date the work covered under the call-up/contract was scheduled to begin
  5. Click on the calendar icon beside the work end date field to select the date the work covered under the call-up/contract was scheduled to end. If reporting an amendment to a call-up/contract that increased the value of the contract, indicate the revised end date of the work
  6. From the client department drop down list, select the organization who issued the call-up/contract
  7. Enter the name of the person who issued the call-up/contract
  8. Enter the email address of the person who issued the call-up/contract
  9. From the delivery location drop down list, select the metropolitan area or region where the work will be or is being performed
  10. Enter the total dollar value, in Canadian dollars including all applicable taxes, of the call-up/contract or amendment
  11. From the category/stream drop down list, select the first category/stream covered by the call-up/contract and click on the "add" button
  12. Repeat the above step for each additional category/stream to be added
  13. Click on the "save and submit" button
  14. To report additional call-ups/contracts or amendments, repeat the above steps until all call-ups/contracts or amendments have been reported


Clicking on the "save and submit" button will record the fact that you have submitted a quarterly usage report.

Correcting an error

If you have entered incorrect information related to a call-up, contract or amendment information you can correct the information.

  1. Access your supplier account in the CPSS ePortal
  2. Click on the "quarterly usage report" link in the left hand navigational bar to access the quarterly usage report page
  3. In the "list of quarterly usage reports" page, select the method of supply affected
  4. From the list of call-ups/contracts and/or amendments reported, click on the link of the call-up/contract number to be corrected
  5. Make all necessary corrections and click on the "save and submit" button
  6. To make additional corrections for the same method of supply and in the same reporting period, click on the drop down box in the "select new or existing contract" field


You are able to also add or delete categories or streams previously reported against the call-up or contract.

Entering call-up, contract or amendment information against the wrong method of supply

If you have entered call-up, contract or amendment information against the wrong method of supply, you must delete all affected entries in their entirety.

  1. Access your supplier account in the CPSS ePortal
  2. Click on the "quarterly usage report" link in the left hand navigational bar to access the quarterly usage report page
  3. In the "list of quarterly usage reports" page, select the method of supply affected
  4. From the list of call-ups/contracts and/or amendments reported, click on the "delete" link beside the call-up/contract and/or amendment
  5. Click on the "ok" button
  6. Repeat above steps until all affected call-ups/contracts and/or amendments have been deleted
  7. You must re-enter the call-up/contract and/or amendment information for the correct method of supply following the steps in the "reporting a call-up/contract or amendment" and "entering call-up/contract or amendment information" sections

Entering call-up, contract or amendment information in the wrong reporting period

If you have entered call-up, contract or amendment information against the wrong reporting period, you must delete all affected entries in their entirety.

  1. Access your supplier account in the CPSS ePortal
  2. Click on the "quarterly usage report" link in the left hand navigational bar to access the quarterly usage report page
  3. In the "list of quarterly usage reports" page, select the method of supply affected
  4. From the list of call-ups/contracts and/or amendments reported, click on the "delete" link beside the call-up/contract and/or amendment
  5. Click on the "ok" button
  6. Repeat above steps until all affected call-ups/contracts and/or amendments have been deleted
  7. You must re-enter the call-up/contract and/or amendment information for the reporting period following the steps in the "reporting a call-up/contract or amendment" and "entering call-up/contract or amendment information" sections

Entering a "nil report" in error

If you have entered a "nil report" in error, you must delete the entry and then follow the steps in the "reporting a call-up/contract or amendment" and "entering call-up/contract or amendment information" sections.

  1. Access your supplier account in the CPSS ePortal
  2. Click on the "quarterly usage report" link in the left hand navigational bar to access the quarterly usage report page
  3. In the "list of quarterly usage reports" page, select the method of supply affected
  4. Click on the "delete" link beside the reference "no usage reported"
  5. Click on the "ok" button
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