Input of quarterly usage reports in centralized professional services System ePortal system

An enhancement to the Centralized professional services System (CPSS) ePortal is being developed that will allow suppliers to enter call-up/contract information directly into the CPSS ePortal system.


Suppliers must, in accordance with the terms and conditions of their Standing Offers (SOs) and Supply Arrangements (SAs), compile and maintain records on the provision of services to the federal government under call-ups/contracts resulting from their Standing Offer(s)/Supply Arrangement(s). Suppliers are required to provide this data on a quarterly basis.

An enhancement is being developed to reduce the time expended by suppliers and MoS representatives associated with the completion and processing of the Quarterly Usage Report templates submitted.

The anticipated benefits of this enhancement are a reduction in the time spent by suppliers in providing the required data and a reduction in time spent by Standing Offer (SO) and Supply Arrangement (SA) authorities on reviewing and processing Quarterly Usage Report data.


Suppliers will need to establish, within the CPSS ePortal system, Quarterly Usage Report (QUR) Contact(s) that will have the ability to enter call-up/contract data into the system. Once this has been completed, suppliers will have the capability of entering call-up or contract data directly into the CPSS ePortal system in real time; viewing and amending, if required, previously submitted data; and managing their QUR Contacts. The CPSS ePortal system will automatically send suppliers email notifications, in the language of their choice, when submission of Quarterly Usage report data is required. To ensure that email correspondence is received by the QUR Contact(s) in the language of their choice, suppliers will have the option to set and change the language preference for each QUR Contact.

Suppliers are reminded that it is incumbent on the supplier to ensure that their QUR Contact information is up-to-date to ensure that the supplier continues to meet their obligations under the Standing Offer(s) and/or Supply Arrangement(s) awarded. Failure to meet their obligations under the Standing Offer(s) and/or Supply Arrangement(s) awarded to them will result in the set-aside of the affected Standing Offer(s) and/or Supply Arrangement(s).

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