Hotel Pass Program: Beneficiary application form

To become a beneficiary of the Hotel Pass Program, Official Language Minority Community (OLMC) organizations must submit the form below.

Only 1 application form per organization will be processed.

If you have any questions related to the application process, please contact:

Do not disclose confidential information about yourself or other individuals unnecessarily.

Application form

This email address will be the only address used to communicate with the organization about the program.

Note: A generic email address is one that is not associated with the first and last name of an individual, but instead with a team, or group of people. If you cannot provide a generic e-mail address, an e-mail address that includes a first and last name will be accepted.

Please upload a copy of a governing document stating the entity is organized solely for non-profit purposes (for example: articles of incorporation or letters patent). Please note that all documents submitted will be disposed of once the application process has been completed.

To attach multiple files, hold down the CTRL key when selecting files from the file list dialog.

Accepted file formats: DOC, DOCX or PDF

File size limit: 5 MB (total of all files)

Conditions (required)
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