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Document navigation for "Mechanical design 15161—2013: Control of Legionella in mechanical systems"

Public information

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Public Works and Government Services, Canada is pleased to present Standard Mechanical Design 15161—2013: Control of Legionella in Mechanical Systems.

The objective of this document is to provide minimum requirements for design, operation, maintenance and testing to prevent legionellosis associated with building water systems in federal facilities. It applies to both new and existing buildings managed by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) or its service providers. It does not apply to leased buildings.

The document was developed by Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Advisory and Practices (Professional Services) (APPS) Directorate, Professional and Technical Service Management (PTSM), Real Property Branch (RPB), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) in consultation with specialists and engineering professionals in the regions and in the private sector, and by review of industry regulations as well as the Quebec regulations for cooling towers.

Clients, property managers, project managers, design professionals, and maintenance personnel must become familiar with this document and apply the standard in a consistent manner to federal facilities across Canada.

For more information regarding this document, please contact:

  • National Manager, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
  • Telephone: 819‑956‑3972


  • Director, Advisory and Practices (Professional Services)
  • Telephone: 819‑956‑4080
  • E-mail:
  • Anna Cullinan
  • Director General
  • Professional and Technical Service Management
  • Real Property Branch



The Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (M&E) group within Advisory and Practices (Professional Services) (APPS) directorate, Professional and Technical Service Management (PTSM), Real Property Branch (RPB), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) has developed this document in consultation with specialists and engineering professionals in the regions and in the private sector, and by review of industry regulations as well as the Quebec regulations for cooling towers.

Intended audience

Clients, building owners, property managers, design professionals, engineers, and maintenance personnel must become familiar with this document and apply this standard in a consistent manner for federal projects throughout Canada.


We invite comments, additional information, and suggestions for changes, corrections, or recommendations that will improve this document. For this purpose, use the attached form entitled “Request for Changes” and send by e-mail, regular mail, or by fax to the address shown.


MD 15161 was first published by PWGSC in 1986. Its first edition reflected many of the requirements for the control of Legionella in mechanical systems, based on an exhaustive study of the subject. The document was revised in 2006 considering the latest research in the field, including the development of new American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) guidelines. Subsequently, there was an outbreak of Legionnaires' disease in Québec City in 2012 that led to several fatalities; the source of this outbreak was traced to a cooling tower in a downtown Québec City building.

Following this outbreak, PWGSC carried out an extensive review of building maintenance programs as well as testing protocols for control of Legionella bacteria. It also reviewed current industry practices for Legionella control, with assistance from private sector consultants. This standard is the result of this extensive effort.


We acknowledge the valuable inputs from technical professionals in the national headquarters and from the Regions of the Real Property Branch, who took time to review and comment on this document.

We also acknowledge the valuable work done by our private-sector Consultants Genivar Inc., Sporometrics and Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Table 1: Revisions
Version Date of issue Description
1.0 2013-06-05 Original Issued by Anna Cullinan, DG, PTSM
1.1 November 2013 2013-11-05 Including Addendum A issued by Anna Cullinan, DG, PTSM
1.2 February 2015 2015-02-06 Including Addendum B issued by Veronica Silva, DG, PTSM
1.3 March 2016 2016-03-31 Including Addendum C issued by Veronica Silva, DG, PTSM

Mechanical design 15161—2013 control of Legionella in mechanical systems request for changes

Send to:

National Manager,
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Advisory and Practices (Professional Services),
Professional and Technical Service Management (PTSM),
Real Property Branch,
Public Works & Government Services Canada
Portage III, 8A1 - 11 Laurier Street
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0S5


Type of change suggested

  • Correction of information
  • Deletion of information
  • Addition of Information

Location of suggested changes

If necessary, photocopy relevant page(s) of this manual and attach to this sheet.

Page: Chapter: Paragraph no.:

Details of suggested changes, with rationale

(Use additional sheets if necessary)

Name: Organization:

Signature: Phone no.: Date:

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