Promotional toolkit: Fraud prevention

Raise awareness of how to report cheating and fraudulent activity in Government of Canada contracts. You may share these promotional tools with your employees, partners, clients, professional organizations, or anyone who may be in a position to report contract cheating, fraud or other offences.

On this page

Bilingual lock screen

This lock screen can be downloaded and used to encourage people to report fraudulent activity.

Fraud Prevention Month
Image description of Fraud Prevention Month

A hand holds a magnifying glass with a large eye in the centre of it. The wording that appears in French is centred on the left: “Mois de la prévention de la fraude. Quelque chose vous semble louche? Signalez-le!”. Divided by a vertical bar, the wording that appears in English is centred on the right: “Fraud Prevention Month. Something doesn’t look right? Report it!”. The Government of Canada flag and wordmark appear at the bottom of the image.

MSTeams backgrounds

This lock screen can be downloaded and used to encourage people to report fraudulent activity.

Something doesn’t look right? Report fraud in contracting!
Image description of Something doesn’t look right? Report fraud in contracting!

A hand holds a magnifying glass with a large eye in the centre of it. The wording in English is: “Something doesn’t look right? Report fraud in contracting! March is Fraud Prevention Month”. Below this, the wording in French is: “Quelque chose vous semble louche? Signalez la fraude dans les contrats! Mars est le Mois de la prévention de la fraude”.

The Government of Canada flag and wordmark appear at the top of the image.

This lock screen can be downloaded and used to encourage people to report fraudulent activity.

Something doesn’t look right? Report it!
Image description of Something doesn’t look right? Report it!

A hand holds a magnifying glass with a large eye in the centre of it. The wording in English is: “Something doesn’t look right? Report it! March is Fraud Prevention Month”. Below this, divided by a horizontal bar, the wording in French is: “Quelque chose vous semble louche? Signalez-le! Mars est le Mois de la prévention de la fraude”.

The Government of Canada flag and wordmark appear at the top of the image.

Downloadable poster

The poster provides an overview of the types of cheating and fraudulent activities that can arise in federal contracts and encourages those with information to report it anonymously.

“Shine a light on cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts” poster (PDF, 429KB)

Shine a light on cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts, long description below
Image description of Shine a light on cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts

At the top of the page in white lettering over a medium blue background, are the words “Shine a light on cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts.”

The top half of the poster features a graphic of a bright pink flashlight being held in the hand of an anonymous person. The arm and hand of the person appear from the left side of the poster as if the anonymous person is reaching into the poster itself. The beam of the flashlight is being pointed to the right of the poster to illuminate a smaller graphic of a person in motion that is holding a large bright pink dollar sign. The person looks as if they are running away.

Along the middle of the poster, underneath the flashlight graphic are the words “Report it anonymously!” in white lettering and highlighted by a bright pink background. Underneath this text the telephone number 1-844-365-1616 and the website address Report cheating in federal government contracts, are printed in white lettering.

The bottom half of the poster lists and describes the types of cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts using circular icons and white text against the same medium blue background:

  • Bid-rigging: Secretly agreeing on bids with competing suppliers to manipulate the outcome of a procurement process
  • Conflict of interest: Awarding contracts improperly or in a non-competitive way for personal gain
  • Price fixing: Agreeing with competing suppliers to raise or fix prices charged for goods or services
  • Bribery: Offering or giving something of value to a government employee to influence a contract decision
  • False invoicing: Billing for goods or services that were not actually provided
  • Product switching: Secretly providing inferior products

At the very bottom of the poster, the Government of Canada wordmark and logo appear in medium print against a darker blue background.

Web banner

The web banner can be downloaded for use on any website to encourage people with information on suspected cheating or fraudulent activity to report it anonymously.

“Shine a light on cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts” campaign banner (JPG, 101KB)

Shine a light on cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts campaign banner, long description below
Image description of Shine a light on cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts campaign banner

On the rightmost half of the banner, in white lettering appears the text “Shine a light on cheating and fraudulent activity in federal contracts.”

Underneath this wording, at the horizontal mid-line of the poster, the words “Report it anonymously!” appear in white lettering and are highlighted in bright pink. Underneath this text, the telephone number 1-844-365-1616 and the website address Report cheating in federal government contracts, are printed in white lettering.

At the very bottom of the web banner, the Government of Canada wordmark and logo appear in medium print against a darker blue background.

Social media posts

This social media post can be downloaded and used on social media platforms to encourage people to report fraudulent activity.

Fraud Prevention Month. Report it!
Image description of Fraud Prevention Month. Report it!

A hand holds a magnifying glass with a large eye in the centre of it. The wording is: “Fraud Prevention Month. Something doesn’t look right? Report it!” The link that appears is:

The Government of Canada flag and wordmark appear at the bottom of the image.

This social media post can be downloaded and used on social media platforms to encourage people to report fraudulent activity.

Fraud Prevention
          Month. Report fraud in contracting!
Image description of Fraud Prevention Month. Report fraud in contracting!

A hand holds a magnifying glass with a large eye in the centre of it. The wording is: “Fraud Prevention Month. Something doesn’t look right? Report fraud in contracting!”

The Government of Canada flag and wordmark appear at the bottom of the image.

The social media posts can be downloaded for use on social media platforms to help raise awareness of the channels available to report suspected fraudulent activity.

Types of cheating in federal government contracts, long description below
Image description of Types of cheating in federal government contracts

A flashlight shining on a paper with the text: Suspicious activity in a federal contract? Conflict of interest. Bid-rigging. Inflated prices. Report it anonymously.

At the very bottom of the web banner, the Government of Canada wordmark and logo appear in medium print against a darker blue background.

Publication “Bid-rigging” (PNG, 107KB)

An illustration of price hiking in contracting, with the Government of Canada wordmark and logo at the bottom in medium print against a darker blue background
Image description of An illustration of price hiking in contracting

A large arrow is being lifted upwards by a group of 4 people using a pulley system. A red dollar sign is floating to the left of the arrow. Under the arrow, a person holding a sign is facing the group operating the pulley system. On the sign, there is an image of a handshake with a dollar sign hovering above it. A city skyline is visible in the background.

At the bottom of the image, the Government of Canada wordmark and logo appear in medium print against a darker blue background.

Publication ”Overbilling” (PNG, 39KB)

An illustration of overbilling in contracting, with the Government of Canada wordmark and logo at the bottom in medium print against a darker blue background
Image description of An illustration of overbilling in contracting

In the middle of the frame, a person is looking at a long piece of paper with a magnifying glass. There are question marks and dollar signs in red and white floating around the person.

At the bottom of the image, the Government of Canada wordmark and logo appear in medium print against a darker blue background.

Publication “Reporting it anonymously” (PNG, 27KB)

An illustration of reporting anonymously in contracting, with the Government of Canada wordmark and logo at the bottom in medium print against a darker blue background
Image description of An illustration of reporting anonymously in contracting

Entering the frame from the top-left corner, an arm is holding a white piece of paper with a red question mark. The piece of paper is covering the face of a secondary person.

At the bottom of the web banner, the Government of Canada wordmark and logo appear in medium print against a darker blue background.

Publication “Conflict of interest” (PNG, 27KB)

An illustration of conflict of interest in contracting, with the Government of Canada wordmark and logo at the bottom in medium print against a darker blue background
Image description of An illustration of conflict of interest in contracting

Three strings are attached to the ceiling. Two people are standing on the ground waiting to be lifted into the air by the strings. A third person in the middle is lifted into the air by an arm coming from the top-left corner the image.

At the bottom of the web banner, the Government of Canada wordmark and logo appear in medium print against a darker blue background.

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