Guidance on completing the Contract Security Program Application for registration form

Public Services and Procurement Canada’s (PSPC) Contract Security Program’s (CSP) Application for registration (AFR) form is used to collect detailed information on your organization’s structure, ownership and legal status.

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Instructions for completing the form

This step-by-step guidance will assist you with the completion of the AFR form, which is required for the security screening of your organization.

Section A: Business information

1. Legal name of the organization

This would be the legal name that is registered with federal, provincial or territorial authorities.

2. Business or trade name (if different from legal name)

If your organization has a business name that is different than its legal name, enter it here. Otherwise, leave this box blank.

3. Type of organization (select one only)

Indicate your business type and provide supporting documentation to prove that your organization is legally registered to do business in Canada.

Sole proprietor: it means that you are the owner of a registered business, who acts alone, and has no partners. In this case, you must provide:

  • the most recent copy of your provincial certificate
  • the exact term of this document varies by province (for example, in Ontario it is called a Master Business Licence)

Partnership: it means that your organization has an association or relationship between 2 or more individuals, corporations, trusts, or partnerships that join together to carry on a trade or business. In this case, you must provide:

  • a copy of your partnership agreement
  • partnership registration documentation
  • ownership structure chart

Corporation: it means that your organization is incorporated at the federal, provincial or territorial level. In this case, you must provide:

  • a copy of the most recent certificate
  • articles of incorporation
  • specify whether your corporation is private or public

If you are the sole owner of an incorporated business and act alone with no partners, you are still considered a corporation. In this case, do not check “Sole proprietor”.

Other, specify: For all other types of business, check ‘’Other’’:

  • specify the type (for example, universities, financial institutions, unincorporated organizations, Assembly of First Nations)
  • substantiate the type of organization, you must provide:
    • evidence of legal status such as acts, charters, bands
    • ownership structure chart
    • management structure chart

4. Please provide a brief description of your organization’s general business activities

For example, if you are a consultant, you must briefly describe the type of consulting work you do.

5. Procurement Business Number (if applicable)

A Procurement Business Number (PBN) is not mandatory to get screened with the CSP. However, it is used when needed to positively identify organizations with similar names or that may have amalgamated.

A PBN is required to do business with the federal government. It is based on your Canada Revenue Agency business number and uniquely identifies your organization in PSPC procurement and payment systems.

If you do not have a PBN, leave this field blank.

To obtain a PBN, your organization needs to register in the PSPC’s Supplier Registration Information System.

Visit register as a supplier for more information.

6. Self-identify as a diverse supplier (provide profile) (if applicable)

This includes businesses owned or led by Canadians from underrepresented groups, such as women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities.

7. Business civic address

Enter the physical address of your head office. Location including, but not limited to virtual locations, mail boxes, receiving offices or coworking spaces will not be accepted.

8. Principal place of business (if not at head office)

Enter the physical address of your organization’s principal place of business if it is different than the head office. The business must be located and operated in Canada only. This is also where you must provide the physical address of any additional sites that require a document safeguarding capability (DSC).

9. Mailing address

Enter the mailing address of your head office if it is different than its physical address.

10. Organization website (if applicable)

Enter your organization’s website if applicable.

11. Telephone number

Enter the telephone number of your head office including the country code and any extension number.

12. Facsimile number (if applicable)

Enter the fax number of your head office including the country code. If your organization does not have a fax, leave box 12 blank.

13. Number of employees in your organization or corporate entity

Enter the total number of employees in your organization.

14. Number of employees requiring access to protected, classified information, assets and sites

Enter the approximate number of employees who will require access to sensitive information, assets or worksites to perform work on the government contract.

Section B: Security officers

Organizations screened by the CSP must appoint a company security officer (CSO) and alternate company security officer (ACSO). The only type of businesses not required to appoint an ACSO are sole proprietors.

It is important to identify the appropriate individuals you intend to nominate as your organization’s CSO and ACSOs. These individuals will be responsible for organization and personnel security screenings.

Being a CSO can be demanding and time consuming. When identifying the CSO of your organization, it is very important to keep in mind what it takes to be effective in the role. You must also ensure that the individual in question has the capacity to invest the required time to fulfill their obligations. As such, it is vital to identify the appropriate individuals.

Security officers must meet all of the following criteria, be:

  • an employee of the organization
  • physically located in Canada
  • a Canadian citizenFootnote 1 or on a case by case basis, a permanent resident of Canada
  • security screened at the same level as the organization (in some cases the ACSOs may require a lower level)

The CSO should also be:

  • a person of trust
  • knowledgeable about all activities of the organization related to federal government contracts
  • directly accessible to senior members of the organization
  • able to influence an organization’s internal policies and procedures

The CSO plays a vital role in the organization's ability to meet the security requirements of federal government contracts. They are the official point of contact with the CSP and are responsible to notify the CSP of any changes within the organization. Additionally, they are accountable to the CSP for all contract security matters. The ACSO shares the responsibilities of the CSO and replaces them as required.

To see the full list of CSO and ACSO responsibilities, please consult Annex A: Guidelines on company security officer and alternate company security officer responsibilities of the Contract Security Manual.

Information that must be entered in Section B:

  • identify the individual you intend to appoint as your organization’s CSO and those you intend on appointing as ACSOs
  • complete the section accordingly and make sure to identify at least 1 ACSO at the facility where the CSO is located
  • if your organization requires document safeguarding capability at 1 or more sites, ensure to
    • identify at least 2 security officers per site
    • indicate the physical address of these sites
      • this is required as DSC is site-specific and 2 security officers are needed where sensitive documents will be safeguarded
      • if you run out of rows, provide on a separate sheet of paper attached to the form, all the required information on the additional alternates

Section C: Officers

List all of your organization’s officers, including:

  • those in management and leadership roles
  • executives, managing partners and authorized signatories that are responsible for the day to day operations of its business

In addition to their position titles, you must provide:

  • their names
  • their citizenship
  • the country where their true, fixed, principal and permanent home is located, even if currently residing elsewhere (if you run out of rows, provide on a separate sheet of paper attached to the form, all the required information for the additional officers)

As supporting documentation, you must provide a management structure chart to demonstrate the reporting structure.


Sole proprietors are not required to provide a management structure chart since they are the sole officer of their organization.

Section D: Board of directors

List information on all members of your organization’s board of directors. Be sure to indicate all board titles including the chairperson if there is one. If your organization does not have a board of directors, do not leave this section blank. Simply indicate “Not Applicable” in the first row.

For each row you complete, make sure to complete all the columns. If you run out of rows, provide the required information on a separate sheet of paper attached to the form.

Section E: Ownership information

Section E relates to your organization’s ownership. You must complete this section regardless of the percentage of ownership. If you leave this section blank, the form will be returned to you.

This section includes tables for up to 3 levels of ownership. If your organization has more than 3 levels of ownership, you must provide all the required information for each additional level on a separate sheet of paper attached to the form.

As supporting documentation, you must provide an organizational or legal chart that includes the percentages of ownership.


Sole proprietors are not required to provide an organization or legal chart, however, they must still complete this section.

E 1: Ownership level 1

List all of your organization’s direct owners. You must also indicate which entities hold a valid facility security clearance from the CSP or from another country.

If your organization is a publicly traded corporation, you must also provide the stock symbol and stock market.

E 2: Ownership level 2

Provide the ownership information for each direct owner you listed in section E-1. In other words, you must list the direct owners of your organization’s direct owners, and complete all the required fields.

If your organization only has 1 level of ownership, indicate “Not Applicable” in the first row and move on to the next section of the form.

If your organization has more than 1 direct owner, you must provide all the required information on these additional owners on a separate sheet of paper, attached to the form.

E 3: Ownership level 3

Provide the organization’s third level of ownership. This is where you must provide information on the direct owners of the entities you listed in level 2. If your organization does not have a third level of ownership, indicate “Not Applicable” in the first row and move on to the next section of the form.

Section F: Justification

This section must only be completed by organizations that are undergoing a renewal process.

List all of your organization’s active federal contracts, subcontracts, leases, supply arrangements, standing offers and purchase orders that have security requirements. In this section, you must provide all the required information for each procurement vehicle, including the name of the contracting department, the contracting officer’s contact information, the security level, for example, Protected B or reliability status, and the expiry date.

The CSP requires this information to validate that it has copies of your procurement vehicles on file, and to obtain as needed, those that may be missing from the CSP’s system of records.

Section G: Certification and consent

This section must be completed, signed and dated by one of the officers listed in Section C: Officers.

The signature must either be signed by hand or a valid e-signature. Script fonts will not be accepted.

Access the application for registration form

Application for registration form

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