Deployment—Reservists in the Regular Force Pension Plan

Learn about the pension issues that you should consider before deploying.

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What do I need to do in regards to my pension before I deploy?

Under the pension plan, there are a few actions to consider before you deploy.

Buy-back estimate

If you have previous service that you can buy back, you may wish to examine the benefit of buying back that service. Buying back service may increase your pension, deferred pension or transfer value. It may also increase the amount of pension payable to your survivor or children. See the section Increasing your pension for more information.

Beneficiary designation

Make sure your beneficiary designation under the Supplementary Death Benefit (SDB) plan is up-to-date. You can do this by completing the Naming or Substitution of a Beneficiary (CF-FC 2196) form and sending it to the Government of Canada Pension Centre.

Confirmation of your marital status

Make sure that the Government of Canada Pension Centre has a copy of your marriage certificate and your survivor's and children's birth certificates. If you live in a common-law relationship, provide the Government of Canada Pension Centre with a letter confirming your common-law relationship and with a copy of the birth certificates of your common-law spouse and children.

If you die while serving, your pension benefits will be processed more quickly if the Government of Canada Pension Centre has up-to-date information about your spouse or common-law partner. This can help ease the financial and administrative burden on your survivor and family.

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