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Protected "B" when completed
Attach a blank cheque with the banking information encoded on it and write "VOID" across the front, and complete the banking information area below.
Please attach a VOID cheque or a direct deposit advice from the financial institution. If you don't have a cheque available, please have the financial institution fill out and stamp this form.
The pensioner is aware that the Canadian Forces Pension Office does not have secure email/fax server and as such his/her personal or confidential information could be observed by a third party while in transit. The Client understands and undertakes this risk voluntarily.
Authorization - I authorize the Canadian Forces Pension Office to deposit the payment directly into my accounts until further notice.
Public Works and Government Services Canada Government of Canada Pension Centre - Mail Facility PO Box 9500 Matane QC G4W 0H3
Email: pensioncentrecaf.centredespensionsfac@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca Fax No. 416-566-2865
PWGSC-TPSGC 8438E - Direct Deposit Form (2013–02)