Canadian Armed Forces pension plans annual report (Summary) 2012–13
Benefits: Benefits paid under the pension plans during the year totalled $2.673 billion, including $3.564 million paid to retired reservists under the Reserve Force Pension Plan (RFPP). At 31 March 2013, there were 86,305 pensioners, 22,721 surviving spouses and 756 surviving children in receipt of monthly annuity payments.
Investment performance:The investments of contributions from members of the pension plans managed by Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSPIB) earned income of $1,443 million ($374 million in 2012), or 10.7% with an investment policy benchmark of 8.6% (3.0 % return and an investment benchmark of 1.6% in 2012). The Canadian Forces (CF) Superannuation Account was credited with $2.55 1 billion ($2.680 billion in 2012) in interest, representing a 5.5% (5.8% in 2012) rate of return.
Contributions: Member and Government of Canada contribution receipts during the year totalled $396 million and $863 million respectively. At 31 March 2013, there were 67,705 Regular Force contributors, 4,218 Reserve participants in the Canadian Forces Pension Plan (CFPP) and 20,851 Reserve participants in the RFPP.
Contributions receivable: Members elected to purchase prior service with an estimated actuarial value of $83.3 million. The Government of Canada share of these elections has an estimated actuarial value of $105.1million.
If you would like a complete copy of an Annual Report 2012–13, please contact the Department of National Defence.