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World Trade Organization/Canadian General Standards Board/Technical Work Program Report

These reports provide the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Work Program, listing current and inactive standards projects at various stages of development. This report demonstrates CGSB compliance to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, Annex 3, Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards.

Comments can be provided at any time on any standards development project. Specific comment periods are conducted for each standard, and a list of these activities are listed. Please refer to the Notification of Standardization Activities page.

This technical work program was updated on December 12, 2024 and is valid for 6 months. If there are specific questions regarding the status of a standard, or to provide comment, please contact us at:

Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB)
L'Esplanade Laurier Building
140 O'Connor Street
Tower East, 6th floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0S5
Contact Canadian General Standards Board

Table 1: Active projects and projects recently published

Table 1: Active projects and projects recently published
Standard designation Title International base Action Edition Stage Stage date Public review start date Public review end date Target publication ICS code

Table 2: Inactive projects

Table 2: Inactive projects
Standard designation Title International base Action Edition Stage Stage date Public review start date Public review end date Target publication ICS code

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