Public Services and Procurement Canada
United Nations 2030 agenda and the sustainable development goals: 2023 to 2024 Departmental Plan

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Section 1: United Nations sustainable development goal 7

Sustainable development goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Planned initiatives

Strategy to power federal buildings with clean electricity

The development of the strategy to power Government of Canada federal buildings with 100% clean electricity will contribute to the long-term goal on clean energy (in other words, all Canadians have access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy) and help support the growth of new clean electricity/renewable power sources as they become available.

The strategy will allow the Government of Canada to work towards a carbon neutral portfolio by 2050, with aspirations to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

Associated domestic targets or “ambitions” or global targets

This strategy contributes to advancing:

Section 2: United Nations sustainable development goals 5 and 8

Sustainable development goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all and sustainable development goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Planned initiatives

Supplier diversity and eradicating forced labour

Implementation of the Supplier Diversity Action Plan will promote diversity and inclusion through various procurement initiatives with the aim of bringing positive benefits to under-represented communities. The Supplier Diversity Program, which is a component of the action plan, will further assist procurement officers to integrate socio-economic criteria into procurement processes and to carry out procurement processes designed to achieve social procurement outcomes.

In addition, as part of the commitments under the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking, a Human Rights Due Diligence Framework will be developed which will set out guiding principles and targeted due diligence actions to safeguard federal procurement supply chains.

Associated domestic targets or “ambitions” or global targets

These initiatives contribute to advancing:

Section 3: United Nations sustainable development goal 12

Sustainable development goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Planned initiatives

Green procurement

The integration of environmental considerations into procurement management processes and controls, as well as common-use procurement instruments, will allow users to factor the environment at various steps in the procurement process and make informed decisions.

Numerous contributing initiatives are underway, including the implementation of environmentally preferable packaging standard procurement language and a multi-year project to develop a green public procurement tool for federal assets, with the aim of producing a web-based search platform to support procurement officers in identifying environmentally-preferable goods.

Waste reduction strategies, Real Property Plastic Action Plan

Strategies are being implemented to divert organic waste from landfill by increasing the amount of composting in government-owned buildings.

National plastic reduction and diversion strategies have also been developed with a view to enhance the diversion of plastic waste produced and support the Government of Canada goal of 75% diversion by 2030.

In addition, steps are being taken to integrate sustainability requirements into existing real property services policy instruments and processes (fit-up standards, project design, furniture supply arrangements, and leases).


Through GCSurplus programs, government surplus assets are provided a second life. This is done through the reuse, transfer, donation and sale of surplus goods including surplus food, thereby contributing to keeping government surplus assets out of landfills and helping to promote food security. GCSurplus also manages recycling contracts for used batteries, precious and scrap metals, and electronics, ensuring that reusable materiel and goods are appropriately collected and recycled.

Associated domestic targets or “ambitions” or global targets

Green procurement contributes to advancing:

Waste reduction strategies and Real Property Plastic Action Plan contribute to advancing:

GCSurplus contributes to advancing:

Section 4: United Nations sustainable development goal 13

Sustainable development goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Planned initiatives

Real Property Services’ Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Net Zero Carbon Neutral Portfolio Plan

The development of the Real Property Services’ Climate Change Adaptation Strategy will allow better understanding of risks posed by the impacts of climate change to its real property assets. In addition, the strategy will allow the management of climate adaptation needs uniformly across the country in real property management, project delivery and asset operations.

The Net Zero Carbon Neutral Portfolio Plan will determine the most cost-effective pathway to achieve net-zero carbon real property operations by 2050 (with an aspirational target of 2030).

Implementation of energy efficiency/greenhouse gas reduction projects, including light-emitting diode (LED) lighting conversions and installations of smart building services in over 100 federal assets are currently underway.

These activities contribute to the sustainable development goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting the commitments in the Greening Government Strategy: A Government of Canada Directive.

Associated domestic targets or “ambitions” or global targets

These activities contribute to advancing:

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