Unmatured debt

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Marketable bonds

Market debt is measured at amortized cost. At initial recognition, amortized cost is calculated by taking into account transaction costs, including debt issuance costs, and any discount or premium arising on issuance of the debt when the face value of the instrument issued differs from the proceeds received. Subsequently, the effective interest method is applied to determine the amortized cost of the instrument and allocate the unamortized portion and interest to public debt charges over the term to maturity of the instrument, or a shorter period when appropriate.

Marketable bonds are interest-bearing certificates of indebtedness issued by the Government of Canada, and have the following characteristics:

Registered marketable bonds are transferable by endorsement and delivery by one holder to another. Bearer marketable bonds need not be endorsed. The totals for marketable bonds include amounts for real return bonds (RRBs). For RRBs, the interest payable is indexed to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), while it is not for other marketable bonds. Additionally, the face value of RRBs is adjusted for inflation at maturity (indexed to CPI).

The year-end balances of marketable bonds payable in foreign currencies were translated into Canadian dollars using the closing rates of exchange at March 31, 2023.

Table 6.2
Marketable bonds
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022
Receipts and other creditsLink to table note 1 Payments and other chargesLink to table note 1 March 31, 2023
Payable in Canadian currency
Matured 2022–2023 181,706,022,000 181,706,022,000
2023–2024 152,966,232,000 350,000,000 152,616,232,000
2024–2025 105,065,381,000 56,500,000,000 220,000,000 161,345,381,000
2025–2026 102,733,858,000 26,500,000,000 129,233,858,000
2026–2027 62,155,185,000 4,515,025,000 66,670,210,000
2027–2028 18,360,841,000 31,500,000,000 49,860,841,000
2028–2029 13,500,000,000 13,500,000,000
2029–2030 27,898,959,000 27,898,959,000
2030–2031 84,200,000,000 84,200,000,000
2031–2032 83,219,448,000 546,882,000 83,766,330,000
2032–2033 5,000,000,000 40,000,000,000 45,000,000,000
2033–2034 11,988,905,000 12,000,000,000 23,988,905,000
2036–2037 8,250,781,500 489,411,000 8,740,192,500
2037–2038 11,730,774,000 11,730,774,000
2041–2042 22,393,134,000 507,428,500 22,900,562,500
2044–2045 9,675,512,000 573,881,000 10,249,393,000
2045–2046 16,300,000,000 16,300,000,000
2047–2048 9,071,986,000 538,076,000 9,610,062,000
2048–2049 14,900,000,000 14,900,000,000
2050–2051 8,494,216,000 503,804,000 8,998,020,000
2051–2052 51,816,529,000 51,816,529,000
2053–2054 19,000,000,000 13,000,000,000 32,000,000,000
2054–2055 1,456,014,000 857,556,000 2,313,570,000
2055–2056 1,500,000,000 1,500,000,000
2064–2065 8,750,000,000 8,750,000,000
Subtotal 1,030,633,777,500 189,532,063,500 182,276,022,000 1,037,889,819,000
Unamortized (discounts) and premiums 7,976,865,272 7,976,865,272
Accrued interest payable 4,367,907,798 4,367,907,798
Adjustment to amortized costLink to table note 2 (negative 30,561,366,298) (negative 23,670,683,938) (negative 6,890,682,360)
Government holdings of unmatured debt
Consolidation adjustmentLink to table note 3 (negative 262,235,000) (negative 141,414,000) (negative 188,049,000) (negative 215,600,000)
Subtotal (negative 262,235,000) (negative 30,702,780,298) (negative 23,858,732,938) (negative 7,106,282,360)
Total marketable bonds payable in Canadian currency 1,043,240,785,570 220,234,843,798 218,479,528,008 1,044,996,101,360
Payable in foreign currencies
Matured 2022–2023 3,750,450,000 3,750,450,000
2024–2025 3,750,450,000 304,200,000 4,054,650,000
2025–2026 4,730,425,000 4,730,425,000
2026–2027 4,375,525,000 354,900,000 4,730,425,000
Subtotal 11,876,425,000 5,389,525,000 3,750,450,000 13,515,500,000
Unamortized (discounts) and premiums (negative 27,780,196) 27,780,196
Accrued interest payable 51,581,710 51,581,710
Less: Adjustment to amortized costLink to table note 2 (negative 338,324,069) (negative 278,404,570) (negative 59,919,499)
Total marketable bonds payable in foreign currencies 11,900,226,514 5,755,629,265 4,080,436,280 13,575,419,499
Total future principal repayments at contractual maturity 1,055,141,012,084 225,990,473,063 222,559,964,288 1,058,571,520,859
Total market debt 1,055,141,012,084 225,990,473,063 222,559,964,288 1,058,571,520,859

Treasury bills

Treasury bills are short-term certificates of indebtedness issued by the Government of Canada to pay sums of money on given dates, and have the following characteristics:

Table 6.3
Treasury bills
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022
Receipts and other credits Payments and other charges March 31, 2023
Three-month bills 59,000,000,000 239,200,000,000 227,800,000,000 70,400,000,000
Six-month bills 40,600,000,000 88,400,000,000 82,800,000,000 46,200,000,000
Other bills 87,800,000,000 88,400,000,000 91,000,000,000 85,200,000,000
Subtotal 187,400,000,000 416,000,000,000 401,600,000,000 201,800,000,000
Unamortized (discounts) and premiums (negative 503,723,833) 503,723,833
Adjustment to amortized costLink to table note 1 (negative 4,534,320,447) (negative 7,418,637,200) 2,884,316,753
Consolidation adjustmentLink to table note 2 19,358,000 (negative 3,149,000) 16,209,000
Subtotal 19,358,000 (negative 4,537,469,447) (negative 7,418,637,200) 2,900,525,753
Total 186,876,918,167 421,041,193,280 409,018,637,200 198,899,474,247

Canada bills

Canada bills are short-term certificates of indebtedness issued by the Government of Canada in the United States money market under the government's foreign currency borrowing program. Canada bills provide Canada with an additional source of short-term US funds and have the following characteristics:

The year-end balance of Canada bills payable in US dollars was translated into Canadian dollars using the closing rate of exchange at March 31, 2023.

Table 6.4
Canada bills
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022
Receipts and other credits Payments and other charges March 31, 2023
Canada bills before revaluation 2,377,946,499 19,358,613,155 19,455,834,078 2,280,725,576
Exchange valuation adjustment 196,777,431 4,117,851 192,659,580
Unamortized (discounts) and premiums (negative 1,967,429) 1,967,429
Less: Adjustment to amortized costLink to table note 1 (negative 61,824,166) (negative 76,327,458) 14,503,292
Total 2,572,756,501 19,422,404,750 19,536,279,387 2,458,881,864

Interest rates

Table 6.5 sets out market debt as at March 31, for each of the years 2019 to 2023 inclusively, with the average rate of interest thereon. For purposes of comparison, market debt is classified as marketable bonds, treasury bills and Canada bills.

Table 6.5
Market debt as at March 31, from 2019 to 2023, with the average rate of interest thereon
(in millions of dollars)

  Marketable bonds Treasury bills Canada bills Total market debt
Amount outstanding
Average interest rate % Amount outstanding
Average interest rate % Amount outstanding
Average interest rate % Amount outstanding
Average interest rate %
2023 1,058,572 1.90 198,899 4.28 2,459 4.64 1,259,930 2.28
2022 1,055,141 1.49 186,877 0.60 2,573 0.33 1,244,591 1.37
2021 886,616 1.63 218,775 0.21 4,054 0.07 1,109,445 1.35
2020 609,532 2.19 151,867 1.39 2,160 1.56 763,559 2.03
2019 580,542 2.28 134,300 1.79 2,699 2.44 717,541 2.18

Table 6.6
Treasury bills average yields at tender
(in percentage)

Year ended March 31 High Low Last issue
Three-month bills
2023 4.57 1.02 4.41
2022 0.77 0.04 0.77
2021 0.73 0.06 0.12
2020 1.69 0.38 0.38
2019 1.73 1.12 1.65
Six-month bills
2023 4.69 1.48 4.44
2022 1.36 0.09 1.36
2021 0.43 0.10 0.17
2020 1.75 0.38 0.38
2019 1.93 1.33 1.68
364-day bills
2023 4.79 2.10 4.35
2022 1.99 0.13 1.99
2021 0.50 0.13 0.21
2020 1.76 0.38 0.38
2019 2.17 1.64 1.70
Other bills
2022 0.12 0.06 0.06
2021 0.23 0.19 0.19
2020 1.77 0.30 0.30
2019 1.76 1.10 1.71

Maturity of government debt

Table 6.7
Maturity of Government debt
(in millions of dollars)

  Marketable bonds Treasury bills Canada bills Total market debt
Average interest rate % Amount
Average interest rate % Amount
Average interest rate % Amount
Average interest rate %
2024 152,616 0.99 201,800 4.28 2,473 4.64 356,889 2.86
2025 165,400 1.94 165,400 1.94
2026 133,964 1.54 133,964 1.54
2027 71,400 1.78 71,400 1.78
2028 49,861 3.07 49,861 3.07
2029–2033 254,365 1.92 254,365 1.92
2034–2038 44,460 4.17 44,460 4.17
2039–2043 22,901 3.23 22,901 3.23
2044–2048 36,159 1.79 36,159 1.79
2049–2053 75,715 1.67 75,715 1.67
2054–2058 35,814 2.21 35,814 2.21
2064–2068 8,750 2.45 8,750 2.45
Subtotal 1,051,405 1.90 201,800 4.28 2,473 4.64 1,255,678 2.28
Government's holdings and consolidation adjustment (negative 216)   16     (negative 200)  
Adjustment to amortized costLink to table note 1 (negative 6,951)   2,885   14   (negative 4,052)  
Total 1,058,572 1.90 198,899 4.28 2,459 4.64 1,259,930 2.28

Obligation related to capital leases

A capital lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the benefits and risks inherent in ownership of the asset to the lessee. The net obligation related to capital leases represents the present values of the remaining minimum lease payments under the capital lease arrangements.

Table 6.8
Obligation related to capital leases
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022 Net changes March 31, 2023
Buildings 2,225,876,807 (negative 139,158,481) 2,086,718,326
Works and infrastructure 361,074,777 (negative 28,735,354) 332,339,423
Machinery and equipment 198,459,452 (negative 71,748,089) 126,711,363
Total 2,785,411,036 (negative 239,641,924) 2,545,769,112

Capital leases

Table 6.9
Details of obligation related to capital leases
(in thousands of dollars)

  Inception date Lease term in years Discount rate %Link to table note 1 Total estimated remaining minimum lease payments Less: imputed interest using the discount rate Net obligations under capital lease arrangements
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Maison de Radio-Canada, Montréal Feb 2020 30 2.95 251,742 76,770 174,972
Canadian Museum of Nature
Natural Heritage Building, Gatineau Sep 1996 35 9.88 29,750 9,710 20,040
National Film Board
Capital leases less than $10,000,000       135 2 133
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Energy Performance Contract, Esquimalt Apr 2021 12 1.05 1,000 3 997
Energy Performance Contract, Greenwood Apr 2021 13 1.11 1,236 5 1,231
Energy Performance Contract, Petawawa Apr 2021 9 0.86 2,414 17 2,397
Longue Pointe Supply Depot, Montréal Nov 1994 35 11.89 26,485 8,177 18,308
Montfort Hospital, Ottawa—Health Services Feb 2009 17 5.26 11,338 126 11,212
Subtotal       42,473 8,328 34,145
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
183 Longwood Drive, Hamilton Nov 2010 25 1.65 55,159 5,394 49,765
Public Safety
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCMP Detachment, Cornwall Aug 2009 25 5.54 13,084 3,403 9,681
Capital leases less than $10,000,000       687 179 508
Subtotal       13,771 3,582 10,189
Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services
111 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg Nov 2014 20 2.69 13,398 1,897 11,501
1501 Bleury Street, Montréal Oct 2019 20 4.50 53,873 15,901 37,972
1550 d'Estimauville Avenue, Québec Nov 2011 20 8.24 37,454 10,671 26,783
181 Queen Street, Ottawa Mar 2004 20 10.65 3,519 180 3,339
191 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa Jul 2022 10 3.20 29,544 3,856 25,688
2 Victoria Avenue, Miramichi Jan 2018 20 3.46 45,035 9,807 35,228
200 Promenade du Portage, Gatineau Nov 2019 10 4.36 10,005 1,321 8,684
22 Eddy Street, Gatineau May 2013 25 7.89 181,740 75,693 106,047
2575 Sainte-Anne Boulevard, Québec Apr 2015 20 10.32 26,416 11,300 15,116
30 Victoria Street, Gatineau Jun 2013 25 7.89 182,715 76,392 106,323
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Gatineau (Lease 1 of 3) Jul 2011 25 5.28 48,022 13,596 34,426
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Gatineau (Lease 2 of 3) Dec 2011 25 7.33 12,500 4,561 7,939
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Gatineau (Lease 3 of 3) Aug 2014 12 2.45 3,328 135 3,193
395 Terminal Avenue, Ottawa Jan 2013 15 2.67 21,159 1,309 19,850
455 de la Carrière Boulevard, Gatineau Nov 2012 25 6.86 137,321 50,698 86,623
550 de la Cité Boulevard, Gatineau Dec 2021 15 2.34 57,995 8,551 49,444
40 Elgin Street, Ottawa Oct 2021 20 3.81 51,179 14,248 36,931
90 Elgin Street, Ottawa Nov 2014 25 7.23 323,985 135,561 188,424
Canada Place Building, Edmonton Oct 2007 25 4.44 196,971 37,585 159,386
Guy Favreau Complex, Montréal Jan 2004 30 3.17 27,041 4,150 22,891
Harry Hays Building, Calgary Oct 2007 25 4.44 195,074 37,226 157,848
Joseph Shepard Building, Toronto Oct 2007 25 4.44 134,896 25,743 109,153
Judicial Complex, Toronto Apr 2006 20 11.40 20,002 3,137 16,865
Maritime Centre, Halifax Jan 2010 15 6.26 2,891 160 2,731
Mercury Centre, Ottawa Jan 2007 25 4.50 56,886 9,943 46,943
Montcalm Place, Tower II, Gatineau Apr 2012 15 2.64 7,208 375 6,833
RCMP Building, Montréal Oct 2007 25 4.44 34,050 6,507 27,543
Revenue Canada Building, Montréal Oct 2007 25 4.44 69,012 13,172 55,840
Skyline Complex, Ottawa Oct 2007 25 4.44 152,889 29,194 123,695
Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building, Ottawa Oct 2007 25 4.44 118,895 22,683 96,212
Trusco Building, Ottawa Sep 2006 20 4.28 23,734 1,690 22,044
Capital leases less than $10,000,000       170,978 31,161 139,817
Subtotal       2,449,715 658,403 1,791,312
Shared Services Canada
IBM—Mainframes Jul 2021 4 3.07 82,797 2,668 80,129
Supercomputer—Meteorological Service of Canada, Dorval Jul 2017 8 1.44 46,999 615 46,384
Subtotal       129,796 3,283 126,513
Department of Transport
Confederation Bridge, Borden-Carleton May 1997 35 6.16 661,873 329,534 332,339
Other ministries
Capital leases less than $10,000,000       8,867 2,506 6,361
Total       3,643,281 1,097,512 2,545,769

Minimum lease payments related to capital leases

Table 6.10
Minimum lease payments related to capital leases
(in thousands of dollars)

  Payments due by March 31
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 and subsequent Total
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Remaining payments 9,382 9,382 9,382 9,382 9,382 204,832 251,742
Imputed interest 5,015 4,886 4,753 4,617 4,476 53,023 76,770
Subtotal 4,367 4,496 4,629 4,765 4,906 151,809 174,972
Canadian Museum of Nature
Remaining payments 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 12,250 29,750
Imputed interest 1,919 1,753 1,573 1,373 1,152 1,940 9,710
Subtotal 1,581 1,747 1,927 2,127 2,348 10,310 20,040
National Film Board
Remaining payments 92 43 135
Imputed interest 2 2
Subtotal 90 43 133
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Remaining payments 11,268 9,197 7,592 4,023 4,023 6,370 42,473
Imputed interest 2,162 1,876 1,565 1,242 893 590 8,328
Subtotal 9,106 7,321 6,027 2,781 3,130 5,780 34,145
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Remaining payments 4,372 4,372 4,372 4,372 4,372 33,299 55,159
Imputed interest 794 735 674 613 550 2,028 5,394
Subtotal 3,578 3,637 3,698 3,759 3,822 31,271 49,765
Public Safety
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Remaining payments 1,206 1,206 1,206 1,206 1,206 7,741 13,771
Imputed interest 548 510 470 429 385 1,240 3,582
Subtotal 658 696 736 777 821 6,501 10,189
Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services
Remaining payments 233,578 228,650 225,578 211,931 207,324 1,342,654 2,449,715
Imputed interest 91,815 84,912 77,538 70,247 63,349 270,542 658,403
Subtotal 141,763 143,738 148,040 141,684 143,975 1,072,112 1,791,312
Shared Services Canada
Remaining payments 70,435 51,517 7,844 129,796
Imputed interest 2,371 872 40 3,283
Subtotal 68,064 50,645 7,804 126,513
Department of Transport
Remaining payments 77,179 67,819 68,844 69,884 70,940 307,207 661,873
Imputed interest 47,135 36,408 36,002 35,547 35,040 139,402 329,534
Subtotal 30,044 31,411 32,842 34,337 35,900 167,805 332,339
Other ministries
Remaining payments 2,043 1,864 1,576 1,551 272 1,561 8,867
Imputed interest 440 354 285 219 173 1,035 2,506
Subtotal 1,603 1,510 1,291 1,332 99 526 6,361
Total 260,854 245,244 206,994 191,562 195,001 1,446,114 2,545,769
Remaining payments 413,055 377,550 329,894 305,849 301,019 1,915,914 3,643,281
Imputed interest 152,201 132,306 122,900 114,287 106,018 469,800 1,097,512
Net obligation 260,854 245,244 206,994 191,562 195,001 1,446,114 2,545,769

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