Section 27: Ministry summary

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(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Veterans Affairs
1 Operating expenditures 1,248,089,396 1,248,089,396        
1b Operating expenditures 62,894,446 62,894,446        
1c Operating expenditures 1,410,999 1,410,999        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 10Link to table note 1 98,847 98,847        
  TB Vote 15Link to table note 1 3,550,522 3,550,522        
  TB Vote 25Link to table note 1 17,007,167 17,007,167        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Department of Canadian Heritage) (negative 60,000) (negative 60,000)        
  Vote 5 (negative 44,656,000) (negative 44,656,000)        
  Total—Vote 1 1,248,089,396 64,305,445 (negative 24,059,464) 1,288,335,377 1,202,411,160 85,924,217 1,169,151,251
5 Grants and contributions 4,220,894,997 4,220,894,997        
5b Grants and contributions 2,000,000 2,000,000        
5c Grants and contributions 96,016,000 96,016,000        
  Transfer from Vote 1 44,656,000 44,656,000        
  Total—Vote 5 4,220,894,997 98,016,000 44,656,000 4,363,566,997 4,177,856,503 185,710,494 4,194,785,237
Link to table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 38,186,572 13,271,372 (negative 9,488,855) 41,969,089 41,969,089 42,316,312
Link to table note S Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 92,500 (negative 100) 92,400 92,400 90,700
Link to table note S Veterans Insurance Actuarial Liability Adjustment (Veterans Insurance Act) 175,000 (negative 175,000)
Link to table note S Returned Soldiers Insurance Actuarial Liability Adjustment (Returned Soldiers' Insurance Act) 10,000 (negative 9,901) 99 99 607
Link to table note S Repayments under section 15 of the War Service Grants Act of compensating adjustments made in accordance with the terms of the Veterans' Land Act (R.S.C., 1970, c. V-4) 10,000 (negative 10,000)
Link to table note S Re-establishment Credits under section 8 of the War Service Grants Act (R.S.C., 1970, c. W-4) 2,000 (negative 2,000)
Link to table note S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 9,682 5,656 15,338 15,338 36,420
Link to table note S Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years 9 9 9
  Appropriations not required for the current year 11,269
  Total budgetary 9,682 5,507,460,465 175,592,817 10,916,345 5,693,979,309 5,422,344,598 271,634,711 5,406,391,796
Link to table note S Link to table note L Loans to the Veterans' Land Act Fund pursuant to the Veterans' Land Act, Parts I, II and III as amended by Vote L55, Appropriation Act No. 3, 1970. Limit $605,000,000 (Net) 605,000,000 605,000,000 605,000,000
  Total Department—Budgetary 9,682 5,507,460,465 175,592,817 10,916,345 5,693,979,309 5,422,344,598 271,634,711 5,406,391,796
  Total Department—Non-budgetary 605,000,000 605,000,000 605,000,000
  Veterans Review and Appeal Board
1 Program expenditures 9,906,136 9,906,136        
1c Program expenditures 2,524,732 2,524,732        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to table note 1 895,673 895,673        
  TB Vote 25Link to table note 1 439,153 439,153        
  Total—Vote 1 9,906,136 2,524,732 1,334,826 13,765,694 12,153,646 1,612,048 9,811,517
Link to table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 1,350,518 448,338 (negative 332,321) 1,466,535 1,466,535 1,292,444
  Total Agency—Budgetary 11,256,654 2,973,070 1,002,505 15,232,229 13,620,181 1,612,048 11,103,961
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 9,682 5,518,717,119 178,565,887 11,918,850 5,709,211,538 5,435,964,779 273,246,759 5,417,495,757
  Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 605,000,000 605,000,000 605,000,000

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