Section 25: Details of respendable amounts

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Authorities available for use in the current year Authorities used in the current year Authorities used in the previous year
Department of Transport
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Efficient Transportation System
Air services forecast revenues 37,948 37,948 37,584
Airport revenues from user fees and service contracts 7,042,341 7,042,341 6,440,259
Public Port revenues from user fees and wharf permits 5,497,116 5,497,116 3,532,877
Inspections and certifications 28,768 28,768 18,318
Rentals and concessions 6,130,974 6,130,974 5,811,525
Sales and training 147,244 147,244 142,490
Miscellaneous 20,612 20,612 25,834
Subtotal 18,905,003 18,905,003 16,008,887
Safe and Secure Transportation System
Canadian Aviation Regulation user fees 5,909,215 5,909,215 5,902,132
Aircraft maintenance and flying services 49,419,329 49,419,329 47,002,276
User fees from various Marine Safety regulations 9,936,226 9,936,226 9,323,625
Inspections and certifications 1,643,806 1,643,806 915,391
Rentals and concessions 174,471 174,471 187,945
Sales and training 642,008 642,008 545,898
Revenues from the Registrar of Imported Vehicles Program 925,481 925,481 1,196,638
Miscellaneous 1,083,340 1,083,340 2,062,800
Subtotal 69,733,876 69,733,876 67,136,705
Green and Innovative Transportation System
Rentals and concessions 31,634 31,634 28,367
User fees from various Marine Safety regulations 62,975 62,975
Lease Revenue—Motor Vehicle Test Centre 622,273 622,273 602,846
Miscellaneous 712
Subtotal 716,882 716,882 631,925
Internal Services
Rentals and concessions 224,099 224,099 127,933
Sales and training 661 661 1,399
Miscellaneous 59 59 230
Subtotal 224,819 224,819 129,562
Total Ministry—Budgetary 89,580,580 89,580,580 83,907,079

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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