Statement of responsibility
Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume I—Top of the page Navigation
- Previous page: Preface
- Section 2: Table of contents: Section 2: Consolidated financial statements of the Government of Canada and report of the Auditor General of Canada
- Next page: Auditor General of Canada—Independent Auditor's Report
The government is responsible for preparing these consolidated financial statements in accordance with the accounting policies referred to in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements, which are based on Canadian public sector accounting standards, and on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year.
Responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of these consolidated financial statements rests with the government. These consolidated financial statements are prepared under the joint direction of the President of the Treasury Board, the Minister of Finance, and the Receiver General for Canada in compliance with governing legislation. These consolidated financial statements are prepared on a full accrual basis of accounting. The information included in these consolidated financial statements is based on the management’s best estimates and judgment, with due consideration given to materiality.
To fulfill its accounting and reporting responsibilities, the government maintains systems of financial management and internal control which give due consideration to costs, benefits and risks. These systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are properly authorized by Parliament, are executed in accordance with prescribed regulations, and are properly recorded to maintain accountability of public money and safeguard the assets and properties of Canada under government administration. The Receiver General for Canada maintains the accounts of Canada, a centralized summary record of the government’s financial transactions. Additional information is obtained as required, from departments, agencies, Crown corporations, other government business enterprises, and other entities to meet accounting and reporting requirements.
The government presents these consolidated financial statements to the Auditor General of Canada, who audits them and provides an independent audit opinion to the House of Commons. The duties of the Auditor General of Canada in that respect are contained in Section 6 of the Auditor General Act.
Annually, the consolidated financial statements are tabled in the House of Commons as part of the Public Accounts of Canada, and are referred to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, which reports to Parliament on the results of its examination together with any recommendations it may have with respect to the consolidated financial statements and accompanying independent audit opinion.
On behalf of the Government of Canada.
Original signed by
Bill Mathews
Secretary of the Treasury
Board of Canada
Original signed by
Chris Forbes
Deputy Minister of Finance
Original signed by
Arianne Reza
Deputy Receiver General for Canada
Original signed by
Annie Boudreau
Comptroller General of Canada
December 9, 2024
Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume I—Bottom of the page Navigation
- Previous page: Preface
- Section 2: Table of contents: Section 2: Consolidated financial statements of the Government of Canada and report of the Auditor General of Canada
- Next page: Auditor General of Canada—Independent Auditor's Report
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