Cash and cash equivalents

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Cash consists of public moneys on deposit and cash in transit at March 31. Cash in bank consists of public moneys on deposit to the credit of the Receiver General for Canada, with the Bank of Canada, chartered banks and other financial institutions. Cash with the Bank of Canada includes operational balances and balances held for the Prudential Liquidity Fund. Cash in transit consists of public moneys received by public officers prior to April 1, but not deposited by that date as well as cash held by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities. Outstanding cheques and warrants are deducted to arrive at the closing cash balance.

Cash equivalents consist mainly of term deposits resulting from auctions administered by the Bank of Canada and the Department of Finance on behalf of the Minister of Finance. The short term deposits, denominated in Canadian dollars, are made from a portion of the daily surplus of cash balance and have a short term maturity, usually not exceeding 31 calendar days.

Table 7.2
Cash and cash equivalents
(in dollars)

  2024 2023
Cash in bank
Canadian currencyLinks to footnote 1 in table 1 55,037,081,309 38,206,611,756
Foreign currenciesLinks to footnote 2 in table 1 1,250,027,762 1,114,785,677
Special depositsLinks to footnote 3 in table 1 75,000,000 75,000,000
Total cash in bank 56,362,109,071 39,396,397,433
Cash in transit
Cash in hands of collectors and in transit 14,857,332,852 14,126,314,261
Other cash—Consolidated Crown corporations and other entitiesLinks to footnote 4 in table 1 1,919,580,000 1,839,502,000
Total cash in transit 16,776,912,852 15,965,816,261
Less: Outstanding cheques and warrants
Outstanding chequesLinks to footnote 5 in table 1 6,572,117,734 6,356,812,835
Imprest account chequesLinks to footnote 6 in table 1 (negative 152) 665
Total outstanding cheques and warrants 6,572,117,582 6,356,813,500
Total cash 66,566,904,341 49,005,400,194
Cash equivalents 8,000,036,000 36,000
Total cash and cash equivalents 74,566,940,341 49,005,436,194

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