Section 29: Transfer payments

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Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Veterans Affairs
Pain and Suffering Compensation 1,579,661,000 29,726,000 1,609,387,000 1,608,757,205 629,795 1,387,239,972
Income Replacement Benefit 1,245,159,000 17,000 18,119,000 1,263,295,000 1,260,702,576 2,592,424 1,085,507,075
Pensions for disability and death, including pensions granted under the authority of the Civilian Government Employees (War) Compensation Order, P.C. 45/8848 of November 22, 1944, which shall be subject to the Pension Act; for former prisoners of war under the Pension Act, and Newfoundland special awards 1,022,354,000 (negative 8,226,000) 1,014,128,000 1,012,069,671 2,058,329 1,020,948,285
Housekeeping and Grounds Maintenance 281,454,000 9,771,000 9,568,000 300,793,000 291,478,596 9,314,404 276,831,568
Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation 274,510,000 756,000 7,784,000 283,050,000 276,261,939 6,788,061 224,640,132
Education and Training Benefit 33,226,000 803,000 34,029,000 28,961,516 5,067,484 30,450,001
Caregiver Recognition Benefit 22,449,000 22,449,000 22,308,657 140,343 16,108,480
Commonwealth War Graves Commission 11,600,000 800,000 12,400,000 11,859,340 540,660 10,943,100
Grant for Veterans and Family Well-Being Fund 7,000,000 (negative 1,066,937) 5,933,063 5,933,062 1 5,408,294
Last Post Fund 6,803,000 6,803,000 6,393,536 409,464 5,837,533
Earnings Loss and Supplementary Retirement Benefit 5,000,000 681,000 4,319,000 10,000,000 7,182,831 2,817,169 6,465,846
War Veterans Allowances and Civilian War Allowances 2,784,000 111,000 2,895,000 2,530,615 364,385 2,985,335
Canadian Forces Income Support Allowance 2,440,000 323,000 2,763,000 2,651,436 111,564 2,349,434
Grant for Research Funding Program 2,300,000 1 (negative 150,000) 2,150,001 2,150,000 1 200,000
Critical Injury Benefit 1,700,000 500,000 2,200,000 1,098,644 1,101,356 1,032,081
Disability Awards and Allowances 1,457,000 (negative 545,000) 912,000 705,319 206,681 1,167,518
Grant for Commemorative Partnerships 1,200,000 (negative 674,186) 525,814 525,813 1 4,716,420
Veterans Emergency Funds 1,000,000 800,000 1,800,000 1,647,146 152,854 1,530,885
Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance 978,000 322,000 1,300,000 802,222 497,778 832,585
Payments under the Flying Accidents Compensation Regulations 975,000 975,000 480,718 494,282 498,818
Treatment Allowances 625,000 (negative 425,000) 200,000 145,523 54,477 120,229
Assistance in accordance with the provisions of the Assistance Fund Regulations 420,000 (negative 320,000) 100,000 39,645 60,355 47,274
Supplementary Retirement Benefit Payout 230,000 230,000 68,986 161,014 548,343
Retirement Income Security Benefit 100,000 (negative 50,000) 50,000 50,000
United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea 70,000 70,000 22,040 47,960 20,961
Assistance to Canadian Veterans—Overseas District 25,000 25,000 9,315 15,685 16,651
Payments of Gallantry Awards 4,500 (negative 2,000) 2,500 774 1,726 1,272
Links to footnote S in table 1 Veterans Insurance Actuarial Liability Adjustment (Veterans Insurance Act) 175,000 (negative 175,000)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Returned Soldiers Insurance Actuarial Liability Adjustment (Returned Soldiers' Insurance Act) 10,000 (negative 10,000) 99
Links to footnote S in table 1 Repayments under section 15 of the War Service Grants Act of compensating adjustments made in accordance with the terms of the Veterans' Land Act (R.S.C., 1970, c. V-4) 10,000 (negative 10,000)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Re-establishment Credits under section 8 of the War Service Grants Act (R.S.C., 1970, c. W-4) 2,000 (negative 2,000)
Total—Grants 4,505,721,500 14,084,001 58,659,877 4,578,465,378 4,544,787,125 33,678,253 4,086,448,191
Contributions to Veterans, under the Veterans Independence Program, to assist in defraying costs of extended health care not covered by provincial health programs 73,224,000 (negative 4,319,000) 68,905,000 65,488,938 3,416,062 68,512,291
Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other related mental health conditions 9,200,000 9,200,000 9,191,941 8,059 9,008,161
Contributions for Research Funding Program 5,161,679 2,000,000 7,161,679 7,141,355 20,324 7,028,497
Contributions under the Commemorative Partnerships Program, to organizations, institutions and other levels of government, in support of projects related to the health and well-being of the veteran population, and commemoration activities and events 4,885,000 2,500,000 674,186 8,059,186 8,038,034 21,152 4,267,756
Contributions for Veterans and Family Well-Being Fund 1,000,000 1,066,937 2,066,937 2,066,937 2,591,706
Total—Contributions 93,470,679 2,500,000 (negative 577,877) 95,392,802 91,927,205 3,465,597 91,408,411
Total Ministry 4,599,192,179 16,584,001 58,082,000 4,673,858,180 4,636,714,330 37,143,850 4,177,856,602

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