Section 23: Budgetary details by allotment

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Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Allotments Expenditures Lapsed or
Available for use in subsequent years
Department of Western Economic Diversification
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 51,934,195 48,188,033 3,746,162
Frozen Allotments
Transferred or reallocated 750,799 750,799
Reduction 436,000 436,000
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 3,800,000) (negative 3,482,953) (negative 317,047)
Subtotal 49,320,994 44,705,080 4,615,914
Vote 5—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 344,856,806 327,445,920 17,410,886
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 30,119,137 30,119,137
Subtotal 374,975,943 327,445,920 47,530,023
Statutory amounts 5,456,534 5,456,534
Total 429,753,471 377,607,534 52,145,937
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 24,012,167 23,088,321 923,846
Frozen Allotments
Reduction 251,000 251,000
Subtotal 24,263,167 23,088,321 1,174,846
Vote 5—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 62,390,284 62,129,763 260,521
Statutory amounts 2,140,397 2,140,214 177 6
Total 88,793,848 87,358,298 1,435,544 6
Total Ministry 518,547,319 464,965,832 53,581,481 6

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