Section 23: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Western Economic Diversification
Grants for the Western Diversification Program 5,000,000 (negative 5,000,000)
Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 921,816 (negative 921,816)
Total—Grants 5,921,816 (negative 5,921,816)
Contributions under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 198,914,510 23,241,973 (negative 7,516,388) 214,640,095 168,836,341 45,803,754 212,916,520
Contributions for the Western Diversification Program 98,379,606 21,508,124 19,855,250 139,742,980 138,016,711 1,726,269 212,750,133
Contributions for the Community Futures Program 17,667,868 17,667,868 17,667,868 17,667,868
Contributions for the Women's Enterprise Initiative 2,925,000 2,925,000 2,925,000 2,925,000
Total—Contributions 317,886,984 44,750,097 12,338,862 374,975,943 327,445,920 47,530,023 446,259,521
Total Department 323,808,800 44,750,097 6,417,046 374,975,943 327,445,920 47,530,023 446,259,521
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Grants for the Inclusive Diversification and Economic Advancement in the North initiative 2,000,000 (negative 1,315,814) 684,186 591,833 92,353 145,000
Grants for Investments made under the Northern Isolated Community Initiatives Fund 500,000 (negative 500,000)
Regional Training Center in Pond Inlet for the Qikiqtani Inuit Association 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,000,000
Grants under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 168,168 168,168 168,168
Total—Grants 2,500,000 2,668,168 (negative 1,815,814) 3,352,354 3,091,833 260,521 2,145,000
Contributions for promoting regional development in Canada's three territories 34,237,000 1,661,616 576,024 36,474,640 36,474,640 60,927,653
Contributions to support Aboriginal participation in the northern economy 10,800,000 213,334 11,013,334 11,013,334 13,199,993
Contributions under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 8,123,500 1,239,790 9,363,290 9,363,290 1,518,884
Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program 2,400,000 (negative 213,334) 2,186,666 2,186,666
Items not required for the current year 4,289,260
Total—Contributions 55,560,500 1,661,616 1,815,814 59,037,930 59,037,930 79,935,790
Total Agency 58,060,500 4,329,784 62,390,284 62,129,763 260,521 82,080,790
Total Ministry 381,869,300 49,079,881 6,417,046 437,366,227 389,575,683 47,790,544 528,340,311

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