Section 7: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Employment and Social Development
Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy 114,339,322 (negative 17,568,549) 96,770,773 83,700,604 13,070,169 23,871,136
New Horizons for Seniors Program 74,340,000 (negative 3,026,984) 71,313,016 71,313,016 61,085,755
Canada Emergency Response Benefit 43,333,560 43,333,560 4,035,145 39,298,415 672,700
Grants to not-for-profit, for-profit, and Indigenous organizations, municipal, provincial and territorial governments for adult learning, literacy and essential skills 42,550,000 (negative 42,550,000)
Grants to non-profit organizations for activities eligible for support through the Social Development Partnerships Program 21,141,707 4,271,000 (negative 11,343,666) 14,069,041 14,069,041 9,656,509
Enabling Accessibility Fund Small Projects Grant 20,650,000 (negative 396,716) 20,253,284 20,253,284 77,798,896
Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime 10,000,000 10,000,000 728,350 9,271,650 593,190
Labour Funding Program 7,303,000 4,582,787 (negative 500,000) 11,385,787 11,385,787 7,303,000
Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program 4,600,000 (negative 4,500,000) 100,000 100,000 100,000
Canada Emergency Student Benefit 2,091,532 2,091,532 135,876 1,955,656 227,740
Early Learning and Child Care Data and Research Program 1,375,000 (negative 505,569) 869,431 726,943 142,488 240,000
Support for Labour Market Information in Canada 1,265,000 1,265,000 1,265,000 1,215,000
Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Fund 1,000,000 (negative 1,000,000)
Strategic Engagement and Research Program 100,000 461,616 561,616 561,616 654,000
Investment Readiness Program 14,492 (negative 14,492) 1,722,198
Pathways to Education Canada Grant 9,500,000 9,500,000 9,500,000 9,500,000
Links to footnote S in table 1 Old Age Security Payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 58,126,000,000 (negative 1,005,000,000) 323,856,822 57,444,856,822 57,444,856,822 52,737,283,412
Links to footnote S in table 1 Guaranteed Income Supplement Payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 17,779,000,000 (negative 85,000,000) 336,935,781 18,030,935,781 18,030,935,781 16,100,638,016
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Student Grants to qualifying full and part-time students pursuant to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 1,937,859,143 499,201,074 236,948,766 2,674,008,983 2,674,008,983 3,367,941,806
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Education Savings grant payments to Registered Educations Savings Plan trustees on behalf of Registered Educations Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage Canadians to save for post-secondary education for their children (Canada Education Savings Act) 1,040,000,000 (negative 10,000,000) 26,760,569 1,056,760,569 1,056,760,569 1,031,795,731
Links to footnote S in table 1 Allowance payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 646,000,000 4,000,000 (negative 41,304,388) 608,695,612 608,695,612 575,161,168
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Disability Savings Grant payments to Registered Disability Savings Plan issuers on behalf of Registered Disability Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage long-term financial security of eligible individuals with disabilities (Canada Disability Savings Act) 631,444,065 (negative 171,957,262) 38,287,839 497,774,642 497,774,642 466,813,648
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments for the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit pursuant to the Canada Recovery Benefits Act (negative 19,878,531) (negative 19,878,531) (negative 19,878,531) 103,022,853
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Disability Savings Bond payments to Registered Disability Savings Plan issuers on behalf of Registered Disability Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage long-term financial security of eligible individuals with disabilities (Canada Disability Savings Act) 265,962,674 (negative 72,887,482) (negative 7,185,510) 185,889,682 185,889,682 177,800,665
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Learning Bond payments to Registered Education Savings Plan trustees on behalf of Registered Education Savings Plan beneficiaries to support access to post-secondary education for children from low-income families (Canada Education Savings Act) 180,000,000 (negative 9,000,000) 5,013,974 176,013,974 176,013,974 156,645,448
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments for the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit pursuant to the Canada Recovery Benefits Act (negative 7,574,498) (negative 7,574,498) (negative 7,574,498) 116,334,783
Links to footnote S in table 1 Wage Earner Protection Program payments to eligible applicants owed wages and vacation pay, severance pay and termination pay from employees who are either bankrupt or in receivership as well as payments to trustees and receivers who will provide the necessary information to determine eligibility (Wage Earner Protection Program Act) 49,250,000 11,193,879 60,443,879 60,443,879 19,150,841
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments of compensation respecting government employees (R.S.C., 1985, c. G-5) and merchant seamen (R.S.C., 1985, c. M-6) 5,000 (negative 5,000)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Universal Child Care Benefit (Universal Child Care Benefit Act) 900,000 1,100,000 (negative 6,417,107) (negative 4,417,107) (negative 4,417,107) (negative 1,479,517)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments for the Canada Recovery Benefit pursuant to the Canada Recovery Benefits Act (negative 185,178,829) (negative 185,178,829) (negative 185,178,829) (negative 198,662,964)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments for the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit pursuant to the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit Act (negative 2,565,470) (negative 2,565,470) (negative 2,565,470) 3,038,371
Links to footnote S in table 1 Supplementary payment to seniors (Old Age Security 75 years old and over) pursuant to the Budget Implementation Act, 2021, No. 1 (negative 52,700) (negative 52,700) (negative 52,700) 621,825
Links to footnote S in table 1 One-time payment to persons with disabilities pursuant to An Act respecting further COVID-19 measures (negative 11,100) (negative 11,100) (negative 11,100) (negative 52,700)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Benefit enhancement measures for the Employment Insurance Operating Account pursuant to subsection 153.111 of the Employment Insurance Act (negative 225,844,483) (negative 225,844,483) (negative 225,844,483) (negative 483,349,821)
Items not required for the current year 788,101,631
Total—Grants 81,000,524,495 (negative 831,189,883) 402,035,654 80,571,370,266 80,507,631,888 63,738,378 75,155,445,320
Contributions to provincial/territorial governments, band councils, tribal councils, Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program agreement holders, municipal governments, not-for-profit organizations, professional associations, business and private sector organizations, consortia, industry groups, unions, regulatory bodies, ad-hoc associations, public health institutions, school boards, universities, colleges, CEGEPs, sector councils, and cross-sectoral councils to support enhanced productivity and competitiveness of Canadian workplaces by supporting investment in and recognition and utilizations of skills 972,479,477 24,081,022 (negative 19,061,918) 977,498,581 815,038,509 162,460,072 668,883,117
Payments to provinces, territories, municipalities, other public bodies, organizations, groups, communities, employers and individuals for the provision of training and/or work experience, the mobilization of community resources, and human resource planning and adjustment measures necessary for the efficient functioning of the Canadian labour market 915,716,329 17,500,000 11,644,672 944,861,001 926,676,790 18,184,211 1,069,455,571
Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Transformation Initiative 391,369,429 5,821,469 (negative 119,191,788) 277,999,110 277,359,068 640,042 225,451,743
Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy 113,372,736 14,492 113,387,228 113,385,782 1,446 135,460,416
Contributions to not-for-profit, for-profit, and Indigenous organizations, municipal, provincial and territorial governments for adult learning, literacy and essential skills 113,084,276 42,550,000 155,634,276 136,890,381 18,743,895 113,282,453
Contributions to not-for-profit, for-profit, and Indigenous organizations, research organizations and institutes, municipal, provincial and territorial governments to help young Canadians gain valuable life and work experience while providing service to communities 92,787,500 (negative 13,339) 92,774,161 69,311,726 23,462,435 47,975,447
Payments to provinces, territories, municipalities, other public bodies, organizations, groups, communities, employers and individuals for the provision of training and/or work or business experience, the mobilization of community resources and human resource planning and adjustment measures necessary for the social development of Canadians and other participants in Canadian life 44,971,707 200,000 25,661,618 70,833,325 70,833,325 447,500,886
Payments to non-profit organizations to develop national or provincial/territorial/regional educational and awareness activities to help reduce the incidence of elder abuse and fraud 24,965,317 6,809,837 31,775,154 31,775,154 12,008,035
Temporary Foreign Worker Program—Migrant Worker Support Network 17,584,428 17,584,428 17,232,786 351,642 17,883,485
Contributions for the purpose of complementing the Multilateral and the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Frameworks, to foster innovative approaches, and improve data and research on Early Learning and Child Care 16,757,392 2,305,569 19,062,961 14,368,461 4,694,500 9,780,878
Contributions to organizations to support the development of human resources, economic growth, job creation and retention in official language minority communities 13,900,000 6,926,904 (negative 800,000) 20,026,904 14,026,904 6,000,000 14,643,631
Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Fund 2,500,000 1,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,348,682
Labour Funding Program 2,500,000 743,327 3,243,327 3,243,327 625,059
Contributions to fund retrofits, renovations or new construction of facilities within Canada that help organizations better serve people with disabilities through the Enabling Accessibility Fund 3,829,892 3,829,892 3,829,892 4,987,830
Strategic Engagement and Research Program 3,441,096 3,441,096 3,441,096 3,386,213
Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program 3,709,619 3,709,619 3,709,619 3,599,401
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments related to the direct financing arrangement under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 1,351,899,468 28,677,865 (negative 592,954) 1,379,984,379 1,379,984,379 1,193,100,454
Links to footnote S in table 1 The provision of funds for interest and other payments to lending institutions and liabilities under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 347,209 (negative 45,412) (negative 411,989) (negative 110,192) (negative 110,192) 4,098,451
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments related to the direct financing arrangement under the Apprentice Loans Act 2,795,544 939,894 65,908 3,801,346 3,801,346 2,031,330
Links to footnote S in table 1 The provision of funds for interest payments to lending institutions under the Canada Student Loans Act 415 415 415 1,962
Links to footnote S in table 1 The provision of funds for liabilities including liabilities in the form of guaranteed loans under the Canada Student Loans Act (negative 1,161,307) (negative 292,437) (negative 1,453,744) (negative 1,453,744) (negative 1,759,986)
Items not required for the current year 206,491,837
Total—Contributions 4,075,869,505 84,101,742 (negative 38,587,980) 4,121,383,267 3,886,845,024 234,538,243 4,182,236,895
Other transfer payments
Payments to provinces and territories for the purpose of Early Learning and Child Care 6,104,192,877 75,000,000 6,179,192,877 6,179,192,877 5,190,359,972
Workforce Development Agreement 722,000,000 200,000,000 922,000,000 922,000,000 922,000,000
Total—Other transfer payments 6,826,192,877 275,000,000 7,101,192,877 7,101,192,877 6,112,359,972
Total Department 91,902,586,877 (negative 472,088,141) 363,447,674 91,793,946,410 91,495,669,789 298,276,621 85,450,042,187
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
Advancing Accessibility Standards Research 4,250,000 (negative 3,526,454) 723,546 723,546 1,333,495
Advancing Accessibility Standards Research 4,250,000 3,526,454 7,776,454 7,776,454 7,164,680
Total Agency 8,500,000 8,500,000 8,500,000 8,498,175
Total Ministry 91,911,086,877 (negative 472,088,141) 363,447,674 91,802,446,410 91,504,169,789 298,276,621 85,458,540,362

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