Section 7: Revenues

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Current year Previous year
Department of Employment and Social Development
Other revenues
Return on investments Links to footnote 1 in table 1
Cash and accounts receivable
Interest on bank deposits 741,938 262,306
Other accounts
Interest on Canada student loans 14,631,804 13,006,590
Interest on Canada apprentice loans 2,092 554
Payments received for discounted portion of loans 1,174,630 1,289,589
Subtotal 16,550,464 14,559,039
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 42,555,575 37,037,522
Recovery of salary overpayment 119,025 24,224
Adjustments to prior year's payables 15,849,090 22,654,726
Refund of payments related to public health events of national concern and income support 518,631,598 249,979,590
Subtotal 577,155,288 309,696,062
Sales of goods and services
Services of a regulatory nature
Temporary foreign workers 165,757,100 138,274,901
Sundries 265,844 405,562
Subtotal 166,022,944 138,680,463
Services of a non-regulatory nature
Passport 316,019,740 307,324,961
Services provided to Other Government Departments under the Department of Employment and Social Development Act 136,807,649 95,590,593
Canada Education Savings Program 1,300,163 1,123,158
Federal Workers Compensation 3,242,100 3,656,222
Sundries 535,414 264,627
Subtotal 457,905,066 407,959,561
Other fees and charges
Sundries 7,735 8,275
Subtotal 623,935,745 546,648,299
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets
Proceeds from the disposal of capital assets 39,392 42,649
Gain on disposal of non-capital assets 43,206 35,642
Subtotal 82,598 78,291
Miscellaneous revenues
Interest on accounts receivable 588,091 312,154
Gain on foreign currency 26,747 4,501
Crown-owned housing rentals 95,298 55,300
Other revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature
Canada Education Savings program 10,804 17,140
Recovery of administration costs
Employment insurance 2,475,064,756 2,326,848,390
Canada Pension Plan 609,822,888 532,906,588
Recovery of costs from other departments for general administration services
Passport 68,950,991 65,584,616
Services provided to Other Government Department under the Department of Employment and Social Development Act 23,859,240 12,002,470
Employment Insurance Act fines 352,630 107,221
Temporary Foreign Worker Program penalties 2,072,750 1,507,500
Canada Labour Code penalties 388,750 11,000
Annuities account—Actuarial surplus 2,479,642 6,613,213
Civil service insurance fund—Actuarial surplus 98,338 61,634
Legal cost 278,518 301,910
Accounts receivable for small and non-refundable credit balances 9,886 107
Sundries 646,944 366,976
Subtotal 3,184,746,273 2,946,700,720
Total Department 4,402,470,368 3,817,682,411
Canadian Accessibility Standard Development Organization
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 54,694 43,599
Adjustments to prior year's payables 21,417 55,201
Recovery of salary overpayment 356 1,067
Total Agency 76,467 99,867
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Adjustments to prior year's payables 15,738
Sales of goods and services
Sales of goods and information products 7,166,918 5,761,213
Other fees and charges (negative 29,595) 10,965
Subtotal 7,137,323 5,772,178
Total Agency 7,153,061 5,772,178
Ministry Summary
Other revenues
Return on investments 16,550,464 14,559,039
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 577,247,493 309,795,929
Sales of goods and services 631,073,068 552,420,477
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 82,598 78,291
Miscellaneous revenues 3,184,746,273 2,946,700,720
Total Ministry 4,409,699,896 3,823,554,456

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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