Section 7: Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Employment and Social Development
1 Operating expenditures 1,273,326,965 1,273,326,965        
1a Operating expenditures 6,799,395 6,799,395        
1b Operating expenditures 107,795,823 107,795,823        
1c Operating expenditures 56,340,750 56,340,750        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 10Links to footnote 1 in table 1 61,597 61,597        
  TB Vote 15Links to footnote 1 in table 1 141,213,905 141,213,905        
  TB Vote 25Links to footnote 1 in table 1 87,029,716 87,029,716        
  TB Vote 30Links to footnote 1 in table 1 450,524 450,524        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization) (negative 225,000) (negative 225,000)        
  Vote 1 (Office of Infrastructure of Canada) (negative 974,619) (negative 974,619)        
  Vote 1 (Shared Services Canada) (negative 726,572) (negative 726,572)        
  Vote 1 (Treasury Board Secretariat) (negative 55,000) (negative 55,000)        
  Vote 10 (Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 500,000) (negative 500,000)        
  Deemed Appropriations from Vote 1 (Treasury Board Secretariat) Links to footnote 2 in table 1 15,286,122 15,286,122        
  Total—Vote 1 1,273,326,965 170,935,968 241,560,673 1,685,823,606 1,566,730,256 119,093,350 1,362,431,492
5 Grants and contributions 9,892,285,081 9,892,285,081        
5a Grants and contributions 27,000,000 27,000,000        
5b Grants and contributions 308,676,346 308,676,346        
5c Grants and contributions 12,206,836 12,206,836        
  Transfer from Vote 10 (Public Health Agency of Canada) 890,149 890,149        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 10 (Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs) (negative 115,859,132) (negative 115,859,132)        
  Vote 10 (Department of Indigenous Services) (negative 3,332,300) (negative 3,332,300)        
  Total—Vote 5 9,892,285,081 347,883,182 (negative 118,301,283) 10,121,866,980 9,823,590,359 298,276,621 10,079,866,411
10c Debt write-off—Canada Student Loans and Canada Apprentice Loans 215,518,566 215,518,566 212,466,789 3,051,777 220,563,466
Links to footnote S in table 1 Contributions to employee benefit plans 352,942,081 17,186,684 122,337,432 492,466,197 492,466,197 418,526,374
Links to footnote S in table 1 Minister of Families, Children and Social Development—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 94,700 100 94,800 94,800 92,400
Links to footnote S in table 1 Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusions—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 94,700 (negative 64,629) 30,071 30,071 92,400
Links to footnote S in table 1 Minister of Labour—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 94,700 (negative 64,629) 30,071 30,071 92,400
Links to footnote S in table 1 Minister of State (Minister of Seniors)—Motor car allowance (Parliament of Canada Act) 2,000 (negative 1,366) 634 634 2,000
Links to footnote S in table 1 Minister of Citizens' Services—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 64,729 64,729 64,729
Links to footnote S in table 1 Minister of Labour and Seniors—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 64,729 64,729 64,729
Links to footnote S in table 1 Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 64,729 64,729 64,729
Links to footnote S in table 1 Minister of State (Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities)—Motor car allowance (Parliament of Canada Act) 1,366 1,366 1,366
Links to footnote S in table 1 Benefit enhancement measures for the Employment Insurance Operating Account pursuant to subsection 153.111 of the Employment Insurance Act (negative 225,844,483) (negative 225,844,483) (negative 225,844,483) (negative 483,349,821)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Old Age Security Payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 58,126,000,000 (negative 1,005,000,000) 323,856,822 57,444,856,822 57,444,856,822 52,737,283,412
Links to footnote S in table 1 Guaranteed Income Supplement Payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 17,779,000,000 (negative 85,000,000) 336,935,781 18,030,935,781 18,030,935,781 16,100,638,016
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Student Grants to qualifying full and part-time students pursuant to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 1,937,859,143 499,201,074 236,948,766 2,674,008,983 2,674,008,983 3,367,941,806
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Education Savings Grant payments to Registered Education Savings Plan trustees on behalf of Registered Education Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage Canadians to save for post-secondary education for their children (Canada Education Savings Act) 1,040,000,000 (negative 10,000,000) 26,760,570 1,056,760,570 1,056,760,570 1,031,795,731
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments related to the direct financing arrangement under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 1,443,970,740 30,648,045 (negative 10,580,051) 1,464,038,734 1,464,038,734 1,281,695,138
Links to footnote S in table 1 Allowance Payments (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-9) 646,000,000 4,000,000 (negative 41,304,388) 608,695,612 608,695,612 575,161,168
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Disability Savings Grant payments to Registered Disability Savings Plan issuers on behalf of Registered Disability Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage long-term financial security of eligible individuals disabilities (Canada Disability Savings Act) 631,444,065 (negative 171,957,262) 38,287,839 497,774,642 497,774,642 466,813,648
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Disability Savings Bond payments to Registered Disability Savings Plan issuers on behalf of Registered Disability Savings Plan beneficiaries to encourage long-term financial security of eligible individuals with disabilities (Canada Disability Savings Act) 265,962,674 (negative 72,887,482) (negative 7,185,510) 185,889,682 185,889,682 177,800,665
Links to footnote S in table 1 Spending of revenues pursuant to section 5.2(2) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act 388,439,850 125,818,612 (negative 61,023,950) 453,234,512 453,233,575 937 402,943,029
Links to footnote S in table 1 Canada Learning Bond payments to Registered Education Savings Plan trustees on behalf of Registered Education Savings Plan beneficiaries to support access to post-secondary education for children from low-income families (Canada Education Savings Act) 180,000,000 (negative 9,000,000) 5,013,974 176,013,974 176,013,974 156,645,448
Links to footnote S in table 1 Wage Earner Protection Program payments to eligible applicants owed wages and vacation pay, severance pay and termination pay from employers who are either bankrupt or in receivership as well as payments to trustees and receivers who will provide the necessary information to determine eligibility (Wage Earner Protection Program Act) 49,250,000 11,193,879 60,443,879 60,443,879 19,150,841
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments of compensation respecting government employees (R.S.C., 1985, c. G-5) and merchant seamen (R.S.C., 1985, c. M-6) 31,444,511 (negative 17,043,451) 14,401,060 14,401,060 24,496,658
Links to footnote S in table 1 The provision of funds for interest and other payments to lending institutions and liabilities under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 347,209 (negative 45,412) (negative 411,989) (negative 110,192) (negative 110,192) 4,098,451
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments related to the direct financing arrangement under the Apprentice Loans Act 3,811,610 939,894 20,703 4,772,207 4,772,207 2,883,127
Links to footnote S in table 1 Universal Child Care Benefit (Universal Child Care Benefit Act) 900,000 1,100,000 (negative 6,417,107) (negative 4,417,107) (negative 4,417,107) (negative 1,479,517)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Civil Service Insurance actuarial liability adjustments (Civil Service Insurance Act) 145,000 (negative 145,000)
Links to footnote S in table 1 The provision of funds for interest payments to lending institutions under the Canada Student Loans Act 415 415 415 1,962
Links to footnote S in table 1 The provision of funds for liabilities including liabilities in the form of guaranteed loans under the Canada Student Loans Act (negative 1,161,307) (negative 292,437) (negative 1,453,744) (negative 1,453,744) (negative 1,759,986)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 78,291 82,598 160,889 76,585 1,706 82,598 205,468
Links to footnote S in table 1 Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years 598,095 598,095 598,095 710,474
Links to footnote S in table 1 Spending pursuant to section 12(4) of the Canada Education Savings Act 892,456 980,914 1,873,370 892,456 980,914 869,630
Links to footnote S in table 1 One-time payment to persons with disabilities pursuant to An Act respecting further COVID-19 measures (negative 11,100) (negative 11,100) (negative 11,100) (negative 52,700)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments for the Canada Recovery Benefit pursuant to the Canada Recovery Benefits Act 60,488,723 4,661,541 (negative 189,957,223) (negative 124,806,959) (negative 124,806,959) (negative 113,235,624)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments for the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit pursuant to the Canada Recovery Benefits Act 15,877,753 14,410,894 (negative 20,178,995) 10,109,652 10,109,652 144,384,091
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments for the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit pursuant to the Canada Recovery Benefits Act 17,821,488 474,838 (negative 10,140,245) 8,156,081 8,156,081 155,397,060
Links to footnote S in table 1 Supplementary payment to seniors (Old Age Security 75 years old and over) pursuant to the Budget Implementation Act, 2021, No. 1 (negative 52,700) (negative 52,700) (negative 52,700) 621,825
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments for the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit pursuant to the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit Act 15,869,252 (negative 787,009) (negative 2,268,779) 12,813,464 12,813,464 18,910,388
  Total budgetary 970,747 94,152,310,938 78,102,133 633,484,799 94,864,868,617 94,443,380,714 420,424,391 1,063,512 88,152,237,331
Links to footnote S in table 1 Links to footnote L in table 1 Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (Net) 150,440,584 1,255,256,815 672,435,867 2,078,133,266 2,078,133,266 355,086,730
Links to footnote S in table 1 Links to footnote L in table 1 Loans disbursed under the Apprentice Loans Act 11,079,066 5,007,911 2,939,158 19,026,135 19,026,135 6,787,983
Links to footnote S in table 1 Links to footnote L in table 1 Advance issued to Provincial Workers Compensation boards under the Government Employees Compensation Act 3,427,000 3,427,000 3,427,000
  Total non-budgetary 161,519,650 1,260,264,726 678,802,025 2,100,586,401 2,100,586,401 361,874,713
  Total Department—Budgetary 970,747 94,152,310,938 78,102,133 633,484,799 94,864,868,617 94,443,380,714 420,424,391 1,063,512 88,152,237,331
  Total Department—Non-budgetary 161,519,650 1,260,264,726 678,802,025 2,100,586,401 2,100,586,401 361,874,713
  Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
1 Operating expenditures 11,892,041 11,892,041        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Department of Employment and Social Development) 225,000 225,000        
  TB Vote 15Links to footnote 1 in table 1 127,500 127,500        
  TB Vote 25Links to footnote 1 in table 1 576,879 576,879        
  Total—Vote 1 11,892,041 929,379 12,821,420 12,072,196 749,224 9,775,776
5 Grants and contributions 8,500,000 8,500,000 8,500,000 8,498,175
Links to footnote S in table 1 Contributions to employee benefit plans 823,871 193,138 1,017,009 1,017,009 792,650
  Total Agency—Budgetary 21,215,912 1,122,517 22,338,429 21,589,205 749,224 19,066,601
  Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
1 Program expenditures 5,234,213 5,234,213        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Links to footnote 1 in table 1 1,550,928 1,550,928        
  TB Vote 30Links to footnote 1 in table 1 301,194 301,194        
  Total—Vote 1 5,234,213 1,852,122 7,086,335 6,389,195 697,140 4,577,121
Links to footnote S in table 1 Contributions to employee benefit plans 689,635 874,063 1,563,698 1,563,698 1,418,995
Links to footnote S in table 1 Spending of Revenues pursuant to paragraph 6(1)(g) of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act 7,549,362 4,500,000 2,046,681 14,096,043 7,059,617 7,036,426 7,159,253
  Total Agency—Budgetary 7,549,362 10,423,848 4,772,866 22,746,076 15,012,510 697,140 7,036,426 13,155,369
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 8,520,109 94,183,950,698 78,102,133 639,380,182 94,909,953,122 94,479,982,429 421,870,755 8,099,938 88,184,459,301
  Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 161,519,650 1,260,264,726 678,802,025 2,100,586,401 2,100,586,401 361,874,713

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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