Section 9: Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of Finance
Economic and Fiscal Policy 44,367,297,232 44,289,494,130 91,172,103,768 91,164,253,768 135,539,401,000 135,453,747,898 76,583,974,303 76,583,974,303
Internal Services 58,042,663 57,703,035 150,000 57,892,663 57,703,035
Subtotal 44,425,339,895 44,347,197,165 91,172,103,768 91,164,253,768 150,000 135,597,293,663 135,511,450,933 76,583,974,303 76,583,974,303
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 150,000) (negative 150,000)
Total Department 44,425,189,895 44,347,197,165 91,172,103,768 91,164,253,768 135,597,293,663 135,511,450,933 76,583,974,303 76,583,974,303
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 35,000,000,000
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Protection of financial consumers 19,396,399 19,396,399 19,396,399 19,396,399
Internal Services 33,970,777 33,970,777 33,970,777 33,970,777
Total Agency 53,367,176 53,367,176 53,367,176 53,367,176
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Legislation and Regulations 31,310,712 30,938,502 31,310,712 30,938,502
Production and Dissemination of Financial Intelligence 25,834,868 25,037,459 25,834,868 25,037,459
Internal Services 62,811,912 42,646,958 62,811,912 42,646,958
Total Agency 119,957,492 98,622,919 119,957,492 98,622,919
Office of the Auditor General
Legislative Auditing 139,208,091 136,734,801 2,660,000 1,805,047 136,548,091 134,929,754
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 2,660,000) (negative 1,805,047) (negative 2,660,000) (negative 1,805,047)
Total Agency 136,548,091 134,929,754 136,548,091 134,929,754
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Financial Institution and Pension Plan Regulation and Supervision 197,433,969 162,579,294 810,000 198,243,969 162,579,294
Actuarial Services to Federal Government Organizations 11,891,119 11,745,076 11,891,119 11,745,076
Internal Services 133,662,145 137,147,390 26,000,000 159,662,145 137,147,390
Total Agency 342,987,233 311,471,760 26,810,000 369,797,233 311,471,760
Royal Canadian Mint 75,000,000
Total Ministry 45,078,049,887 44,945,588,774 26,810,000 91,172,103,768 91,164,253,768 136,276,963,655 136,109,842,542 111,658,974,303 76,583,974,303

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