Section 15: Transfer payments

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Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Green and Inclusive Community Building Grant 135,656,646 (negative 134,480,923) 1,175,723 1,175,723 501,506
Natural Infrastructure Fund Grants 15,000,000 (negative 14,279,188) 720,812 720,812
Reaching Home: Canada's Homelessness Strategy 11,115,295 1,216,852 12,332,147 11,976,468 355,679 10,274,748
Active Transportation Grants 3,000,000 2,976,745 (negative 2,602,231) 3,374,514 3,374,514 6,632,870
Rural Transit Solutions Grants 2,000,000 500,000 (negative 2,225,717) 274,283 274,283 1,514,135
Total—Grants 166,771,941 4,693,597 (negative 153,588,059) 17,877,479 17,521,800 355,679 18,923,259
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program 3,547,403,491 168,214,852 3,715,618,343 2,040,641,021 1,674,977,322 1,894,973,848
New Building Canada Fund—Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component—National and Regional Projects 972,025,351 64,785,987 1,036,811,338 996,804,223 40,007,115 701,132,142
Contributions to not-for-profit organizations, individuals, municipal governments, Band/tribal councils and other Indigenous organizations, public health and educational institutions, Régies régionales, for-profit enterprises, research organizations and research institutes to support activities to help alleviate and prevent homelessness across Canada and to carry out research on homelessness to help communities better understand and more effectively address homelessness issues 486,101,501 4,033,148 100,000,000 590,134,649 583,056,877 7,077,772 472,455,466
Permanent Public Transit Program 475,333,152 (negative 2,900,000) (negative 270,671,031) 201,762,121 48,468,761 153,293,360 1,209,777
Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund 295,350,211 2,245,395 133,421,013 431,016,619 331,016,619 100,000,000 227,796,552
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program 288,470,283 92,572,172 381,042,455 231,822,177 149,220,278 33,659,003
New Building Canada Fund—National Infrastructure Component 177,936,156 (negative 42,615,144) 135,321,012 135,321,012 225,404,565
Contributions under the Building Canada Fund Major Infrastructure Component 125,069,843 7,007,876 132,077,719 132,077,719 224,351,592
Public Transit Infrastructure Fund 92,604,902 (negative 79,988,413) 12,616,489 12,616,489 76,832,595
New Building Canada Fund—Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component—Small Communities Fund 61,792,792 16,899,696 78,692,488 78,113,081 579,407 155,222,473
Natural Infrastructure Fund 53,780,839 6,718,430 60,499,269 10,499,269 50,000,000
Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative 35,792,061 (negative 19,208,728) 16,583,333 16,583,333 115,147,969
Contributions under the Green Infrastructure Fund 33,116,561 (negative 31,064,052) 2,052,509 2,052,509 21,271,252
Asset Management Fund 25,405,256 25,405,256 25,405,256
Clean Water and Wastewater Fund 21,690,249 (negative 11,990,132) 9,700,117 8,389,604 1,310,513 18,778,624
Contributions under the Smart Cities Challenge 15,677,135 23,295,485 38,972,620 12,034,485 26,938,135 25,028,844
Payments for commitments of Public-Private Partnerships Canada Fund of Public-Private Partnerships Canada 12,987,430 226,507,450 239,494,880 239,494,855 25 7,279,352
Contributions under the Border Infrastructure Fund 10,754,154 3,719,022 14,473,176 1,893,403 12,579,773
Contributions under the Building Canada Fund Communities Component 10,553,956 (negative 7,800,933) 2,753,023 2,753,023 12,693,128
Research and Knowledge Initiative 3,881,187 (negative 1,204,477) 2,676,710 2,676,710 1,427,766
Contributions under the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund 2,520,005 (negative 2,520,005) 20,192,035
Canada Healthy Communities Initiative 1,320,000 1,320,000 1,320,000 27,115,250
Supporting Climate Resilient Infrastructure Initiative—Climate Toolkits 406,937 406,937 406,937
Total—Contributions 6,749,566,515 229,885,993 149,978,555 7,129,431,063 4,913,447,363 2,215,983,700 4,261,972,233
Other transfer payments
Veteran Homelessness Program 15,484,740 15,484,740 15,484,740
Links to footnote S in table 1 Contributions related to the Canada Community-Building Fund (Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act) 2,367,617,331 2,367,617,331 2,367,617,331 2,268,966,610
Total—Other transfer payments 2,367,617,331 15,484,740 2,383,102,071 2,367,617,331 15,484,740 2,268,966,610
Total Department 9,283,955,787 250,064,330 (negative 3,609,504) 9,530,410,613 7,298,586,494 2,231,824,119 6,549,862,102
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Other transfer payments
Links to footnote S in table 1 Subsidies to electoral district associations' auditors 1,620,000 (negative 1,620,000)
Total Agency 1,620,000 (negative 1,620,000)
Total Ministry 9,285,575,787 250,064,330 (negative 5,229,504) 9,530,410,613 7,298,586,494 2,231,824,119 6,549,862,102Links to footnote 1 in table 1

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