Section 17: Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of Justice
Justice System Support 69,596,355 69,179,560 691,665,391 681,510,956 761,261,746 750,690,516
Legal Services 655,901,105 643,286,871 416,634,624 416,634,624 239,266,481 226,652,247
Internal Services 194,880,557 187,111,572 54,468,106 54,468,106 140,412,451 132,643,466
Subtotal 920,378,017 899,578,003 691,665,391 681,510,956 471,102,730 471,102,730 1,140,940,678 1,109,986,229
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 471,102,730) (negative 471,102,730) (negative 471,102,730) (negative 471,102,730)
Total Department 449,275,287 428,475,273 691,665,391 681,510,956 1,140,940,678 1,109,986,229
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Support services and facilities to federal administrative tribunals and its members 101,793,979 93,849,962 36,746,500 30,956,388 65,047,479 62,893,574
Internal Services 28,860,098 28,359,032 2,971,251 2,560,045 25,888,847 25,798,987
Subtotal 130,654,077 122,208,994 39,717,751 33,516,433 90,936,326 88,692,561
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 39,717,751) (negative 33,516,433) (negative 39,717,751) (negative 33,516,433)
Total Agency 90,936,326 88,692,561 90,936,326 88,692,561
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Proactive Compliance 7,776,543 8,627,466 7,776,543 8,627,466
Complaints 14,210,765 13,706,079 14,210,765 13,706,079
Engagement and Advocacy 9,619,439 7,373,685 9,619,439 7,373,685
Internal Services 16,749,809 17,275,691 2,104,448 2,104,448 14,645,361 15,171,243
Subtotal 48,356,556 46,982,921 2,104,448 2,104,448 46,252,108 44,878,473
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 2,104,448) (negative 2,104,448) (negative 2,104,448) (negative 2,104,448)
Total Agency 46,252,108 44,878,473 46,252,108 44,878,473
Courts Administration Service
Administration Services for the Federal Courts 96,146,653 83,695,159 96,146,653 83,695,159
Internal Services 44,067,701 41,432,510 44,067,701 41,432,510
Total Agency 140,214,354 125,127,669 140,214,354 125,127,669
Law Commission of Canada
Law Review 2,767,355 852,302 2,767,355 852,302
Internal Services 1,702,811 933,845 1,702,811 933,845
Total Agency 4,470,166 1,786,147 4,470,166 1,786,147
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Administrative support to federally appointed judges 753,515,921 751,993,164 275,000 753,240,921 751,993,164
Internal Services 726,800 726,800 726,800 726,800
Subtotal 754,242,721 752,719,964 275,000 753,967,721 752,719,964
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 275,000) (negative 275,000)
Total Agency 753,967,721 752,719,964 753,967,721 752,719,964
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Prosecution Services 214,624,693 196,416,303 22,542,000 15,201,716 192,082,693 181,214,587
Internal Services 43,668,136 42,006,211 200,000 93,033 43,468,136 41,913,178
Subtotal 258,292,829 238,422,514 22,742,000 15,294,749 235,550,829 223,127,765
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 22,742,000) (negative 15,294,749) (negative 22,742,000) (negative 15,294,749)
Total Agency 235,550,829 223,127,765 235,550,829 223,127,765
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Protection of privacy rights 25,840,147 24,746,759 500,000 496,464 26,340,147 25,243,223
Government Transparency 12,768,414 12,399,597 12,768,414 12,399,597
Internal Services—Office of the Privacy Commissioner 9,998,158 9,591,706 238,138 238,138 9,760,020 9,353,568
Internal Services—Office of the Information Commissioner 5,936,039 5,764,576 5,936,039 5,764,576
Subtotal 54,542,758 52,502,638 500,000 496,464 238,138 238,138 54,804,620 52,760,964
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 238,138) (negative 238,138) (negative 238,138) (negative 238,138)
Total Agency 54,304,620 52,264,500 500,000 496,464 54,804,620 52,760,964
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
The administration of Canada's final court of appeal 31,961,309 31,247,610 31,961,309 31,247,610
Internal Services 17,694,824 17,114,215 17,694,824 17,114,215
Total Agency 49,656,133 48,361,825 49,656,133 48,361,825
Total Ministry 1,824,627,544 1,765,434,177 692,165,391 682,007,420 2,516,792,935 2,447,441,597

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