Section 18: Details of respendable amounts

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Authorities available for use in the current year Authorities used in the current year Authorities used in the previous year
Department of National Defence
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Ready Forces
Recovery from members 6,399,389 1,681,092 6,237,274
Recovery from other government departments 1,320,796 1,623,552 1,693,694
Recovery from other governments/UN/NATO 93,164,223 75,169,395 85,065,691
Other Recoveries 7,934,174 7,713,455 8,970,760
Subtotal 108,818,582 86,187,494 101,967,419
Procurement of Capabilities
Recovery from members 5,646
Other Recoveries 3,405 3,960
Subtotal 9,051 3,960
Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure
Recovery from members 138,762,381 133,502,793 138,983,413
Recovery from other government departments 9,724,534 9,948,931 10,887,852
Recovery from other governments/UN/NATO 185,985 255,878 640,421
Other Recoveries 22,307,290 24,105,089 22,622,326
Subtotal 170,980,190 167,812,691 173,134,012
Defence Team
Recovery from members 10,537,885 10,643,926 10,593,335
Recovery from other government departments 30,000 228,546 243,867
Other Recoveries 51,211,358 55,385,316 50,787,468
Subtotal 61,779,243 66,257,788 61,624,670
Future Force Design
Recovery from members 7,860
Recovery from other governments/UN/NATO 107,204
Other Recoveries 334,443 323,061 237,308
Subtotal 334,443 438,125 237,308
Recovery from members 154,009 17,042 43,734
Recovery from other government departments 23,312
Recovery from other governments/UN/NATO 2,100
Other Recoveries 63,340 75,596 103,491
Subtotal 219,449 92,638 170,537
Internal Services
Recovery from members 12,828,432 10,228,124 11,689,236
Recovery from other government departments 50 34,128
Recovery from other governments/UN/NATO 306,873
Other recoveries 1,364,658 5,052,336 2,025,954
Subtotal 14,500,013 15,314,588 13,715,190
Total budgetary 356,640,971 336,107,284 350,849,136
Non-budgetary (respendable receipts)
Ready Forces 46,879,247 46,879,247 83,982,252
Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure 371,630,689 371,630,689 294,312,742
Defence Team 20,031,587 20,031,587 20,256,388
Operations 94,540,035 94,540,035 76,651,060
Total non-budgetary 533,081,558 533,081,558 475,202,442
Total Department—Budgetary 356,640,971 336,107,284 350,849,136
Total Department—Non-budgetary 533,081,558 533,081,558 475,202,442
Communications Security Establishment
Budgetary (respendable revenues)
Defend and advance Canada's interests and values in and through cyberspace, and through foreign intelligence 19,849,256 18,404,766 16,699,573
Total Agency—Budgetary 19,849,256 18,404,766 16,699,573
Total Ministry—Budgetary 376,490,227 354,512,050 367,548,709
Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 533,081,558 533,081,558 475,202,442

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