Section 4: Revenues

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Current year Previous year
Department of Canadian Heritage
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 1,195,399 1,330,940
Adjustments to prior year's payables 5,965,616 2,104,372
Total 7,161,015 3,435,312
Sales of goods and services
Lease and use of public property 15,076 19,524
Services of a non-regulatory nature 7,220,983 7,826,531
Sales of goods and information products 156,054 10,295
Other fees and charges 3,027,461 3,332,224
Total 10,419,574 11,188,574
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 11,450 14,153
Miscellaneous revenues
Interest and penalties 235,403 103,662
Proceeds from federal-provincial lotteries 89,288,442 86,279,397
Sundries 53,075 133,803
Total 89,576,920 86,516,862
Total Department 107,168,959 101,154,901
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 193,013 143,694
Adjustments to prior year's payables 14,535 2,213
Total 207,548 145,907
Sales of goods and services
Rights and privileges 123,709,535
Services of a regulatory nature
Broadcasting License Fees Part I 34,819,213 34,021,486
Telecommunications Fees 46,352,827 47,519,996
Unsolicited Telecommunications Fees 3,095,748 3,300,000
Deferred revenue 146,673
Subtotal 84,267,788 84,988,155
Other fees and charges
Deferred Revenue (negative 146,673)
Total 84,121,115 208,697,690
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 49,875
Miscellaneous revenues
Interest and penalties 149,301 83,266
Gains on foreign exchange 369 1,328
Other miscellaneous revenues 1,051,320 682,605
Total 1,200,990 767,199
Total Agency 85,579,528 209,610,796
Library and Archives of Canada
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 122,033 81,749
Adjustments to prior year's payables 32,780 8,650
Recovery of salary overpayment, receivable transferred from other government departments 29,368 43,369
Total 184,181 133,768
Sales of goods and services
Rights and privileges 67,658
Lease and use of public property 113,100
Services of a non-regulatory nature 1,024
Sales of goods and information products 162,196 402,568
Other fees and charges
Other revenues generated by Photo Duplication Services 2,974,406 2,614,138
Total 3,318,384 3,016,706
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 3,970 2,573
Miscellaneous revenues
Net gain on exchange 6,413
Other miscellaneous revenues 13,509
Total 6,413 13,509
Total Agency 3,512,948 3,166,556
National Film Board
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 67,900 21,052
Sales of goods and services
Rights and privileges 1,255,213 1,211,105
Services of a non-regulatory nature 45,903 28,848
Sales of goods and information products
Sales of goods and information products 3,537,599 2,867,383
Deferred revenue 83,350 (negative 87,509)
Subtotal 3,620,949 2,779,874
Other fees and charges
Gains on foreign exchange revaluations at year-end 6,121 28,028
Total 4,928,186 4,047,855
Miscellaneous revenues
Interest and penalties 427
Gifts to the crown 15,200
Subtotal 15,200 427
Total Agency 5,011,286 4,069,334
The National Battlefields Commission
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 3,081
Adjustments to prior year's payables 8,087
Total 11,168
Sales of goods and services
Rights and privileges 2,695
Lease and use of public property 2,061,077
Services of a non-regulatory nature 357,612
Sales of goods and information products 30,160
Other fees and charges
Section 29.1 of the Financial Administration Act 111,500 2,395,340
Total 2,563,044 2,395,340
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 54,925
Total Agency 2,629,137 2,395,340
Ministry Summary
Other revenues
Refunds of previous years' expenditures 7,631,812 3,736,039
Sales of goods and services 105,350,303 229,346,165
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 120,220 16,726
Miscellaneous revenues 90,799,523 87,297,997
Total Ministry 203,901,858 320,396,927

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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