Section 26: Budgetary details by allotment

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Allotments Expenditures Lapsed or
Available for use in subsequent years
Department of Public Works and Government Services
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 1,408,798,087 1,359,932,767 48,865,320
Receiver General and central compensation administration function 131,657,270 130,442,089 1,215,181
Real property services 2,554,493,265 2,554,493,265
Linguistic services 53,921,816 53,921,816
Advertising initiatives 1,000,000 301,337 698,663
Cape Breton operation 21,475,029 20,877,918 597,111
Post implementation of pay system 436,742,988 436,742,988
Pre-planning for capital, fit-up and non-capital specific projects 128,094,574 128,094,574
e-Procurement Solution 20,183,514 8,167,302 12,016,212
Innovative Solutions Canada 8,800,001 3,243,282 5,556,719
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 25,643,484 25,643,484
Transferred or reallocated 4,342,535 4,342,535
Reduction 21,847,250 21,847,250
Other 7,670 7,670
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 1,491,701,881) (negative 1,490,604,384) (negative 1,097,497)
Subtotal 3,325,305,602 3,205,612,954 119,692,648
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 1,528,539,743 1,515,983,146 12,556,597
Real property capital leases 145,646,322 144,997,409 648,913
Real property refit / fit-up 185,589,696 185,589,696
Post implementation of pay system 43,505,214 43,505,214
Frozen Allotments
Transferred or reallocated 4,094,029 4,094,029
Reduction 17,653,750 17,653,750
Subtotal 1,925,028,754 1,890,075,465 34,953,289
Vote 10—Optional Services Revolving Fund
Optional Services Revolving Fund 1 1
Statutory amounts 696,487,910 279,592,966 64,556 416,830,388
Total 5,946,822,267 5,375,281,385 154,710,494 416,830,388
Canada Post Corporation
Vote 1—Payments to the Corporation for special purposes
Payments to Crown Corporation 22,210,000 22,210,000
National Capital Commission
Vote 1—Payments to the Commission for operating expenditures
Payments to Crown Corporation 71,861,980 71,861,980
Vote 5—Payments to the Commission for capital expenditures
Payments to Crown Corporation 25,040,049 25,040,049
Total 96,902,029 96,902,029
Shared Services Canada
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 3,273,548,119 3,196,960,018 76,588,101
Secure mobile communications 969,010 969,010
Innovative Solutions Canada 11,051,636 4,421,643 6,629,993
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 39,217,282 39,217,282
Transferred or reallocated 19,854,246 19,854,246
Reduction 16,014,000 16,014,000
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 851,157,623) (negative 851,157,623)
Subtotal 2,509,496,670 2,350,224,038 159,272,632
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 360,775,038 332,908,473 27,866,565
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 29,989,050 29,989,050
Transferred or reallocated 1,844 1,844
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 60,000,000) (negative 49,278,253) (negative 10,721,747)
Subtotal 330,765,932 283,630,220 47,135,712
Statutory amounts 156,934,338 156,934,338
Total 2,997,196,940 2,790,788,596 206,408,344
Total Ministry 9,063,131,236 8,285,182,010 361,118,838 416,830,388

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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