Infrastructure and Communities

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

This statement presents, by province and territory, and for each federal-provincial shared-cost program, the current year and previous year expenditures and the expenditures from inception of the program. Programs are reported year after year until completion, even if there is no expenditure in a given year. An (f) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates the programs completed in the current year. An (a) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates that an amount from the previous year's Public Accounts of Canada has been amended.

Table 1:(in thousands of dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Department and agency Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Total provinces Northwest Territories Nunavut Yukon Territory Total
Infrastructure and Communities
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Active Transportation Fund—Grants
2023–2024 50 50 50
2022–2023 Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 50 50 50Link to table note (a)
Border Infrastructure Fund
2023–2024 1,893 1,893 1,893
Expenditures from inception 30,000 133,876 293,788 5,000 88,000 550,664 550,664
Building Canada Fund—Communities Component
2023–2024 2,753 2,753 2,753
2022–2023 12,693 12,693 12,693Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 329,707 337,419 40,771 97,653 805,550 805,550Link to table note (a)
Building Canada Fund—Major Infrastructure Component
2023–2024 2,250 42,018 85,464 1,840 506 132,078 132,078
2022–2023 18,829 134,045 15 4,997 157,886 157,886Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 73,533 13,156 198,248 15,990 1,291,847 1,150,175 113,463 136,392 698,078 689,530 4,380,412 4,380,412Link to table note (a)
Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund
2022–2023 8,350 11,842 20,192 20,192Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 99,550 20,230 105,500 362,100 943,397 710,623 363,787 92,700 300,000 285,000 3,282,887 65,000 40,000 39,936 3,427,823Link to table note (a)
Clean Water and Wastewater Fund
2023–2024 1,858 1,380 979 4,066 8,283 107 8,390
2022–2023 2,759 873 416 828 599 11,849 17,324 817 634 18,775Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 66,250 44,224 82,800 77,008 306,856 507,820 85,691 87,957 181,749 218,074 1,658,429 47,967 37,193 46,003 1,789,592Link to table note (a)
Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund
2023–2024 5,281 486 2,785 40,029 721 18,211 12,894 80,407 13,514 93,921
2022–2023 2,684 2,926 2,576 12,800 4,177 5,932 15,408 46,503 46,503Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 7,966 10,521 5,361 52,829 9,629 31,502 32,923 150,731 13,514 164,245Link to table note (a)
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program—Contributions
2023–2024 2,080 15,680 3,950 19,950 10,807 7,022 24,561 84,050 24,200 108,250
2022–2023 2,376 1,383 4,540 11 8,310 8,310Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 2,080 18,055 5,333 19,950 15,347 7,033 24,561 92,359 24,200 116,559Link to table note (a)
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program—Grants
2022–2023 160 160 160Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 160 160 160Link to table note (a)
Green Infrastructure Fund
2023–2024 2,053 2,053 2,053
2022–2023 11,604 9,667 21,271 21,271Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 64,653 48,219 218,233 9,900 180,000 521,005 71,000 592,005Link to table note (a)
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program
2023–2024 59,409 68,477 55,881 79,813 223,684 440,386 91,507 160,568 371,274 379,376 1,930,375 25,208 29,799 53,376 2,038,758
2022–2023 42,593 61,574 41,422 65,609 324,924 506,444 79,023 72,630 233,706 329,345 1,757,270 40,448 10,569 64,692 1,872,979Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 180,055 245,126 216,135 206,471 945,083 1,340,517 195,594 366,298 867,327 1,226,218 5,788,824 143,004 61,496 228,541 6,221,865Link to table note (a)
New Building Canada Fund—National Infrastructure Component
2023–2024 3,415 66,115 39,070 14,843 123,443 7,309 130,752
2022–2023 15,534 56,217 44,290 89,181 205,222 15,723 220,945Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 68,300 259,110 433,225 296,870 1,057,505 24,766 1,082,271Link to table note (a)
New Building Canada Fund—Provincial–Territorial Infrastructure Component—National and Regional Projects
2023–2024 7,241 11,022 50,426 29,486 237,881 376,821 42,831 17,720 123,510 94,422 991,360 1,444 992,804
2022–2023 17,062 13,350 38,328 27,180 30,858 353,929 35,784 35,821 74,651 67,546 694,509 1,080 4,343 699,932Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 289,339 138,052 296,496 235,467 601,863 1,853,834 347,140 355,500 723,816 744,584 5,586,091 72,000 79,391 5,737,482Link to table note (a)
New Building Canada Fund—Provincial–Territorial Infrastructure—Small Communities Fund
2023–2024 1,263 1,309 1,193 7,754 25,696 1,486 1,767 409 40,877 18,452 1,368 17,416 78,113
2022–2023 733 774 2,139 2,131 21,736 29,362 260 1,773 4,228 3,677 66,813 28,597 6,547 52,137 154,094Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 31,378 7,797 37,401 37,990 144,258 226,079 46,077 41,254 79,006 100,787 752,027 157,605 85,735 221,967 1,217,334Link to table note (a)
Public Transit Infrastructure Fund
2023–2024 12,616 12,616 12,616
2022–2023 37,164 37,986 92 1,464 76,706 76,706Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 3,025 635 31,555 8,580 599,731 1,400,367 65,923 28,390 344,551 420,600 2,903,357 254 785 2,904,396Link to table note (a)
Rural Transit Solutions Fund—Grants
2022–2023 50 50 50Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 50 50 50Link to table note (a)
Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative
2023–2024 16,583 16,583 16,583
2022–2023 115,148 115,148 115,148Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 345,749 345,749 345,749Link to table note (a)
Zero Emission Transit Fund
2023–2024 180 180 180
2022–2023 Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 180 180 180Link to table note (a)
Total ministry
2023–2024 77,524 79,499 123,782 116,692 638,708 970,947 145,145 179,774 563,673 531,257 3,427,001 57,174 56,918 78,101 3,619,194
2022–2023 63,072 75,698 87,191 113,190 539,317 1,203,473 120,115 111,052 364,896 522,053 3,200,057 70,942 22,093 132,552 3,425,644
Expenditures from inception 753,176 533,873 996,711 1,047,427 5,662,159 8,414,183 1,283,693 1,211,144 3,666,287 4,307,377 27,876,030 499,344 328,015 632,998 29,336,387

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