Natural Resources

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

This statement presents, by province and territory, and for each federal-provincial shared-cost program, the current year and previous year expenditures and the expenditures from inception of the program. Programs are reported year after year until completion, even if there is no expenditure in a given year. An (f) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates the programs completed in the current year. An (a) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates that an amount from the previous year's Public Accounts of Canada has been amended.

Table 1:(in thousands of dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Department and agency Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Total provinces Northwest Territories Nunavut Yukon Territory Total
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Canada–Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board
2023–2024 121 121 121
2022–2023 519 519 519
Expenditures from inception 86,268 86,268 86,268
Canada–Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
2023–2024 2,595 2,595 2,595
2022–2023 1,914 1,914 1,914
Expenditures from inception 48,865 48,865 48,865
Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program
2023–2024 1,548 243 1,589 1,124 3,143 680 930 822 4,030 14,109 503 600 991 16,203
2022–2023 534 178 185 2,295 2,976 631 470 364 500 8,133 153 85 8,371
Expenditures from inception 2,082 421 1,774 4,007 6,281 1,400 1,506 1,186 4,530 23,187 727 600 1,076 25,590
Total ministry
2023–2024 1,669 243 4,184 1,124 3,143 680 930 822 4,030 16,825 503 600 991 18,919
2022–2023 1,053 178 2,099 2,295 2,976 631 470 364 500 10,566 153 85 10,804
Expenditures from inception 88,350 421 50,639 4,007 6,281 1,400 1,506 1,186 4,530 158,320 727 600 1,076 160,723

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Bottom of the page Navigation

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