
Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

This statement presents, by province and territory, and for each federal-provincial shared-cost program, the current year and previous year expenditures and the expenditures from inception of the program. Programs are reported year after year until completion, even if there is no expenditure in a given year. An (f) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates the programs completed in the current year. An (a) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates that an amount from the previous year's Public Accounts of Canada has been amended.

Table 1:(in thousands of dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Department and agency Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Total provinces Northwest Territories Nunavut Yukon Territory Total
Department of Transport
Canada–Quebec Agreement on the St. Lawrence
2023–2024 8 8 8
2022–2023 20 20 20
Expenditures from inception 342 342 342
National Trade Corridors Fund
2023–2024 167 94,991 3,972 11,097 7,583 117,810 5,407 46,098 60,962 230,277
2022–2023 4,921 6,216 3,022 3,863 18,022 4,265 8,226 47,375 77,888
Expenditures from inception 167 102,903 15,173 18,910 50,851 12,307 200,311 16,966 55,745 145,261 418,283
Outaouais Road Development
2023–2024 584 584 584
2022–2023 1,489 1,489 1,489
Expenditures from inception 150,348 150,348 150,348
Rail Safety Improvement Program
2023–2024 179 10 50 239 239
2022–2023 25 78 103 103
Expenditures from inception 2,442 531 30 409 1,093 40 582 5,127 5,127
Road Safety Transfer Payment Program
2023–2024 456 285 592 535 2,851 4,540 700 638 1,555 2,326 14,478 313 312 15,103
2022–2023 207 161 220 207 748 3,697 336 228 2,265 2,588 10,657 153 153 10,963
Expenditures from inception 5,604 4,619 7,877 6,457 23,261 39,834 7,905 7,739 17,855 16,876 138,027 4,061 250 4,257 146,595
Safety Equipment and Basic Marine Infrastructure for Northern Communities Initiative
2023–2024 1,534 1,534
2022–2023 1,106 607 1,713
Expenditures from inception 19,850 958 20,808
Zero Emission Trucking Program
2023–2024 16 16 16
Expenditures from inception 16 16 16
Total ministry
2023–2024 623 285 95,583 4,507 3,622 4,540 700 11,745 1,555 9,975 133,135 7,254 46,098 61,274 247,761
2022–2023 207 161 5,141 6,423 2,257 3,697 361 3,328 2,265 6,451 30,291 5,524 8,833 47,528 92,176
Expenditures from inception 5,771 4,619 110,780 24,072 193,392 39,864 8,314 59,683 17,895 29,781 494,171 40,877 56,953 149,518 741,519
Grand total
2023–2024 386,683 240,578 581,871 473,281 3,437,925 5,420,846 917,604 1,399,566 2,476,760 2,142,807 17,477,921 203,436 150,555 181,206 18,013,118
2022–2023 318,099 174,393 416,971 422,634 3,306,425 5,272,104 1,124,066 1,036,114 2,351,102 3,335,904 17,757,812 171,796 62,313 219,005 18,210,926
Expenditures from inception 4,095,014 1,886,818 4,465,426 5,157,395 34,014,492 44,722,455 10,121,864 15,326,778 21,620,041 18,691,162 160,101,445 1,221,361 697,713 1,156,132 163,176,651

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Bottom of the page Navigation

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