6.2 Program codes: Detailed for 2021 to 2022

The Program codes in the government-wide Chart of Accounts are included in this section, as approved by departments and agencies, as well as the Treasury Board of Canada. This program classification is used to account for the use of resources to promote overall government program objectives.

6. Program codes: Summary for 2021 to 2022

Agriculture and Agri-Food
Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Domestic and International Markets


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides programs and services and works in collaboration with the sector to support its competitiveness at home and abroad.  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada also works to increase opportunities for the sector to export its products by maintaining and expanding market access and advancing agricultural interests internationally.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Trade and Market Expansion

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Sector Engagement and Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Farm Products Council of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Dairy Programs

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Markets and Trade

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Food Policy Initiatives

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Science and Innovation


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada conducts scientific research, develops new knowledge and new technologies, and transfers the results to the agriculture and agri-food sector.  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada also works with industry and other partners to strengthen the sector's capacity to develop and adopt innovative practices, products and processes. 

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Foundational Science and Research

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Science, Research, Innovation and Environment

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Sector Risk


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides tools to mitigate the financial impact of risks beyond producers' control that threaten the viability of their operation.  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada also works with the sector to ensure that systems, standards and tools are developed to support its ability to prevent and control risks and address market demands.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Loan Guarantee Programs

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Farm Debt Mediation Service

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Pest Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Assurance Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Assurance

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Return of Payments

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Mandatory Isolation Support for Temporary Foreign Workers Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
Canadian Dairy Commission
Canadian Dairy Commission


To provide efficient producers of milk and cream with the opportunity of obtaining a fair return for their labour and investment and to provide consumers of dairy products with a continuous and adequate supply of dairy products of high quality.

Department(s) specific:

  • 134 - Canadian Dairy Commission
Canadian Grain Commission
Grain Regulation


The Canadian Grain Commission regulates grain handling in Canada and establishes and maintains science based standards of quality for Canadian grain.

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Grain Quality

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Grain Research

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Safeguards for Grain Farmers

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 133 - Canadian Grain Commission
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Creativity, Arts and Culture


Ensures that a wide range of Canadian artistic and cultural content is accessible at home and abroad. Provides opportunities for Canadians to participate and engage in Canada's creative life, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion. Fosters creativity, innovation, growth and employment opportunities in Canada's cultural sector, and in the creative economy. Support policy, legislative and regulatory measures; deliver funding programs that support creation, professional training, cultural infrastructure and arts presentation; business development and marketing initiatives; and the establishment of partnerships in Canada and abroad.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Cultural Marketplace Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Cultural Industries Support and Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Heritage and Celebration


Offers opportunities for Canadians to participate in celebrations and commemorations of national significance, and in local festivals and heritage events. Invests in the development of learning materials and experiences that give Canadians opportunities to enhance their understanding of Canada's history. Facilitates access to heritage and provides support to heritage institutions to preserve and present heritage to all Canadians. Delivers projects, programs and services; grants, contributions and tax incentives; conducts research; provides authoritative information and expertise; and supports the implementation of heritage-related legislation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
National Celebrations, Commemorations and Symbols

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Community Engagement and Heritage

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Preservation of and Access to Heritage

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Learning About Canadian History

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)


Promotes and enhances Canadian participation in sport from initial introduction to sport to the highest levels through transfer payments and policy leadership. Ensures that all Canadians have access to quality aligned sport programs in a safe and welcome environment regardless of race, gender or physical disability. Fosters the development of high-performance athletes, coaches, officials, leaders and organizations within the Canadian Sport System. Assists Canadian communities in hosting the Canada Games and international sport events.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Sport Development and High Performance

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Diversity and Inclusion


Focuses on celebrating Canada's diversity, identity and multicultural heritage, promoting resilient communities and reinforcing the rights of Canadians, as a means to foster diversity and inclusion Supports legislation on multiculturalism. Promotes and supports domestic implementation of international human rights treaties, constitutional and quasi-constitutional rights in Canada. Works in collaboration with a variety of Governmental and non-governmental organizations to support the provision of programs and services on matters of diversity and inclusion. Supports the engagement, participation and inclusion of Canadian youth in their communities and in exchange activities. Revitalizes, preserves and promotes Indigenous languages and cultures and celebrates achievements, and strengthens Indigenous communities through investments in a variety of initiatives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Human Rights

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Indigenous Languages and Cultures

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Youth Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Official Languages


Supports the promotion of Canada's two official languages in Canadian society as well as the development of official-language minority communities by collaborating with voluntary organizations and provincial and territorial governments. Fosters a coordinated approach to ensure participation from across the federal government in the implementation of the Official Languages Act, and the coordination of related horizontal initiatives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Official Languages

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canada Council for the Arts
Canada Council for the Arts


To foster and promote the study, enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


To inform, enlighten, and entertain; to contribute to the development of a shared national consciousness and identity; to reflect the regional and cultural diversity of Canada; and to contribute to the development of Canadian talent and culture.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Museum of History
Canadian Museum of History


Enhance Canadians' knowledge, understanding and appreciation of events, experiences, people and objects that reflect and have shaped Canada's history and identity and also to enhance their awareness of world history and cultures.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Canadian Museum for Human Rights


To explore the subject of human rights, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, in order to enhance public understanding of human rights, to promote respect for others, and to encourage reflection and dialogue.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Museum of Nature


To increase, throughout Canada and internationally, interest in, knowledge of, and appreciation and respect for the natural world by establishing, maintaining, and developing for research and posterity a collection of natural history objects, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, and by demonstrating the natural world, the knowledge derived from it, and the understanding it represents.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21


To explore the theme of immigration to Canada in order to enhance public understanding of the experiences of immigrants as they arrived in Canada, of the vital role immigration has played in the building of Canada and of the contributions of immigrants to Canada's culture, economy and way of life.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Race Relations Foundation
Canadian Race Relations Foundation

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Regulate and Supervise the Communications System


The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is an administrative tribunal that is responsible for regulating and supervising Canada's communications system in the public interest. Established to develop, implement and enforce regulatory policies on the Canadian communications system, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission performs a wide range of functions, including rule making and policy development. It has the quasi-judicial powers of a superior court with respect to the production and examination of evidence and the enforcement of its decisions. As an administrative tribunal it operates at arm's length from the federal government. The CRTC develops regulatory policies for Canada's communication system; approves mergers, acquisitions and changes of ownership of broadcasting distribution undertakings; approves tariffs and agreements for certain telecommunication services; issues, renews and amends licenses for broadcasting distribution and programming undertakings; and resolves competitive disputes. The CRTC intervenes specifically in situations where market forces alone cannot achieve the policy objectives set out within its legislative mandate.

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Support for Canadian Content Creation

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Connection to the Communications System

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Protection Within the Communications System

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Internal services 


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 016 - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Library and Archives of Canada
Acquiring and preserving documentary heritage


Library and Archives of Canada (LAC) acquires documentary heritage of historical value and preserves it for current and future generations, as mandated in the Library and Archives of Canada Act. Its collection is made up of documentary heritage preserved in a variety of media and formats. LAC advises the Government of Canada and its institutions on the management of information and ensures that records of historical value are transferred to its collection. Through legal deposit, all materials submitted by Canadian publishers become part of its collection, as well as sampling of Internet content. Other records of national significance are acquired to document Canadian society. LAC uses state-of-the-art techniques and infrastructure to restore the collection and provide optimal conditions for long-term preservation. LAC also builds its capacity and expertise to ensure the availability of digital records.

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Acquisition and processing of government records

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Acquisition and processing of published heritage

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Acquisition and processing of private archives

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Providing access to documentary heritage


Library and Archives of Canada (LAC) provides access to its collection, while respecting legal, policy and contractual obligations. Using cutting-edge technologies, LAC enables Canadians to access and consult its collection and enrich their knowledge of Canada's documentary heritage. LAC makes digital content available through its website and social media to improve access to its collection. As well, LAC provides online services and in-person services at its four service points. LAC uses innovative strategies such as crowdsourcing, (Co-Lab) and the Digi-Lab, to complement the digital content of its collection. LAC also promotes Canadian heritage by creating exhibitions that enable the public to discover its collection in cultural sites throughout Canada. Through the Documentary Heritage Communities Program, LAC supports memory organizations by increasing their capacity to preserve and make their collections accessible.

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Public services

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Outreach and support to communities

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
National Arts Centre Corporation
National Arts Centre Corporation


To operate and maintain the Centre, to develop the performing arts in the National Capital Region and to assist the Canada Council for the Arts in the development of the performing arts elsewhere in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
The National Battlefields Commission


Ensure the conservation and protection of the natural, cultural and heritage assets of the National Battlefields Park through the maintenance and upkeep of the grounds and infrastructure. Ensure safe public access to the Park.

Department(s) specific:

  • 102 - The National Battlefields Commission
Maintenance of infrastructure and security

Department(s) specific:

  • 102 - The National Battlefields Commission
Promotion of Heritage


Showcase the history of the National Battlefiields Park and enable the discovery of its heritage and natural resources by organizing, through the visitor centre of the Plains of Abraham Museum, exhibitions, educational and recreational activities, and guided tours.

Department(s) specific:

  • 102 - The National Battlefields Commission
Educational, cultural and heritage activities

Department(s) specific:

  • 102 - The National Battlefields Commission
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 102 - The National Battlefields Commission
National Film Board
Audiovisual programming and production


The National Film Board's mandate is to create relevant and innovative audiovisual content that interprets Canada and its diversity to Canadians and people around the world. The National Film Board works with filmmakers and artists from every region of Canada to produce exceptional documentaries, animated films, and interactive/immersive works rooted in Canadian experiences and realities. The National Film Board has long been a champion of technological and film innovation, both nationally and internationally. The National Film Board seeks to reflect the perspectives and experiences of communities that are systematically under-represented in the media and to develop innovative new storytelling forms and approaches.

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
Audiovisual programming and production

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
Content accessibility and audience engagement


The National Film Board strives to ensure that Canadians from all regions have access to its works across a range of formats. Understanding audiences and their consumption habits, making content available on a variety of platforms, and calling attention to National Film Board productions are thus intrinsic to the organization's mandate. The National Film Board has a rich collection of over 13,000 titles that constitutes an essential component of Canada's cultural heritage. Preserving these works for the enjoyment of Canadians and people around the world, both today and in the future, falls under the mandate conferred to the National Film Board under the National Film Act.

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
Distribution of works and audience engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
Promotion of works and National Film Board outreach

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
Preservation, conservation and digitization of works

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 039 - National Film Board
National Gallery of Canada
National Gallery of Canada


To develop, maintain, and make known, throughout Canada and internationally, a collection of works of art, both historic and contemporary, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada and to further knowledge, understanding, and enjoyment of art in general among all Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
National Museum of Science and Technology
National Museum of Science and Technology


To foster scientific and technological literacy throughout Canada by establishing, maintaining, and developing a collection of scientific and technological objects, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, and by demonstrating the products and processes of science and technology, as well as their economic, social, and cultural relationships with society.

Department(s) specific:

  • 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
Telefilm Canada
Funding the production of Canadian content


Telefilm supports the development and production of Canadian feature films through funding programs. Our programs fund and support, among other things, Canadian production companies that have achieved commercial, cultural and industrial success (including those with emerging talent), international coproduction projects, diversity in its many forms (including, among other things, gender parity in key creative positions, variety of genres, budget size, regions across the country, points of view, Indigenous) and innovative projects. Funding provided allows Canadian companies to produce content in Canada and reinforces the Canadian cultural ecosystem. Telefilm also assesses and recommends projects that could be recognized by the Minister of Canadian Heritage as audiovisual coproductions governed by official coproduction treaties.

Department(s) specific:

  • 037 - Telefilm Canada
Promoting Canadian talent and content


Telefilm makes Canadian culture shine, builds audience loyalty, fosters discoverability and notoriety of talent and allows the marketing of Canadian content in Canada and abroad through funding programs and promotional activities. In Canada, Telefilm financially supports the marketing of feature films as well as film festivals and other events and promotional activities to highlight Canadian identity and diversity in terms of talent and content. Abroad, Telefilm supports Canadian companies in marketing and exporting their content, mainly by establishing Canadian business centres, implementing promotional campaigns and screening sessions and networking activities. Telefilm also financially supports the presence of Canadian talent at festivals, markets and events held around the world and the marketing of Canadian feature films in foreign territories. 

Department(s) specific:

  • 037 - Telefilm Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 037 - Telefilm Canada
Crown-Indigenous Relations
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs (Department of)
Crown-Indigenous Relations


Support Indigenous organizations, individuals, communities and governments in achieving reconciliation and advancing self-determination through strengthening Crown-Indigenous relationships based on respect, cooperation, partnership, the affirmation and implementation of Indigenous rights, and the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Activities include negotiating and implementing treaties, self-government agreements and specific claims, consulting and engaging on issues of importance to Indigenous peoples, providing legislative and institutional frameworks for First Nations' jurisdiction over local taxation, land and financial management, and addressing historic grievances.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Specific Claims

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Consultation and Accommodation

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Consultation and Policy Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Federal Interlocutor's Contribution Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Basic Organizational Capacity

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Other Claims

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
First Nation Jurisdiction over Land and Fiscal Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Residential Schools Resolutions

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Northern Affairs


Support Canada's Arctic and northern organizations, individuals, communities and governments in the pursuit of a strong, inclusive, vibrant, prosperous and self-sufficient North, the vision of Canada's Arctic and Northern Policy Framework. This includes federal coordination, science leadership, natural resource and environmental management, effective delivery of federal programming, and territorial relations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Climate Change Adaptation and Clean Energy

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Northern Strategic and Science Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Northern Regulatory and Legislative Frameworks

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Northern and Arctic Environmental Sustainability

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Northern Contaminated Sites

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Canadian High Arctic Research Station

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Nutrition North

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Northern and Arctic Governance and Partnerships

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Polar Science and Knowledge


Polar Knowledge Canada is Canada's polar science agency operating out of the world-class Canadian High Arctic Research Station campus in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. Polar Knowledge Canada performs and publishes multi-disciplinary polar research. Through our grants and contributions program, we fund external partners such as academia, northern communities and organizations who conduct research and related projects. Polar Knowledge Canada aims to include Indigenous and local knowledge wherever possible, and increase domestic and international research coordination and collaboration by leveraging resources with partners. Through workshops, conferences, social media, and other tools, Polar Knowledge Canada shares and promotes the exchange of knowledge across polar scientific and policy communities and the general public. Throughout all of its core activities, Polar Knowledge Canada aims to fund and train the next generation of polar research personnel, with a focus on northern youth.

Department(s) specific:

  • 171 - Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Science and Technology

Department(s) specific:

  • 171 - Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Knowledge Management and Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 171 - Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 171 - Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Economic Development in Quebec


Support Quebec economic growth, job creation and economic prosperity through inclusive clean growth; help Small and Medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) growth through trade and innovation; and build on competitive regional strengths.

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Vitality of communities

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Targeted or temporary support

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Regional Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Social Development


Increase inclusion and opportunities for participation of Canadians in their communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Reaching Home

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Social Development Partnerships Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
New Horizons for Seniors Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Enabling Accessibility Fund

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Early Learning and Child Care

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Indigenous Early Learning Child Care Transformation Initiative

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Accessible Canada Initiative

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Strategic Engagement and Research Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Pensions and Benefits


Assist Canadians in maintaining income for retirement, and provide financial benefits to survivors, people with disabilities and their families.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Old Age Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Disability Savings Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Pension Plan

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Learning, Skills Development and Employment


Help Canadians access post-secondary education, obtain the skills and training needed to participate in a changing labour market, and provide supports to those who are temporarily unemployed.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Employment Insurance

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Workforce Development Agreements

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Labour Market Development Agreements

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Job Bank

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Service Corps

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Skills and Partnership Fund

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Literacy and Essential Skills

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Student Work Placement Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Union Training and Innovation Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Sectoral Initiatives Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Foreign Credential Recognition Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Student Loans Program and Canada Apprentice Loans

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Education Savings Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship (Red Seal Program)

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Apprenticeship Grants

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Future Skills

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness (STAR) Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Support for Student Learning

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Emergency Response Benefit

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Recovery Benefits

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Apprenticeship Service

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Community Workforce Development Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Working Conditions and Workplace Relations


Promotes safe, healthy, fair and inclusive work conditions and cooperative workplace relations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Labour Relations

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Federal Workers' Compensation

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Occupational Health and Safety

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Workplace Equity

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Labour Standards

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Wage Earner Protection Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
International Labour Affairs

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Information Delivery and Services for Other Departments


Provide information to the public on the programs of the Government of Canada and the department, and provide services on behalf of other government departments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Government of Canada Telephone General Enquiries Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Government of Canada Internet Presence

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
In-Person Points of Service

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Service Delivery Partnerships

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
National Occupational Health and Safety Resource


The goal of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety is to provide easy access to credible information on occupational health and safety to help workers in Canada be safe at work, and support employers, labour groups and governments in their efforts to create healthy and safe workplaces. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, as a national institute, provides impartial information through various free and for fee bilingual products and services. Workers and employers in Canada can access a free, confidential service to have their health and safety questions answered personally via telephone, e-mail, person-to-person, fax or mail. In addition, a broad range of online and print resources are offered which support safety and health information needs of workers and workplaces in Canada. Products and services may be financially supported through cost recovery efforts, contributions from the Government of Canada and contributions from other stakeholders. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety collects, evaluates, creates and publishes authoritative information resources on occupational health and safety for the benefit of the working population in Canada. This information is used for education and training, research, development of policy and best practices, improvement of health and safety programs, achieving compliance, and for personal use. When the product or service provided by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety is offered to stakeholders such as individuals, groups, and organizations within Canada and abroad with benefits beyond those enjoyed by the general public, the product or service becomes part of the cost-recovery program and a fee is charged. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety promotes and facilitates consultation and cooperation among federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions and participation by labour, employers and other stakeholders in order to assist in the establishment and maintenance of high standards and occupational health and safety initiatives for the Canadian context. The sharing of resources results in the coordinated and mutually beneficial development of unique programs, products and services. Collaborative projects are usually supported with a combination of financial and non-financial contributions to the programs by partners and stakeholders and result in advancement of the health and safety initiatives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 100 - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational health and safety information and services

Department(s) specific:

  • 100 - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 100 - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
Accessibility Standards


Accessibility Standards Canada:

- Develops and revises accessibility standards by:

- establishing technical committees; and

- providing support and research to them.

- Promotes, supports and conducts research to inform the development of standards;

- Shares information with organizations and the public about standards;

- Provides products and services about standards; and

- Provides best practices used to identify, remove and prevent accessibility barriers.

Technical committees reflect diversity and are made up of:

- People with disabilities;

- Indigenous people;

- Representatives from industries that would have to follow standards if they were made into regulations; and

- Other experts.


Department(s) specific:

  • 199 - Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
Standards Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 199 - Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
Outreach and Knowledge Application

Department(s) specific:

  • 199 - Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 199 - Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
Environment and Climate Change
Environment (Department of the)
Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change


Through engagement with other federal departments and agencies, provinces, territories, Indigenous Peoples, stakeholders and external experts, the Department will support and coordinate the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF); work to reduce Canadian greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; drive clean growth; develop regulatory instruments; support businesses and Canadians to adapt and become more resilient to climate change; and contribute to international climate change actions to increase global benefits.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Clean Growth and Climate Change Mitigation

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
International Climate Change Action

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Climate Change Adaptation

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Preventing and Managing Pollution


Collaborate with provinces, territories, Indigenous peoples and others to develop and administer environmental standards, guidelines, regulations and other risk management instruments to reduce releases and monitor levels of contaminants in air, water and soil; and promote and enforce compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Air Quality

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Water Quality and Ecosystems Partnerships

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Community Eco-Action

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Substances and Waste management

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Compliance Promotion and Enforcement - Pollution

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Conserving Nature


Protect and recover species at risk and their critical habitat; conserve and protect healthy populations of migratory birds; engage and enable provinces and territories, Indigenous Peoples, stakeholders, and the public to increase protected areas and contribute to conservation and stewardship activities; expand and manage the Department's protected areas; and collaborate with domestic and international partners to advance the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Species at Risk

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Migratory Birds and Other Wildlife

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Habitat Conservation and Protection

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Biodiversity Policy and Partnerships

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Environmental Assessment

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Compliance Promotion and Enforcement - Wildlife

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Predicting Weather and Environmental Conditions


Monitor weather, water, air quality and climate conditions; provide forecasts, information and warnings to the Canadian public and targeted sectors through a range of service delivery options; conduct research; develop and maintain computer-based models for predicting weather and other environmental conditions; and collaborate and exchange data with other national meteorological services and with international organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Weather and Environmental Observations, Forecasts and Warnings

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Hydrological Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
Impact Assessment


The Agency provides high-quality assessments of environmental, economic, social, health and gender effects to support government decision making in the public interest. Assessments are evidence-based and ensure that positive and negative effects and impacts on Indigenous groups and their rights are considered in order to foster sustainability.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Assessment Administration, Conduct, and Monitoring

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Indigenous Relations and Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 007 - Environment (Department of the)
Parks Canada Agency
Protecting and Presenting Canada's Natural and Cultural Heritage


Establish national parks and national marine conservation areas; designate places, persons and events of national historic significance; protect and conserve natural and cultural heritage guided by science and Indigenous knowledge; provide opportunities to visit, experience and enjoy Canada's natural and cultural heritage; work with the public, other federal departments, provinces, territories, Indigenous Peoples, and stakeholders to carry out these responsibilities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Heritage Places Establishment

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Heritage Places Conservation

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Heritage Places Promotion and Public Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Visitor Experience

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 124 - Parks Canada Agency
Finance (Department of)
Economic and Fiscal Policy


Develop the federal Budget and Fall Economic Statement, as well as provide analysis and advice to the Government of Canada on economic, fiscal and social policy; federal provincial relations, including the transfer and taxation payments; the financial sector; tax policy; and international trade and finance.

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Tax Policy and Legislation

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Economic and Fiscal Policy, Planning and Forecasting

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Economic Development Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Federal-Provincial Relations and Social Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Financial Sector Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
International Trade and Finance Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Canada Health Transfer

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Fiscal Arrangements with Provinces and Territories

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Tax Collection and Administration Agreements

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Commitments to International Financial Organizations

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Market Debt and Foreign Reserves Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 006 - Finance (Department of)
Office of the Auditor General
Legislative Auditing


Our audit reports provide objective, fact-based information and expert advice on government programs and activities. With our audits, we assist Parliament in its work on the authorization and oversight of government spending and operations. Our audits are also used by territorial legislatures, boards of Crown Corporations and audit committees to help oversee the management of government activities and hold them to account for the handling of public funds. Financial audits assess if the annual financial statements of the government and Crown corporations are presented fairly, consistent with applicable accounting standards. Performance audits assess if government manages with due regard for economy, efficiency, and environmental impact and measures its effectiveness. Special examinations assess if Crown corporation systems and practices provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded, resources are managed economically and efficiently, and operations are managed effectively.

Department(s) specific:

  • 002 - Office of the Auditor General
Legislative Auditing

Department(s) specific:

  • 002 - Office of the Auditor General
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Supervision of federally regulated financial entities


The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada regulates Canada's federal financial institutions such as banks, trust and loan companies, federal credit unions, external complaint bodies and payment card network operators to ensure that consumers' rights are protected. The Agency focuses on ensuring Canadians are aware of their rights and responsibilities when dealing with financial institutions. As a regulator, the Agency oversees financial consumer protections grounded in legislation, regulations, voluntary codes of conduct and public commitments. It uses a risk-based supervisory model to enforce compliance with consumer protection laws. The information the Agency relies on to carry out its compliance activities includes consumer complaints reports, on-site examinations, compliance reviews, research findings on emerging marketplace trends and issues, and input from national and international regulatory counterparts.

Department(s) specific:

  • 141 - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Supervision and Promotion

Department(s) specific:

  • 141 - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Financial Literacy


The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada is committed to strengthening the financial knowledge, skills and confidence of Canadians. The Agency provides online content, tools and programs that help educate Canadians so they can make informed financial decisions. The Agency also promotes awareness of all matters related to protecting consumers of financial products and services. Through nationwide coordination and collaboration efforts with stakeholders, including federal and provincial governments, and private and non-profit organizations, the Agency fosters consumer understanding of financial services and related issues, and encourages stakeholders to promote and deliver financial literacy initiatives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 141 - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Financial Literacy

Department(s) specific:

  • 141 - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 141 - Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Legislation and Regulations


The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada is responsible for ensuring compliance with Part 1 and Part 1.1 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and its associated Regulations. This legal framework establishes obligations for reporting entities to develop a compliance regime in order to identify clients, monitor business relationships, keep records and report certain types of financial transactions. The Centre undertakes enabling and enforcement actions to ensure that the reporting entities operating within Canada's financial system fulfill their Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act obligations. These obligations provide important measures for countering patterns and behaviours observed in criminals and terrorists in order to deter them from operating within the legitimate channels of Canada's economy. The Centre also maintains a registry of money services businesses in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Compliance Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Strategic Policy and Reviews

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Production and Dissemination of Financial Intelligence


The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada is mandated by the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act to produce actionable financial intelligence, including case disclosures that assist Canada's police, law enforcement, national security and other partner agencies in combatting money laundering, terrorism financing and threats to the security of Canada, while protecting the personal information entrusted to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada. The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada also produces strategic financial intelligence for federal policy and decision-makers, reporting entities across the country, international partners and other stakeholders. The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada's strategic intelligence provides a wide analytic perspective on the nature, scope and threat posed by money laundering and terrorism financing.

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Financial Intelligence Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Strategic Intelligence, Research and Analytics

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 139 - Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Financial Institution and Pension Plan Regulation and Supervision


The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions advances a regulatory framework designed to control and manage risk to federally regulated financial institutions and private pension plans and evaluates system-wide or sectoral developments that may have a negative impact on their financial condition. It also supervises financial institutions and pension plans to determine whether they are in sound financial condition and meeting regulatory and supervisory requirements. The Office promptly advises financial institutions and pension plan administrators if there are material deficiencies, and takes corrective measures or requires that they be taken to expeditiously address the situation. It acts to protect the rights and interests of depositors, policyholders, financial institution creditors and pension plan beneficiaries, while having due regard for the need to allow financial institutions to compete effectively and take reasonable risks.

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Risk Assessment and Intervention – Federally Regulated Financial Institutions

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Regulation and Guidance of Federally Regulated Financial Institutions

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Regulatory Approvals and Legislative Precedents

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Federally Regulated Private Pension Plans

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Actuarial Services to Federal Government Organizations 


The Office of the Chief Actuary provides a range of actuarial services, including statutory actuarial valuations required by legislation and checks and balances on the future costs of programs for the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Employment Insurance and Canada Student Loans programs, as well as pension and benefits plans covering the Federal Public Service, the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, federally appointed judges, and Members of Parliament.

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Actuarial Valuation and Advice

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Internal services 


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 011 - Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)


Manage Canada's fisheries, Indigenous fisheries programs, aquaculture activities and support commercial fishing harbours while applying relevant legislation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fisheries Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aboriginal Programs and Treaties

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aquaculture Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Salmonid Enhancement

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
International Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Small Craft Harbours

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Conservation and Protection

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aquatic Animal Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Biotechnology and Genomics

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aquaculture Science

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fisheries Science

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Economics and Statistics

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fish and Seafood Sector

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aquatic Ecosystems


Conserve and protect Canada's oceans and other aquatic ecosystems and species from human impact and invasive species.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fish and Fish Habitat Protection

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aquatic Invasive Species

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Species at Risk

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Marine Planning and Conservation

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aquatic Ecosystem Science

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Oceans and Climate Change Science

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Marine Navigation


Provide Information and services to facilitate navigation in Canadian waters.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Icebreaking Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Aids to Navigation

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Waterways Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Marine Communications and Traffic Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Shore-based Asset Readiness

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Hydrographic Services, Data and Science

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Marine Operations and Response


Provide marine response services and operate Canada's civilian maritime fleet.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Search and Rescue

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Environmental Response

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Maritime Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fleet Operational Capability

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fleet Maintenance

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Fleet Procurement

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Canadian Coast Guard College

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
Global Affairs
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Advocacy and Diplomacy


Global Affairs Canada promotes Canada's interests and values through policy development, diplomacy, advocacy, and effective engagement.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Policy Coordination

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Multilateral Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Law

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
The Office of Protocol

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb Policy & Diplomacy

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Americas Policy & Diplomacy

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Asia Pacific Policy & Diplomacy

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Sub-Saharan Africa Policy & Diplomacy

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Geographic Coordination and Mission Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Security Policy and Diplomacy

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Assistance Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Trade and Investment


Global Affairs Canada supports increased and more diverse trade and investment to raise the standard of living for all Canadians and to enable Canadian businesses to grow internationally and to create economic opportunities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Trade Policy, Agreements, Negotiations and Disputes

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Trade Controls

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Business Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Innovation and Investment

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb Trade

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Americas Trade

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Asia Pacific Trade

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Sub-Saharan Africa Trade

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Development, Peace and Security Programming


Global Affairs Canada programming contributes to reducing poverty, increasing opportunity for people around the world, alleviating suffering in humanitarian crises, and fostering peace and security, and in so doing, advances the Sustainable Development Goals.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
International Assistance Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Humanitarian Assistance

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Partnerships for Development Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Multilateral International Assistance

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Peace and Stabilization Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Anti-Crime and Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Weapons Threat Reduction

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb International Assistance

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Americas International Assistance

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Asia Pacific International Assistance

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Sub-Saharan Africa International Assistance

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Grants and Contributions Policy and Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Office of Human Rights, Freedom and Inclusion (OHRFI) Programming

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Help for Canadians Abroad


Global Affairs Canada provides timely and appropriate consular services for Canadians abroad, contributing to their safety and security.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Consular Assistance and Services for Canadians Abroad

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Emergency Preparedness and Response

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Support for Canada's Presence Abroad


Global Affairs Canada manages and delivers resources, infrastructure and services enabling Canada's presence abroad, including at embassies, high commissions, and consulates.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Platform Corporate Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Foreign Service Directives

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Client Relations and Mission Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Locally Engaged Staff Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Real Property Planning and Stewardship

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Real Property Project Delivery, Professional and Technical Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Mission Readiness and Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Mission Network IM/IT

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Canadian Commercial Corporation
Canadian Commercial Corporation


The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is governed by its enacting legislation, the 1946 Canadian Commercial Corporation Act. The Act outlines CCC's broad mandate, which is to assist in the development of trade by helping Canadian exporters access markets abroad and by helping foreign buyers obtain goods from Canada. The legislation also provides CCC with a range of powers, including the ability to export goods from Canada either as principal or as agent in such a manner and to such an extent as it deems appropriate. As a result, CCC facilitates export transactions from Canada by negotiating and executing bilateral government-to-government procurement arrangements and utilizing Canadian companies to fulfill supply requirements.

CCC's funding is derived primarily from two sources:  An appropriation specifically to fund CCC's delivery of the US-Canada Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA), and cost recoveries from all other fee-based international activities.

CCC reports to Parliament through the Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Export Development Canada (Crown Corporation)
Export Development Canada (Canada Account)


EDC's mandate is to support and develop, directly or indirectly, Canada's export trade and Canadian capacity to engage in that trade and to respond to international business opportunities. Under Canada Account, all transactions must meet EDC's mandate, but additionally, the Government of Canada is able to support transactions that exceed the financial or risk capacity of EDC under its Corporate Account, but are deemed to be of national interest.

Department(s) specific:

  • 123 - Export Development Canada (Crown Corporation)
Export Development Canada (Canada Account)


EDC's mandate is to support and develop, directly or indirectly, Canada's export trade and Canadian capacity to engage in that trade, as well as respond to international business opportunities and to provide, directly or indirectly, development financing and other forms of development support in a manner that is consistent with Canada's international development priorities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 123 - Export Development Canada (Crown Corporation)
International Development Research Centre
International Development Research Centre


The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) helps developing countries find solutions to problems crucial to their citizens and communities. To fulfill our mandate, IDRC invests in knowledge, innovation, and solutions, accelerating development research on its way to big impact. We do this by enabling leaders in government, research, and business in the developing world—strengthening societies and building important relationships for Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Invest in Canada Hub
Foreign Direct Investment Attraction


Lead Government of Canada's Foreign Direct Investment attraction efforts by making Canada Top-of-Mind for foreign investors and providing services in support of investor decisions to expand in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub
Data Partnerships and Pan-Canadian Collaboration

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub
Investor Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 180 - Invest in Canada Hub
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
Shared water resources management


The International Joint Commission, based on scientific research, assists the governments of Canada and the United States in preventing and resolving disputes over shared water resources by pursuing the common good as an independent and objective advisor under the Boundary Waters Treaty. The Commission also rules upon applications for approval and management of projects that could affect the levels and flows of boundary and transboundary waters and where asked, monitor and provide advice on water quality.

Department(s) specific:

  • 024 - International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
Great Lakes water quality management


The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement assigns the Commission a key responsibility to assess governments' progress toward restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical and biological integrity of waters of the Great Lakes basin that are shared between the United States and Canada. The Commission is mandated by the Agreement with tendering advice and recommendations to governments on current and emerging issues related to Great Lakes water quality.

Department(s) specific:

  • 024 - International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada
Economic Development in British Columbia

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Business Growth

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Business Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Community Initiatives

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Health (Department of)
Health Care Systems


Health Canada provides national leadership to support  and encourage sustainable and adaptable health care systems that ensure access for Canadians to appropriate and effective health care services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Health Care Systems Analysis and Policy 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Access, Affordability, and Appropriate Use of Drugs and Medical Devices 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Home, Community and Palliative Care

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Mental Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Digital Health 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Health Information 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Canada Health Act

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Medical Assistance in Dying 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Cancer Control 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Patient Safety 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Organs, Tissues and Blood

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Promoting Minority Official Languages in the Health Care Systems

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Brain Research 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Territorial Health Investment Fund

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Health Protection and Promotion


Health Canada works with domestic and international partners to assess, manage and communicate the health and safety risks and benefits associated with health and consumer products, food, chemicals, pesticides, environmental factors, tobacco and vaping products, cannabis, and controlled substances.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Pharmaceutical Drugs 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Biologics & Radiopharmaceutical Drugs 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Medical Devices 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Natural Health Products 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Food & Nutrition 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Air Quality 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Climate Change 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Water Quality 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Health Impacts of Chemicals 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Consumer Product Safety 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Workplace Hazardous Products

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Tobacco Control

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Controlled Substances 

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Radiation Protection

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Specialized Health Services and Internationally Protected Persons Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 022 - Health (Department of)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Funding Health Research and Training


The Canadian Institutes of Health Research is Canada's health research investment agency. By funding research excellence, CIHR supports the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system. This is done by providing grants that fund health research and/or provide career and training support to the current and next generation of researchers.

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Investigator-Initiated Research

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Training and Career Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Research in Priority Areas

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 061 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Safe food and healthy plants and animals


Protecting Canadians by safeguarding Canada's food system and the plant and animal resources on which we depend, and supporting the Canadian economy through the trade of Canadian goods.

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Setting Rules for Plant Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Plant Health Compliance Promotion

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Monitoring and Enforcement for Plant Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Permissions for Plant Products

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Setting Rules for Animal Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Animal Health Compliance Promotion

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Monitoring and Enforcement for Animal Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Permissions for Animal Products

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Setting Rules for Food Safety and Consumer Protection

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Food Safety and Consumer Protection Compliance Promotion

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Monitoring and Enforcement for Food Safety and Consumer Protection

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Permissions for Food Products

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
International Standards Setting

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
International Regulatory Cooperation and Science Collaboration

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Market Access Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 136 - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Regulate Patented Medicine Prices


The PMPRB regulates the prices of patented medicines by setting non excessive price ceilings and taking enforcement action before the Board in the event of non-compliance.

Department(s) specific:

  • 109 - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Patented Medicine Price Regulation Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 109 - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Pharmaceutical Trends Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 109 - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 109 - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Public Health Agency of Canada
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention


Promote the health and well-being of Canadians of all ages by conducting surveillance and public health research and supporting community-based projects which address the root causes of health inequalities and the common risk and protective factors that are important to to promoting better health and preventing chronic disease.

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Health Promotion

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Chronic Disease Prevention

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Evidence for Health Promotion, and Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Infectious Disease Prevention and Control


Protect Canadians from infectious diseases by predicting, detecting, assessing, and responding to outbreaks and new threats; and contribute to the prevention, control and reduction of the spread of infectious disease among Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Laboratory Science Leadership and Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Communicable Disease and Infection Control

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Foodborne and Zoonotic Diseases

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Health Security


Prepare for and respond to public health events and emergencies; address health and safety risks associated with the use of pathogens and toxins; and address travel related public health risks.

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Emergency Preparedness and Response

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Border and Travel Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 148 - Public Health Agency of Canada
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Visitors, International Students and Temporary Workers


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) facilitates the entry of migrants who wish to come to Canada temporarily, while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians. The Department works with partners to verify that individuals meet admissibility requirements. IRCC processes visas, electronic travel authorizations, and work and study permits for tourists, business travellers, international students and temporary workers, whose spending and presence in Canada benefit the economy.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
International Students

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Temporary Workers

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Immigrant and Refugee Selection and Integration


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) facilitates the admission and economic and social integration of immigrants and refugees who intend to stay in Canada permanently, while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians. The Department selects economic immigrant applicants to contribute to the Canadian economy, processes family member applicants to reunite families, and processes refugee and protected person applicants to provide a safe haven for those facing persecution. IRCC works with partners to verify that individuals meet admissibility requirements before they enter Canada. In order to support immigrants and refugees in integrating into Canadian society, IRCC offers a variety of settlement support services through a network of service providers.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Federal Economic Immigration

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Regional Economic Immigration

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Family Reunification

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Humanitarian/Compassionate and Discretionary Immigration

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Refugee Resettlement

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Citizenship and Passports


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) promotes the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship, and issues secure and internationally recognized Canadian citizenship and travel documents so that Canadians can participate fully in civic society and so that travel is facilitated across borders while contributing to international and domestic security.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 050 - Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
Immigration and Refugee Board
Adjudication of immigration and refugee cases


The Immigration and Refugee Board renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding immigration and refugee protection cases.  This includes determining refugee protection claims and appeals and applications to vacate or cease refugee protection. It also includes making decisions in admissibility hearings and detention reviews, and on appeals on certain immigration cases (e.g. family sponsorship applications, certain removal orders, applications based on meeting residency obligations and admissibility hearings).

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Refugee Protection Decisions

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Refugee Appeal Decisions

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Admissibility and Detention Decisions

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Immigration Appeal Decisions

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 032 - Immigration and Refugee Board
Indigenous Services
Indigenous Services Canada (Department of)
Services and Benefits to Individuals


These services and benefits are mainly delivered directly to Indigenous people by the Department. They include, among other services and benefits, individual First Nations and Inuit clinical care and health-related benefits such as pharmacy, dental and vision care. The Department is also responsible for determining individuals' entitlement to Indian registration and for the issuance of various proofs of registration, including the Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS), which can be used to access various programs and services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Supplementary Health Benefits

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Clinical and Client Care

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Community Oral Health Services


Community Oral Health Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Individual Affairs

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Health and Social Services


These services are primarily delivered in partnership with Indigenous communities and organizations, provinces/territories and agencies. Together, they focus on health and wellbeing for Indigenous people. They include health services to strengthen Indigenous communities in areas such as healthy living, communicable disease control, healthy child development and community care. They also include social services with an emphasis on children and families, as well as education services from kindergarten to post-secondary.

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Jordan's Principle

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Mental Wellness

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Healthy Living

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Healthy Child Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Home and Community Care

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Health Human Resources

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Environmental Public Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Communicable Disease Control and Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Income Assistance

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Assisted Living

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
First Nations Child and Family Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Family Violence Prevention

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Urban Programming for Indigenous Peoples

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Governance and Community Development Services


These services are commonly delivered in partnership with Indigenous communities and institutions and are focused on strong community governance and physical foundations. They include supports for governance capacity in areas such as community planning and financial management.  They also include support for investments in community infrastructure, land and resource management, and economic development.

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Health Facilities

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
e-Health Infostructure

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Health Planning, Quality Management and Systems Integration

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Indigenous Governance and Capacity

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Water and Wastewater

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Education Facilities

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Other Community Infrastructure and Activities

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Emergency Management Assistance

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Business Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Economic Development Capacity and Readiness

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Statutory, Legislative and Policy Support to First Nations Governance

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Indigenous Self-Determined Services


These services are designed and delivered by Indigenous people for Indigenous people. They include services for which the control, authority and/or jurisdiction has been formally transferred to Indigenous communities or organizations, as supported through departmental funding.

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
New Fiscal Relationship

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Self-Determined Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
British Columbia Tripartite Health Governance

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 191 - Department of Indigenous Services
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Economic Development in Northern Ontario

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Business Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Regional Innovation Ecosystem

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Community Economic Development and Diversification

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Public Infrastructure and Communities Investment Oversight and Delivery


Conduct oversight to ensure recipients comply with project requirements and projects are delivered according to agreements. Infrastructure Canada oversees programs and projects as well as major bridges, Crown Corporations and alternative financing arrangements. While Crown Corporations operate at arm's length, the department plays a secretariat role in supporting them. Across all programming, numerous monitoring activities are used to oversee projects and ensure they are delivered as expected for Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Allocation- and Merit-Based Funding Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Major Bridges Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Alternative Financing Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Homelessness Funding Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Public Infrastructure and Communities Investments


Infrastructure Canada identifies investment opportunities across a range of funding mechanisms aim to maximize value-for-money as the federal Government directs investment into infrastructure.

• Allocation-based programs offer stable funding for projects that balance both national priorities with local needs of Provinces and Territories;

• Merit-based programs award funding to projects that are selected through an application process; and,

• Alternative financing arrangements identify projects that are delivered in partnership with either private sector or non-government organization and Infrastructure Canada or Crown Corporations under the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Alternative Financing Investment

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Public Infrastructure and Communities Investment

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Major Bridges Investment

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Homelessness Investment

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Public Infrastructure, Communities and Rural Economic Development Policy


Infrastructure Canada sets policies for both public infrastructure and rural economic development that target the needs of Canadians and stakeholders (public/private partners) while considering finite resources. Policies are set through strategies, plans, consideration of alternative financing models and funding programs, eligibility requirements among other tools and their outcomes are monitored to inform future decision making. Policy solutions determine how the federal government supports public infrastructure development, bridges, public transit, clean water and wastewater, disaster mitigation, rural economic development, among other areas, which have impacts on the quality of life of Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Rural Economic Development Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Major Bridges Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Public Infrastructure and Communities Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Alternative Financing Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Homelessness Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Assistance for housing needs


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation provides federal funding to improve access to affordable housing for Canadians in housing need, including Indigenous peoples, Canadians with special or distinct needs, and certain vulnerable groups. Activities that are supported through financing include construction of new housing; ongoing assistance for the maintenance and administration of the existing subsidized housing portfolio; conversion, renewal, repair and renovation to preserve the quality of existing affordable housing; and funding to maintain housing affordability. Funding is provided through various delivery arrangements, such as direct delivery, as well as partnerships with provinces and territories, Indigenous groups, and the private and the not-for-profit sectors.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Financing for housing


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation makes financing available for housing-related initiatives, including lending activities to encourage new supply of affordable housing, support repair and renewal of existing rental housing, and promote mixed-income affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income households. Other financing initiatives include those that may be mandated by the Government of Canada to provide support for municipal housing-related infrastructure or for the housing finance sector in Canada to facilitate access to credit.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Housing expertise and capacity development


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation provides timely evidence-based information, data and analysis to support informed decision making by government and other sectors. It also conducts research and disseminates information on a range of issues that support affordability and choice, including sustainable housing technologies. Policy advice is provided to the government on matters such as housing finance, housing needs, capital markets and housing conditions. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation supports capacity and skills development activities within the housing sector, connecting individuals and organizations with the resources and knowledge to develop responsive and innovative approaches to further affordable housing.

Department(s) specific:

  • 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Intergovernmental Conference Services


The Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat provides continuity of planning and archival services and impartial administrative support for federal-provincial-territorial and provincial-territorial conferences of first ministers, ministers and deputy ministers, throughout Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 043 - Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
  • 147 - Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
Conference Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 043 - Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 043 - Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Leader's Debates Commission
Organize Leaders' Debates for federal general elections


In order to execute its core responsibility to organize leaders' debates, the Debates Commission will apply mandated criteria to confirm the participation of eligible party leaders in leaders' debates during general election periods, negotiate broadcast requirements with broadcasters, ensure that Canadians have access to these broadcasts, and communicate with Canadians to ensure they are aware of when, where and how debates can be accessed.

Department(s) specific:

  • 193 - Leaders' Debates Commission
Leaders' Debates

Department(s) specific:

  • 193 - Leaders' Debates Commission
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Electoral Administration and Oversight


Prepare for, deliver and report on federal elections and referendums in accordance with the legislative framework, while ensuring integrity throughout the electoral process.

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Voting Services Delivery and Field Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
National Register of Electors and Electoral Geography

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Public Education and Information

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Electoral Integrity and Regulatory Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Electoral Compliance and Enforcement


Compliance and Enforcement activities under the Canada Elections Act and the Referendum Act are conducted by the Office of the Commissioner of Canada Elections (OCCE) in an independent, impartial and fair manner.

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Compliance and Enforcement

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 015 - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Protection of rights related to Official Languages


Take the appropriate steps, including complaints processing, audits and interventions, to ensure compliance with the Official Languages Act and language rights in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 076 - Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Protection of Official Languages Rights

Department(s) specific:

  • 076 - Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Advancement of French and English in Canadian society


Raise awareness of issues related to the advancement of the equal status of English and French in federal instituions and Canadian society, while supporting the development and vitality of Official Language Minority Communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 076 - Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Advancement of Official Languages

Department(s) specific:

  • 076 - Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 076 - Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.


Use systemic management and a sustainable development approach to ensure the safety and longevity of the major infrastructure under its responsibility.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority


Under the terms of its Letters Patent and of the Crossing Agreement, the WDBA is responsible for carrying out the obligations of the Crossing Authority as a party to the Crossing Agreement and to construct, and / or operate the Detroit River International Crossing.

Department(s) specific:

  • 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Innovation, Science and Industry
Industry (Department of)
People, Skills and Communities


Support the creation, transfer and diffusion of knowledge to ensure that Canadians, including underrepresented individuals: are equipped with the skills and tools to participate in an innovative, high-growth economy; advance a culture of innovation where Canadians are motivated to address local, regional, national and/or global challenges; benefit from growth of the middle class across communities; have increased access to affordable broadband and mobile Internet, including in rural and remote regions; and are protected and informed consumers.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Support for Underrepresented Entrepreneurs

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Bridging Digital Divides

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Economic Development in Northern Ontario

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Science, Technology, Research and Commercialization


Support and enable business–led investment and strategic collaborations for leading-edge technology development and commercialization; maintain and strengthen Canada's research excellence, including support for fundamental science, experimentation and exploration to address global challenges.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Science and Research

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Companies, Investment and Growth


Provide support to help grow small, medium and large Canadian businesses into globally competitive, high-impact firms; ensure a fair and competitive marketplace ; promote the conditions that support competitive prices and product choices, including in the telecommunications sector; simplify government programming, promote efforts to reduce red tape for businesses, putting in place the right conditions for market-driven innovation and promoting growth and an economy that works for everyone; reduce barriers to the movement of goods, services, capital and labour; grow Canada's tourism sector.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Business Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Support for Small Business

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Economic Outcomes from Procurement

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Digital Service

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Spectrum and Telecommunications

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Clean Technology and Clean Growth

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Intellectual Property

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Competition Law Enforcement and Promotion

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Talent Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Marketplace Protection and Promotion

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Economic Development in the Territories


Working in the three territories to support the conditions for a sustainable, diversified and innovative economy in collaboration with Northerners/Indigenous people, businesses, organizations, other federal departments and other levels of government.

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Community Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Business Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Policy and Advocacy

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Northern Projects Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 078 - Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Economic Development in Atlantic Canada


Support Atlantic Canada's economic growth, wealth creation and economic prosperity through inclusive clean growth and building on competitive regional strengths. Help small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) growth through direct financial assistance and indirectly to business support organizations. SMEs become more innovative by adopting new technologies and processes and pursuing new avenues for expansion and market diversification in order to compete and succeed in a global market.

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Inclusive Communities

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Diversified Communities

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Research and Development and Commercialization

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Innovation Ecosystem

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Business Growth

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Trade and Investment

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Policy Research and Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Canadian Space Agency
Canada in space


The Canadian Space Agency coordinates the space policies and programs of the government of Canada; ensures that other government departments and agencies have access to space data, information, and services to deliver on their mandate; plans, directs and manages projects relating to scientific or industrial space research and the development of space science and technology; promotes the transfer and diffusion of space technology to and throughout the Canadian industry; and encourages the commercial exploitation of the space capabilities, technology, facilities and systems. The Canadian Space Agency also aims to build Canada's capacity and engage the next generation of space scientists and engineers and provide opportunities to inspire young people to develop the required skills and to pursue studies and careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Space Exploration

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Space Utilization

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Space Capacity Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 119 - Canadian Space Agency
Canadian Tourism Commission
Canadian Tourism Commission


To sustain a vibrant and profitable tourism industry in Canada; to market Canada as a desirable tourist destination; to support a cooperative relationship between the private sector and the governments of Canada, the provinces, and the territories with respect to Canadian tourism; and to provide information about Canadian tourism to the private sector and to the federal, provincial, and territorial governments.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Copyright Board
Copyright Tariffs and Licences


The Copyright Board of Canada establishes the tariffs which set the royalties to be paid for the use of copyrighted works, when the copyright on such works are being administered collectively by a society. The Board also issues licences which set the royalties to be paid for the use of copyrighted works when the copyright owner cannot be located. By issuing fair and equitable tariffs and licences in a timely manner, the Board encourages the development and adoption of new technologies and stimulates innovation in the Canadian economy. Its work also promotes confidence in Canada's tariff and licencing processes.

Department(s) specific:

  • 116 - Copyright Board
Copyright Tariff Setting and Issuance of Licences

Department(s) specific:

  • 116 - Copyright Board
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 116 - Copyright Board
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Economic Development in Southern Ontario


The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario works to strengthen southern Ontario's capacity for innovation, economic development and growth.

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Business Scale Up and Productivity

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Regional Innovation Ecosystem

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Community Economic Development and Diversification

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 062 - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
National Research Council of Canada
Science and Innovation


Grow and enhance the prosperity of Canada through: undertaking, assisting and promoting innovation-driven research and development; advancing fundamental science and Canada's global research excellence; providing government, business and research communities with access to scientific and technological infrastructure, services and information; and supporting Canada's skilled workforce and capabilities in science and innovation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Aquatic and Crop Resource Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Automotive and Surface Transportation

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Energy, Mining and Environment

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Human Health Therapeutics

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Industrial Research Assistance Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
International Affiliations

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Medical Devices

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
National Science Library

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Security and Disruptive Technologies

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Business Management Support (Enabling)

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Design & Fabrication Services (Enabling)

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Research Information Technology Platforms (Enabling)

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Special Purpose Real Property (Enabling)

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Collaborative Science, Technology and Innovation Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Advanced Electronics and Photonics

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Digital Technologies

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Genomics Research and Development Initiative Shared Priority Projects

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 035 - National Research Council of Canada
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Funding Natural Sciences and Engineering Research and Training


The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, through grants, fellowships and scholarships, promotes and supports research and research training in natural sciences and engineering to develop talent, generate discoveries, and support innovation in pursuit of economic and social outcomes for Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Discovery Research

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Research Training and Talent Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Research Partnerships

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 027 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Funding Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Training


The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, through grants, fellowships and scholarships, promotes and supports research and research training in the social sciences and humanities to develop talent, generate insights and build connections in pursuit of social, cultural and economic outcomes for Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Insight Research

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Research Training and Talent Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Research Partnerships

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
New Frontiers in Research Fund

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Tri-Agency Biomedical Research Fund

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Institutional support for the indirect costs of research


The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, on behalf of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, provides financial support to universities, colleges and their affiliated research hospitals and institutes to reimburse a portion of indirect costs associated with the funded research.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Research Support Fund

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 063 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Standards Council of Canada
Standards Council of Canada


To oversee Canada's standardization system by promoting efficient and effective voluntary standardization in Canada, when standardization is not expressly provided for by law, in order to advance the national economy, support sustainable development, benefit the health, safety, and welfare of workers and the public, assist and protect consumers, facilitate domestic and international trade, and further international cooperation in relation to standardization.

Department(s) specific:

  • 033 - Industry (Department of)
Statistics Canada
Statistical Information


Statistics Canada produces objective high-quality statistical information for the whole of Canada. The statistical information produced relates to the commercial, industrial, financial, social, economic, environmental and general activities and conditions of the people of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Economic and Environmental Statistics

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Socio-economic Statistics

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Cost-Recovered Statistical Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Centres of Expertise

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 054 - Statistics Canada
Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Economic development in western Canada


Western Economic Diversification Canada promotes growth and diversification in the western Canadian economy by enhancing innovation, improving business competitiveness, promoting the adoption of clean technologies and inclusive growth.

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Business Growth

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Business Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Community Initiatives

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
Justice (Department of)
Legal Services


The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada provides legal services to the federal government and its departments and agencies. The Minister is responsible for seeing that the administration of public affairs is in accordance with the law. The Minister is also responsible for examining all government bills and all government regulations for consistency with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Additionally, the Attorney General is responsible for advising the heads of departments on all matters of law and for conducting all litigation for federal departments or agencies on subjects within the authority or jurisdiction of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Litigation Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Legislative Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Advisory Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Justice System Support


The Department plays an essential role in ensuring a fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. This is a shared responsibility among a broad range of players, including Parliament, the judiciary, federal departments and agencies, partners in provincial, territorial and municipal governments, a broad range of non-governmental organizations and stakeholders, and, ultimately, all Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Legal Policies, Laws and Governance

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Legal Representation

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Contraventions Regime

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Drug Treatment Court Funding Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Victims of Crime

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Youth Justice

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Family Justice

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Indigenous Justice

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Justice System Partnerships

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 013 - Justice (Department of)
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Engagement and Advocacy


Provide a national credible voice for equality in Canada by raising public awareness of human rights issues; engaging civil society, governments, employers and the public to affect human rights change; representing the public interest in courts and tribunals on human rights, pay equity and accessibility issues; and by monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Government of Canada's obligations under the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Promotion Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission


Provide people in Canada with a mechanism to file and resolve complaints under the Canadian Human Rights Act, Pay Equity Act, and Accessible Canada Act and to represent the public interest in achieving equality in Canada  

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Protection Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Proactive Compliance


Ensure federally regulated organizations comply with the requirements set out in the Employment Equity Act, Pay Equity Act, and the Accessible Canada Act and hold those who do not comply accountable.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Audit Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 075 - Canadian Human Rights Commission
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Administrative support to federally appointed judges


To provide services and support to the federal judiciary in a manner which contributes to the independence of the judiciary and the confidence of Canadians in our judicial system.

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Payments pursuant to the Judges Act

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Federal Judicial Affairs

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Canadian Judicial Council

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 051 - Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Courts Administration Service
Administration Services for the Federal Courts


Provide timely and efficient judicial, registry, court security and electronic court services to the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada; coordinate the provision of services among the four courts; and safeguard the independence of the Courts by placing administrative services at arm's length from the Government of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service
Judicial Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service
Registry Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 144 - Courts Administration Service
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Prosecution Services


The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) prosecutes criminal and regulatory offences under federal law in an independent, impartial and fair manner. It also provides prosecutorial legal advice to investigative agencies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 019 - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Federal Prosecutions

Department(s) specific:

  • 019 - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 019 - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Government Transparency


The Information Commissioner is the first level of independent review of government decisions relating to requests for access to information under the control of government institutions. The second level of independent review is performed by the Federal Court.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Compliance with access to information obligations

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Protection of privacy rights


Ensure the protection of privacy rights of Canadians; enforce privacy obligations by federal government institutions and private-sector organizations; provide advice to Parliament on potential privacy implications of proposed legislation and government programs; promote awareness and understanding of rights and obligations under federal privacy legislation.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Promotion Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Compliance Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Internal services – Office of the Privacy Commissioner


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Internal services – Office of the Information Commissioner


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 096 - Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
The administration of Canada's final court of appeal


Provide services and support for Canada's final court of appeal to process, hear and decide cases.  Support communications and outreach to stakeholders.

Department(s) specific:

  • 080 - Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Court administration

Department(s) specific:

  • 080 - Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Administration of the Judges Act for the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 080 - Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 080 - Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Support services and facilities to federal administrative tribunals and its members


The Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada (ATSSC) is responsible for providing support services required by each tribunal by way of a single, integrated organization.

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Registry Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Mandate and Members Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
National Defence
National Defence (Department of)


Detect, deter and defend against threats to or attacks on Canada. Assist civil authorities and law enforcement, including counter-terrorism, in support of national security, domestic disasters or major emergencies, and conduct search and rescue operations. Detect, deter and defend against threats to or attacks on North America in partnership with the United States, including through NORAD. Lead and/or contribute forces to NATO and coalition efforts to deter and defeat adversaries, including terrorists, to support global stability. Lead and/or contribute to international peace operations and stabilization missions with the United Nations, NATO and other multilateral partners. Engage in capacity building to support the security of other nations and their ability to contribute to security and the security of Canadians abroad. Assist civil authorities and non-governmental partners in responding to international and domestic disasters or major emergencies.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Operations in Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Operations in North America

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
International Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Global Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Cyber Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
 Command, Control and Sustainment of Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Special Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Forces


Field combat ready forces able to succeed in an unpredictable and complex security environment in the conduct of concurrent operations associated with all mandated missions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Strategic Command and Control

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Naval Forces

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Land Forces

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Air and Space Forces

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Special Operations Forces

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Cyber and Joint Communication Information Systems (CIS) Forces

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Intelligence Forces

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Joint and Combined Forces

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Ready Health, Military Police and Support Forces

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Equipment Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Canadian Forces Liaison Council and Employer Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Team


Recruit, develop and support an agile and diverse Defence Team, within a healthy workplace free from harmful behaviour; support military families; and meet the needs of all retiring military personnel, including the ill and injured. Strengthen Canadian communities by investing in youth.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Individual Training and Professional Military Education

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Total Health Care

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Team Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Military Transition

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Military Member and Family Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Military History and Heritage

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Military Law Services/Military Justice Superintendence

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (Youth Program)

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Future Force Design


Develop and design the future force through a deep understanding of the future operating environment and security risks to Canada and Canadian interests. Enhance Defence's ability to identify, prevent, adapt and respond to a wide range of contingencies through collaborative innovation networks and advanced research.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Joint Force Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Naval Force Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Land Force Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Air and Space Force Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Special Operations Force Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Cyber and Joint Communication Information Systems (CIS) Force Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Intelligence Force Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Science, Technology and Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Procurement of Capabilities


Procure advanced capabilities to maintain an advantage over potential adversaries and to keep pace with Allies, while fully leveraging defence innovation and technology. Streamlined and flexible procurement arrangements ensure Defence is equipped to conduct missions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Maritime Equipment Acquisition

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Land Equipment Acquisition

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Aerospace Equipment Acquisition

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Information Technology Systems Acquisition, Design and Delivery

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Materiel Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure


Develop and manage modern, operational and sustainable bases and infrastructure. Contribute to the achievement of federal environmental targets.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Infrastructure Program Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Infrastructure Construction, Recapitalization and Investment

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Infrastructure Maintenance, Support and Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Military Family Housing

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Defence Information Systems, Services and Programme Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Environmental Sustainability and Protection

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Indigenous Affairs

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Naval Bases

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Land Bases

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Air and Space Wings

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Joint, Common and International Bases

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Military Police Institutional Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 018 - National Defence (Department of)
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Independent review of military grievances


The National Defence Act, Section 29.2 (1) and (2), requires the Military Grievances External Review Committee to review every grievance referred to it by the Final Authority (FA) and to provide Findings and Recommendations in writing to the FA and the officer or non-commissioned member who submitted the grievance.

Department(s) specific:

  • 138 - Military Grievances External Review Committee
Independent review of military grievances

Department(s) specific:

  • 138 - Military Grievances External Review Committee
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 138 - Military Grievances External Review Committee
Communications Security Establishment
Provide and Protect Information


Acquire and use information from the global information infrastructure for the purpose of providing foreign intelligence, in accordance with Government of Canada intelligence priorities.  Provide advice, guidance, and services to help ensure the protection of electronic information and of information infrastructures of importance to the Government of Canada.  Provide technical and operational assistance to federal law enforcement and security agencies in the performance of their lawful duties.

Department(s) specific:

  • 165 - Communications Security Establishment
Foreign Signals Intelligence

Department(s) specific:

  • 165 - Communications Security Establishment
Cyber Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 165 - Communications Security Establishment
Military Police Complaints Commission
Independent oversight of the Military Police


Promotes and ensures the highest standards of conduct of Military Police in the performance of policing duties and discourages interference in any Military Police investigation through independent and impartial reviews, investigations and hearings which result in sound findings and recommendations in response to complaints about or by Military Police members as well as through outreach activities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 137 - Military Police Complaints Commission
Complaints Resolution

Department(s) specific:

  • 137 - Military Police Complaints Commission
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 137 - Military Police Complaints Commission
National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency


To ensure that Canada's self-assessment tax system is sustained by providing taxpayers with the support and information they need to understand and fulfill their tax obligations, and by taking compliance and enforcement action when necessary to uphold the integrity of the system, offering avenues for redress whenever taxpayers may disagree with an assessment/decision.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Tax Services and Processing

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Returns Compliance

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Objections and Appeals

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Taxpayer Relief

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Service Complaints

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Registered Plans

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Policy, Rulings, and Interpretations

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Reporting Compliance

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency


To ensure that Canadians obtain the support and information they need to know what benefits they may be eligible to receive, that they receive their benefit payments in a timely manner, and have avenues of redress when they disagree with a decision on their benefit eligibility.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Taxpayers' Ombudsman


Canadians have access to trusted and independent review of service complaints about the Canada Revenue Agency.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Taxpayers' Ombudsman

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
Natural Resources
Natural Resources (Department of)
Natural Resource Science and Risk Mitigation


Lead foundational science and share expertise for managing Canada's natural resources, reducing the impacts of climate change and mitigating risks from natural disasters and explosives. 

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Canadian Geodetic Survey: Spatially Enabling Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Geological Knowledge for Canada's Onshore and Offshore Land

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Core Geospatial Data

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Canada-US International Boundary Treaty

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Canada Lands Survey System

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Pest Risk Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Forest Climate Change

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Climate Change Adaptation

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Explosives Safety and Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Wildfire Risk Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Polar Continental Shelf Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development


Lead the transformation to a low-carbon economy by improving the environmental performance of Canada's natural resource sectors through innovation and sustainable development and use.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Green Mining Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Fibre Solutions

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Sustainable Forest Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Cumulative Effects

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Lower Carbon Transportation

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Electricity Resources

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Energy Efficiency

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Energy and Climate Change Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Innovative Geospatial Solutions

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Energy Innovation and Clean Technology

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Globally Competitive Natural Resource Sectors


Advance and promote market access, inclusiveness and competitiveness for Canada's natural resource sectors, in support of jobs and economic growth. Also includes statutory payments for offshore petroleum.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Forest Sector Competitiveness

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Provision of Federal Leadership in the Minerals and Metals Sector

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
International Energy Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Statutory Offshore Payments

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Natural Resources Canada's Indigenous Partnerships Office - West

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
The Resource Partnerships Sector

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy - Science and Technology Internship Program (Green Jobs)

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Nuclear laboratories


Atomic Energy of Canada Limited enables nuclear science and technology in the area of nuclear energy, material science, health, emergency preparedness, safety, and the environment. The objective is to leverage the Chalk River Laboratories, Canada's largest science and technology complex, in order to provide nuclear science and technology products and services to the Government of Canada and third parties.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management


Atomic Energy of Canada Limited manages nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste responsibilities at its sites and at sites for which the Government of Canada has accepted responsibility. The objective is to safely and efficiently reduce radioactive waste liabilities by decontaminating and decommissioning infrastructure which is no longer necessary, remediating sites and safely storing and disposing of radioactive waste in a manner that protects the public, workers and the environment.

Department(s) specific:

  • 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Regulation


The Commission regulates the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect health, safety, security of persons and the environment; implements Canada's international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy; and disseminates objective scientific and regulatory information to members of the public. The Commission maintains a regulatory framework, conducts licensing (including environmental protection reviews), compliance verification, and enforcement. The Commission is committed to building and maintaining the confidence of the public and Indigenous peoples through transparent, open and inclusive regulatory processes.

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Reactors Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Scientific, Regulatory and Public Information Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 047 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Northern Pipeline Agency
Oversee and regulate the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline Project


Oversee and regulate the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline Project.

Department(s) specific:

  • 066 - Northern Pipeline Agency
Oversee and regulate the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline Project

Department(s) specific:

  • 066 - Northern Pipeline Agency
Canadian Energy Regulator
Safety and Environment Oversight


Setting and enforcing regulatory expectations for regulated companies over the full lifecycle — construction, operation and abandonment — of energy-related activities. These activities pertain to pipelines and related facilities, international power lines, offshore renewable energy, tolls and tariffs, energy exports and imports, and oil and gas exploration and drilling in certain northern and offshore areas of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Company Performance

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Management System and Industry Performance

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Emergency Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Regulatory Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Energy Information


Collecting, monitoring, analyzing and publishing information on energy markets and supply, sources of energy, and the safety and security of pipelines and international power lines.

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Energy System Information

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Pipeline Information

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator


Engaging nationally and regionally with Indigenous Peoples and stakeholders through open dialogue, asking questions, sharing perspectives, and collaboration. These activities pertain to all decisions and actions related to the Canada Energy Regulator's legislated mandate.

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Stakeholder Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Indigenous Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Energy Adjudication


Making decisions or recommendations to the Governor in Council on applications, which include impact assessments, using processes that are fair, transparent, timely and accessible. These applications pertain to pipelines and related facilities, international power lines, offshore renewable energy, tolls and tariffs compensation disputes resolution, energy exports and imports, and oil and gas exploration and drilling in certain northern and offshore areas of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Infrastructure, Tolls and Export Applications

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Participant Funding

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Internal Services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 195 - Canadian Energy Regulator
Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Governor General's Secretary (Office of the)
Governor General Support


The Office of the Secretary to the Governor General provides support and advice to the Governor General of Canada in his/her unique role as the representative of The Queen in Canada as well as Commander-in-Chief. The Office assists the Governor General in carrying out constitutional responsibilities, in representing Canada internationally, and in encouraging excellence and achievement through the administration of the Canadian Honours System and in the granting of armorial bearings. The Office also supports the Governor General in bringing Canadians together. It manages a visitor services program at both of the Governor General's official residences and oversees the day-to-day operations of these residences. The Office also provides support to former Governors General.

Department(s) specific:

  • 008 - Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 008 - Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Senators, House Officers, and their Offices


Provides Senators with the statutory services set out in the Parliament of Canada Act and the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act. Operating costs of Senators' offices are provided in accordance with established policies and guidelines. Costs included under these two categories are: Senators' sessional indemnities and allowances as well as contributions to the Senators' pension plan and retiring allowances; travel and telecommunication expenses; salaries for additional duties of the Officers of the Senate; staff costs of operating the offices of Officers of the Senate; Senators' research and office expenses, including staff costs and the cost of goods and services incurred for the operations of Senators' offices; and Caucus research funds.

Department(s) specific:

  • 009 - Senate
Administrative Support


Provide the ongoing support services required for the effective, efficient and economical delivery of operating programs outlined under the other two programs of the Senate. Administrative support provides accommodation and other facilities and tools, information, goods and services, and expert advice on all aspects of operations. Costs included in this program are: financial services and materiel management; human resources; corporate security services; information services; information technology management; accommodation planning, maintenance and upkeep of premises; postal, messenger and printing services; repairs, trades and transportation services; corporate improvement including internal audit and strategic management.

Department(s) specific:

  • 009 - Senate
Chamber, Committees and Associations


Provide the support and services Senators require for their work in the Senate Chamber; standing, special and joint committees; and parliamentary associations. This includes procedural, legislative, and information products such as Speaker's rulings, legislative drafting, official publications and broadcasting; and administrative services such as budgets and logistics for meetings. Costs included under this program are: salaries of the Clerk's and Legislative Sectors; journals, reporting of debates and publications; committees, parliamentary associations and exchanges; broadcasting; communications; and Senate Pages.

Department(s) specific:

  • 009 - Senate
House of Commons
Members and House Officers


Members assume the roles of legislators and elected representatives of their constituency. In their constituencies, Members participate in events and activities and hold discussions with constituents about their concerns. In the Chamber, Members participate in debates and study and vote on legislation. Members sit on standing committees and special or joint committees since the House of Commons delegates the in-depth consideration of bills and the thorough scrutiny of the governments programs and policies to its committees. Members also participate in parliamentary associations and interparliamentary groups, and are members of delegations for parliamentary exchanges. Finally, in caucus, Members develop strategy, discuss policy and examine important issues with fellow party Members, and direct the work of their party research office. House Officers are Members elected or appointed o positions within the national caucus of a recognized party who carry additional parliamentary functions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 067 - House of Commons
House Administration


Employees of the House Administration are responsible for providing services to Members elected during a parliament. In addition, they serve the House as an institution on a permanent basis by ensuring continuity from one parliament to another, access to parliamentary records, and a stable infrastructure to support Members in the democratic process. They provide advice and support in a wide variety of areas such as: procedural, legislative and legal services; information technology and management; building management; security; food services; finance; human resources; and workplace health and safety. The employees of the House Administration strive to support the institution and the Members in their roles as legislators and representatives of their constituencies, in the Chamber, in committee and in caucus.

Department(s) specific:

  • 067 - House of Commons
Library of Parliament
Information Support for Parliament


This Program Activity provides parliamentarians with information, documentation, research and analysis services to help them fulfil their roles as legislators and representatives and to support them in their efforts to make Parliament and information about Parliament accessible to the public.

Department(s) specific:

  • 017 - Library of Parliament
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 017 - Library of Parliament
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
Administration and Interpretation of the Conflict of Interest Act and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons


The Commissioner provides confidential advice to Public Office Holders and Members about how to comply with the Conflict of Interest Act and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of Parliament. The Commissioner receives and reviews confidential reports and makes information available to the public. The Commissioner may conduct an inquiry to determine whether a present or former Public Office Holder has breached the Act. She is also mandated to provide confidential advice to the Prime Minister about conflict of interest and ethics issues. This program activity benefits Canadians by minimizing the possibility of conflicts arising between the private interests and public duties of Public Office Holders and Members providing for the resolution of those conflicts in the public interest should they arise, and demonstrating to the public that Public Office Holders and Members are held to standards that place the public interest ahead of their private interests.

Department(s) specific:

  • 147 - Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 147 - Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians
Parliamentary Review of National Security and Intelligence Activities


The core responsibility of the Secretariat is to ensure Parliamentary review of national security and intelligence activities in Canada thereby contributing to enhanced transparency and accountability of the national security framework.

Department(s) specific:

  • 192 - Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians

Department(s) specific:

  • 192 - Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 192 - Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians
Senate Ethics Officer
Administration and Interpretation of the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators


The mandate of the Senate Ethics Officer is to administer and interpret the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators that sets out standards of conduct for Members of the Senate. The primary functions of the Senate Ethics Officer are: to provide confidential opinions and advice on any matter respecting Senators' obligations under the Code; to review confidential annual disclosure statements (listing sources of income, assets, liabilities, government contracts, financial and other interests), advise Senators on possible conflicts and compliance measures, and prepare public disclosure summaries; to conduct inquiries and investigations, if necessary, regarding compliance with the Code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 151 - Office of the Senate Ethics Officer
Parliamentary Protective Service
Physical security


The Parliamentary Protective Service is responsible for the physical security throughout the parliamentary precinct and Parliament Hill. This includes the physical security of the parliamentary precinct, Parliamentarians, Parliamentary Staff, and guests of Parliament, as well as all visitors to Parliament Hill and/or the precinct, and any assets located within or events that take place therein.

Department(s) specific:

  • 176 - Parliamentary Protective Service
Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer
Economic and fiscal analysis


The Parliamentary Budget Officer provides independent, relevant, timely and non-partisan analysis to enable Parliament to fulfill its constitutional obligation to hold the government to account. The Parliamentary Budget Officer provides independent analysis to Parliament on the state of the nation's finances, the government's estimates and the Canadian economy; and upon request from a committee or parliamentarian, estimates the financial cost of any proposal for matters over which Parliament has jurisdiction. In addition, the Parliamentary Budget Officer is responsible for preparing cost estimates of political parties' platform commitments during the election period. Information on the operations of the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer can be found in the annual reports which are available on the organization's website. The Speakers of the Senate and the House of Commons are the appropriate Ministers for this organization.

Department(s) specific:

  • 183 - Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer
Privy Council
Privy Council Office
Serve the Prime Minister and Cabinet


To deliver analysis, advice and support to the Prime Minister and Ministers of the Portfolio including non-partisan advice and information from across the Public Service resulting from consultations and collaboration with international and domestic sources inside and outside government. To act as secretariat to the Cabinet and its committees including managing the Cabinet's decision-making system; coordinate departmental policy proposals to Cabinet; schedule and provide support services for meetings of Cabinet and Cabinet committees; advance the Government's agenda across federal departments and agencies; and provide administrative services to the Prime Minister's Office, Portfolio Ministers and to Commissions of Inquiry. To lead and renew the public service in order to advise the government; implement its agenda; and deliver services and results to Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Senior Personnel and Public Service Renewal

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
International Affairs and National Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Planning and Operation of Cabinet

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Commissions of Inquiry

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Legislative and Parliamentary Governance

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Results, Delivery, Impact and Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Intergovernmental Affairs

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Social and Economic Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 025 - Privy Council Office
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Independent safety investigations and communication of risks in the transportation system


The Transportation Safety Board of Canada's sole objective is to advance air, marine, rail and pipeline transportation safety. This mandate is fulfilled by conducting independent investigations into selected transportation occurrences to identify the causes and contributing factors, and the safety deficiencies evidenced by these occurrences. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada makes recommendations to reduce or eliminate any such safety deficiencies and reports publicly on its investigations. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada then follows up with stakeholders to ensure that safety actions are taken to reduce risks and improve safety.

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Aviation occurrence investigations

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Marine occurrence investigations

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Rail Occurrence Investigations

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Pipeline occurrence investigations

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 101 - Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Public Service Commission
Public Service Hiring and Non-partisanship


The Public Service Commission promotes and safeguards a merit-based, representative and non-partisan public service that delivers results for all Canadians. Through policy direction and guidance, it supports departments and agencies in the hiring of qualified individuals into and within the public service, helping to shape a workforce reflecting Canada's diversity. It delivers recruitment programs and assessment services supporting the strategic recruitment priorities of the Government of Canada and the renewal of the public service, leveraging modern tools to reduce barriers for Canadians accessing public service jobs. It oversees public service hiring, ensuring the integrity of the hiring process. The PSC provides guidance to employees regarding their legal rights and responsibilities related to political activities and renders decisions on political candidacy, respecting employees' rights to participate in political activities, while protecting the non-partisan nature of the public service.

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Policy Direction and Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Recruitment and Assessment Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Oversight and Monitoring

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 004 - Public Service Commission
Office of the Intelligence Commissioner
Quasi-Judicial Review of Certain Ministerial Conclusions


The Office of the Intelligence Commissioner is an independent oversight body. Under the Intelligence Commissioner Act, the Intelligence Commissioner is responsible for performing quasi-judicial reviews of the conclusions on the basis of which certain authorizations are issued or amended, and certain determinations are made, under the Communications Security Establishment Act and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act. In each case, the Intelligence Commissioner, supported by the Office of the Intelligence Commissioner, undertakes an in-depth analysis of the records. If the Intelligence Commissioner is satisfied that the conclusions reached by the decision-maker are reasonable, the Intelligence Commissioner must approve the authorization or determination in a written decision that sets out the reasons for doing so.

Consistent with the Intelligence Commissioner's oversight role, an authorization or determination is valid only after it is approved by the Intelligence Commissioner. The activities described in the authorizations or determinations cannot be carried out by the intelligence agencies without the Intelligence Commissioner's approval.

The Intelligence Commissioner Act requires that the Intelligence Commissioner's decision be rendered within 30 days after the day on which the Intelligence Commissioner received notice of the authorization or determination, or within any other period that may be agreed on by the Intelligence Commissioner and the decision-maker. In the case of an authorization issued by the Director of CSIS for a query of a dataset in exigent circumstances, the Intelligence Commissioner must render his or her decision and the reasons for it as soon as feasible.

Department(s) specific:

  • 197 - Office of the Intelligence Commissioner
Quasi-judicial Review Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 197 - Office of the Intelligence Commissioner
Internal Services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.



  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 197 - Office of the Intelligence Commissioner
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat
National Security and Intelligence Reviews and Complaints Investigations


The National Security and Intelligence Review Agency reviews Government of Canada national security and intelligence activities to  assess whether they are lawful, reasonable and necessary. It investigates complaints from members of the public regarding activities of CSIS, CSE or the national security activities of the RCMP, as well as certain other national security-related complaints.  This independent scrutiny contributes to the strengthening of the framework of accountability for national security and intelligence activities undertaken by Government of Canada institutions and supports public confidence in this regard.

Department(s) specific:

  • 196 - National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat
National security and intelligence activity reviews and complaints investigations

Department(s) specific:

  • 196 - National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 196 - National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat
Public Safety
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
National Security


Public Safety develops policy, legislation and programs to support Canada's capacity to respond to a range of national security threats directed against Canadians, our critical infrastructure and our cyber systems while advancing national counter terrorism efforts.

National Security Leadership

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Critical Infrastructure

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Cyber Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Community Safety


Public Safety provides national coordination to help Canadian communities and stakeholders respond to crime and build community resilience, promote the safety and security of Canadian communities and institutions, enhance the integrity of Canada's borders, and support the provision of policing services to Indigenous communities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Crime Prevention

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Law Enforcement and Policing

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Serious and Organized Crime

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Border Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Indigenous Policing

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Emergency Management


Public Safety works to strengthen national emergency management to help prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from all-hazards events. Public Safety provides resources and expertise to Canadian communities in support of emergency preparedness, disaster mitigation and recovery.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Emergency Prevention/Mitigation

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Emergency Preparedness

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Emergency Response/Recovery

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Canada Border Services Agency
Border Management


The CBSA assesses risk to identify threats, manages the free flow of admissible travellers and commercial goods into, through and out of Canada, and manages non-compliance

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Intelligence Collection and Analysis

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Security Screening

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Traveller Facilitation and Compliance

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Commercial-Trade Facilitation and Compliance

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Anti-Dumping and Countervailing

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Trusted Traveller

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Trusted Trader

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Force Generation

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Buildings and Equipment

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Field Technology Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Border Enforcement


The CBSA contributes to Canada's security by supporting the immigration and refugee system when determining a person's admissibility to Canada, taking the appropriate immigration enforcement actions when necessary, and supporting the prosecution of persons who violate our laws.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Immigration Investigations

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Criminal Investigations

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
  • 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Security and Intelligence


The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) protects Canada's national and international security and prosperity interests and the safety of Canadians through intelligence.  CSIS achieves this by collecting, analyzing and reporting threat-related information, in accordance with legislation and ministerial direction. CSIS intelligence and advice provided to the Government of Canada and its partners informs decisions regarding policies and programs, national security-related investigations, government and immigration security screening activities, and the defence of Canada. In instances where CSIS has reasonable grounds to believe there is a threat to the security of Canada, CSIS may also take measures to reduce the threat.

Department(s) specific:

  • 095 - Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Correctional Service of Canada
Care and Custody


CSC provides for the safety, security and humane care of inmates, including day-to-day needs of inmates such as food, clothing, accommodation, mental health services, and physical health care. It also includes security measures within institutions such as drug interdiction, and appropriate control practices to prevent incidents.

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Institutional Management and Support     

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Preventive Security, Intelligence and Supervision

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Drug Enforcement

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Clinical Services and Public Health

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Mental Health Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Food Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Accommodation Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Correctional Interventions


CSC conducts assessment activities and program interventions to support federal offenders' rehabilitation and facilitate their reintegration into the community as law-abiding citizens. CSC also engages Canadian citizens as partners in its correctional mandate, and provides outreach to victims of crime.

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Offender Case Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Community Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Elder Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Offender Education

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
CORCAN Employment and Employability

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Social Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Correctional Programs

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Community Supervision


CSC supervises offenders in the community and provides structure and services to support their safe and successful reintegration into the community. Services include accommodation options, community health services, and the establishment of community partnerships. CSC manages offenders on parole, statutory release, and long-term supervision orders.

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Community Management and Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Community-Based Residential Facilities

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Community Correctional Centres

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Community Health Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Decisions


Conditional release is based on the principle that community safety is enhanced by the timely and gradual release of offenders to the community under supervision. Quality conditional release decisions, based on the risk of re-offending in conjunction with effective programs and treatment, and effective community supervision all contribute to  a release process. Through this core responsibility, the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) staff provides timely, accurate information for Board member decision-making, and develops training and policies that are essential tools for risk assessment and decision-making.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Decisions

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Openness and Accountability


This core responsibility ensures that the PBC operates in an open and accountable manner, consistent with the provisions of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA). This core responsibility includes working with victims of crime, offenders, and the public by providing information about our policies and programs, including access to the PBC's registry of decisions, as well as providing assistance for observers at hearings. The core responsibility also includes working to encourage citizen engagement, enhancing public education and awareness, investigating incidents in the community (i.e., when a new offence(s) occurs), monitoring the PBC's performance and reporting on conditional release results.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Openness and Accountability

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations


A record suspension or pardon is designed to support the successful reintegration of an individual into society. It is a formal attempt to remove the stigma of a criminal record for people convicted of an offence under an Act of Parliament, who have completed their sentence, having met criteria in the Criminal Records Act (CRA) and demonstrated law-abiding behaviour for a prescribed number of years. Record suspensions or pardons can be revoked or cease to have effect for a number of reasons. Through this core responsibility, the PBC screens applications for completeness and eligibility, collects information for Board member decision-making and develops policy to guide decision processes. In addition, under the Expungement Act, the PBC will order the expungement of records of convictions for eligible offences that would be lawful today. Persons convicted of an offence listed in the schedule to the Expungement Act may apply, as well as authorized representatives in cases where the person is deceased. The main difference between a record suspension and an expungement is that with a record suspension, the criminal record is held 'separate and apart' from other criminal records, while an expungement will destroy the record. The PBC is also responsible for assessing requests and providing recommendations under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy (i.e., clemency) and providing advice to the Minister on the merits of each case.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 057 - Parole Board of Canada
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada
Independent Oversight of Federal Corrections


The Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI) conducts investigations of complaints directed to the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) by individual federal incarcerated or supervised offenders, and carries out systemic investigations of issues that affect large numbers of federal offenders. The OCI reviews all CSC investigations of deaths in custody and serious bodily injury cases to ensure CSC compliance with law and policy and conducts reviews of all use of force incidents. The OCIs investigative activities support a safe, lawful and humane federal correctional practice to ensure that federal correctional decisions and practices are in compliance with human rights, law, policy, and are fair.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Ombudsman for federal offenders

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Federal Policing


Federal Policing addresses the most serious and complex criminal threats to the safety and security of Canadians and Canadian interests, including democratic institutions, economic integrity, and physical and cyber infrastructure. Through Federal Policing, the RCMP prevents, detects, and investigates national security, cyber-crime, and transnational and serious organized crime, including financial crime. In addition, it enforces federal statutes, conducts international policing activities, and upholds Canada's border integrity and the security of significant government-led events, designated officials and dignitaries.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Federal Policing Investigations

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Protective Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Federal Policing Prevention and Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
International Policing

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Federal Operations Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
National Police Services


Externally, the RCMP provides specialized and technical services to all Canadian law enforcement agencies, which include advanced training for law enforcement; national criminal data repositories; firearms regulation and licensing; and investigative tools and services, including forensics, identification, firearms and child exploitation. Internally, a diverse range of technical services are also provided to advance RCMP operations and investigations, such as the collection of digital evidence and cybercrime intelligence, the delivery of policing information technology tools, and the implementation of departmental and personnel security standards.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Canadian Firearms Investigative and Enforcement Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Criminal Intelligence Service Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Forensic Science and Identification Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Canadian Police College

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Sensitive and Specialized Investigative Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCMP Specialized Technical Investigative Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCMP Departmental Security

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCMP Operational IM/IT Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Firearms Licensing and Registration

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Contract and Indigenous Policing


Under the Police Service Agreements, the RCMP provides policing services to the provinces (except Ontario and Quebec) and territories, as well as municipalities and Indigenous communities including through the First Nations Policing Program. These services include the general administration of justice, consisting of the preservation of the peace, prevention of crime, and fulfilment of all duties as outlined under the laws of Canada or the laws of respective provinces and territories.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Provincial/Territorial Policing

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Municipal Policing

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Indigenous Policing

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Contract and Indigenous Policing Operations Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Force Generation

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee
Independent review of RCMP employment matters


Independent and impartial case reviews, findings and recommendations for final decisions in appeals of internal RCMP decisions in harassment complaints, conduct cases, discharges or demotions, and stoppages of pay and allowances.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Appeal case reviews

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Independent review of the RCMP


The CRCC's fundamental role is to provide civilian review of the conduct of the RCMP members in carrying out their policing duties, thereby holding the RCMP accountable to the public. The CRCC ensures that complaints about the conduct of RCMP members are examined fairly and impartially. Its findings and recommendations help identify and remedy policing problems which stem from the conduct of individual RCMP members or from deficiencies in RCMP policies or practices. The CRCC also conducts reviews of specified RCMP activities, reports to provinces which contract RCMP services, conducts research, program outreach and public education, and provides independent observers to investigations of serious incidents involving RCMP members.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Public Complaints

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Public Education

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 088 - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Department of)
Public Services and Procurement
Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Purchase of Goods and Services


PSPC purchases goods and services on behalf of the Government of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Procurement Leadership

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Procurement Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Payments and Accounting


PSPC collects revenues and issues payments, maintains the financial accounts of Canada, issues financial reports, and administers payroll and pension services for the Government of Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Federal Pay Administration

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Federal pension Administration

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Payments Instead of Property Taxes to Local Governments

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Payments and Revenue Collection

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Government-Wide Accounting and Reporting

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Cape Breton Operations (CBO) – HR Legacy Benefits

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Property and Infrastructure


PSPC provides federal employees and Parliamentarians with work space; builds, maintains and manages federal properties and other public works such as bridges and dams; and provides associated services to federal organizations.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Federal Accommodation and Infrastructure

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Real Property Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Parliament Hill and Surroundings 

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Cape Breton Operations (CBO) – Portfolio Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Government-Wide Support


PSPC provides administrative services and tools to federal organizations that help them deliver programs and services to Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Linguistic services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Communication Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Government-wide Corporate Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Document Imaging Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Asset Disposal

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Service Strategy

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Canadian General Standards Board

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Security and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Procurement Ombudsman


The Office of the Procurement Ombudsman operates at arm's-length from federal organizations. It is legislated to review the procurement practices of federal organizations, review complaints from Canadian suppliers, and provide dispute resolution services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Procurement Ombudsman

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Canada Post Corporation
Canada Post Corporation


To establish and operate a postal service for the collection, transmission and delivery of messages, information, funds and goods both within Canada and between Canada and places outside Canada, and to conduct its operations on a self-sustaining financial basis while providing a standard of service that will meet the needs of the people of Canada and that is similar with respect to communities of the same size.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Shared Services Canada
Common Government of Canada Information Technology (IT) Operations


Using a government-wide approach, Shared Services Canada delivers reliable and secure IT Operations, IT Infrastructure, and communication and workplace technology services that support and enable government-wide programs and digital services for the Public Service.

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Workplace Technologies

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Data Centre Information Technology Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Enterprise Services Design and Delivery

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 163 - Shared Services Canada
National Capital Commission
National Capital Commission


To prepare plans for and assist in the development, conservation, and improvement of Canada's Capital Region in order that the nature and character of the seat of the Government of Canada may be in accordance with its national significance.

Department(s) specific:

  • 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
Transport (Department of)
Safe and Secure Transportation System


Ensures a safe and secure transportation system in Canada through laws, regulations, policies, and oversight activities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Aviation Safety Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Aviation Security Regulatory Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Aviation Security Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Aircraft Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Marine Safety Regulatory Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Marine Safety Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Marine Security Regulatory Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Marine Security Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Rail Safety Regulatory Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Rail Safety Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Rail Safety Improvement Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Multi-Modal and Road Safety Regulatory Framework Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Multi-Modal and Road Safety Oversight Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Intermodal Surface Security Regulatory Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Intermodal Surface Security Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Technical Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Security Screening Certification

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Emergency Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Green and Innovative Transportation System


Advances the Government of Canada's environmental agenda in the transportation sector by reducing harmful air emissions; protects Canada's ocean and marine environments by reducing the impact of marine shipping; and affirms a commitment to innovation in the transportation sector.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Climate Change and Clean Air

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Protecting Oceans and Waterways

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Environmental Stewardship of Transportation

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Indigenous Partnerships and Engagement

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Navigation Protection Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Efficient Transportation System


Supports efficient market access to products through investment in Canada's trade corridors; adopts and implements rules and policies that promote sufficient choice and improved service to Canadian travellers and shippers; and manages transportation assets to ensure value for Canadians.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation Marketplace Frameworks

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation Analysis

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Transportation Infrastructure

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
National Trade Corridors

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) (Crown Corporation)
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority


The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) is responsible for the delivery of effective and efficient screening of persons who access aircraft or restricted areas through screening points, the property in their possession or control, and the belongings or baggage that they give to an air carrier for transport. The CATSA Act also specifies that the delivery of screening services must be done in a consistent manner and in the public interest. CATSA has a mandate to provide security in four areas of aviation security: Pre-Board Screening; Hold Baggage Screening; Non-Passenger Screening; and Restricted Area Identity Card. In addition, under an agreement it concluded with Transport Canada in 2010, CATSA is authorized to conduct screening, where capacity exists, of cargo at 49 smaller airports.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Canadian Transportation Agency
Independent regulatory and dispute-resolution services for transportation providers and users


Set and enforce economic, accessibility, and air passenger protection rules for the national transportation system; resolve disputes between transportation service providers and users through facilitation, mediation, arbitration, and adjudication; and provide information to stakeholders and Canadians in general on the transportation system and their transportation-related rights and responsibilities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 040 - Canadian Transportation Agency
Analysis and Outreach

Department(s) specific:

  • 040 - Canadian Transportation Agency
Dispute Resolution

Department(s) specific:

  • 040 - Canadian Transportation Agency
Determinations and Compliance

Department(s) specific:

  • 040 - Canadian Transportation Agency
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 040 - Canadian Transportation Agency
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
Manage International Bridges


Providing corporate oversight of the Canadian federal interests in the stewardship of international bridge assets of the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge, Blue Water Bridge, Thousand Islands International Bridge and Seaway International Bridge Crossing. Managing international bridges with excellence in governance, best practices in portfolio management, organization of processes and strong relationships with stakeholders. Maintaining safe and secure international trade routes and enabling the efficient transit of people and goods.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Marine Atlantic Inc. (Crown Corporation)
Marine Atlantic Inc.


To provide a safe, environmentally responsible, and quality ferry service between the Island of Newfoundland and the Province of Nova Scotia in a reliable, courteous, and cost-effective manner.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
VIA Rail Canada Inc. (Crown Corporation)
VIA Rail Canada Inc.


To offer a national passenger rail transportation service that is safe, secure, efficient, reliable, and environmentally sustainable, and that meets the needs of travellers in Canada.

Department(s) specific:

  • 034 - Transport (Department of)
Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat
Spending Oversight


Review spending proposals and authorities; review existing and proposed government programs for efficiency, effectiveness and relevance; provide information to Parliament and Canadians on government spending.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Oversight and Treasury Board Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Expenditure Data, Analysis, Results, and Reviews

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Government-wide Funds

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Administrative Leadership


Lead government-wide initiatives; develop policies and set the strategic direction for government administration related to service delivery and access to government information, as well as the management of assets, finances, information and technology.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Financial Management Policies and Initiatives

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Digital Policy

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Digital Strategy, Planning, and Oversight

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Management Accountability Framework

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Acquired Services and Assets Policies and Initiatives

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Financial Management Transformation

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Internal Audit Policies and Initiatives

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Communications and Federal Identity Policies and Initiatives

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Canadian Digital Service

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Greening Government Operations

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Public Service Accessibility

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat


Develop policies and set the strategic direction for people management in the public service; manage total compensation (including pensions and benefits) and labour relations; undertake initiatives to improve performance in support of recruitment and retention objectives.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Employment Conditions and Labour Relations

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Pension and Benefits Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Workplace Policies and Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Public Service Employer Payments

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Executive and Leadership Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
People Management Systems and Processes

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Research, Planning and Renewal

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Regulatory Oversight


Develop and oversee policies to promote good regulatory practices, review proposed regulations to ensure they adhere to the requirements of Government policy, and advance regulatory cooperation across jurisdictions.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Regulatory Policy, Oversight, and Cooperation

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
Canada School of Public Service
Common Public Service Learning


The Canada School of Public Service provides common learning to all employees of the core public service to serve Canadians with excellence.

Department(s) specific:

  • 052 - Canada School of Public Service

Department(s) specific:

  • 052 - Canada School of Public Service
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 052 - Canada School of Public Service
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Regulation of lobbying


The purpose of the Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists' Code of Conduct is to provide a regime for the transparent and ethical lobbying of public office holders. This regime contributes to public confidence in the integrity of decision making by public office holders. The mandate of the Commissioner of Lobbying is to establish and maintain the Registry of Lobbyists, ensure compliance with the Act and the Code, and develop and implement educational programs to foster awareness of the Act and the Code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 154 - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Registry services and compliance

Department(s) specific:

  • 154 - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 154 - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Public sector disclosures of wrongdoing and complaints of reprisal


The Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada (the Office) improves oversight of government operations by providing public servants and members of the public with a process for receiving and investigating disclosures of wrongdoing in the federal public sector. It reports founded cases of wrongdoing to Parliament and makes recommendations to chief executives on corrective measures.  The Office also provides a mechanism for public servants and former public servants to make complaints of reprisal. It investigates and can refer cases to the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal.

Department(s) specific:

  • 046 - Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Disclosure and Reprisal Management

Department(s) specific:

  • 046 - Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 046 - Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Veterans Affairs
Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Benefits, Services and Support


Support the care and well-being of Veterans and their dependents or survivors through a range of benefits, services, research, partnerships and advocacy.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Health Care Benefits

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Transition Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Long Term Care

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Veterans Independence Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Caregiver Recognition Benefit

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
War Veterans Allowance

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Income Support

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Veterans Emergency Fund

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Disability Benefits

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Research and Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)


Pay tribute to the sacrifices and achievements of those who served in Canada's military efforts.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Canada Remembers Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Funeral and Burial Program

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Veterans Ombudsman


Provide an independent and impartial review of complaints and issues related to programs and services delivered by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio and uphold the Veterans Bill of Rights.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Veterans Ombudsman

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Management and Oversight Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Communications Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Legal Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Human Resources Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Financial Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Information Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Information Technology Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Real Property Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Materiel Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Acquisition Management Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Veterans Review and Appeal Board


Provide an independent review and appeal program for disability benefits decisions made by Veterans Affairs Canada; ensure Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police members, and their families, receive the benefits they are entitled to under law for service-related disabilities.

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Review and Appeal

Department(s) specific:

  • 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
Women, Gender Equality and Youth
Department for Women and Gender Equality
Advancing Gender Equality


The Department for Women and Gender Equality advances gender equality for women, including social, economic, and political equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. The Department promotes a greater understanding of the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors that include race, national and ethnic origin, Indigenous origin or identity, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic condition, place of residence and disability. The Department develops and coordinates policies and programs; and undertakes research and data collection and analyses related to these policies and programs; and raises public awareness through outreach. The Department provides advice to government to achieve Canada's gender equality outcomes and goals, including advocacy for gender-based budgeting, and facilitates the advancement of gender equality among other partners and stakeholders, through its expertise, contribution to research and funding to community initiatives. The Department serves as a central point for sharing expertise across Canada and with international partners, and uses this knowledge to inform and support Canada's gender equality priorities.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.

Department(s) specific:

  • 190 - Department for Women and Gender Equality
Expertise and Outreach

Department(s) specific:

  • 190 - Department for Women and Gender Equality
Community Action and Innovation

Department(s) specific:

  • 190 - Department for Women and Gender Equality
Internal services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.


  • This department is not required to use specific program codes to allocate the internal service expenses between the following groups: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. This department will exclusively use the internal services code.
Other than Budgetary Expenditures
Receiver General
Receiver General Operation

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Agriculture and Agri-Food

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Canadian Heritage

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Finance

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Global Affairs

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Indigenous Services

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Infrastructure and Communities

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Innovation, Science and Economic Development

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Natural Resources

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Public Services and Procurement

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities - Transport

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Central Provision Allowance

Department(s) specific:

  • 097 - Receiver General
Superannuation Accounting

Department(s) specific:

  • 087 - Public Service Superannuation
Regional Pay Office
Salary deductions

Department(s) specific:

  • 079 - Payroll System General Ledger
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