7.2 Object codes: Revenue—Detailed for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024
The Object codes in the government-wide Chart of Accounts are included in this section. This object classification identifies the types of resources acquired or disbursed through transactions with a third party or other government departments.
7.2 Object codes: Revenue—Summary for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024
- 4549
- Sales of other goods
Sale of products or services not included in objects 4540 to 4548 such as tags and seals, photocopies, sale of unclaimed goods, etc.
- 4551
- Inspection fees
Revenue from inspection fees, such as aircraft type approval, airworthiness certificates, etc. - 4554
- Aviation regulations
- 4556
- Supervision of race tracks
Department(s) specific:
- 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
- 4558
- Fees from assessments of financial institutions
- 4559
- Other services of a Regulatory Nature
Any revenue from services of a regulatory nature not included in objects 4551 to 4558.
- 4560
- Public Utility services, Including Water, Waste Water and Other Utilities
- 4561
- Telecommunication services
- 4562
- Dental services
Revenue from all dental services provided by a dentist or by a dental hygienist. - 4563
- Hospital services
Revenue from hospital services such as acute, chronic, convalescent hospitals. - 4564
- Marine service and wharf revenue
- 4565
- Other health services
Revenue for all health services not specified in objects 4562 and 4563. - 4566
- Engineering and scientific fees
- 4567
- Airport services, landing and parking fees
- 4568
- Technology centres services
Revenue from the sale of services by a technology centre. - 4569
- Other revenue from services of a non-regulatory nature
Revenue from services of an optional nature not included in objects 4560 to 4568 such as fees for the right to use a copyright e.g. a software program developed by a department.
- 4570
- Revenue for the provision of non-regulatory services to the United Nations
Revenue from sales of services to the United Nations or its subsidiary organizations.Department(s) specific:
- 018 - National Defence (Department of)
- 4571
- Receipts from Crown corporations for other than real property
Receipts from Crown corporations not included in objects 4510 to 4569. - 4574
- Other services to Local Governments
- 4576
- Police services to local, provincial and territorial governments
- 4577
- Other services to Provincial and Territorial Governments
- 4578
- Services to other national governments
- 4580
- Revenue from patents/royalties
- 4581
- Revenue from access to information fees and charges
Revenue from fees and charges levied under the Access to Information Act. - 4582
- Revenue from advertising or sponsorship
- 4586
- Not sufficient funds (NSF) administrative charges
Revenue collected by the government as an administrative fee from a person or an organisation whose cheque has been dishonoured and returned by a financial institution or whose payment by electronic fund transfer was not honoured by the financial institution on which it was drawn.
- 4593
- Miscellaneous
All other miscellaneous revenue not covered in object 4595 to 4598. - 4595
- Respendable revenue - Systems applications and products (SAP) departments
This revenue object is to be used by SAP departments for adjusting entries (both debit and credit side) to record the receipt of cash that qualifies as revenue credited to the vote (i.e., the department has vote netting authority). - 4598
- Loan guarantee fees
Revenue from loan guarantees fees.
All revenue received from internal sources including those from return on investments, certain other interdepartmental receipts, and tax revenue from sales tax and customs import duties.- 461
- Recoveries of costs from departments and agencies
- 4611
- Overhead or other amounts recovered by departments and agencies from revolving funds
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4612
- Amounts recovered for general administrative services by other departments or other programs within a department
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4613
- Subsidy received by a revolving fund from an appropriation
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4615
- Recoveries of costs from shared cost programs
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4616
- Recoveries from allocation of expenditures/costs within revolving funds
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4619
- Other
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 462
- Services to other government departments as per section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act
- 4620
- Human resources management services
Human resources management services as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4621
- Financial management services
Financial management services as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4622
- Information Management services
Information management services as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4623
- Information Technology services
Information technology services as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4624
- Communications services
Communication services as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4625
- Real property services
Real property services as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4626
- Material services
Material services as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4627
- Acquisition services
Acquisition services as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 4628
- Other administrative service that is designated by order of the Governor in Council
Other administrative service that is designated by order of the Governor in Council as authorized by section 29.2 of the Financial Administration Act.Note(s):
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 466
- Revenue from sales of products and services provided to or within government departments and agencies by revolving funds
- 4670
- Sales of goods and services - CORCAN Revolving Fund
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
Department(s) specific:
- 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
- 4679
- Other
- This object should only have an "I" indicator in the line of coding.
- 480
- Return on investments - Interest on loans and advances
- 4801
- Interest on loans and advances from federal Crown corporations and agencies lending institutions
Interest on loans and advances from Crown corporations that are lending institutions, such as the Business Development Bank of Canada, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, etc. - 4802
- Interest on loans and advances from all other federal Crown corporations
Interest on loans and advances from all Crown corporations other than lending institutions. - 4803
- Interest on loans and advances from provincial and territorial governments, including their Crown corporations
Interest on loans and advances to all the provincial and territorial governments, including their crown corporations. - 4804
- Interest on loans and advances from domestic private sector enterprises
Interest on loans and advances to various industries such as the transportation, defence, or electronics industries, etc. - 4805
- Interest on other loans and advances from other domestic sources
Interest on other domestic loans and advances, such as employment loans, the winter capital projects fund, loans to veterans, etc. - 4806
- Interest on loans and advances from national governments and international organizations
Interest on loans and advances to national governments and international organizations such as Jamaica, United Nations organizations, etc.
- 481
- Return on investments - Profits and dividends
- 4811
- Profits and/or dividends from enterprises
Profits and dividends received from various enterprises such as Telesat Canada, etc. - 4812
- Profits from the Bank of Canada
The profits received from the Bank of Canada.Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 4814
- Profit and/or surplus from foreign exchange accounts (Department of Finance)
Profits and surplus derived from operations of foreign exchange accounts such as the Exchange Fund Account.Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 4819
- Other return on investments, not elsewhere specified
Any other returns on investment, either interest or profit, which are not included in objects 4801 to 4814.
- 482
- Interest on Tax revenue
- 4821
- Interest on Goods and services tax (GST)
Revenue from overdue interest earned on GST amounts owing to the government.Department(s) specific:
- 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 4822
- Interest on customs duties and other excise taxes
Interest on customs duties and other exercise taxes.Department(s) specific:
- 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 085 - Canada Border Services Agency
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 4823
- Interest on income tax
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 483
- Other interest income
- 4832
- Interest on overdue accounts receivable
Revenue from interest earned on overdue accounts owing to the government. - 4833
- Interest on bank deposits
Interest on bank deposits received from banking and other financial institutions. - 4834
- Interest on Canada student loans
Interest received on loans made to students.Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 4835
- Interest on apprentice loans
Interest received on loans made to apprentices.Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 484
- Proceeds from sale of assets
- 4841
- Revenue from coinage (seigniorage)
Revenue from coinage (seigniorage) received by the Department of Finance.Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 4842
- Revenue from bullion
Revenue from bullion received by the Department of Finance.Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 4843
- Sales of surplus Crown assets
Sales of surplus assets. - 4844
- Sales of residential real property
Sale of residential real property such as houses, apartments, etc. - 4845
- Sale of non-residential real property
Sale of non-residential real property such as office buildings, etc. - 4846
- Proceeds from insurance
Proceeds from insurance - 4847
- Sale of Crown corporations
Sales of Crown corporations by the Government of Canada. - 4848
- Sale of departmental organizations
Sales of departmental organizations by the Government of Canada. This economic object includes the sale of part of Transport Canada to Navcan. Note: In 1997-98 and 1996-97 these revenue were included in object 4548. - 4849
- Sales of intangible assets
- 485
- Fines, penalties and other court awards
- 4851
- Fines
Revenue from fines such as fines under the Aeronautics Act and the Transport Act, etc. - 4857
- Penalties
Revenue from penalties such as penalties under the Aeronautics Act and the Transport Act, etc. - 4858
- Proceeds from other court awards, including seized property
Proceeds from other court awards, including seized property.
- 487
- Transfer payments from other governments
- 4871
- Transfer payments from provincial or territorial governments
Transfer payments from provincial and territorial governments for agricultural services, etc. - 4872
- Transfer payments from local governments, including municipalities and local school boards
Transfer payments from local government, including municipalities and local school boards. - 4873
- Transfer payments from foreign governments
Transfer payments from foreign governments for commitment fees, etc. - 4874
- Lottery receipts from the provinces
Amounts received from the Provinces related to a lottery.Department(s) specific:
- 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
- 488
- Receipts from non-budgetary funds and accounts
- 4880
- Administration of the Employment Insurance Account, including cost recoveries
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 144 - Courts Administration Service
- 170 - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
- 4883
- Revenue from the Canada Pension Plan
Revenue received by departments from the Canada Pension Plan for various services provided to the Plan such as collection of contributions, cheque issue and computer services, accommodations, etc. - 4888
- Reallocation from non-budgetary funds and accounts
- 4889
- Other receipts from non-budgetary funds and accounts
Any other receipts not specifically included in objects 4880 and 4883.
- 489
- Miscellaneous Other revenue
- 4892
- Gain on revaluation of foreign currency assets and liabilities
Gain from premium or discount on exchange of foreign currency transactions. Notes: 1. Foreign currency transactions are translated and recorded in Canadian currency equivalents at the exchange rates prevailing on the transaction dates. Any gain from premium or discount is recorded in this object. 2. Losses from premiums or discounts are recorded in object 3216. - 4893
- Removal of low value amounts related to accounts receivable
The Financial Administration Act (FAA) was amended to allow Treasury Board to make regulations to establish the threshold for low-value amounts (LVA). - 4899
- Other
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