4.2 Financial reporting accounts: Expenses—Summary for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024
The financial reporting accounts used for government-wide reporting purposes are included in this section. Financial reporting accounts identify the relevant asset, liability, equity, revenue and expense accounts required for financial reporting (maintaining accounts in a general ledger) and for preparing financial statements.
4.2 Financial reporting accounts: Expenses—Detailed for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024
- 5
- Expenses
- 51
- Program Expenses
- 511
- Transfer Payments
- 5111
- Transfer Payments to or on Behalf of Individuals
- 51110
- Fuel charge proceeds returned to individuals
- 51111
- Old Age Security and Related Payments
- 51112
- Employment Insurance Benefits
- 51114
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit to Persons
- 51115
- Assistance to Encourage Employment
- 51116
- Canada Student Loans or Grants
- 51117
- Pensions to Veterans
- 51118
- Payments to Native Peoples
- 51119
- Other Transfers to Individuals
- 51120
- Apprentice Loans Program
- 51211
- Emergency Care and Support Benefit
- 51212
- Emergency Student Benefit
- 51213
- Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) and Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit
- 51214
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
- 51215
- Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)
- 51216
- Canadian Dental Benefit
- 5112
- Transfer Payments to or on Behalf of Individuals Through the Tax System
- 51121
- Children's Special Allowances
- 51122
- Children Special Allowance Accrual
- 51123
- Working Income Tax Benefit
- 51124
- Refundable Medical Expense Supplement
- 51125
- Child Tax Benefits Accrual
- 51126
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit to Persons Accrual
- 51127
- Children's Fitness Tax Credit
- 51128
- Universal Child Care Benefit
- 51129
- Energy Cost Benefits
- 5112A
- Other Transfer Payments to or on Behalf of Individuals Through the Tax System
- 5113
- Transfer Payments to Other Levels of Government Within Canada Note 31
- 51130
- Canada Health Transfer
- 51132
- Equalization Payments
- 51133
- Other Fiscal Arrangement Transfers by Dept of Finance
- 51134
- Payments to Territorial Governments for Operating Expenditures
- 51135
- Payments Made under Infrastructure Canada
- 51137
- Quebec Abatement
- 51138
- Canada Social Transfer
- 51139
- Other Transfers to Other Levels of Government
- 5113A
- Fuel and Excess Emission charge proceeds returned to other levels of government
- 5113B
- Home Care and Mental Health Transfer
- 51140
- Early Learning and Child Care Payments
- 5114
- Transfer Payments to Other Levels of Government Note 31
- 51141
- Other transfers to Other Levels of Government by Dept of Finance
- 51142
- Gas Tax Fund Transfers
- 5115
- Payments to Industry
- 51150
- Fuel charge proceeds returned to Industry
- 51151
- Payments to Agricultural Producers
- 51152
- Industrial Development Payments
- 51155
- Other payments to industry through the tax system
- 51156
- Wage subsidy
- 51157
- Loans from the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)
- 51158
- Rent subsidy
- 51159
- Other Transfers to Industry
- 5115A
- Other business supports to respond to COVID-19
- 5116
- Payments to Other Countries and International Organizations
- 51161
- International Development Assistance
- 51169
- Other Transfers to Other Countries and International Organizations
- 5117
- Payments to Organizations, Including Crown Corporations and Non - Profit Organizations
- 51171
- Payments to or on Behalf of Native Peoples
- 51172
- Consolidated Other Entities Expenses
- 51173
- Consolidated Other Entities Expenses - Contra
- 51174
- Other Transfers to Non-Profit Organizations - Contra
- 51175
- Payments to Crown Corporations
- 51178
- Transfer payments by Consolidated Foundations
- 51179
- Other transfers to non-profit institutions and other organizations
- 5118
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss
- 51180
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss on Transfer Payments
- 5119
- Payments to Other Sectors
- 51191
- Payments to Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 51192
- Provision for Loan Guarantees
- 51199
- Other Transfers to any Other Sector
- 512
- Crown Corporation and Other Entities Expenses
- 5129
- Crown Corporation and Other Entities Expenses
- 51290
- Consolidated Crown Corporation Expenses
- 51292
- Consolidated Crown Corporation Expenses - Contra
- 51293
- Consolidated other entities expenses
- 51294
- Consolidated other entities expenses - Contra
- 513
- Operating Expenses
- 5131
- Personnel Operating Expenses
- 51311
- Salaries and Wages (including Allowances) Note 32
- 51312
- Employer Contribution Costs Note 33
- 51313
- Other Superannuation Related Costs
- 51314
- Pension and Similar Payments to Former Employees
- 51315
- Pension Provision Adjustments
- 5132
- Operating and Maintenance
- 51321
- Operating Expenses Note 34
- 51325
- Cost of Goods Sold for Inventories
- 514
- Amortization Expenses
- 5140
- Amortization Expenses on Leasehold Improvements
- 51401
- Amortization Expenses on Leasehold Improvements
- 5141
- Amortization Expenses on Capital Assets - Buildings and Works
- 51412
- Amortization Expenses - Buildings
- 51413
- Amortization Expenses - Works and Infrastructure
- 5142
- Amortization Expenses on Capital Assets - Machinery and Equipment
- 51421
- Amortization Expenses - Machinery and Equipment
- 51422
- Amortization Expenses - Computer Hardware
- 51423
- Amortization Expenses - Computer Purchased and Developed Software
- 51424
- Amortization Expenses - Arms and Weapons
- 51429
- Amortization Expenses - Other Equipment including Furniture
- 5143
- Amortization Expenses on Vehicles
- 51431
- Amortization Expenses - Ships and Boats
- 51432
- Amortization Expenses - Aircraft
- 51433
- Amortization Expenses - Motor Vehicles (Non - Military)
- 51434
- Amortization Expenses - Military Vehicles
- 51439
- Amortization Expenses - Other Vehicles
- 5144
- Amortization Expenses on Purchased Intangible Assets
- 51444
- Amortization Expenses on Purchased Intangible Assets
- 5146
- Crown Corporation - Amortization Expenses on Tangible Capital Assets
- 51461
- Crown Corporations - Amortization Expenses - All Categories
- 51462
- Other Entities - Amortization Expenses - All Categories
- 515
- Loss on Sale of Assets
- 5151
- Loss on Sale or Other Disposal of Assets
- 51511
- Loss on sale or other Disposal of Capital Assets
- 51512
- Loss on Sale of Bullion and Coinage
- 51514
- Losses on Sales of Real Property to Canada Lands Company
- 51515
- Crown Corporation - Loss on Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets
- 51516
- Other entities - Loss on Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets
- 51517
- Loss on Sale Non-Capital Assets to Outside Parties
- 5152
- Loss on Sale of Government Organizations
- 51521
- Loss on Sale of Crown Corporations
- 51522
- Loss on Sale of Departmental Organizations
- 51523
- Loss on Sale of Joint and Mixed Enterprise
- 516
- Consolidated Specified Purpose Account Expenditures
- 5161
- Major Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts Expenditures
- 51611
- Administration Expenses - Employment Insurance Account
- 51613
- Re - Insurance Amounts Paid to the Provinces
- 51614
- Payments from Agricultural Commodities Stabilization Board Accounts
- 51615
- Administration expenses - Employment Insurance Operating Account
- 51619
- Other Accounts
- 5162
- Insurance, Donation, Bequest Expenses and Other Payments
- 51621
- Pollution Claims and Expenses from the Oil Pollution Fund
- 51622
- Payments from Other Insurance Accounts
- 51626
- Expenses - Fund for railway accidents involving designated goods
- 5163
- Other Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 51631
- Payments from Environmental Studies Research Fund
- 51633
- Payments from Canadian Commercial Bank and Northland Bank Account
- 51634
- Payments from Seized Property Proceeds Account
- 51635
- Payments from Earmarked Fees and Other Levies
- 51636
- Payments from New Parks and Historic Sites Account
- 51639
- Other Payments
- 517
- Other Program Expenses
- 5171
- Investment Expenses
- 51711
- Loss on Foreign Exchange
- 51712
- Loss on Foreign Exchange Re-Valuations at Year-End
- 51719
- Other Investment Expenses
- 5172
- Miscellaneous Expenses
- 51721
- Export Development Canada - Administration Charges
- 51722
- Miscellaneous Special Payments, e.g. Court Awards Note 35
- 51724
- Government Contingencies Account
- 51725
- Suspense Account for Duplicate Payments
- 51726
- Interest on Overdue Suppliers Accounts
- 51729
- Other Miscellaneous Expenses
- 5173
- Other Program Expenses for Accounting Purposes
- 51731
- Provision for Valuation
- 51732
- Bad Debt Expense
- 51733
- Losses on Write-Offs and Write - Downs
- 51735
- Amortization of Confederation Bridge
- 51736
- Bad Debt - Employment Insurance
- 51737
- Payments to other consolidated entities - Contra
- 51738
- Bad Debt Expense – Phoenix salary overpayments
- 51739
- Other Program Expenses for Accounting Purposes
- 5174
- Payments to Enterprise Crown Corporations and Other Entities Note 37
- 51741
- Export Development Canada
- 51742
- Canada Post Corporation
- 51744
- Canada Ports Corporation
- 51749
- Other Payments to Enterprise Crown Corporations and Other Entities
- 51751
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Minister's Account) Note 46
- 5175
- Payments to Consolidated Crown Corporations Note 37
- 51750
- Payments to Consolidated Crown Corporations - Contra
- 51752
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- 51753
- Telefilm Canada
- 51754
- Marine Atlantic Inc.
- 51755
- VIA Rail Canada Inc.
- 51756
- International Development Research Centre
- 51757
- National Capital Commission
- 51759
- Other Payments to Consolidated Crown Corporations
- 51781
- 5176
- Special Payments
- 51761
- Fuel Rebate Program Payments
- 51762
- Fuel Rebate Program Accrual Basis
- 5177
- Bad Debt Expense - Tax Revenues
- 51771
- Personal Income Taxes
- 51772
- Corporate Income Taxes
- 51773
- Goods and Sales Tax (GST)
- 51774
- Excise Tax and Duties
- 51775
- Energy Taxes
- 51776
- Other Taxes
- 51777
- Customs Duties and Taxes on Imports
- 51778
- Source Deductions
- 51779
- Non - Residents
- 5179
- Interest Expense on Tax Refunds
- 51790
- Interest Expense - Personal Income Taxes
- 51791
- Interest Expense - Corporate Income Taxes
- 51792
- Interest Expense - Non-Resident Taxes
- 51793
- Interest Expense - Goods and Services Tax
- 51794
- Interest Expense - Other Excise Taxes and Duties
- 51795
- Interest Expense - Other Interest Paid on Tax Refunds
- 518
- Distribution of Provision for Valuation Accounts
- 5181
- Provision for Valuation for Transfer Payments to Other Levels of Government
- 51811
- Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)
- 51812
- Medical Care
- 51814
- Fiscal Arrangements
- 51819
- Provision for Valuation for Other Levels of Government - Other
- 5182
- Provision for Valuation for Other Transfer Payments
- 51821
- Accounts Payable - Employment Insurance (EI) Benefits
- 51822
- Accounts Payable for Crop Reinsurance
- 51823
- Valuation for Beef Plan - National Tripartite Stabilization Program (NTSP)
- 51824
- Provision for claims and litigations - Indian Affairs and Northern Development
- 51825
- Valuation for Other Payments to Persons
- 51826
- Provision for veteran payments
- 51827
- Provision for RCMP payments
- 51829
- Provision for Valuation for all Other Transfer Payments
- 5183
- Provision for Valuation for Crown Corporations
- 51831
- Provision for Crown Corporations
- 51832
- Provision for Crown Corporations (Contra)
- 5184
- Provision for Personnel Expenses
- 51841
- Personnel Expenses to Defence
- 51842
- Personnel Expenses to All Other Departments
- 51843
- Provision for Valuation for Interest on Pensions
- 51844
- Provision for Severance Benefits - Military
- 51845
- Personnel Expenses to RCMP
- 51846
- Provision for Severance Benefits - Public Service
- 51847
- Provision for Severance Benefits - RCMP Members
- 51848
- Provision for Severance Benefits - Others
- 51849
- Allowance for Termination Benefits - Departments
- 51881
- Provision for Sick Leave Benefit Plan - Departments
- 5185
- Provision for Valuation for Other Expenses
- 51851
- Agriculture
- 51852
- Defence
- 51853
- Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- 51854
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
- 51855
- Industry and Regional Agencies
- 51856
- Indian Affairs and Northern Development (IAND)
- 51857
- Veterans Affairs
- 51859
- Other Departments and Agencies
- 52
- Public Debt Charges
- 521
- Interest on Unmatured Debt
- 5211
- Marketable Bonds
- 52111
- Interest on marketable bonds in Canadian dollars
- 52112
- Real Return Bonds
- 52113
- Currency Swap Transactions
- 5212
- Treasury Bills
- 52120
- Treasury Bills
- 5213
- Canada Savings Bonds
- 52130
- Canada Savings Bonds
- 5214
- Bonds for Canada Pension Plan
- 52140
- Special Non-Marketable Bonds Issued to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Fund
- 5215
- Interest on Other Securities in Canadian Funds
- 52151
- Interest on Canadian Money Market
- 52152
- Interest on Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) and Medical Equipment Trusts
- 52159
- Interest on Other Securities in Canadian Funds
- 5216
- Interest on Securities in Foreign Currencies
- 52162
- Interest on Canada Notes
- 52163
- Interest on Canada Bills
- 52164
- Interest on marketable bonds in US dollars
- 52165
- Interest on marketable bonds in Swiss Francs
- 52166
- Interest on marketable bonds in Euros
- 52167
- Interest on marketable bonds in Japanese Yen
- 52168
- Interest on Medium-Term Notes
- 52169
- Interest on marketable bonds - Other foreign currencies
- 522
- Interest on Other Liabilities Note 38
- 5221
- Interest on Superannuation Accounts
- 52211
- Interest on Public Service Superannuation Account
- 52212
- Interest on Canadian Forces Superannuation Account
- 52213
- Interest on Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Superannuation Account
- 52214
- Interest on Members of Parliament (MP) Retirement Allowance Account
- 52216
- Interest on Supplementary Retirements Benefit Accounts (SRBA)
- 52217
- Interest on Other Superannuation Accounts
- 52219
- Interest on Other Pension Liability Accounts
- 5222
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Allowance (RCA) Accounts
- 52221
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account (RCA) Account No. 1 - Public Servants
- 52222
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account (RCA) Account No. 1 - National Defence
- 52223
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Account No. 1 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- 52224
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Account No. 2 - Public Servants
- 52225
- Interest on Members of Parliament (MP) Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Account
- 5223
- Interest Paid on Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 52231
- Interest Paid to Employment Insurance (EI) Fund (Offset to 42611)
- 52232
- Interest on Other Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts (Offset to 42145)
- 5224
- Interest on Other Non-Budgetary Accounts
- 52241
- Interest on Canada Pension Plan Account
- 52242
- Interest on Other Non-Budgetary Accounts
- 523
- Interest Paid by Other Entities Within the Government Note 39
- 5231
- 52311
- Interest Paid by Employment Insurance (EI) Fund (Offset to 42141)
- 52319
- Interest Paid by Other Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 5232
- Interest Paid by Revolving Funds
- 52320
- Interest paid by revolving funds
- 5233
- Interest Paid by Non-Budgetary Funds and Accounts
- 52330
- Interest Paid by Non-Budgetary Funds and Accounts
- 5239
- Other Interest Paid
- 52390
- Other Interest Paid
- 524
- Other Public Debt Expenses
- 5241
- Amortization of Discounts, Premiums and Commissions on Bonds
- 52411
- Amortization of Discounts, and Premiums on Marketable Bonds
- 52412
- Amortization of Commissions on Canada Savings Bonds
- 52415
- Consumer Price Index adjustments on Real Return Bonds
- 52416
- Amortization of Discounts, and Premiums on foreign bonds
- 52417
- Amortization of Discounts, and Premiums on Real Return Bonds
- 5242
- Servicing Costs and Costs of Issuing New Loans
- 52421
- Servicing Costs
- 52422
- Costs of Issuing New Loans
- 5249
- Other
- 52491
- Interest Component on Capital Lease Payments
- 52492
- Interest Expense related to Alternative Financing Arrangements (Public Private Partnerships)
- 53
- Actuarial Gains and Losses
- 531
- Actuarial Gains and Losses
- 5311
- Actuarial Gains and Losses
- 53110
- Actuarial gains/losses on public sector pension and other employee and veteran future benefits
- Date modified: