Master list of release notes for 2024 to 2025

Government-wide Chart of Accounts - 2024 to 2025Top of the page navigation

Accounts Code Date Status Note
Authority A804 2024-01-25 Modify Department(s) specific modification
Authority A997 2023-12-21 Activated New code
Authority B331 2024-03-26 Modify New Code
Authority C418 2024-06-28 Create New code
Authority D347 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Authority F111 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Authority F351 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Authority F353 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Authority G227 2023-12-21 Activated New code
Financial reporting account 11281 2024-02-27 Create New code
Financial reporting account 19 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Financial reporting account 191 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Financial reporting account 1911 2024-02-12 Create
new code
Financial reporting account 19111 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Financial reporting account 192 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Financial reporting account 1921 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Financial reporting account 19211 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Financial reporting account 4164 2024-06-28 Create New code
Financial reporting account 41641 2024-06-28 Create New code
Financial reporting account 424 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 4241 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 42411 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 514 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 5144 2024-02-12 Activated Activation Code
Financial reporting account 51444 2024-02-12 Activated Activation Code
Financial reporting account 515 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 515 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 5151 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 5151 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 51511 2024-06-20 Modify French name change
Financial reporting account 51511 2024-02-12 Modify Modification of the Title
Financial reporting account 51517 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Object 0823 2024-04-24 Modify Update description.
Object 118 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Object 1181 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Object 3213 2024-05-01 Modify Change in description
Object 3451 2024-02-13 Modify Modification of Title
Object 4849 2024-02-12 Create New Code
Object 7061 2024-02-13 Modify Modification of the Title
Program BGM01 2023-12-21 Suspended Code suspended as requested by TBS
Program BGM13 2024-06-24 Create New code
Program BGS03 2024-02-23 Modify Name changes of title
Program BGS04 2024-02-23 Modify Name changes of title
Program BNQ13 2023-12-21 Suspended Code suspended as requested by TBS
Program BNQ16 2023-12-21 Suspended Code suspended as requested by TBS
Program BNQ23 2023-12-21 Suspended Code suspended as requested by TBS
Program BNQ27 2023-12-21 Create New code
Program BNQ28 2023-12-21 Create New code
Program BSG03 2023-12-21 Modify Modification to the title: Previous title: "Indigenous Languages and Cultures"  New title: "Indigenous Languages"
Program BTI02 2023-12-21 Modify Modification du titre Ancien titre : "Intervention environnementale"  Nouveau titre : "Réponse aux Intervention environnementale et dangers maritimes"
Program BTO06 2023-12-21 Suspended Code suspended as requested by TBS
Program BTO07 2023-12-21 Suspended Code suspended as requested by TBS
Program BTO09 2023-12-21 Create New code
Program BVL01 2023-12-21 Modify Modification du titre Ancien titre : " Le rôle d'ombudsman auprès des délinquants sous responsabilité fédérale"  Nouveau titre : " Ombuds pour les personnes purgeant une peine de ressort fédérale"
Program BWR09 2023-12-21 Suspended Code suspended as requested by TBS
Program BXB09 2023-12-21 Suspended Code suspended as requested by TBS

Government-wide Chart of Accounts - 2024 to 2025Bottom of the page navigation

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