4.2 Financial reporting accounts: Revenue—Summary for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
The financial reporting accounts used for government-wide reporting purposes are included in this section. Financial reporting accounts identify the relevant asset, liability, equity, revenue and expense accounts required for financial reporting (maintaining accounts in a general ledger) and for preparing financial statements.
4.2 Financial reporting accounts: Revenue—Detailed for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
- 4
- Revenue
- 41
- Tax Revenue
- 411
- Income Tax Revenue
- 4111
- Personal Income Tax
- 41111
- Gross Source Deductions Received
- 41112
- Gross Collections Received from Other Sources (excluding Interest and Penalties)
- 41113
- Total Income Tax Assessed
- 41114
- Refunds Note 24
- 41115
- Transfers to Employment Insurance (EI) Account
- 41116
- Transfers to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Account
- 41117
- Transfers to Provinces
- 41118
- Estimated Accrued Revenue (from Source Deductions and Installments)
- 41119
- Transfer of Old Age Security Recovery
- 4112
- Corporate Income Tax
- 41121
- Gross Collections (excluding Interest and Penalties)
- 41122
- Refunds
- 41123
- Transfers to Provinces
- 41124
- Total Corporate Income Tax Assessed
- 41126
- Significant Tax Refunds to Certain Industries
- 41128
- Estimated Revenue Accrued from Instalments
- 4113
- Non-Resident Income Taxes
- 41131
- Non-Resident Tax - Gross Tax Received
- 41132
- Non-Resident Tax - Refunds
- 41134
- Non-Resident Tax Assessed
- 41138
- Non-Resident Tax Estimated Revenue
- 4118
- Other Income Taxes
- 41181
- Other Income Taxes - Estimated Revenue Accrued
- 41182
- Other Income Taxes - Assessed
- 4119
- Miscellaneous Income Taxes
- 41191
- Miscellaneous Income Tax - Gross Collections
- 41192
- Miscellaneous Income Tax - Refunds
- 412
- Employment Insurance Contribution Premiums
- 4121
- Employment Insurance Contribution Premiums
- 41210
- Employment Insurance Contribution Premiums
- 413
- Excise Taxes
- 4131
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) Including the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Note 27
- 41310
- Total Goods and Services Tax (GST) / Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Assessed
- 41311
- Gross Goods and Services Tax (GST) / Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Received (Net of ITCs)
- 41313
- Rebates
- 41314
- Refunds and Other Payments
- 41315
- Refundable Advance Accounts (for Departmental Purchases) Note 28
- 41316
- Government Tax Remission Order
- 41317
- Transfers of Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) to Provinces
- 41318
- Transfer of First Nations Sales Tax to Bands
- 41319
- Rebates Assessed
- 4132
- Sales Tax
- 41322
- Sales Tax Refunds, Rebates and Drawbacks
- 4133
- Excise Tax on Gasoline
- 41331
- Excise Tax on Gasoline Received
- 41332
- Excise Tax on Gasoline - Refunds, Rebates and Drawbacks
- 41335
- Excise Tax on Gasoline - Assessed
- 4134
- Excise Tax on Aviation Gas and Diesel Fuel
- 41341
- Aviation Gas Tax Received
- 41342
- Diesel Fuel Tax Received
- 41343
- Aviation Gas and Diesel Fuel Tax Refunds, Rebates and Drawbacks
- 41345
- Aviation Gas Tax Assessed
- 41346
- Diesel Fuel Tax Assessed
- 4135
- Petroleum and Gas Revenue Tax
- 41352
- Petroleum and Gas Revenue Tax Refunds
- 4139
- Other Excise Taxes
- 41391
- Tax on Insurance Premiums
- 41392
- Other Excise Taxes Received
- 41393
- Other Excise Taxes Refunds, Rebates and Drawbacks
- 41395
- Other Excise Taxes - Assessed
- 41396
- Other Excise Taxes - Other Government Departments (OGD) Assessed
- 414
- Excise Duties
- 4141
- Tobacco Products
- 41413
- Tobacco Products - Refunds, Rebates and Drawbacks of Duties
- 41415
- Tobacco Products - Duties Assessed
- 4142
- Beer and Liquor Products
- 41425
- Beer and Liquor Products - Duties Assessed
- 4144
- Cannabis products
- 41441
- Cannabis products - Duties Assessed
- 4149
- Other Excise Duties
- 41491
- Other Excise Duties Received
- 41492
- Other Excise Duties Refunds, Rebates and Drawbacks
- 41495
- Other Excise Duties - Assessed
- 415
- Customs Import Duties
- 4151
- Customs Import Duties
- 41511
- Customs Import Duties Received
- 41512
- Customs Import Duties Refunds, Rebates and Drawbacks
- 41515
- Customs Import Duties - Assessed
- 41516
- Customs Import Duties - Other Government Departments (OGD) Assessed
- 416
- Other Tax Revenue
- 4161
- Other Taxes
- 41611
- Other Taxes Received
- 41612
- Other Taxes - Refunds, Rebates and Drawbacks
- 41615
- Other Taxes Assessed
- 41616
- Other Taxes Estimated Revenue Accrued
- 4164
- Digital Services Tax
- 41641
- Digital Services Tax
- 417
- Air Travellers Security Charge
- 4171
- Air Travellers Security Charge
- 41711
- Air Travellers Security Charge - Received
- 41712
- Air Travellers Security Charge - Refunds
- 41713
- Air Travellers Security Charge - Assessed (accrual)
- 418
- Softwood Lumber Charges
- 4181
- Softwood Lumber Charges
- 41811
- Softwood Lumber - Charges
- 41812
- Softwood Lumber - Charge on Refunds of Duty Deposits
- 419
- Luxury Tax
- 4191
- Luxury Tax
- 41911
- Luxury Tax
- 42
- Other Revenue
- 421
- Return on Investments (ROI)
- 4211
- Return on Investments (ROI) from Enterprise Crown Corporations and Other Government Business Enterprises
- 42111
- Bank of Canada
- 42112
- Canada Deposit Insurance Corp
- 42113
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- 42114
- Farm Credit Canada
- 42115
- Export Development Canada
- 42116
- Business Development Bank of Canada
- 42117
- Canada Port Authorities
- 42118
- Canada Housing Trust - Canada Mortgage Bond
- 42119
- Other Enterprise Crown Corporation
- 4212
- Other Returns on Investments (ROI) from Outside the Government
- 42121
- National Governments, excluding Developing Countries
- 42122
- Developing Countries
- 42123
- Provinces and Territories
- 42124
- Persons
- 42125
- Export Trade Development
- 42126
- Joint and Mixed Enterprises
- 42129
- Other Returns on Investments (ROI) from Outside the Government
- 4213
- Investment Income
- 42131
- Exchange Fund Account
- 42132
- Interest on Bank Deposits
- 42133
- Premium on Foreign Exchange
- 42134
- Premium on Foreign Exchange Re-Valuations at Year-End
- 42135
- International Monetary Fund
- 4214
- Return on Investments (ROI) from Within the Government
- 42141
- Interest from Employment Insurance (EI) Fund (Offset to 52311)
- 42144
- Interest from Agricultural Commodities Stabilization Accounts
- 42145
- Interest from Other Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts (offset to 52232)
- 42146
- Interest from Other Specified Purpose Accounts
- 42148
- Interest from Revolving Funds
- 42149
- Other Return On Investments (ROI) from Other Departments
- 4215
- Return on Investments (ROI) from Consolidated and Other Crown Coporations
- 42152
- Return On Investments (ROI) from Consolidated Crown Corporations
- 42159
- Return On Investments (ROI) from Any Other Crown Corporations
- 4216
- Amortization of Discounts
- 42161
- Amortization of Discounts
- 422
- Consolidated Crown Corporation Revenue
- 4223
- Telefilm Canada
- 42230
- Telefilm Canada
- 4229
- Crown Corporation Revenue
- 42290
- Consolidated Crown Corporation Revenue
- 42291
- Enterprise Crown Corporation Modified Equity - Share of Profit/Loss
- 42292
- Consolidated Crown Corporation Revenue - Contra
- 423
- Sales of Goods and Services
- 4231
- Sales of Goods and Services
- 42311
- Rights and Privileges
- 42312
- Lease and Use of Public Property
- 42313
- Services of a Regulatory Nature Note 29
- 42314
- Services of a Non-Regulatory Nature Note 29
- 42315
- Sales of Goods and Information Products
- 42319
- Other Fees and Charges Note 30
- 42320
- Services to other government departments
- 424
- Gains on Sales of Assets
- 4241
- Gain on Sale (or Other Disposal) of Assets
- 42411
- Gain on Disposal of Capital Assets to Outside Parties
- 42412
- Gain on Disposal of Non-Capital Assets to Outside Parties
- 42413
- Gain on Sale of Real Property
- 42415
- Gain on Sale of (Profit from) Bullion and Coinage
- 42416
- Proceeds resulting from losses and damages to assets
- 42417
- Gain on sales of Real Property to Canada Lands Company
- 42418
- Other Entities - Gain on Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets
- 42419
- Crown Corporation - Gain on Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets
- 4242
- Gain on Sale of Government Organizations
- 42421
- Gain on Sale of Crown Corporations
- 42422
- Gain on Sale of Departmental Organizations
- 42423
- Gain on Sale of Joint and Mixed Enterprises
- 425
- Interest and Penalties Earned on Revenue
- 4251
- Interest and Penalties on Income Tax Revenue
- 42511
- Personal Income Taxes
- 42512
- Corporate Income Taxes
- 42513
- Non-Resident Taxes
- 42514
- Source Deductions
- 4252
- Interest and Penalties on Other Tax Revenue
- 42521
- Goods and Services Tax
- 42522
- Energy Taxes
- 42523
- Customs Import Duties
- 42524
- Other Excise Taxes
- 42525
- Employment Insurance (EI) Contributions
- 42526
- Excise Duties
- 42527
- Air Travellers Security Charge - Interest and Penalties
- 42529
- Other Taxes
- 4253
- Interest Paid on Tax Refunds
- 42531
- Personal Income Taxes
- 42532
- Corporate Income Taxes
- 42533
- Non-Resident Taxes
- 42534
- Goods and Services Tax
- 42535
- Other Excise Taxes and Duties
- 42536
- Employment Insurance Contributions
- 42539
- Other Interest Paid on Tax Refunds
- 4254
- Interest on Other Revenue
- 42541
- Interest on Overdue Accounts Receivable
- 42549
- Interest on Other Revenue
- 426
- Revenue on Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts Revenues
- 4261
- Major Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts Revenues
- 42611
- Interest on Employment Insurance Account from Government of Canada
- 42612
- Other Receipts to the Employment Insurance Account
- 42613
- Re-Insurance Revenues from Provinces
- 42614
- Levies and Other Fees under the Agricultural Commodities Stabilization Board Accounts
- 42615
- Other Amounts Received from the Government of Canada
- 42617
- Other receipts to the Employment Insurance Operating Account
- 42619
- Other Accounts
- 4262
- Insurance, Donation and Bequest Revenues
- 42621
- Tonnage Levies on Oil Carriers for the Ship - Source Oil Pollution Fund
- 42622
- Premiums and Other Receipts to Other Insurance Accounts
- 42624
- Donations and Bequests to Endowment Accounts
- 42626
- Revenues - Fund for railway accidents involving designated goods
- 4263
- Other Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 42631
- Receipts to Environmental Studies Research Fund
- 42633
- Receipts to Canadian Commercial Bank and Northland Bank Account
- 42634
- Receipts to Seized Property Proceeds Account
- 42635
- Fees and Other Levies under Court Awards
- 42636
- Receipts to New Parks and Historic Sites Account
- 42639
- Other Receipts
- 427
- Other Revenue
- 4271
- Miscellaneous
- 42710
- Miscellaneous Revenues from Other Consolidated Entities - Contra
- 42711
- Revenue from Fines and Penalties
- 42712
- Gifts to the Crown
- 42713
- Revenue from Seized Property
- 42714
- Revenue from Enterprise Crown Corporations Note 46
- 42715
- Consolidated Other Entities Revenues
- 42716
- Consolidated Other Entities Revenues - Contra
- 42717
- Pension Contributions Credited to Revenue
- 42718
- Miscellaneous Revenue from Payroll Deductions
- 42719
- Miscellaneous
- 4272
- Donation and Bequest Revenues
- 42723
- Donations to Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- 42724
- Interest on Endowment Donations and Bequests
- 42725
- Donations and Bequests to Other Accounts
- 4273
- Other Revenue for Accounting Purposes
- 42732
- Gains on Foreign Exchange Revaluations at Year - End
- 42733
- Other Gains on Foreign Exchange Valuations
- 42734
- Revenue from Joint Project and Cost Sharing Agreements
- 42735
- Gain on Change in Lease Terms
- 4274
- Other Revenue for Consolidated Crown Corporations
- 42741
- Old Port of Montreal Corporation
- 42748
- Other Consolidated Crown Corporations - Contra
- 42749
- Other Consolidated Crown Corporations
- 4275
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss
- 42751
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss on the Exchange Fund Account
- 42752
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss Related to the Position with the International Monetary Fund
- 42753
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss on Unmatured Debt
- 42754
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss on Currency Swap Revaluations
- 42755
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss on Sovereign Loans
- 42756
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss - Other
- 42757
- Interest on Subscriptions to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- 4276
- Clearing Accounts for Collection of Respendable Revenue Amounts
- 42761
- Respendable Revenue Clearing
- 4278
- Fuel and Excess Emission Charges
- 42780
- Fuel and Excess Emission Charges Assessed
- Date modified: