5.2 Authority codes: Summary for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
The Authority codes used in the government-wide Chart of Accounts are included in this section. These authorities may be subject to change based on changes to the vote structure and other statutes.
5. Authority codes: Detailed for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
- ^1
- Budgetary
- ^11
- Expenditures
- A
- Statutory expenditures
- A1
- Standard
- A11
- Operating budget related items
- A111
- Minister's salary and motor car allowance (including Prime Minister and secretaries of state)
- A112
- Other statutory salaries and allowances
- A12
- Special statutory items
- A121
- Court awards - Crown Liability and Proceedings Act
- A122
- Refunds of previous years revenue
- A123
- Collection agency fees under section 17.1 of the Financial Administration Act
- A124
- Court awards - Supreme Court
- A125
- Court awards - Tax Court of Canada
- A126
- Losses on foreign exchange
- A127
- Payment pursuant to section 24(1) of the Financial Administration Act
- A13
- Restricted spending authorities
- A130
- Spending of revenues pursuant to section 30 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act
- A131
- Spending of amounts equivalent to proceeds from disposal of surplus moveable Crown assets
- A132
- Expenditures pursuant to paragraph 29.1 of Financial Administration Act (for departmental corporations)
- A133
- Expenditures equivalent to revenue resulting from the conduct of operations pursuant to section 20 of the Parks Canada Agency Act
- A134
- Spending of revenue received pursuant to section 60 of the Canada Revenue Agency Act
- A135
- Spending pursuant to section 5 of the National Research Council Act
- A136
- Expenditures pursuant to section 29 of the Financial Administration Act for payments pursuant to guaranties under the Spring Credit Advance Program
- A138
- Spending of revenues pursuant to section 18(2) of the Canada School of Public Service Act
- A139
- Spending pursuant to section 12(4) of the Canada Education Savings Act
- A160
- Spending Authorities Emanating from a Department's Enabling Statute
- A161
- Spending of revenues pursuant to section 4.2 of the Department of Health Act
- A162
- Spending of revenues pursuant to section 21(3) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act
- A163
- Spending of revenues pursuant to section 60.1 of Department of Employment and Social Development (ESDC) Act
- A164
- Spending of revenues pursuant to paragraph 4(2)(a) of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Act
- A165
- Spending of revenues pursuant to paragraph 4(2)(a) of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Act
- A166
- Spending of revenues pursuant to section 6(1)(g) of the Canadian Centre of Occupational Health and Safety Act
- A167
- Spending of revenues pursuant to section 29(a) of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act
- A168
- Spending of revenues obtained pursuant to section 5.2(2) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act
- A169
- Spending of revenue pursuant to section 6(2) of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station Act
- A14
- Contribution to employee benefit plans
- A145
- Contributions to employee benefit plans - Treasury Board residual
- A146
- Contributions to employee benefit plans - Members of the military
- A149
- Contributions to employee benefit plans - Reorganisation Note 7
- A14A
- Contributions to employee benefit plans - Program Note 6
- A15
- Other
- A153
- Transfer payments in connection with the Budget Implementation Act
- A2
- Transfer payments
- A20
- Agriculture - Payments in connection with the Farm Income Protection Act
- A201
- Crop insurance programs
- A203
- Net income stabilization account
- A206
- Contributions to a transition to future risk management programming
- A209
- Grants and contributions for the AgriInvest Kickstart Program
- A210
- Grants and contribution payments for the AgriInvest program
- A213
- Payments in connection with the Agriculture Marketing Programs Act
- A214
- Grants for the transitional industry support program
- A215
- Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) recovery program
- A216
- Business risk management (BRM) programs
- A218
- Contributions for the transitional industry support program
- A219
- Contributions for the Canadian farm income program
- A220
- Payments in connection with the Farm Income Protection Act - Quebec gross revenue insurance conditional remission order
- A221
- Class contribution payments for repositioning of the Canadian beef and cattle industry
- A225
- Contributions in support of the Farm Income payment
- A226
- Grants in support of the Farm Income payment
- A229
- Contributions in support of business risk management programs under the Agricultural Policy Framework - Production insurance
- A230
- Grants in support of the Canadian Agriculture Income Stabilization (CAIS) inventory transition initiative
- A235
- Contributions in support of the Canadian Agriculture Income Stabilization (CAIS) inventory transition initiative
- A236
- Contribution payments for the Grain and Oilseed Payment Program
- A237
- Grant payments for the Grain and Oilseed Payment Program
- A238
- Contributions in support of business risk management programs under the Agricultural Policy Framework - Province-based programs
- A239
- Contributions in support of business risk management programs under the Agricultural Policy Framework - Agriculture policy initiatives
- A294
- Grant payments for the Golden Nematode Disaster Program
- A295
- Grants and contributions in support of the Cost of Production Benefit
- A296
- Grant and contribution payments for the Agricultural Disaster Relief Program - AgriRecovery
- A297
- Grants in support of the cull breeding swine program
- A298
- Grant and contribution payments for the AgriStability Program
- A299
- Contributions in support of the assistance to the pork industry initiative
- A22
- Agriculture - Other payments
- A223
- Grants to agencies established under Farm Products Agencies Act
- A224
- Loan guarantees under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act
- A227
- Canadian cattlemen's association legacy fund
- A23
- Environment
- A233
- Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology grant
- A293
- Nature conservancy of Canada
- A24
- Finance - Federal-provincial payments
- A241
- Canada Health and Social Transfer
- A242
- Fiscal equalization
- A243
- Statutory subsidies
- A244
- Alternative payments for standing programs
- A245
- Youth allowances recovery
- A24A
- Payments related to Canada health transfer
- A24B
- Payments to the provinces and territories in respect of Canada's COVID-19 immunization plan
- A24C
- Hibernia Dividend Backed Annuity Agreement
- A24D
- Payments in Relation to Transit and Housing
- A251
- Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation
- A256
- Canada health transfer
- A257
- Canada social transfer
- A267
- Payment to Ontario related to Canada health transfer
- A273
- Territorial financing (Part I.1 - Federal - Provincial Fiscal Arrangement Act)
- A274
- Wait times reduction transfer
- A383
- Additional Fiscal equalization to Nova Scotia
- A384
- Additional Fiscal equalization Offset Payment to Nova Scotia
- A385
- Payments to provinces for assistance with sales tax harmonization
- A389
- Fiscal stabilization
- A421
- Environment, including public transit and energy-efficient retrofit program for low-income housing
- A422
- Training programs and post-secondary education access enhancement
- A437
- Incentive for provinces to eliminate taxes on capital
- A439
- Securities regulation
- A444
- Additional fiscal equalization payment - Total Transfer Protection (BIA1 2013)
- A445
- Funding for Home Care Services and Mental Health Services
- A26
- Finance - International development payments
- A261
- Payments for international development association
- A262
- Payments to the International Monetary Fund
- A264
- Payments for foreign aid
- A265
- Payment for multilateral debt relief
- A266
- Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) finance challenge
- A269
- Agriculture advance market commitment
- A26A
- Payments to World Bank – Ukraine Multi-Donor Trust Fund
- A27
- Finance - Other
- A270
- Payments to the Canadian Securities regulation Regime Transition Office
- A271
- Payments for pensions grants or allowances in respect to the Halifax Relief Pension Continuation Act
- A27A
- Significant and Systematic Economic and Financial Distress
- A28
- Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- A280
- Climate Action Support
- A281
- Payments to the international financial institutions accounts
- A285
- Forgiveness of non-budgetary loans pursuant to section 24.1 of the Financial Administration Act
- A286
- Payments to the Development Finance Institute Canada (FinDev Canada)
- A29
- Export development Canada
- A291
- Payments of concessional loans to facilitate and develop trade between Canada and foreign countries
- A292
- Discharge of obligations and forgiveness of non-budgetary loans pursuant to section 23 of the Export Development Act
- A31
- Health
- A312
- Canada Health Infoway Inc.
- A315
- Payments in connection with the Patent Act (Patented medicines)
- A316
- Payments related to the Canadian Dental Benefit
- A317
- Payments related to Pharmacare
- A32
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- A320
- Benefit enhancement measures - Employment Insurance operating account
- A321
- Interest payments under the Canada Student Loans Act
- A322
- Liabilities under the Canada Student Loans Act
- A323
- Interest and other payments under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
- A326
- Payments of compensation respecting government employees and merchant seamen
- A327
- Old Age Security pension
- A330
- Canada education savings grant payments to Registered Educations Savings Plans (RESPs)trustees on behalf of RESP beneficiaries to encourage Canadians to save for post - secondary education of children
- A331
- Canada Student Grants to qualifying full and part-time students pursuant to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
- A332
- Payments related to the direct financing arrangements under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
- A333
- Old age guaranteed income supplement payments
- A334
- Allowance payments
- A335
- Universal child care benefit
- A337
- Canada learning bond payments to Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) trustees on behalf of RESP beneficiaries to support access to post - secondary education to children from low - income families
- A338
- Wage earner protection program
- A339
- Canada disability savings bond
- A340
- Canada disability savings grants
- A349
- Payments in connection with the Apprentice Loans Act
- A350
- Payments to the provinces for Early Learning and Child Care
- A358
- Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit
- A359
- Canada Disability Benefit
- A34
- Indian affairs and Northern Development
- A342
- Grants to aboriginal organizations designated to receive claim settlement payments pursuant to Comprehensive Land Claim Settlement Acts
- A345
- Grant to the Nunatsiavut Government for the implementation of the Labrador Inuit land claims agreement pursuant to the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement Act
- A347
- Grassy Narrows and Islington Bands Mercury Disability Board
- A348
- Indian Annuities Treaty payments
- A35
- Office of Infrastructure of Canada
- A356
- Green infrastructure fund
- A357
- Canada Community-Building Fund — Financing Municipal Infrastructure
- A36
- Industry
- A362
- Liabilities in Atlantic Canada under the Small Business Loan Act
- A366
- Liabilities under the Canada Small Business Financing Act
- A367
- Genome Canada
- A369
- Liabilities for loan guarantee payments pursuant to paragraph 14(1)(b) of the Department of Industry Act
- A438
- Improving infrastructure at universities and colleges
- A37
- Natural Resources
- A371
- Payments to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
- A374
- Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board
- A375
- Canada/Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
- A376
- Payments to the nova scotia offshore revenue account
- A378
- Payments to the newfoundland offshore petroleum resource revenue fund
- A379
- Newfoundland Fiscal equalization Offset Payments
- A381
- Crown share adjustment payments for Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources
- A390
- Green Municipal Fund
- A39
- Canada Revenue Agency
- A391
- Children's Special Allowance payments
- A392
- Energy cost benefit
- A393
- Softwood lumber - Payments to provinces
- A394
- Climate action incentive payments
- A395
- Distribution of Fuel and Excess Emission Charges
- A397
- Return fuel charge proceeds to farming businesses
- A398
- Return portion of fuel charge proceeds to small and medium-sized businesses
- A40
- Public Works and Government Services
- A401
- Payment in lieu of taxes to municipalities and other taxing authorities
- A41
- Transport
- A411
- Victoria bridge, Montreal
- A413
- Northumberland Strait Crossing subsidy payment
- A414
- Payments in respect of St. Lawrence Seaway agreements
- A45
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- A453
- Renovation and retrofit of social housing
- A454
- Housing for low-income seniors
- A455
- Payments related to the Canadian Rental Housing Benefit
- A47
- Citizenship and Immigration Canada
- A471
- Fees returned in connection with a terminated application
- A472
- Fees returned in connection with a terminated application in investor and entrepreneur classes
- A5
- Revolving funds
- A50
- Agriculture
- A501
- Canadian Grain Commission revolving fund
- A502
- Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency revolving fund
- A51
- Canadian Heritage
- A513
- National film board revolving fund
- A53
- Industry
- A531
- Canadian intellectual property office revolving fund
- A54
- Natural Resources
- A541
- Geomatics Canada revolving fund
- A56
- Public Works and Government Services
- A561
- Real property services revolving fund
- A564
- Optional services revolving fund
- A568
- Translation bureau revolving fund
- A58
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- A581
- CORCAN revolving fund
- A59
- Citizenship and Immigration (Department of)
- A521
- Passport office revolving fund
- A6
- Superannuation and related accounts
- A60
- Canadian Heritage
- A601
- Payments under the Lieutenant- Governors Superannuation Act
- A602
- Supplementary Retirement Benefits - Former lieutenant-governors
- A61
- Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- A611
- Payments under the Diplomatic Service (Special) Superannuation Act
- A62
- Governor General
- A621
- Annuities payable under the Governor General's Act
- A63
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- A632
- Civil Service Insurance actuarial liability adjustments
- A633
- Actuarial liability adjustments - Government annuities account
- A65
- National Defence
- A653
- Pensions and annuities paid to civilians
- A654
- Payments under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act
- A655
- Payments under parts I - IV of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act
- A67
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- A671
- Pensions and other employee benefits - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- A672
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) - Earlier Superannuation Acts
- A68
- Treasury Board
- A681
- Payments under earlier Superannuation Acts
- A683
- Payments for the pay equity settlement
- A69
- Veterans Affairs
- A691
- Veterans insurance actuarial liability adjustment
- A692
- Returned Soldiers Insurance actuarial liability adjustment
- A7
- Interest and other costs related to public debt
- A70
- Finance - Interest on unmatured debt and other public debt costs
- A701
- Interest on unmatured debt and other public debt costs
- A702
- Interest on other liabilities
- A8
- Other statutory amounts
- A81
- Canadian Heritage
- A811
- Payment to the Canadian museum of immigration at pier 21
- A82
- Finance
- A821
- Purchase of domestic coinage
- A823
- Payment of liabilities previously recorded as revenue
- A824
- Payments to depositors under Financial Institution Depositors Compensation Act
- A825
- Payments under section 17 of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institution Act
- A826
- Payments to foreign claims fund
- A827
- Payments under section 13 of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act
- A828
- Payments to the Canada Infrastructure Bank
- A829
- Payments of any amount that is required for the purpose of providing financial assistance
- A992
- Statutory payments to the Canadian Commercial Corporation
- A997
- Payments under section 50.1 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act
- A83
- Export development Canada
- A832
- Export development Canada - Administration charges per section 23 of the Export Development Act
- A85
- Indian affairs and Northern Development
- A852
- Payments on loan guarantees made to Indians for housing and economic development
- A853
- Payments to comprehensive claim beneficiaries in compensation for resource royalties
- A87
- Justice
- A872
- Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs: Judges salaries, allowances and annuities
- A875
- Supreme Court - Judges salaries, allowances and annuities
- A88
- Health
- A803
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Compensation payments for the Health of Animals Act and the Plant Protection Act
- A804
- Payments for expenses in relation to COVID-19 tests
- A90
- Parliament
- A901
- Officers and members of the Senate - Salaries, allowances and other payments
- A902
- Members of the House of Commons - Salaries and allowances
- A91
- Privy Council
- A911
- Salary of the chief electoral officer
- A912
- Electoral expenditures
- A913
- Expenditures under the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act
- A92
- Receiver General
- A922
- Provision for valuation
- A93
- Veterans Affairs
- A931
- Re-establishment credits under section 8, and repayments under section 15 of the War Service Grants Act of compensating adjustments made in accordance with the terms of the Veterans' Land Act
- A99
- Other
- A994
- One-time Payment to Persons with Disabilities
- A995
- Payments related to Canada Recovery Benefits Act
- A996
- Payments in connection with Economic and Fiscal Update Implementation Act, 2021
- B
- Non-Statutory expenditures
- B1
- Standard
- B11
- Program expenditures or operating expenditures vote-All departments
- B119
- Program expenditures or operating expenditures vote - Reorganization Note 7
- B11A
- Program expenditures or operating expenditures vote Note 6
- B12
- Program expenditures or operating expenditures vote-All departments
- B128
- Program expenditures or operating expenditures vote – Remissions on Service Fees
- B129
- Program expenditures or operating expenditures vote - Reorganisation Note 7
- B12A
- Program expenditures or operating expenditures vote Note 6
- B13
- Revenue credited to the vote-Authorized departments
- B138
- Revenue credited to the vote (credited to the capital vote for the program)
- B139
- Revenue Credited to the Vote (Credited to the Program or Operating Vote for the Program) - Reorganisation Note 7
- B13A
- Revenue credited to the vote (credited to the program or operating vote for the program) Note 6
- B14
- Capital vote-Authorized departments
- B149
- Capital vote - Reorganisation Note 7
- B14A
- Capital vote Note 6
- B15
- Grants and contributions-Authorized departments
- B159
- Grants and contribution vote - Reorganisation Note 7
- B15A
- Grants and contribution vote Note 6
- B16
- Other appropriations
- B161
- Debt write-offs
- B162
- Forgiveness of debts
- B2
- Appropriations to Crown corporations
- B20
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- B202
- Payments to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for operating expenditures
- B204
- Payments to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for capital expenditures
- B206
- Payments to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for working capital
- B21
- National capital commission
- B212
- Payments to the National Capital Commission for operating expenditures
- B214
- Payments to the National Capital Commission for capital expenditures
- B22
- Payments to museums
- B221
- Payments to the National Gallery of Canada for operating and capital expenditures
- B222
- Payments to the National Gallery of Canada for the acquisition of objects for the collection and related costs
- B223
- Payments to the Canadian Museum of History for operating and capital expenditures
- B224
- Payments to the Canadian Museum of Nature for operating and capital expenditures
- B225
- Payments to the National Museum of Science and Technology for operating and capital expenditures
- B226
- Payments to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights for operating and capital expenditures
- B227
- Payments to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 for operating and capital expenditures
- B23
- Payments for cultural purposes
- B231
- B232
- Payments to the National Arts Centre Corporation for operating expenditures
- B234
- Payments to the Canada Council for the Arts
- B24
- Payments for transportation purposes
- B241
- Payments to Marine Atlantic Inc.
- B242
- Payments to VIA Rail Canada Inc.
- B243
- Payments to The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.
- B244
- Payments to the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority for operating and capital expenditures
- B245
- Payments to The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
- B246
- Payments to The Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority
- B247
- Payments to VIA HFR - VIA TGF Inc.
- B25
- Payments for industry or regional development purposes
- B254
- Payments to the Standards Council of Canada
- B255
- Canadian Dairy Commission program expenditures
- B256
- Payments to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited for operating and capital expenditures
- B257
- Payments to the Canadian Tourism Commission
- B26
- Payments to other Crown corporations
- B263
- Payments to the Canada Post Corporation for special purposes
- B264
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- B280
- Canadian Race Relations Foundation
- B27
- Payments for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development purposes
- B271
- Payments to the Canadian Commercial Corporation
- B272
- Payments to the International Development Research Centre
- B3
- Specific appropriated accounts
- B31
- Special departmental appropriations or accounts
- B312
- National Film Board Revolving Fund - Operating loss
- B313
- Investors' indemnity account
- B314
- Payments to the New Parks and Historic Sites Account
- B318
- Locally engaged staff benefit programs
- B319
- Payments in respect of the long-term disability and life insurance plan for members of the Canadian Forces
- B331
- Payments in respect of disability and health benefits for members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- B32
- Centrally provided appropriations (Treasury Board votes)
- B321
- Public service insurance
- B322
- Government contingencies
- B325
- Government-Wide Initiatives
- B326
- Compensation Adjustments
- B4
- Suspense accounts
- B41
- Other government departments (OGD) suspense
- B410
- Other government departments (OGD) suspense - Authorities transferred from another department
- B42
- Interdepartmental Settlement Suspense accounts
- B420
- Interdepartmental Settlement Suspense accounts
- ^12
- Revenue
- C
- Tax revenue
- C1
- Income tax
- C11
- Income taxes
- C111
- Collections, less refunds and transfers
- C112
- Interest and penalties
- C113
- Child tax benefit and credit
- C115
- Other Transfers under the Income tax Act for individuals
- C116
- Other Transfers under the Income tax Act for industry
- C2
- Excise tax
- C21
- Goods and services tax (including the harmonized sales tax)
- C211
- Net collections (after deducting input tax credits and refunds)
- C212
- Interest and penalties
- C213
- Rebates
- C214
- Credits to persons
- C22
- Other Excise taxes
- C221
- Sales tax
- C222
- Excise tax on Gasoline
- C223
- Other energy taxes
- C224
- Other Excise taxes
- C225
- Interest and penalties
- C3
- Customs act
- C31
- Customs import duties
- C311
- Customs import duties
- C312
- Interest and penalties
- C4
- Other taxes
- C41
- Other taxes
- C411
- Air travellers security charge
- C413
- Softwood lumber export charge
- C414
- Softwood lumber charge on refunds of duty deposits
- C416
- Luxury tax
- C417
- Underused Housing Tax
- C418
- Digital Services Tax
- D
- Other revenue
- D1
- Return On Investments
- D11
- Bank of Canada
- D111
- Bank of Canada
- D12
- Crown corporations and other government business enterprises
- D121
- Enterprise Crown corporations and other government business enterprises
- D122
- Other Crown corporations
- D13
- Exchange fund and accounts
- D131
- Exchange fund account
- D132
- International Monetary Fund
- D14
- Other accounts
- D141
- Interest on bank deposits
- D142
- Agreement acts with other national governments
- D143
- Loans with developing countries
- D144
- Agreements with provincial and territorial governments
- D145
- Non - budgetary accounts
- D149
- Other Return On Investments
- D2
- User charges Note 4
- D21
- User charges Note 3
- D211
- User charges Emanating from a Department's Enabling Statute
- D212
- User charges Emanating from a Program Specific Statute
- D213
- User charges emanating from section 19 of the Financial Administration Act
- D214
- User charges Emanating from Contracts
- D215
- User charges for internal support services
- D22
- User charges Note 3
- D221
- User charges Emanating from a Department's Enabling Statute
- D222
- User charges Emanating from a Program Specific Statutes
- D223
- User charges emanating from section 19 of the Financial Administration Act
- D3
- Other revenue
- D31
- Special authorities
- D311
- Refunds of previous years expenditures
- D312
- Adjustments of previous years accounts payable (PAYE)
- D313
- Recovery of transition payments - Pay in arrears
- D314
- Recovery of salary overpayment, receivable transferred from OGD
- D315
- Refund of Payments related to Public Health Events of National Concern and income support
- D32
- Restricted spending authorities
- D321
- Proceeds from disposal of moveable surplus Crown assets
- D34
- Other revenue Authorities
- D341
- Gifts to the crown
- D342
- Sale of bullion and coinage
- D343
- Gains on foreign exchange
- D344
- Miscellaneous Revenue Received from Crown corporations
- D345
- Proceeds from disposal of real property
- D346
- Fuel and Excess Emission Charges
- D347
- Proceeds from disposal of Intangible Assets
- D349
- Other revenue
- ^13
- Non-appropriated amounts
- F
- Non - appropriated amounts
- F1
- Expenditures not being charged to appropriations at the same time
- F11
- Expenditures not being charged to appropriations at the same time
- F111
- Amortization expenses
- F112
- Inventory charged to program expenses
- F113
- Re - allocation of suspense activity accounts
- F114
- Capital lease
- F115
- Travellers cheques issued as advances on a subsequent date
- F116
- Advances accounted for on a later date Note 2
- F119
- Other amounts to be charged to program expenses
- F12
- Expenditures not being charged to appropriations at the same time
- F120
- Accretion expense
- F121
- Allowances set up for vacation pay
- F122
- Allowances set up for bad debt expenses
- F123
- Refunds of program expenditures
- F124
- Allowances set up for severance pay
- F125
- Allowances set up for compensatory leave
- F127
- Expenses related to remediation liabilities
- F128
- Expenses for claims and pending and threatened litigation
- F129
- Other amounts to be charged later
- F130
- Issuance of notes to international financial organizations
- F131
- Other expenses related to asset retirement
- F15
- Other expenses
- F151
- Discounted portion of expenses being recovered
- F152
- Reallocation of expenditures
- F153
- Potentially collectible amounts for Canada Student Loans
- F154
- Expenses related to loan guarantee
- F156
- Expenses to record allowance for valuation of loans, investments and advances
- F157
- Reallocation of capital expenditures
- F158
- Expenses related to provisions devolved to departments, not elsewhere specified
- F159
- Other expenses not being Charged to Appropriations at the Same Time
- F2
- Revenue not being credited to appropriations or other authorities at the same time
- F21
- Revenue earned which will be credited to an appropriation
- F210
- Revenue earned which will be credited to an appropriation later Note 2
- F218
- Contra offset for revenue credited to votes
- F22
- Revenue previously used
- F221
- Amortization of revenue which was previously used to purchase an asset
- F25
- Other revenue
- F251
- Amortization of discounts
- F259
- Other revenue not being Credited to Appropriations or Other Authorities at the Same Time
- F3
- Non - appropriated amounts Added to or Deducted from Asset Balances
- F31
- Amounts previously charged to appropriations
- F311
- Increases (Decreases) to accumulated amortization
- F312
- Reductions from (Increases to) inventory balances
- F313
- Reductions from prepaid expense balances
- F319
- Reductions from (Increases to) balances of other assets
- F32
- Amounts to be credited to appropriations later
- F322
- Unamortized discount on Loans, Investments and Advances (including repayable contributions)
- F323
- Unamortized discount on receivables
- F329
- Amounts to be credited to appropriations later
- F35
- Other
- F351
- Write-down or write - off of capital assets
- F352
- Doubtful accounts for Canada Student Loans
- F353
- Write-down or Write-off of intangible assets
- F359
- Other Non - appropriated amounts Added to or Deducted from Asset Balances
- F4
- Non - appropriated amounts Added to or Deducted from Liability Balances
- F41
- Liabilities increased (Decreased) before amounts are charged to appropriations
- F411
- Changes to allowances for vacation pay
- F412
- Changes to allowances for doubtful accounts and valuation
- F413
- Charges to accruals for severance pay
- F414
- Charges to accruals for compensatory leave
- F419
- Charges to other accruals and allowances
- F45
- Other
- F450
- Other Non - appropriated amounts Added to or Deducted from Liability Balances
- F99
- Other
- F963
- Other non - appropriated amounts - Central adjustment
- F964
- Other non - appropriated amounts - CC central adjustment
- F965
- Other non - appropriated amounts - MFSO central adjustment
- F999
- Non - appropriated amounts
- ^14
- Statutory consolidated specified purpose account
- K
- Statutory consolidated specified purpose account
- K1
- Major accounts
- K11
- Employment Insurance operating account
- K111
- Employment Insurance operating account
- ^2
- Non-budgetary
- ^21
- Loan and advance accounts
- G
- Statutory loan and advances
- G1
- Standard
- G11
- Goods and services tax (GST) related authorities for departmental purchases from external suppliers (including HST)
- G111
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) (including Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)) refundable advance account
- G112
- Goods and services tax (GST) government tax remission order
- G113
- Quebec Sales tax (QST) Refundable Advance Account
- G12
- Loans, Investments and Advances to Crown corporations
- G121
- Payments for Investments in Enterprise Crown corporations
- G122
- Payments for Loans and Advances to Enterprise Crown corporations
- G123
- Payments for Investments in Consolidated Crown corporations
- G124
- Payments for Loans to Consolidated Crown corporations
- G13
- Loans and advances to provinces and territories
- G131
- Payments under federal - provincial fiscal agreements
- G133
- Payments under the Municipal Development and Loan Board Act
- G134
- Payments to Ontario and Prince Edward Island
- G139
- Other payments to provinces and territories
- G14
- Loans and advances to national governments and other organizations
- G143
- Payments under the Visiting Forces (North Atlantic Treaty) Act
- G144
- Payments under Export Development Act (non - concessional)
- G145
- Payments under Export Development Act (concessional)
- G146
- Payments under Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act
- G15
- Loans, investments and advances to international organizations
- G151
- Payments under Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act
- G152
- Payments under International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act
- G153
- Payments and encashment of notes issued to the European Bank for reconstruction and development agreement - Capital subscriptions
- G156
- Payments pursuant to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Agreement Act—Initial subscription
- G159
- Payments to the International Monetary Fund
- G16
- Investments and loans and advances to joint and mixed enterprises
- G162
- Payment of shares under The Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act
- G169
- Payments for loans and advances under statutes of the Government of Canada
- G17
- Loans and advances to consolidated specified purpose accounts
- G18
- Other loans and advances
- G180
- Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
- G181
- Loans disbursed under the Apprentice Loans Act
- G2
- Specific
- G21
- Citizenship and Immigration
- G211
- Immigration loans for transportation and assistance
- G22
- Finance
- G221
- Investors in Canadian commercial bank
- G224
- Advances to Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
- G225
- Canadian secured credit facility
- G227
- Advances to Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
- G228
- Canada Mortgage Bond
- G23
- Human Resources and Skills Development
- G231
- Provincial workers compensation boards
- G24
- Public Works and Government Services
- G241
- Seized property working capital account
- G26
- Veterans Affairs
- G261
- Veterans Land Act fund
- G29
- Other ministries
- G299
- Other loans and advances
- G3
- Allowances for valuation
- G31
- Valuation of assets and liabilities
- G310
- Allowance for valuation
- H
- Non - statutory loan votes
- H1
- Standard
- H12
- Loans, Investments and Advances to Crown corporations
- H121
- Payments for Investments in Enterprise Crown corporations
- H122
- Payments for Loans and Advances to Enterprise Crown corporations
- H123
- Payments for Investments in Consolidated Crown corporations
- H124
- Payments for Loans and Advances to Consolidated Crown corporations
- H125
- Repayments from Enterprise and Consolidated Crown corporations
- H13
- Loans to provinces and territories
- H131
- Payments for Loans to provinces and territories
- H135
- Repayments of all Loans to provinces and territories
- H14
- Loans to national governments and developing countries
- H141
- Payments for Loans to national governments and developing countries
- H145
- Repayments of all loans to national government and developing countries
- H16
- Loans, investments and advances to international organizations
- H161
- Payments of notes to international financial organizations - Capital subscription
- H165
- Repayments from international organizations
- H168
- Issuance Payment of Notes to international financial institutions Fund Accounts (Advances/Funds)
- H17
- Loans to joint and mixed enterprises
- H171
- Payments to joint and mixed enterprises
- H173
- Payments of investment contributions pursuant to section 3 of the Canada Fund for Africa Act
- H174
- Repayments investment contributions pursuant to section 3 of the Canada Fund for Africa Act
- H18
- Loans and advances to employees
- H181
- Payments for standing advances to employees
- H182
- Payments for accountable temporary advances
- H19
- Miscellaneous advances
- H191
- Miscellaneous advances
- H2
- Specific
- H20
- Agriculture
- H201
- Construction of multi - purpose exhibition buildings
- H23
- Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- H232
- Working capital advance for loans and advances to personnel working or engaged abroad
- H233
- Working capital advance for advances to posts abroad
- H24
- Indian affairs
- H242
- Council for Yukon First Nations
- H243
- Indian Economic Development Fund
- H244
- Loans to Native claimants
- H245
- Loans to First Nations in British Columbia
- H249
- Other
- H25
- Industry
- H251
- Manufacturing and service industries
- H254
- Payments pursuant to subsection 14(2) of the Department of Industry Act
- H256
- Loans pursuant to paragraph 14(1)(a) of the Department of Industry Act
- H26
- National Defence
- H262
- Working capital advance
- H27
- Natural Resources
- H271
- Nordion International
- H28
- Transport
- H282
- St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation
- ^22
- Consolidated specified purpose accounts
- L
- Statutory consolidated specified purpose accounts
- L1
- Major accounts
- L11
- Employment Insurance account
- L113
- Employment Insurance operating account
- L13
- Crop Re - insurance Fund
- L131
- Crop Re - insurance Fund
- L132
- Advances to Crop Re - insurance Fund
- L14
- Agricultural commodities stabilization account
- L141
- Agricultural commodities stabilization account
- L2
- Other consolidated specified purpose accounts
- L21
- Insurance accounts
- L211
- Ship - source Oil Pollution Fund
- L212
- Investors' indemnity account
- L213
- Health insurance supplementary account
- L214
- Nuclear liability reinsurance account
- L215
- Fund for railway accidents involving designated goods
- L219
- Other Insurance accounts
- L22
- Other specified purpose accounts
- L220
- Endowment for Sciences and Engineering Research
- L222
- Environmental damages fund
- L223
- Department of Indian affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) - Environmental Studies Research
- L224
- Seized property proceeds account
- L225
- New parks and historic sites account
- L226
- The National Battlefields Commission - Trust Fund Account
- L227
- Supplementary fish fines account
- L228
- Fines for the transportation of dangerous goods
- L229
- Other
- L231
- Natural Resources - Environmental Studies Research Fund
- L232
- Mackenzie King Trust Account
- L233
- Supplementary Fines Account - Species at Risk Act
- L234
- Environmental Economic Instruments Fund
- M
- Non - statutory consolidated specified purpose accounts Note 5
- M1
- Consolidated specified purpose accounts
- M11
- Insurance accounts
- M119
- Other Insurance accounts
- M12
- Other specified purpose accounts
- M121
- Canadian commercial bank and northland bank holdback account
- M123
- H.L. Holmes Fund
- M124
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - Queen's Fellowship Fund
- M129
- Other accounts
- ^23
- Other specified purpose accounts
- N
- Statutory Other specified purpose accounts Note 5
- N1
- Superannuation accounts
- N11
- Public Service Superannuation Act
- N111
- Public Service Superannuation Account
- N112
- Public service death benefit account
- N115
- Public service pension fund
- N12
- Canadian Forces Superannuation Act
- N121
- Canadian Forces Superannuation Account
- N122
- Regular forces death benefit account
- N125
- Canadian Forces pension fund
- N126
- Reserve force pension fund
- N13
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act
- N131
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) superannuation account
- N133
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) dependents pension fund
- N135
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) pension fund
- N14
- Members of Parliament Retirement Allowance Act
- N141
- Members of Parliament retirement accounts
- N142
- Members of Parliament Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account
- N15
- Supplementary Retirement Benefits (SRB) Act
- N151
- Supplementary Retirement Benefit Account - Judges
- N153
- Supplementary Retirement Benefit Account - Diplomatic services (DSSSA)
- N154
- Supplementary Retirement Benefit Account - Lieutenant Governor accounts (LGSA)
- N155
- Supplementary Retirement Benefit Account - RCMP Continuation Act
- N16
- Special Retirement Arrangements Act
- N161
- Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) no. 1 - Public servants
- N162
- Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Regulations, No. 1 - National Defence
- N163
- Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Regulations, No. 1 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- N164
- Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) no. 2 - Public servants
- N19
- Other Superannuation Acts
- N191
- Other Superannuation accounts
- N2
- Other Pension and Insurance accounts
- N21
- Canada Pension Plan
- N210
- Canada Pension Plan account
- N211
- Additional Canada Pension Plan account
- N22
- Government annuities account
- N220
- Government annuities account
- N23
- Insurance accounts
- N231
- Civil service insurance fund
- N232
- Returned soldiers insurance fund
- N233
- Veterans insurance fund
- N234
- Locally Engaged Staff Benefits Contributions Account
- N24
- Other pension accounts
- N241
- Annuities agents' pension account
- N243
- DFATD: Locally engaged contributory pension account
- N3
- Deposit accounts
- N30
- Agriculture
- N301
- Canadian dairy commission Account
- N304
- Producer payment protection claim account
- N31
- Canada border services agency
- N310
- General security deposits
- N311
- Immigration guarantee fund
- N33
- Human Resources and Skills Development
- N331
- Canada Labour Code - Other
- N332
- Canada Labour Code - Wage recovery appeals
- N34
- Indian affairs and Northern Development
- N341
- Guarantee Deposits - Indian affairs and Northern Development
- N342
- Guarantee Deposits - Oil and Gas - Indian affairs and Northern Development
- N36
- Justice
- N361
- Security for costs - Supreme Court of Canada
- N37
- Canada Revenue Agency
- N371
- Guarantee deposits - National Revenue
- N372
- Temporary deposits received from importers
- N373
- Deposits/Disbursements - Workers Compensation Board
- N374
- Deposits/Disbursements – Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (Ontario)
- N38
- Natural Resources
- N381
- Guarantee deposits - Oil and gas - Natural Resources
- N39
- Privy Council
- N391
- Candidates' and committees' deposits - Election and referendum
- N3A
- Public Works and Government Services
- N3A1
- Seized property cash
- N3B
- National Energy Board
- N3B1
- Guarantee deposits — Pipeline abandonment
- N3C
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
- N3C1
- Guarantee deposits - Licences
- N4
- Provincial and other tax collection agreement accounts
- N41
- Provincial tax collection agreement accounts
- N411
- Personal Income tax
- N412
- Corporate Income tax
- N413
- Harmonized Sales tax
- N414
- Excise Taxes and Duties
- N415
- Excise Duties on Vaping Products
- N42
- First Nation tax collection agreement accounts
- N421
- Excise taxes
- N422
- First Nation goods and services tax (FNGST)
- N5
- Trust accounts
- N51
- Indian and northern affairs
- N511
- Indian band funds - Capital accounts
- N512
- Indian estate accounts
- N513
- Indian savings accounts
- N515
- Indian Moneys Suspense accounts
- N516
- Indian special accounts
- N517
- Fines - Indian Act
- N518
- Indian band funds - Shares and certificates
- N519
- Indian band funds - Revenue accounts
- N52
- National Defence
- N521
- Estates - Armed services
- N53
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- N531
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) benefit trust fund
- N54
- Veterans Affairs
- N541
- Veterans Administered Trust accounts
- N59
- Other ministries
- N599
- Other trust funds set up under various acts
- N6
- Donations, endowment interest and prepayment accounts
- N61
- Endowment interest
- N611
- Endowment interest - Mackenzie king trust account
- N612
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council—Endowment interest
- N62
- Donations and bequests
- N621
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Donations for research
- N622
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Endowment interest
- N625
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety - Donations
- N626
- Library and archives of Canada account
- N627
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council—Donations for research
- N7
- Other specified purpose accounts
- N70
- Agriculture
- N702
- Net income stabilization account
- N703
- AgriInvest Program
- N71
- Canadian Heritage
- N712
- Telefilm Canada - Advance Account
- N73
- Finance
- N731
- Common school funds - Ontario and Québec
- N732
- Foreign claims fund
- N74
- Fisheries and Oceans
- N741
- Sales of seized assets
- N77
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- N771
- Labour Standards Suspense Account
- N8
- Other specified purpose accounts
- N80
- Industry
- N801
- Income from securities in trust - Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
- N802
- Securities in trust - Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
- N803
- Unclaimed dividends and undistributed assets - Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
- N804
- Unclaimed dividends and undistributed assets - Canada Business Corporations Act
- N805
- Unclaimed dividends and undistributed assets - Winding - up Act
- N807
- Trust funds - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
- N81
- Citizenship and Immigration
- N811
- Immigrant investor program
- N812
- Immigration investor venture capital
- N84
- Natural Resources
- N841
- Market development and incentive payments - Alberta
- N86
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- N861
- Seized assets - Canadian funds
- N89
- Other ministries
- N899
- Other Specific Accounts in Other ministries or Other Authorities Not Specified Above
- P
- Non-Statutory Other specified purpose accounts Note 5
- P1
- Superannuation accounts
- P11
- Pension Liabilities Under Other Superannuation accounts
- P119
- Other pension liabilities
- P12
- Allowance for pension adjustments
- P121
- Allowance for pension adjustments - General Accounts
- P122
- Allowance for pension adjustments - Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Accounts
- P123
- Allowance for pension adjustments - Supplementary Retirements Benefit Accounts (SRBA)
- P129
- Allowance for pension adjustments - Other accounts
- P2
- Other Pension and Insurance accounts
- P23
- Other Pension and Insurance accounts
- P231
- Other Insurance accounts
- P3
- Deposit accounts
- P32
- Finance
- P321
- Canadair holdback - Canada Development Investment Corporation
- P323
- Hibernia abandonment fund
- P324
- SWAPs collateral deposit
- P34
- Indian and northern affairs
- P341
- Field British Columbia and Yukon operations of the Northern Canada Power Commission
- P36
- Justice
- P361
- Security for costs - Tax Court of Canada
- P37
- Public Works and Government Services
- P371
- Contractor security deposits
- P39
- Other ministries
- P399
- Other
- P4
- Donations, endowment interest and prepayment accounts
- P41
- Endowment interests
- P411
- Endowment interest - H.L. Holmes Fund
- P412
- Endowment interest - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: Queen's Fellowship Fund
- P42
- Donations, gifts and bequests
- P423
- Endangered species - Donations
- P424
- Rideau Hall donations
- P426
- Prime Ministers awards
- P427
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - Trust Fund
- P428
- Corporate sponsorships and donations
- P430
- Crown corporation trusts - Donations
- P431
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) pipe band
- P432
- Sponsorship agreement - Contributions
- P433
- Mounted police foundation
- P439
- Donations, gifts and bequests
- P49
- Prepayments
- P491
- Funds from non - government organizations
- P5
- Trust accounts
- P51
- Finance
- P511
- Insurance company liquidation accounts (OSFI)
- P52
- Human Resources and Skills Development
- P521
- Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement - Common experience payments
- P53
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- P532
- Inmates trust fund
- P54
- Veterans Affairs
- P541
- Veterans estate funds
- P542
- Veterans administration and welfare trust fund
- P55
- National Defence
- P551
- Trust Account for Unpaid Service Estates
- P59
- Other ministries
- P599
- Other
- P7
- Other specified purpose accounts
- P70
- Agriculture
- P703
- Shared-cost agreements - Agriculture and Agri-food
- P706
- Federal/provincial collaborative agreement - Dam transfer
- P71
- Canadian Heritage
- P711
- Miscellaneous projects deposits
- P713
- Shared-cost/Joint project agreements - Canadian Heritage
- P72
- Environment
- P721
- Miscellaneous projects deposits - Environment
- P723
- Miscellaneous projects deposits - Canada Water Agency
- P73
- Finance
- P731
- War Claims Fund - World War II
- P733
- Federal/provincial agreement – Hibernia
- P74
- Fisheries and Oceans
- P741
- Federal/provincial cost-sharing agreements
- P742
- Miscellaneous projects deposits - Fisheries and Oceans
- P75
- Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- P751
- Canada foundation account
- P752
- Financial assistance to Canadians abroad
- P755
- Shared-cost projects - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- P756
- Shared-cost projects - International conferences - Moneys received as prepayment for services from non-governmental organizations
- P76
- Health
- P704
- Shared cost - Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
- P762
- Collaborative research projects
- P763
- Miscellaneous federal/Provincial projects - Health
- P764
- Pan American Health Organization - SIREVA
- P765
- World Health Organization
- P77
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- P772
- Federal/Provincial shared-cost project - Human resources development
- P773
- Federal/provincial shared-cost project - Interprovincial Computerized Examination Management System (ICEMS)
- P776
- Shared cost agreements
- P78
- Indian and northern affairs
- P786
- Treaty land entitlement (Saskatchewan) fund
- P8
- Non Statutory Other specified purpose accounts
- P80
- Industry
- P801
- Canada/Provinces business services centre
- P804
- Shared-cost/Joint project agreements - Research
- P805
- Shared-cost projects - Industry
- P806
- Petro-Canada Entreprises - Unclaimed shares
- P807
- Federal/provincial agreement - Advance Account
- P808
- Federal/provincial collaborative agreement in partnership with the tourism industry
- P811
- RADARSAT - Canadian Space Agency
- P814
- Project deposits - Statistics Canada
- P82
- Justice
- P821
- Federal court special account
- P83
- National Defence
- P831
- Funds from foreign governments to cover their share of expenses under joint agreements - DND
- P832
- Non-government agencies
- P833
- Funds from North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to cover their share of infrastructure projects under joint agreements
- P835
- Joint research and development projects
- P837
- Funds from foreign governments to cover their share of expenses under joint agreements - CSE
- P84
- Natural Resources
- P844
- Newfoundland offshore revenue account
- P845
- Nova Scotia Offshore Revenue Account
- P847
- Shared cost project
- P85
- Public Works and Government Services
- P853
- Military purchases excess funds deposit
- P86
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- P862
- Joint research and development project - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- P88
- Veterans Affairs
- P881
- Shared cost project - Permanent Visitor Education Centre of the Canadian National Vimy Memorial
- P89
- Other ministries
- P891
- Privy Council Office - Shared cost projects - Travel expenses - Moneys received as pre-payment for services from non-governmental organizations
- P893
- Cost-sharing agreements and other collaborative agreements
- P894
- CMHC Rental Housing Benefit
- P895
- Industry partners – Security
- P899
- Other
- ^24
- Other assets and liabilities
- R
- Other assets and liabilities
- R3
- All Other assets and liabilities
- R30
- All other assets and liabilities-All departments
- R300
- Total (or net, as applicable) amounts of all other assets and of all other liabilities
- R7
- Foreign exchange accounts
- R70
- Foreign exchange accounts-Finance
- R700
- Total amounts only
- R8
- Unmatured debt
- R80
- Finance
- R800
- Unmatured debt
- R801
- Total amounts only
- Date modified: