4.2 Financial reporting accounts: Expenses—Detailed for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026
The financial reporting accounts used for government-wide reporting purposes are included in this section. Financial reporting accounts identify the relevant asset, liability, equity, revenue and expense accounts required for financial reporting (maintaining accounts in a general ledger) and for preparing financial statements.
4.2 Financial reporting accounts: Expenses—Summary for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026
- 5
- Expenses
- 51
- Program Expenses
- 511
- Transfer Payments
- 5111
- Transfer Payments to or on Behalf of Individuals
- 51110
- Fuel charge proceeds returned to individuals
Department(s) specific:
- 007 - Environment (Department of the)
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51111
- Old Age Security and Related Payments
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51112
- Employment Insurance Benefits
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51114
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit to Persons
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51115
- Assistance to Encourage Employment
- 51116
- Canada Student Loans or Grants
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51117
- Pensions to Veterans
Department(s) specific:
- 021 - Veterans Affairs (Department of)
- 51118
- Payments to Native Peoples
- 51119
- Other Transfers to Individuals
- 51120
- Apprentice Loans Program
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51211
- Emergency Care and Support Benefit
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51212
- Emergency Student Benefit
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51213
- Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) and Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51214
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51215
- Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51216
- Canadian Dental Benefit
Department(s) specific:
- 022 - Health (Department of)
- 5112
- Transfer Payments to or on Behalf of Individuals Through the Tax System
- 51121
- Children's Special Allowances
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51122
- Children Special Allowance Accrual
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51123
- Working Income Tax Benefit
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51124
- Refundable Medical Expense Supplement
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51125
- Child Tax Benefits Accrual
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51126
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit to Persons Accrual
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51127
- Children's Fitness Tax Credit
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51128
- Universal Child Care Benefit
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51129
- Energy Cost Benefits
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 5112A
- Other Transfer Payments to or on Behalf of Individuals Through the Tax System
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 5113
- Transfer Payments to Other Levels of Government Within Canada
- Includes provinces, territories and the MUSH (municipalities, universities, schools and hospitals) group.
- 51130
- Canada Health Transfer
This account is to report contributions (over four years pursuant to statutory authority A256 and the Budget Implementation Act 2003, section 24.1) to the provinces and territories for the purposes of maintaining the national criteria and conditions in the Canada Health Act.Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 51132
- Equalization Payments
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 51133
- Other Fiscal Arrangement Transfers by Dept of Finance
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 51134
- Payments to Territorial Governments for Operating Expenditures
- 51135
- Payments Made under Infrastructure Canada
The Government of Canada in 2000 launched the six-year Infrastructure Canada Program (ICP) to renew and enhance Canada's physical infrastructure. The ICP's first priority is green municipal infrastructure-projects that improve the quality of our environment (e.g. clean air and water). Other program priorities include local transportation roads and bridges affordable housing telecommunications and tourist cultural and recreational facilities. In partnership with provincial territorial and local governments First Nations and the private sector the ICP will generate more than $6 billion in infrastructure investment.Department(s) specific:
- 012 - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
- 023 - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
- 033 - Industry (Department of)
- 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
- 044 - Western Economic Diversification (Department of)
- 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
- 51137
- Quebec Abatement
This account records amounts recovered from Quebec pursuant to the total of Alternative Payments for Standing Programs and the Youth Allowance Recovery (statutory authority A244 and A245). Collectively, these programs are referred to as the Quebec Abatement.Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 51138
- Canada Social Transfer
This account is to report contributions (over five years pursuant to statutory authority A257 and the Budget Implementation Act 2003, section 24.4 (1)) to provinces and territories for the purposes of financing social programs.Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 51139
- Other Transfers to Other Levels of Government
- 5113A
- Fuel and Excess Emission charge proceeds returned to other levels of government
Department(s) specific:
- 007 - Environment (Department of the)
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 5113B
- Home Care and Mental Health Transfer
Department(s) specific:
- 022 - Health (Department of)
- 51140
- Early Learning and Child Care Payments
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 5114
- Transfer Payments to Other Levels of Government
- Includes provinces, territories and the MUSH (municipalities, universities, schools and hospitals) group.
- 51141
- Other transfers to Other Levels of Government by Dept of Finance
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 51142
- Gas Tax Fund Transfers
Department(s) specific:
- 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
- 5115
- Payments to Industry
- 51150
- Fuel charge proceeds returned to Industry
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51151
- Payments to Agricultural Producers
Department(s) specific:
- 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
- 51152
- Industrial Development Payments
- 51155
- Other payments to industry through the tax system
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 51156
- Wage subsidy
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51157
- Loans from the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)
Department(s) specific:
- 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- 123 - Export Development Canada (Crown Corporation)
- 51158
- Rent subsidy
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51159
- Other Transfers to Industry
- 5115A
- Other business supports to respond to COVID-19
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 5116
- Payments to Other Countries and International Organizations
- 51161
- International Development Assistance
Department(s) specific:
- 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- 51169
- Other Transfers to Other Countries and International Organizations
- 5117
- Payments to Organizations, Including Crown Corporations and Non - Profit Organizations
- 51171
- Payments to or on Behalf of Native Peoples
- 51172
- Consolidated Other Entities Expenses
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51173
- Consolidated Other Entities Expenses - Contra
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51174
- Other Transfers to Non-Profit Organizations - Contra
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51175
- Payments to Crown Corporations
Department(s) specific:
- 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
- 51178
- Transfer payments by Consolidated Foundations
To be used by Receiver General for internal purposes onlyDepartment(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51179
- Other transfers to non-profit institutions and other organizations
- 5118
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss
- 51180
- Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss on Transfer Payments
- 5119
- Payments to Other Sectors
- 51191
- Payments to Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 51192
- Provision for Loan Guarantees
This account is used to record the expense associated with either:- the establishment of an allowance for the expected future disbursement to honor a guarantee or
- the actual disbursement to honor a guarantee
- 51199
- Other Transfers to any Other Sector
- 512
- Crown Corporation and Other Entities Expenses
- 5129
- Crown Corporation and Other Entities Expenses
- 51290
- Consolidated Crown Corporation Expenses
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51292
- Consolidated Crown Corporation Expenses - Contra
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51293
- Consolidated other entities expenses
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51294
- Consolidated other entities expenses - Contra
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 513
- Operating Expenses
- 5131
- Personnel Operating Expenses
- 51311
- Salaries and Wages (including Allowances)
- This will include Minister's salaries and motor car allowance.
- 51312
- Employer Contribution Costs
- This will include all government contributions to employee benefit plans.
- 51313
- Other Superannuation Related Costs
- 51314
- Pension and Similar Payments to Former Employees
This account is used for pension benefits and similar payments (annuities) to former employees. The authority to make such payments can usually be found in legislation (e.g., payments to former Governor Generals in the Governor General's Act, pension payments for retired judges in the Judges Act, the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act, etc...) - 51315
- Pension Provision Adjustments
- 5132
- Operating and Maintenance
- 51321
- Operating Expenses
- This includes any non-amortized capital expenditures.
- 51325
- Cost of Goods Sold for Inventories
- 514
- Amortization Expenses
- 5140
- Amortization Expenses on Leasehold Improvements
- 51401
- Amortization Expenses on Leasehold Improvements
- 5141
- Amortization Expenses on Capital Assets - Buildings and Works
- 51412
- Amortization Expenses - Buildings
- 51413
- Amortization Expenses - Works and Infrastructure
- 5142
- Amortization Expenses on Capital Assets - Machinery and Equipment
- 51421
- Amortization Expenses - Machinery and Equipment
- 51422
- Amortization Expenses - Computer Hardware
- 51423
- Amortization Expenses - Computer Purchased and Developed Software
- 51424
- Amortization Expenses - Arms and Weapons
Department(s) specific:
- 007 - Environment (Department of the)
- 018 - National Defence (Department of)
- 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- 053 - Correctional Service of Canada
- 086 - Fisheries and Oceans (Department of)
- 124 - Parks Canada Agency
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 176 - Parliamentary Protective Service
- 51429
- Amortization Expenses - Other Equipment including Furniture
- 5143
- Amortization Expenses on Vehicles
- 51431
- Amortization Expenses - Ships and Boats
- 51432
- Amortization Expenses - Aircraft
- 51433
- Amortization Expenses - Motor Vehicles (Non - Military)
- 51434
- Amortization Expenses - Military Vehicles
Department(s) specific:
- 018 - National Defence (Department of)
- 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- 51439
- Amortization Expenses - Other Vehicles
- 5144
- Amortization Expenses on Purchased Intangible Assets
- 51444
- Amortization Expenses on Purchased Intangible Assets
- 5146
- Crown Corporation - Amortization Expenses on Tangible Capital Assets
- 51461
- Crown Corporations - Amortization Expenses - All Categories
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51462
- Other Entities - Amortization Expenses - All Categories
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 515
- Loss on Sale of Assets
- 5151
- Loss on Sale or Other Disposal of Assets
- 51511
- Loss on sale or other Disposal of Capital Assets
- 51512
- Loss on Sale of Bullion and Coinage
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 51514
- Losses on Sales of Real Property to Canada Lands Company
- 51515
- Crown Corporation - Loss on Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51516
- Other entities - Loss on Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51517
- Loss on Sale Non-Capital Assets to Outside Parties
- 5152
- Loss on Sale of Government Organizations
- 51521
- Loss on Sale of Crown Corporations
- 51522
- Loss on Sale of Departmental Organizations
- 51523
- Loss on Sale of Joint and Mixed Enterprise
- 516
- Consolidated Specified Purpose Account Expenditures
- 5161
- Major Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts Expenditures
- 51611
- Administration Expenses - Employment Insurance Account
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51613
- Re - Insurance Amounts Paid to the Provinces
Department(s) specific:
- 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
- 51614
- Payments from Agricultural Commodities Stabilization Board Accounts
Department(s) specific:
- 001 - Agriculture and Agri-Food (Department of)
- 51615
- Administration expenses - Employment Insurance Operating Account
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51619
- Other Accounts
- 5162
- Insurance, Donation, Bequest Expenses and Other Payments
- 51621
- Pollution Claims and Expenses from the Oil Pollution Fund
Department(s) specific:
- 034 - Transport (Department of)
- 51622
- Payments from Other Insurance Accounts
- 51626
- Expenses - Fund for railway accidents involving designated goods
Department(s) specific:
- 034 - Transport (Department of)
- 5163
- Other Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 51631
- Payments from Environmental Studies Research Fund
Department(s) specific:
- 007 - Environment (Department of the)
- 041 - Natural Resources (Department of)
- 042 - Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
- 51633
- Payments from Canadian Commercial Bank and Northland Bank Account
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 51634
- Payments from Seized Property Proceeds Account
Department(s) specific:
- 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
- 51635
- Payments from Earmarked Fees and Other Levies
- 51636
- Payments from New Parks and Historic Sites Account
Department(s) specific:
- 124 - Parks Canada Agency
- 51639
- Other Payments
- 517
- Other Program Expenses
- 5171
- Investment Expenses
- 51711
- Loss on Foreign Exchange
- 51712
- Loss on Foreign Exchange Re-Valuations at Year-End
- 51719
- Other Investment Expenses
This account is only to be used where no other Expense Financial Reporting Account adequately characterizes the transaction.
- 5172
- Miscellaneous Expenses
- 51721
- Export Development Canada - Administration Charges
Department(s) specific:
- 123 - Export Development Canada (Crown Corporation)
- 51722
- Miscellaneous Special Payments, e.g. Court Awards
- The type of court award, etc. is identified in the Authority codes.
- 51724
- Government Contingencies Account
Department(s) specific:
- 056 - Treasury Board Secretariat
- 51725
- Suspense Account for Duplicate Payments
- 51726
- Interest on Overdue Suppliers Accounts
- 51729
- Other Miscellaneous Expenses
This account is only to be used where no other Expense Financial Reporting Account adequately characterizes the transaction.
- 5173
- Other Program Expenses for Accounting Purposes
- 51731
- Provision for Valuation
- 51732
- Bad Debt Expense
This account is used to record the expense related to the allowance for doubtful accounts established based on an analysis of receivables (including accounts receivable, loans receivable and accountable advances) that estimates the amounts that may become uncollectible. - 51733
- Losses on Write-Offs and Write-Downs
This account is used to record losses from the write-off and write-down of tangible capital assets, purchased intangible assets, or inventory when they no longer contribute to the government's ability to provide goods and services, or when the value of future economic benefits associated with these assets is less than its net book value. To reflect the decline in the asset's value, the cost of the tangible capital asset, purchased intangible asset, or inventory should be reduced with an offset entry to the accumulated amortization Financial Reporting Account (FRA) for the asset. - 51735
- Amortization of Confederation Bridge
Department(s) specific:
- 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
- 51736
- Bad Debt - Employment Insurance
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 51737
- Payments to other consolidated entities - Contra
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51738
- Bad Debt Expense – Phoenix salary overpayments
This account is used to record the expense related to the allowance for doubtful accounts established based on an analysis of Phoenix salary overpayments for estimated amounts that may become uncollectible. This entry is a non-appropriated expense which requires a non-appropriated authority to be used (usually F122). - 51739
- Other Program Expenses for Accounting Purposes
This account is only to be used where no other Expense Financial Reporting Account adequately characterizes the transaction. Departments or agencies that have a need to use this account should contact the Receiver General Accounts of Canada, Authorities and Manuals division by sending an email to rgsacc.rgacas@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca and provide the details of the types and values of the transactions that will be coded to the account.
- 5174
- Payments to Enterprise Crown Corporations and Other Government Business Enterprises
- These payments relate to payments of budgetary appropriated amounts by home departments on behalf of the ministry.
- 51741
- Export Development Canada
Department(s) specific:
- 123 - Export Development Canada (Crown Corporation)
- 51742
- Canada Post Corporation
- 51744
- Canada Ports Corporation
Department(s) specific:
- 034 - Transport (Department of)
- 51749
- Other Payments to Enterprise Crown Corporations and Other Government Business enterprises
This account is only to be used where no other Expense Financial Reporting Account adequately characterizes the transaction. - 51751
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Minister's Account)
- "E" indicator only is to be used with this account.
Department(s) specific:
- 091 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Crown Corporation)
- 5175
- Payments to Consolidated Crown Corporations and Other Entities
- These payments relate to payments of budgetary appropriated amounts by home departments on behalf of the ministry.
- 51750
- Payments to Consolidated Crown Corporations and Other Entities – Contra
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51752
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Department(s) specific:
- 135 - Canadian Heritage (Department of)
- 51753
- Telefilm Canada
Department(s) specific:
- 037 - Telefilm Canada
- 51754
- Marine Atlantic Inc.
Department(s) specific:
- 034 - Transport (Department of)
- 51755
- VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Department(s) specific:
- 034 - Transport (Department of)
- 51756
- International Development Research Centre
Department(s) specific:
- 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- 51757
- National Capital Commission
Department(s) specific:
- 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
- 51759
- Other Payments to Consolidated Crown Corporations and Other Entities
This account is only to be used where no other Expense Financial Reporting Account adequately characterizes the transaction. - 51781
Department(s) specific:
- 034 - Transport (Department of)
- 5176
- Special Payments
- 51761
- Fuel Rebate Program Payments
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 51762
- Fuel Rebate Program Accrual Basis
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 5177
- Bad Debt Expense - Tax Revenues
- 51771
- Personal Income Taxes
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 51772
- Corporate Income Taxes
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 51773
- Goods and Sales Tax (GST)
Department(s) specific:
- 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51774
- Excise Tax and Duties
Department(s) specific:
- 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 51775
- Energy Taxes
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 51776
- Other Taxes
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 51777
- Customs Duties and Taxes on Imports
Department(s) specific:
- 038 - Canada Border Services Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51778
- Source Deductions
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 51779
- Non - Residents
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 5179
- Interest Expense on Tax Refunds
- 51790
- Interest Expense - Personal Income Taxes
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51791
- Interest Expense - Corporate Income Taxes
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51792
- Interest Expense - Non-Resident Taxes
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51793
- Interest Expense - Goods and Services Tax
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51794
- Interest Expense - Other Excise Taxes and Duties
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 51795
- Interest Expense - Other Interest Paid on Tax Refunds
Department(s) specific:
- 122 - Canada Revenue Agency - (Administered Activities)
- 518
- Distribution of Provision for Valuation Accounts
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 5181
- Provision for Valuation for Transfer Payments to Other Levels of Government
- 51811
- Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51812
- Medical Care
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51814
- Fiscal Arrangements
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51819
- Provision for Valuation for Other Levels of Government - Other
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 5182
- Provision for Valuation for Other Transfer Payments
- 51821
- Accounts Payable - Employment Insurance (EI) Benefits
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51822
- Accounts Payable for Crop Reinsurance
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51823
- Valuation for Beef Plan - National Tripartite Stabilization Program (NTSP)
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51824
- Provision for claims and litigations - Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51825
- Valuation for Other Payments to Persons
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51826
- Provision for veteran payments
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51827
- Provision for RCMP payments
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51829
- Provision for Valuation for all Other Transfer Payments
Department(s) specific:
- 005 - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
- 097 - Receiver General
- 5183
- Provision for Valuation for Crown Corporations
- 51831
- Provision for Crown Corporations
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51832
- Provision for Crown Corporations (Contra)
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 5184
- Provision for Personnel Expenses
- 51841
- Personnel Expenses to Defence
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51842
- Personnel Expenses to All Other Departments
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
- 51843
- Provision for Valuation for Interest on Pensions
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51844
- Provision for Severance Benefits - Military
Department(s) specific:
- 018 - National Defence (Department of)
- 51845
- Personnel Expenses to RCMP
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51846
- Provision for Severance Benefits - Public Service
- 51847
- Provision for Severance Benefits - RCMP Members
Department(s) specific:
- 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- 163 - Shared Services Canada
- 51848
- Provision for Severance Benefits - Others
Department(s) specific:
- 067 - House of Commons
- 51849
- Allowance for Termination Benefits - Departments
- 51881
- Provision for Sick Leave Benefit Plan - Departments
Department(s) specific:
- 130 - Canada Revenue Agency
- 5185
- Provision for Valuation for Other Expenses
- 51851
- Agriculture
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51852
- Defence
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51853
- Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (Department of)
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51854
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51855
- Industry and Regional Agencies
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51856
- Indian Affairs and Northern Development (IAND)
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51857
- Veterans Affairs
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 51859
- Other Departments and Agencies
Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- 52
- Public Debt Charges
- 521
- Interest on Unmatured Debt
- 5211
- Marketable Bonds
- 52111
- Interest on marketable bonds in Canadian dollars
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52112
- Real Return Bonds
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52113
- Currency Swap Transactions
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5212
- Treasury Bills
- 52120
- Treasury Bills
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5213
- Canada Savings Bonds
- 52130
- Canada Savings Bonds
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5214
- Bonds for Canada Pension Plan
- 52140
- Special Non-Marketable Bonds Issued to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Fund
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5215
- Interest on Other Securities in Canadian Funds
- 52151
- Interest on Canadian Money Market
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52152
- Interest on Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) and Medical Equipment Trusts
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52159
- Interest on Other Securities in Canadian Funds
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5216
- Interest on Securities in Foreign Currencies
- 52162
- Interest on Canada Notes
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52163
- Interest on Canada Bills
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52164
- Interest on marketable bonds in US dollars
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52165
- Interest on marketable bonds in Swiss Francs
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52166
- Interest on marketable bonds in Euros
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52167
- Interest on marketable bonds in Japanese Yen
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52168
- Interest on Medium-Term Notes
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52169
- Interest on marketable bonds - Other foreign currencies
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 522
- Interest on Other Liabilities
- Represents interest on certain Specified Purpose Accounts (i.e. liabilities).
- 5221
- Interest on Superannuation Accounts
- 52211
- Interest on Public Service Superannuation Account
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52212
- Interest on Canadian Forces Superannuation Account
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52213
- Interest on Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Superannuation Account
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52214
- Interest on Members of Parliament (MP) Retirement Allowance Account
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52216
- Interest on Supplementary Retirements Benefit Accounts (SRBA)
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52217
- Interest on Other Superannuation Accounts
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52219
- Interest on Other Pension Liability Accounts
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5222
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Allowance (RCA) Accounts
- 52221
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account (RCA) Account No. 1 - Public Servants
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52222
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account (RCA) Account No. 1 - National Defence
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52223
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Account No. 1 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52224
- Interest on Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Account No. 2 - Public Servants
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52225
- Interest on Members of Parliament (MP) Retirement Compensation Arrangements (RCA) Account
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5223
- Interest Paid on Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 52231
- Interest Paid to Employment Insurance (EI) Fund (Offset to 42611)
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52232
- Interest on Other Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts (Offset to 42145)
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5224
- Interest on Other Non-Budgetary Accounts
- 52241
- Interest on Canada Pension Plan Account
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52242
- Interest on Other Non-Budgetary Accounts
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 523
- Interest Paid by Other Entities Within the Government
- Represents amounts paid as interest by certain loan or advance, or Specified Purpose accounts (i.e.assets or liabilities) to the Government of Canada (i.e. included elsewhere as revenue to the government).
- 5231
- 52311
- Interest Paid by Employment Insurance (EI) Fund (Offset to 42141)
Department(s) specific:
- 014 - Employment and Social Development (Department of)
- 52319
- Interest Paid by Other Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts
- 5232
- Interest Paid by Revolving Funds
- 52320
- Interest paid by revolving funds
- 5233
- Interest Paid by Non-Budgetary Funds and Accounts
- 52330
- Interest Paid by Non-Budgetary Funds and Accounts
- 5239
- Other Interest Paid
- 52390
- Other Interest Paid
- 524
- Other Public Debt Expenses
- 5241
- Amortization of Discounts, Premiums and Commissions on Bonds
- 52411
- Amortization of Discounts, and Premiums on Marketable Bonds
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52412
- Amortization of Commissions on Canada Savings Bonds
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52415
- Consumer Price Index adjustments on Real Return Bonds
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52416
- Amortization of Discounts, and Premiums on foreign bonds
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52417
- Amortization of Discounts, and Premiums on Real Return Bonds
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5242
- Servicing Costs and Costs of Issuing New Loans
- 52421
- Servicing Costs
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 52422
- Costs of Issuing New Loans
Department(s) specific:
- 006 - Finance (Department of)
- 5249
- Other
- 52491
- Interest Component on Capital Lease Payments
- 52492
- Interest Expense related to Alternative Financing Arrangements (Public Private Partnerships)
Interest expense incurred directly by the government related to assets acquired under public private partnership arrangements.Department(s) specific:
- 018 - National Defence (Department of)
- 030 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- 055 - Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner
- 127 - Public Works and Government Services (Department of)
- 142 - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
- 145 - Library and Archives of Canada
- 163 - Shared Services Canada
- 165 - Communications Security Establishment
- 53
- Actuarial Gains and Losses
- 531
- Actuarial Gains and Losses
- 5311
- Actuarial Gains and Losses
- 53110
- Actuarial gains/losses on public sector pension and other employee and veteran future benefits
Public sector pensions and other employee and veteran future benefits are measured on an actuarial basis. The actuarial valuations estimate the current value of benefits earned and use various actuarial assumptions in the process. When actual experience varies from estimates or when actuarial assumptions change, actuarial gains or losses arise. Actuarial gains and losses are not recognized immediately but rather over time. This account is used to record the portion of the actuarial gains and losses recognized during the year.Department(s) specific:
- 097 - Receiver General
- Date modified: