Making better possible: Modernizing our pension services—Dolorèse’s Story

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Transcript: Making better possible—Dolorèse’s Story

Video length: 2:36 minutes

(Background music plays.)

(on-screen text: Dolorèse Poirier, retiree)

(Dolorèse Poirier, retiree, is seated and speaks to the camera. A retirement certificate is shown.)

My name is Dolorèse Poirier. I’ve been retired for five years.

(Dolorèse is seated and speaks.)

When I decided to retire, about a year or six months beforehand, I started checking the online system.

(A screenshot of the retirement income calculator appears.)

(Dolorèse is seated and speaks.)

Pensions are calculated over the past five years; they give us the average, so I was able to go online and get all those numbers, and see my pension, what my pension amount would be.

(Text on screen: Please note that your pension is calculated using the average salary of your five consecutive years of highest paid service.)

(Government of Canada Pension Centre workstations are shown.)

(Text on screen: Renée Arsenault, Pension expert)

(Renée Arsenault, pension expert, speaks.)

When a member is considering retirement, there are online tools available to help them do the calculations.

(Dolorèse Poirier speaks)

In terms of budgeting, you know what you’re going to get; there are no surprises.

(Renée Arsenault speaks)

(Workstations are shown in an open office space. Renée is seated in front of a computer and speaks while wearing a headset.)

Following the transformation initiative, there was a major reduction in file processing, especially with respect to the number of calls we’d receive.

(Paper files are shown.)

(Renée speaks to the camera.)

Following the transformation initiative, there was a major reduction in file processing, especially with respect to the number of calls we’d receive.

(Renée is seated at her workstation and types on a keyboard.)

(A bulletin board with positive feedback is shown.)

(Renée speaks.)

This allows us to provide quality service that is much appreciated by our clients.

(Dolorèse is seated at a table and looks at a photo album.)

(Dolorèse Poirier speaks.)

Now I’m lucky to have the time, more time, to sew, visit my mother, take walks in the summer, go to the beach, spend time with my grandchildren, and have fun.

(Dolorèse hangs a bird feeder on a hook; a blue jay flies over and eats.)

(Dolorèse walks outdoors in a field.)

(Dolorèse places stuffed animals on a rocking chair.)

(Dolorèse speaks.)

I’ve got all the time in the world, there’s more to life than work!

(The Government of Canada Pension Centre exterior sign is shown, followed by a welcome sign with coats of arms.)

(Renée Arsenault is seated in front of a computer while wearing a headset.)

(Renée and another woman have a conversation.)

(Renée speaks.)

I think the aspect of the work I’m most proud of, is really being able to meet people’s needs, especially when they’re retiring and feeling uncomfortable with the changes ahead. They sometimes call us in a panic, not knowing what to do with what forms. We’re able to put them more at ease, and guide them through the process. That’s when I feel very proud to be, to be a pension expert, and to be able to help those people.

(Dolorèse pours herself a cup of tea.)

(Dolorèse Poirier speaks)

It’s times like these you look back and see how lucky you are that you can retire, that you’ve got a pension.

(Dolorèse stands on a balcony drinking her tea and wearing gloves.)

(Dolorèse is seated and speaks.)

The whole experience overall was very, very positive for me, very useful. And I encourage everyone to use the telephone system or the online system.

(Background music plays.)

(Text on screen: Public Service: 1-800-561-7930, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): 1-855-502-7090, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF): 1-800-267-0325,

(“Canada” wordmark.)

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