Homeless Encampment (Bayview Yards, Ottawa)


Following a fire in November 2019 at the homeless encampment near the Ottawa Bayview Yards, verbal “trespass” notices were issued to the individuals within the tent community situated on land belonging to both the City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission (NCC). Fire risk due to propane use, restricted access of emergency medical services, exposure risk due to expected colder temperatures, and lack of basic services and sanitation presented health and safety risks to both the individuals living in the tent community and to first responders. In light of ongoing efforts made by the City and its community partners to secure permanent housing for the individuals, a written notice was issued to the remaining individuals within the encampment to relocate. The NCC was advised late Monday, December 9, that the individuals at the encampment had accepted temporary accommodations that were offered to them by the City of Ottawa, the NCC cleaned up the site on Tuesday, December 10.

Suggested Response

if pressed on belongings left behind at the encampment:


After a pair of rooming houses burned down in separate fires in spring 2019, approximately 20 men and women became homeless. With nowhere else to go, a clearing near the Bayview Yards on City of Ottawa and the NCC land developed into a tent community for these and other members of the Ottawa homeless community.

The residents of the community have been moved to the top of the City of Ottawa priority list for rent subsidies, and permanent homes have been found for five of the camp’s occupants.

After a fire at the encampment on November 22, 2019, the City of Ottawa and the NCC asked the remaining individuals present to relocate once they have been provided with alternative housing, given the growing risk to the health and safety of the occupants and to first responders.

In light of the City of Ottawa’s confirmation of the housing efforts it had undertaken, along with its concerns related to hazards on the site, on December 8, the NCC provided written notice to all encampment individuals to relocate.

This notice meant that all persons who were staying at the encampment had to cease doing so, and that all tents or unauthorized structures had to be removed.

Pursuant to the National Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations and Trespass to Property Act, no person is permitted to camp or to erect a structure such as a tent on NCC property that is not specifically designated for that purpose. This includes the land located approximately 250 metres north of Bayview Station, the location of the encampment.

After being advised that the individuals at the encampment had accepted temporary accommodations, on December 10, the NCC began cleaning up the site. Any belongings that were left behind at the encampment are being stored by the NCC and individuals will have the opportunity to collect them.

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