Public Services and Procurement Canada commitments towards zero plastic waste


Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) will play a leadership role in the reduction of single use plastics and promote the use of sustainable plastics/alternatives in both federal procurement and in federal operations.

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Commitments for zero plastic waste

ln 2017, approximately 200 nations signed a United Nations Environment Assembly resolution underlining the importance of eliminating plastic waste in the oceans. Building on this, and on the Government's 2016 Oceans Protection Plan, in June 2018 Canada launched an Ocean Plastics Charter as part of its G7 presidency, under the theme of ocean health and marine litter.

Now adopted by 18 countries and more than 50 major corporations, the Charter sets out ambitious targets and commitments for zero plastic waste:

Under the Charter, signatory countries have committed to taking a life-cycle approach to the management of plastics, under 5 themes:

As an initial action in June 2018, Canada announced a $100 million investment to support developing countries in implementing sound waste management systems and better managing plastic resources.

PSPC continues to support the implementation of green plastics in federal purchasing requirements and operations, including consulting stakeholders on developing standard procurement language and incorporating plastic waste considerations and alternatives into procurement practices.

These efforts support the government’s goals of:

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