Stream 15: Learning services for government owned training

A brief description of each type of learning services is provided below. The description outlines the general nature of the services required. Individual request for proposals will elaborate on particular requirements within the context of the below description. For each category, the supplier must ensure that the proposed resource(s) meets specific mandatory professional criteria. These criteria are defined in the Minimum mandatory criteria: Learning services for government owned training.


This stream provides access to suppliers who have experience at providing government owned learning services. Which includes:

This stream will be used to acquire services where the government owns the training material. For example:

15.1 Learning advisor

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.2 Learning designer

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.3 Content subject matter expert

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.4 Technical writer

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.5 Advisor in eLearning and learning technology

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

More information

  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act: Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Audio-visual materials)
  • United States Access Board: Audio-Visual Accessibility Initiative for Visitors with Disabilities

15.6 Custom eLearning programmer

Custom eLearning product programmer:
Use complex software that requires more expertise and user interaction, including the production of very complex animations. In addition, for highly complex online training, such as flight simulators or military equipment.

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.7 Rapid eLearning programmer

Rapid eLearning programmer:
Use eLearning software like Articulate Storyline® or its equivalent, that is easy to learn and use, program and publish on platforms and easy to operate even if the user is not a technology expert. Most organizations (school, university, industry, etc.) use this type of software.

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.8 Quality assurance specialist

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.9 Graphic designer

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

More information

  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act: Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Audio-visual materials)
  • United States Access Board: Audio-Visual Accessibility Initiative for Visitors with Disabilities

15.10 Photographer

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.11 Animator

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.12 Video producer

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.13 Audio producer

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.14 Multimedia director

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.15 Narrator

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

15.16 Instructor

Instructors may be used to teach government owned training in any of the subject areas identified below. Subject areas are based upon the content and not the target audience.

Required services or tasks

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • confirm with the client if there are any accessibility requirements prior to the scheduled start date of the training
  • deliver the training in accordance with the course lesson plan, using appropriate adult education techniques, and using accessible services and/or equipment, if required
  • set up the classroom prior to the scheduled start time of the course, including setting up accessible services and/or equipment, if required
  • ensure that the classroom is set-up in such a way that participants have a direct view of the interpretation services (for example, without any columns obstructing the view), if required
  • ensure that all entrances, hallways and ramps are free of any obstacles, if required
  • provide administrative briefing to participants at the beginning of the course, to include the:
    • course outline
    • location of emergency exits
    • washrooms
    • restaurant facilities
    • lunchroom area
  • provide instructions to participants on how to use instructional materials in available accessible formats, if required
  • distribute attendance list to participants for their signature
  • evaluate tests and/or assignments
  • distribute course completion certificates to participants
  • distribute course evaluation forms to participants
  • forward any feedback and recommendations to the technical authority, regarding the course
  • provide course feedback reports
  • set-up the electronic environment in accordance with the training plan and accessibility requirements, if required

15.17 Training facilitator

Training facilitators may be used to facilitate government owned training that is delivered in-person (for example, in-class), or online, or by combining the delivery methods (for example, in-class and online).

Online facilitation:

Involves managing learners and learning through an online medium such as virtual classroom applications. It also refers to the management of online communication between learners by a facilitator. In this regard, online facilitation aims to:

  • focus on web content
  • set up an interactive structure that recognizes the social and interactive elements necessary for the:
    • acquisition of knowledge
    • pedagogical approaches that enable learner centered, rather than facilitator driven learning

There are 2 main types of online facilitation:

Means of online facilitation

Means of online facilitation include, but are not limited to the following:

  • virtual classroom application software
  • static text
  • threaded or unthreaded discussion boards
  • instant messaging or chat
  • live voice or video
  • provision of links to other content sources or resource lists
  • email
  • non-virtual means, such as phone support

Required services or tasks

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • become familiar with the course content prior to course delivery
  • attend the train-the-trainer sessions, dry run and pilot tests
  • contribute suggestions towards course improvements or revisions
  • deliver training by:
    • guiding learners through course materials and training activities (for example: problem solving, information sharing), and focusing on key points
    • critiquing work/thinking in a supportive fashion
    • promoting interactivity and discussions
    • maintaining a pace suitable to the course schedule
    • creating and fostering a collaborative and safe environment for participants
    • motivating learners to take responsibility for their own learning
    • catering to different learning preferences and learner needs, finding the optimal balance between private email and public discussions, and encouraging collaborative work, learner-to-learner discussions and group discussions
    • moderating and/or managing discussions, encouraging and gently guiding the discussion, planting ideas or starting new topics, and managing differences of opinion or perspectives effectively
    • sharing information and resources with the group
    • answering participants’ questions and providing help when required
  • help learners make the transition from private 1-on-1 email to group participation
  • assist learners to become comfortable with systems and software
  • check for copyrighted material that shouldn’t be posted without permission of the author
  • provide course feedback reports

15.18 Training evaluator

Training evaluation services will provide the organization with strategies, planning and tools to evaluate and measure desired learning outcomes:

The objectives of the learning assessments provide performance data for ongoing quality assurance or design improvement.

Learning assessment model

Most organizations use the Kirkpatrick learning assessment model or equivalent.

Learning evaluation levels

Learning assessments based on the Kirkpatrick model are defined at 4 levels:

  • Level 1, reactions: the degree to which participants respond positively to the learning event
  • Level 2, learning: the degree to which participants acquire the expected knowledge, skills and attitudes based on their participation in the learning activity
  • Level 3, behavior: the degree to which participants apply what they have learned during their training when they return to work
  • Level 4, results: the degree to which the targeted outcomes occur, as a result of a learning event and subsequent reinforcement

The learning evaluator must apply current techniques in the evaluation of courses or programs in order to provide an evaluation framework or evaluation report.

Required services or tasks

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • provide recommendations and suggestions to the evaluation framework
  • evaluate the level of use, as well as the relevance and effectiveness of the tools in the context of the project
  • validate and provide the best assessment tools to achieve the objectives of the evaluation framework
  • develop and propose evaluation tools to be chosen in collaboration with the client (for example, on-line questionnaire, semi-structured interview, written analysis, assessment tools, focus groups, observations)
  • develop and propose a standardized evaluation questionnaire for different programs and training:
    • classroom questionnaire
    • quiz for virtual classroom courses
    • questionnaire for online courses
    • customized and adapted questionnaires
  • administer evaluation tools, tests, including the use of on-line tools, where necessary and appropriate
  • compile, capture, integrate and analyze data to ensure that established training objectives have been met for courses
  • submit standardized assessment reports
  • submit a report outlining key observations that could affect learning, objectives, activities or communication tools (including specific recommendations on the implementation approach and/or timeline)
  • develop evaluation frameworks, evaluation strategies, and evaluation plans
  • conduct training evaluations
  • perform data collection and analysis
  • provide interpretations of results and prepare conclusions
  • provide written reports and presentations

15.19 Project manager

The required services/tasks may include, but are not limited to the following:

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