Other accounts payable and accrued liabilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume I—Top of the page Navigation

Table 5.2
Other accounts payable and accrued liabilities
(in dollars)

  2023 2022Link to table note 2
Accounts payable 41,047,370,169 52,164,187,455
Add: consolidation adjustmentLink to table note 1 1,955,076,377 1,832,163,332
Subtotal 43,002,446,546 53,996,350,787
Accrued salaries and benefits 7,737,503,150 5,958,786,509
Matured debt 720,171,017 817,695,007
Notes payable to international organizations, Table 5.3 90,567,804 83,773,804
Provincial, Territorial and Indigenous Tax Agreements Account, Table 5.4 5,247,478,657 26,189,035,272
Miscellaneous paylist deductions 178,867,941 158,353,662
Other 793,524,436 648,353,938
Total 57,770,559,551 87,852,348,979

Accounts payable

This account records amounts owing at year end pursuant to contractual arrangements, or for work performed, goods received, or services rendered, accrued amounts to be paid from appropriations and statutory authorities, and accrued financial obligations of consolidated Crown corporations and other entities.

Accrued salaries and benefits

This account records salaries and wages owing at year end, amounts owing for earned and unpaid annual vacation leave and compensation time, and other accrued amounts relating to unpaid or retroactive salaries.

Matured debt

This account records financial obligations represented by certificates of indebtedness issued by the government that have become due but that have not been presented for redemption. Unclaimed matured bonds are transferred to other revenues if they remain unredeemed 15 years after the date of call or maturity, whichever is earlier.

Notes payable to international organizations

Share capital subscriptions, loans and advances are made to international organizations using cash, notes payable, or both, that are later presented for encashment according to terms of agreements. These demand notes are non-interest bearing and are non-negotiable. The subscriptions, loans and advances are recorded as assets and details are reported in Table 9.12 in Section 9 of this volume.

Table 5.3
Notes payable to international organizations
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022 Receipts and other credits Payments and other charges March 31, 2023
Note issuances RevaluationLink to table note 1 Note encashment RevaluationLink to table note 1
Department of Finance
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 49,780,973 4,037,000 53,817,973
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) 29,982,187 2,432,000 32,414,187
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency 4,010,644 325,000 4,335,644
Total 83,773,804 6,794,000 90,567,804

Provincial, Territorial and Indigenous Tax Agreements Account

This account records taxes administered by the Government of Canada on behalf of provinces, territories, and Indigenous governments, in accordance with agreements entered into by the Minister of Finance pursuant to the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and, in the case of First Nations Goods and Services Tax, pursuant to the First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act.

The Government of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Finance, has entered into agreements with all provinces and territories (except Quebec) to collect and administer personal income tax, and with all provinces and territories (except Quebec and Alberta) to collect and administer corporate tax, and to pay amounts assessed in respect thereof in accordance with the agreements.

Agreements have also been entered into with certain Indigenous governments, to collect First Nations Personal Income Tax as well as First Nations Sales Tax levied on motive fuels, tobacco, and alcohol and First Nations Goods and Services Tax levied on the same range of goods and services as the federal goods and services tax, and to make payments to the respective governments in accordance with the agreements.

This account also records transactions relating to agreements that the Government of Canada has entered into with the provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Prince Edward Island regarding the Harmonized Sales Tax, and payments made to those provinces in accordance with the Comprehensive Integrated Tax Coordination Agreements between the Government of Canada and the provinces.

In addition, the account records transactions related to the Coordinated Cannabis Taxation Agreements reached with all provinces and territories (except Manitoba). Provinces and territories receive revenues from the cannabis excise duty imposed under the Excise Act, 2001. The Government of Canada pays provinces monthly based on the duties assessed, in accordance with the agreements.

The Public Accounts of Canada reports information on an April to March fiscal year basis, while tax information is generally calculated on a calendar year basis. Transactions related to several tax years can occur during a given fiscal year. For example, during a given fiscal year, payments are made, based on estimates, in respect of two calendar years (April to December and January to March). During this period, it is also necessary to make payments or adjustments related to tax revenues, rebates and credits for previous calendar years.

Table 5.4
Provincial, Territorial and Indigenous Tax Agreements Account
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022 Receipts and other credits Payments and other charges March 31, 2023
Total personal income tax administered by the Government of Canada 12,628,770,641 96,858,513,614   109,487,284,255
Less: payments to provinces, territories and Indigenous governments
Newfoundland and Labrador     1,991,882,878 1,991,882,878
Prince Edward Island     582,968,738 582,968,738
Nova Scotia     3,748,624,030 3,748,624,030
New Brunswick     2,405,203,391 2,405,203,391
Ontario     58,843,122,960 58,843,122,960
Manitoba     4,344,961,555 4,344,961,555
Saskatchewan     3,147,659,778 3,147,659,778
Alberta     13,574,626,551 13,574,626,551
British Columbia     17,043,883,680 17,043,883,680
Yukon     105,630,917 105,630,917
Northwest Territories     101,254,833 101,254,833
Nunavut     27,662,080 27,662,080
Indigenous governments     35,964,684 35,964,684
Subtotal     105,953,446,075 105,953,446,075
Total personal income tax on hand 12,628,770,641 96,858,513,614 105,953,446,075 3,533,838,180
Total corporate income tax administered by the Government of Canada 14,507,855,854 36,278,975,149   50,786,831,003
Less: payments to provinces and territories
Newfoundland and Labrador     1,324,507,467 1,324,507,467
Prince Edward Island     176,950,159 176,950,159
Nova Scotia     1,137,125,099 1,137,125,099
New Brunswick     954,899,643 954,899,643
Ontario     33,319,644,934 33,319,644,934
Quebec     75,651,460 75,651,460
Manitoba     1,290,429,447 1,290,429,447
Saskatchewan     1,988,999,194 1,988,999,194
Alberta     90,408,282 90,408,282
British Columbia     9,381,610,442 9,381,610,442
Yukon     20,890,305 20,890,305
Northwest Territories     6,464,961 6,464,961
Nunavut     22,835,079 22,835,079
Subtotal     49,790,416,472 49,790,416,472
Total corporate income tax on hand 14,507,855,854 36,278,975,149 49,790,416,472 996,414,531
Total harmonized sales tax administered by the Government of Canada (negative 1,216,770,741) 40,837,646,544   39,620,875,803
Less: payments to provinces and territories
Newfoundland and Labrador     1,461,570,112 1,461,570,112
Prince Edward Island     437,805,622 437,805,622
Nova Scotia     2,657,222,906 2,657,222,906
New Brunswick     2,075,098,315 2,075,098,315
Ontario     32,609,647,901 32,609,647,901
Subtotal     39,241,344,856 39,241,344,856
Total harmonized sales tax on hand (negative 1,216,770,741) 40,837,646,544 39,241,344,856 379,530,947
Total cannabis tax administered by the Government of Canada 269,179,518 736,102,823   1,005,282,341
Less: payments to provinces and territories
Newfoundland and Labrador     9,192,264 9,192,264
Prince Edward Island     3,163,122 3,163,122
Nova Scotia     14,840,138 14,840,138
New Brunswick     12,305,040 12,305,040
Ontario     270,678,087 270,678,087
Quebec     77,803,161 77,803,161
Saskatchewan     23,960,543 23,960,543
Alberta     176,730,827 176,730,827
British Columbia     76,823,846 76,823,846
Yukon     952,639 952,639
Northwest Territories     862,034 862,034
Nunavut     275,641 275,641
Subtotal     667,587,342 667,587,342
Total cannabis tax on hand 269,179,518 736,102,823 667,587,342 337,694,999
Total First Nations sales tax administered by the Government of Canada 6,421,946 6,421,946
Less: payments to Indigenous governments 6,421,946 6,421,946
Total First Nations sales tax on hand 6,421,946 6,421,946
Total First Nations goods and services sales tax administered by the Government of Canada 26,577,724 26,577,724
Less: payments to Indigenous governments 26,577,724 26,577,724
Total First Nations goods and services sales tax on hand 26,577,724 26,577,724
Total 26,189,035,272 174,744,237,800 195,685,794,415 5,247,478,657

Miscellaneous paylist deductions

Deductions from the salaries and wages of certain employees are credited to this account pending transmittal to related outside organizations.


Miscellaneous accounts payable and accrued liabilities such as provincial sales tax collected on sales are recorded in this account.

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume I—Bottom of the page Navigation

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